• Title/Summary/Keyword: Action Decision

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An Analysis of Undergraduate Students' Perceptions and Practical Capabilities on Citizen Participation in Social Issues of Science and Technology (과학기술의 사회적 쟁점에서 시민 참여에 대한 대학생들의 인식과 실천 역량에 대한 분석)

  • Lee, Young Hee;Yoon, Jihyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.637-650
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    • 2017
  • It is necessary for undergraduate students whose citizenship reaches a maturity stage to recognize the importance of citizen participation in social issues related to science and technology and to be able to make meaningful use of citizens' rights and responsibilities. Therefore, in order to understand the actual status of undergraduate students' perceptions and practice capacity for citizen participation in science and technology, university students were selected from the department of arts physical studies (33 cases), humanities social studies (62 cases), and science engineering studies (67 cases) at D university in Gyeonggi province. Then, we investigated the scientific technology and society's interaction oriented by citizen participation, responsible decision-making ability, and the effectiveness of the social issue by scientific technology. Analyses of the results reveal that the overall perception level of the students about the interaction between scientific technology and society was high according to department of the arts physical studies, humanities social studies, science engineering studies, in that order, but the scores were not all in average. Therefore, it was found that the current undergraduate students lacked a deep understanding of the interaction between scientific technology and society regardless of the major field. In addition, the students' perception on citizen participation in the interaction between scientific technology and society was found to be problematic regardless of the major field. In responsible decision-making ability, undergraduate students were found to have difficulties in selecting the best alternative in terms of individual beliefs and welfare of others and formulating the action strategies. In addition, the self-confidence of the students about knowledge, skill, and capacity for action related science and technology in the effectiveness of the social issue by scientific technology was very low regardless of major field. We discussed educational implications of these findings.

Ship Collision Avoidance Support Model in Close Quarters Situation(I) (근접상황 선박충돌회피지원모델에 관한 연구(I))

  • Yang Hyoung-Seon;Yea Byeong-Deok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2004
  • Up to now a lot of the study on ship collision avoidance systems has proceeded actively. However the frequency of ship collision accidents didn't decreased. If there is collision risk in close quarters situation none the less manouvering ship for collision avoidance according to the system, only use of TCPA and DCPA as input factor for collision risk decision is not useful to avoiding collision action. For the recent 5 years by the analysis of first observation distance about approaching ship in domestic collision accidents, nearly 45% of accidents is close first observation less than 2 miles. Therefor it is essential part for safety navigations to study for collision avoidance action in close encounter. In this paper, as foundation study of supporting collision avoidance manoeuvring for navigators, we proposed ship collision avoidance support model in close quarters situation through analysis of collision accidents for effective getting rid of the causes.

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Development of Nutrition Education Program for Hypertension Based on Health Belief Model, Applying Focus Group Interview (건강신념 모델을 적용한 고혈압 영양교육 프로그램 개발 -포커스그룹 인터뷰에 기초하여-)

  • Park, Seoyun;Kwon, Jong-Sook;Kim, Cho-il;Lee, Yoonna;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.623-636
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    • 2012
  • Health Belief Model is a socio-psychological theory of decision making to individual health-related behaviors. This study was aimed to develop an effective education program for hypertension based on health belief model. The main factors of health belief model were investigated by focus group interview (FGI) with 23 hypertensive or prehypertensive subjects aged over fifty years. 'Perceived susceptibility' to hypertension was family history, neglect of health care, preference for salty food, broth of soup and stew. Lifelong medication, complications, and medical costs were reported as 'perceived severity' of hypertension. 'Perceived benefits' of hypertension management were decrease of medicinal dose, reduction of medical costs, and healthy eating habits of the family, while 'perceived barriers' were lack of palatability of low salt diet, convenience-oriented dietary habits, and limited choice of foods when eating out. Subjects mentioned TV health programs, public health center programs, and advice from doctors and family as 'cues to action' of hypertension management. These qualitative information provided basis for developing a nutrition education program for hypertension which could be implemented in the public health center. Eight week program was composed of understanding hypertension, risk factor management (eating habits, weight), low salt diet (principles, cooking), advanced management for healthy diet in 2 sessions, and summary. Each session was designed to alert the susceptibility and severity, to emphasize the benefits, and to reduce the barriers by providing dietary monitoring, practical advice, and action tips.

Morale enhancing determination model of information security (정보보호 사기진작 결정모델 연구)

  • Kim, Kyongwon;Lim, Jong In;Lee, Kyung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.889-903
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    • 2015
  • As the number of recent information security incident occurrence increases, more and more workload and liability pressure are given to info-security professionals, which results in decrease of morale level of working groups in the field. In order to solve this problem, Korean government is providing various action plans to improve the morale level of info-security professionals, and also requiring financial companies to submit its own action plan of increasing morale of info-security professionals to Financial Service Agency. For this study, based on the previous studies and relevant professionals' interviews, we selected 16 critical morale increase variables, and performed survey for empirical analysis. As a result, 3 features; role, system, and relationship were presented as the main factor of morale increasement of info-security professionals. This study also suggests a decision making method of utilizing the developed morale measurement model for individual organizations.

Ship Collision Avoidance Support Model in Close Quarters Situation( I ) (근접상황 선박충돌회피지원모델에 관한 연구( I ))

  • Yang Hyoung-Seon;Yea Byeong-Deok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.10 s.96
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    • pp.827-832
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    • 2004
  • Up to now a lot of the study on ship collision avoidance systems have proceeded actively. However the rate of ship collision accidents hasn't decreased yet. If there is collision risk in close quarters situation in spite of maneuvering ship for collision avoidance according to the system, only use of TCP A and DCP A as input factor for collision risk decision is not useful to avoiding collision action. For the recent 5 years by the analysis of first observation distance about approaching ship in domestic collision accidents, nearly 45% of accidents is close first observation less than 2 miles. Therefore it is essential part for safety navigations to study for collision avoidance action in close encounter. In this paper, as a fundamental study of supporting collision avoidance maneuvering for navigators, we proposed ship collision avoidance support model in close quarters situation through analysis qf collision accidents to effectively get rid of the causes.

Developing Sequential Sampling Plans for Evaluating Maize Weevil and Indian Meal Moth Density in Rice Warehouse (쌀 저장창고에서 어리쌀바구미와 화랑곡나방 밀도 추정을 위한 축차추출 조사법 (Sequential sampling plans) 개발)

  • Nam, Young-Woo;Chun, Yong-Shik;Ryoo, Mun-Il
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents sequential sampling plans for evaluating the pest density based on complete counts from probe in a rice storage warehouse. Both maize weevil and Indian meal moth population showed negative binomial dispersion patterns in brown rice storage. For cost-effective monitoring and action decision making system, sequential sampling plans by using the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) were developed for the maize weevil and Indian meal moth in warehouses with 0.8 M/T storage bags. The action threshold for the two insect pests was estimated to 5 insects per kg, which was projected by a matrix model. The results show that, using SPRT methods, managers can make decisions using only 20 probe with a minimum risk of incorrect assessment.

A Neural Network-based Artificial Intelligence Algorithm with Movement for the Game NPC (게임 NPC를 위한 신경망 기반의 이동 안공지능 알고리즘)

  • Joe, In-Whee;Choi, Moon-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.12A
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    • pp.1181-1187
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a mobile AI (Artificial Intelligence) conducting decision-making in the game through education for intelligent character on the basis of Neural Network. Neural Network is learned through the input/output value of the algorithm which defines the game rule and the problem solving method. The learned character is able to perceive the circumstances and make proper action. In this paper, the mobile AI using Neural Network has been step-by-step designed, and a simple game has been materialized for its functional experiment. In this game, the goal, the character, and obstacles exist on regular 2D space, and the character, evading obstacles, has to move where the goal is. The mobile AI can achieve its goals in changing environment by learning the solution to several problems through the algorithm defined in each experiment. The defined algorithm and Neural Network are designed to make the input/output system the same. As the experimental results, the suggested mobile AI showed that it could perceive the circumstances to conduct action and to complete its mission. If mobile AI learns the defined algorithm even in the game of complex structure, its Neural Network will be able to show proper results even in the changing environment.

A Study on the Legal Responsibility of Nurse (간호사의 법적 책임에 관한 연구)

  • Beom, Kyung Chul
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.285-316
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    • 2014
  • As the number of medical disputes regarding nurses has increased after medical disputes have increase, there is a need for a study on it. However, the legal relationship between nurses and patients has not yet been analyzed. Recently, the role and function of nurses are expanded according to the development of the science of nursing; moreover their activity and limitation of responsibility are also expanded. For this reason, the medical disputes regarding nurses have been increasing. However, the majority of these kind of dispute are just passed over because their practice is usually considered to be a mere action to assist doctor's role. In addition, nurse practice is not a secondary action of doctor's role, but forms part of a medical treatment. Of course, nurses handle many secondary tasks after doctors finish their medical treatment. But this is only part of the whole tasks of nurses. Furthermore, the general details of their medical treatment are not different from those of doctors because they also belong to the medical service personnel. Considering these features of nurse and the medical condition in South Korea, their task is becoming increasingly developed and specialized and they are also establishing their own field. With this stream of times, there is a growing interest in enacting a Nursing Practice Act, in other words, the independent law on nurse for the sake of patient safety and national health promotion. Then, their responsibility will distinctly be expanded as much more. That is, the time that nurses practice their medical care by following doctors' order and also pass over their responsibility to doctors is closed. Thus, this study examines the features and responsibilities of nursing practice, and discusses an institutional framework to efficiently cope with the legal disputes between nurses and patients. It aims to throw light on the decision making on nurse-patient disputes in future.

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Research on System Architecture and Methodology based on MITRE ATT&CK for Experiment Analysis on Cyber Warfare Simulation

  • Ahn, Myung Kil;Lee, Jung-Ryun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a system architecture and methodology based on cyber kill chain and MITRE ATT&CK for experiment analysis on cyber warfare simulation. Threat analysis is possible by applying various attacks that have actually occurred with continuous updates to reflect newly emerging attacks. In terms of cyber attack and defense, the current system(AS-IS) and the new system(TO-BE) are analyzed for effectiveness and quantitative results are presented. It can be used to establish proactive cyber COA(Course of Action) strategy, and also for strategic decision making. Through a case study, we presented the usability of the system architecture and methodology proposed in this paper. The proposed method will contribute to strengthening cyber warfare capabilities by increasing the level of technology for cyber warfare experiments.

A Comparative Study on Effective Leadership in Combat and Noncombat Situation (전투 및 비전투 상황에서의 효율적 리더십에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Yoon
    • Journal of National Security and Military Science
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    • s.5
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    • pp.203-239
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    • 2007
  • The current problems with the changing nature of the battlefield of the future point up the serious need for more and better research on the nature of effective military leadership. The purpose of this study was to examine effective leadership traits and behaviors of junior officers in combat situation. During times of peace, leader study battles and imagine themselves in all sorts of combat situations while at the same time, they must cope with numerous challenges and fill a variety of roles that they perceive are not battle related. This illustrates one of the fundamental paradoxes of the peacetime environment. Early studies, showing that combat leadership and noncombat leadership needed different talents, produced some clusters of traits which good combat leader were said to possess. Good combat leaders, for example, were described as possessing courage(e.g., bravery, fearlessness, daring, prowess, gallantry, guts, intrepidity, undaunted courage, fighting spirit, aggressive action), personal integrity(e.g., sincerity, flair, calmness, modesty), adaptability(e.g., flexibility, rapidity in action, speedy decision-making, clarity of thought) and so on. Behaviors found to be important in both combat and noncombat situations bore some relation to role requirements common to both situations. Behaviors important in one situation but not the other could be explained in terms of situational differences in role requirements for effective leadership. In order to achieve this purpose, a number of literature reviews were analysed. These results, though obtained in a somewhat rough and ready fashion, were useful not because they pointed to different leaders in war and in peace, but because they showed leaders the different things that were expected of them in different situations. It was also worth knowing how develop combat leadership. While these findings clearly suggest combat and noncombat differences, they do not necessarily confirm the complete study on effective leadership in combat situation. In conclusion, this study would be useful basis for further improvement on effective combat leadership and some further researches were recommended.

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