• Title/Summary/Keyword: Acquired image

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Evaluation of Usefulness of Portal Image Using Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) in the Patients Who Received Pelvic Radiation Therapy (골반강 내 방사선 치료 환자에서 Electronic Portal Imaging Device(EPID)를 이용한 Portal Image의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Woo Chul;Park Won;Kim Heon Jong;Park Seong Young;Cho Young Kap;Loh John J;Suh Chang Ok;Kim Gwi Eon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.497-504
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness of electronic portal imaging device through objective compare of the images acquired using an EPID and a conventional port film Materials and Methods : From Apr. to Oct. 1997, a total of 150 sets of images from 20 patients who received radiation therapy in the pelvis area were evaluated in the Inha University Hospital and Severance Hospital. A dual image recording technique was devised to obtain both electronic portal images and port film images simultaneously with one treatment course. We did not perform double exposure five to ten images were acquired from each patient. All images were acquired from posteroanterior (PA) view except images from two patients. A dose rate of 100-300 Mu/min and a 10-MV X-ray beam were used and 2-10 MUs were required to produce a verification image during treatment. Kodak diagnostic film with metal/film imaging cassette which was located on the top of the EPID detector was used for the port film. The source to detector distance was 140 cm. Eight anatomical landmarks (pelvic brim, sacrum, acetabulum. iliopectineal line, symphysis, ischium, obturator foramen, sacroiliac joint) were assessed. Four radiation oncologist joined to evaluate each image. The individual landmarks in the port film or in the EPID were rated - very clear (1), clear (2), visible (3), not clear (4), not visible (5). Results : Using an video camera based EPID system. there was no difference of image quality between no enhanced EPID images and port film images. However, when we provided some change with window level for the portal image, the visibility of the sacrum and obturator foramen was improved in the portal images than in the port film images. All anatomical landmarks were more visible in the portal images than in the port film when we applied the CLAHE mode enhancement. The images acquired using an matrix ion chamber type EPID were also improved image qualify after window level adjustment. Conclusion : The quality of image acquired using an electronic portal imaging device was comparable to that of the port film. When we used the enhance mode or window level adjustment. the image quality of the EPID was superior to that of the port film. EPID may replace the port film.

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3-D Representation of Cavity Region from Ultrasonic Image Acquired in the Time Domain (시간 영역에서 획득된 초음파 영상의 심내강 영역에 대한 3차원 표현)

  • Won, C.H.;Chae, S.P.;Koo, S.M.;Kim, M.N.;Cho, J.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.05
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    • pp.119-122
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we represented the variation of heart cavity area in the space domain by 3-d rendering. We arranged the 2-d sequence of ultrasonic image acquired in the time domain as volumetric data, and extracted heart cavity region from 3-d data. For the segmentation of 3-d volume data, we extracted the cavity region using the method of expanding the cavity region that is same statistical property. By shading which is using light and object normal vector, we visualized the volume data on image plane.

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Pole Position Detection Method by Using Pole and Character Recognition (전철주 및 문자 인식을 이용한 시설물 절대위치 검지 방법)

  • Choi, Woo-Yong;Park, Jong-Gook;Lee, Byeong-Gon;Joo, Yong-Hwan;Han, Seung-Hun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.704-710
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we proposed pole position detection system for providing exact location information to users. The proposed system consists of pole recognition part and pole number recognition part. Above all, exact pole recognition is carried out by PDD(Pole Detection Device). And recognition of pole number is performed by PID(Pole Inspection Device). Acquired image by using line scan camera is judged whether it is free bracket or not through image processing. When it is judged as free bracket, pole number image is acquired by OCR camera and recognized by OCR. By recognizing pole number, exact location information is provided to user.

Approximate Modeling of Doctor Blade Contact Pressure for Realization of Uniform Image Quality (균일 화상 품질 구현을 위한 닥터 블레이드 접촉압력 근사모델링)

  • Choi, Ha-Young;Park, Seung Chan;Lee, Jongsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2013
  • The doctor blade is equipped in a toner cartridge and is a device to maintain the uniform thickness of a toner by controlling the pressure on the developing roller. The contact pressure between the developing roller and the doctor blade is one of the significant factors for image quality and durability of toner cartridge. The purpose of this study is to develop approximation model in order to minimize the time and cost which are needed much required in making optimal design of the doctor blade. Central composite design was used for the design of experiment and response surface design was used for approximation. The data for contact pressure were acquired through finite element analysis and data of image density and toner weight were acquired through experiment. The approximation model developed in this study has presented very high fitness.

Analyzing Preprocessing for Correcting Lighting Effects in Hyperspectral Images (초분광영상의 조명효과 보정 전처리기법 분석)

  • Yeong-Sun Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.785-792
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    • 2023
  • Because hyperspectral imaging provides detailed spectral information across a broad range of wavelengths, it can be utilized in numerous applications, including environmental monitoring, food quality inspection, medical diagnosis, material identification, art authentication, and crime scene analysis. However, hyperspectral images often contain various types of distortions due to the environmental conditions during image acquisition, which necessitates the proper removal of these distortions through a data preprocessing process. In this study, a preprocessing method was investigated to effectively correct the distortion caused by artificial light sources used in indoor hyperspectral imaging. For this purpose, a halogen-tungsten artificial light source was installed indoors, and hyperspectral images were acquired. The acquired images were then corrected for distortion using a preprocessing that does not require complex auxiliary equipment. After the corrections were made, the results were analyzed. According to the analysis, a statistical transformation technique using mean and standard deviation with reference to a reference signal was found to be the most effective in correcting distortions caused by artificial light sources.

Feasibility Study of Non Local Means Noise Reduction Algorithm with Improved Time Resolution in Light Microscopic Image (광학 현미경 영상 기반 시간 분해능이 향상된 비지역적 평균 노이즈 제거 알고리즘 가능성 연구)

  • Lee, Youngjin;Kim, Ji-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.623-628
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to design fast non local means (FNLM) noise reduction algorithm and to confirm its application feasibility in light microscopic image. For that aim, we acquired mouse first molar image and compared between previous widely used noise reduction algorithm and our proposed FNLM algorithm in acquired light microscopic image. Contrast to noise ratio, coefficient of variation, and no reference-based evaluation parameter such as natural image quality evaluator (NIQE) and blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator (BRISQUE) were used in this study. According to the result, our proposed FNLM noise reduction algorithm can achieve excellent result in all evaluation parameters. In particular, it was confirmed that the NIQE and BRISQUE evaluation parameters for analyzing the overall morphologcal image of the tooth were 1.14 and 1.12 times better than the original image, respectively. In conclusion, we demonstrated the usefulness and feasibility of FNLM noise reduction algorithm in light microscopic image of small animal tooth.

Image Feature Extraction Using Energy field Analysis (에너지장 해석을 통한 영상 특징량 추출 방법 개발)

  • 김면희;이태영;이상룡
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.404-406
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, the method of image feature extraction is proposed. This method employ the energy field analysis, outlier removal algorithm and ring projection. Using this algorithm, we achieve rotation-translation-scale invariant feature extraction. The force field are exploited to automatically locate the extrema of a small number of potential energy wells and associated potential channels. The image feature is acquired from relationship of local extrema using the ring projection method.

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Development of a Measurement System for Axial-symmetric Objects Using Vision Sensor (시각센서를 이용한 축대칭 물체 측정 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, S.R.;Kim, C.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 1997
  • The dimension measurement problem of products has been a major concern in the quality control in the industrial fields. A non-contacting measurement system using the vision sensor is proposed in this paper. The system consists of a CCD camera for the image capture, a frame grabber for the acquired image processing, a laser unit for the illumination, scanning unit for the measurement, and a personal computer for the geometry computation. The slit beam which is generated by passing the laser beam through a cylin- drical lens is fired to the axial-symmetric object on the rotating plate. The image of objects reflected by the laser slit beam, acquired by the CCD camera, becomes much brighter than the other parts of objects. After the histogram of brightness for the captured image is calculated, low intensity pixels are filtered out by threshold method. The performance of proposed measurement system is obtained for several different axial symmetric objects. The proposed system is verified as a good tool for measuring axial-symmetric parts in a limited condition with a minor investment cost.

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Automatic Reading System for On-off Type DNA Chip

  • Ryu, Mun-Ho;Kim, Jong-Dae;Kim, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.2 no.3 s.4
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    • pp.189-193
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    • 2006
  • In this study we propose an automatic reading system for diagnostic DNA chips. We define a general specification for an automatic reading system and propose a possible implementation method. The proposed system performs the whole reading process automatically without any user intervention, covering image acquisition, image analysis, and report generation. We applied the system for the automatic report generation of a commercialized DNA chip for cervical cancer detection. The fluorescence image of the hybridization result was acquired with a $GenePix^{TM}$ scanner using its library running in HTML pages. The processing of the acquired image and the report generation were executed by a component object module programmed with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. To generate the report document, we made an HWP 2002 document template with marker strings that were supposed to be searched and replaced with the corresponding information such as patient information and diagnosis results. The proposed system generates the report document by reading the template and changing the marker strings with the resultant contents. The system is expected to facilitate the usage of a diagnostic DNA chip for mass screening by the automation of a conventional manual reading process, shortening its processing time, and quantifying the reading criteria.

Stereo Matching the Orientation Point Using the Method of Color Channel Separation (색상분리기법을 이용한 표정점의 스테레오 매칭)

  • 이재기;이현직;박경식
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 1997
  • This study is aimed to suggest the method, color channel seperation, can match the common points in real-time automatically. Image coordinates which was calculated from the acquired image with CCDcamera in this study is checked with two methods; check the accuracy of image coordinate and common point matching through correct sort. In conclusion of check, The RMSE of object coordinate which is calculated by photogrammetry program with image coordinate is in the expect RMSE of close-range photogrammetry, and Match-ing of common point is also performed correctly by using sort. For these reason, this color channel separation method is adequate for the acquisition of accurate image coordinates and the matching of the common points. I think that this method will be useful for the fields of industry which need fast-correct processing with acquired information in real-time.

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