• Title/Summary/Keyword: Acheilognathus lanceolatus

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Analysis of Fish Community Structures and Guild Compositions in Walpyung Conservation Park (월평공원 생태 보존지역의 어류군집 구조 및 어류길드 특성 분석)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kyu;Choi, Ji-Woong;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2012
  • The objectives of the study were to determine fish fauna and compositions during 2010~2011 in Walpyung Conservation Park along with analysis of fish community structures and trophic and tolerance guilds. Total number of species and individuals sampled were 31 and 2667, respectively and dominant species was Zacco platypus (46.6%) and subdominant species was Acheilognathus lanceolatus (8.7%), which were composed of >50% of the total. Total number of Korean endemic species including Microphysogobio yaluensis was 10 and the proportion of the individuals was 8.7%. Also, natural monument No. 454 of Iksookimia choii, which is endangered species and legal protected species, was sampled and the total number of individuals was only three. According to the analysis of fish community structures, species richness index in the mid-stream reach ($M_r$) was 3.145, which is higher than any other stream reaches ($U_r$ and $D_r$). In contrast, the richness index was 2.180 in the up-stream reach ($U_r$), which is minimum among the sampling sites. Species diversity index was 1.785 and 1.975, respectively in the headwater ($U_r$) and mid-stream reach ($M_r$) and the low values in the down-stream reach ($D_r$, 1.660) were due to the influences of pointsource (i.e., road construction) and non-point sources (sporadic agricultural spots). According to analysis of tolerance guilds, the proportion of tolerant species (TS), based on the number of individuals, was composed of 64.2% and sensitive species (SS) was only 3.3%, indicating a predominance of tolerant fishes in the compositions. The proportion of omnivore species (OS), however, was composed of 64.0% and insectivore species (IS) was 29.3%, indicating a predominance of omnivore fishes in the stream. The high proportions of tolerant and omnivore species in this stream indicates that the water quality and physical habitat environments were degradated in this system. For these reasons, especially natural monument and endemic fish species in this region should be protected from the massive constructions and required to provide efficient stream management strategies.

Fish Community Variation in Lake Hoengseong (횡성다목적댐에서의 어류 군집변화)

  • Kim, Sung-Won;Lee, Jin-Hee;Choi, Jun-Kil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.209-209
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 횡성다목적댐이 준공되면서 유수역이었던 섬강이 정수역의 환경으로 변하면서 나타난 어류의 군집변화에 대하여 알아보고자 시행하였다. 조사 지역인 횡성다목적댐은 강원도 횡성군 갑천면 대관대리에 위치하고 있으며, 높이 48.5m, 길이 205m, 총저수량 8,690만t의 다목적댐으로 1993년 12월에 착공하여 2000년 11월에 준공되었다. 어류 조사는 2010년 04월부터 2010년 11월까지 총 4회에 걸쳐 횡성다목적댐을 기점으로 상류 2지점(유평교, 매일교), 횡성호 2지점(구방교, 부동교), 하류 2지점(활아지교, 수백교)에서 조사를 실시하였고 과거 문헌과 비교하여 결과를 분석하였다. 횡성다목적댐의 착공 전/후 조사 결과를 비교한 결과 착공하기 전에는 총 8과 29종 2,325개체가 조사되었으며, 참갈겨니(Zacco koreanus) 576개체(24.8%), 쉬리(Coreoleuciscus splendidus) 316개체(13.6%), 피라미(Zacco platypus) 203개체(8.7%), 배가사리(Microphysogobio longidorsalis) 194개체(8.3%) 등의 순으로 기록되었다. 반면, 착공한 후에는 총 8과 24종 2,769개체가 조사되었으며, 피라미(Z. platypus) 2,169개체(78.3%), 밀어(Rhinogobius brunneus) 91개체(3.3%), 참갈겨니(Z. koreanus) 89개체 (3.2%), 돌고기(Pungtungia herzi) 83개체(3.0%) 등의 순으로 조사되었다. 각 조사지점별로 비교한 결과 상류 2지점(유평교, 매일교)에서는 착공하기 전에 총 6과 20종 609개체가 조사되었으며, 참갈겨니(Z. koreanus) 227개체(37.3%), 피라미(Z. platypus) 74개체(12.2%), 쉬리(C. splendidus) 65개체(10.7%), 돌고기(P. herzi) 43개체(7.1%), 납자루(Acheilognathus lanceolatus) 41개체(6.7%) 등의 순으로 기록되었다. 반면, 착공한 후에는 총 6과 16종 1,923개체가 조사되었으며, 피라미(Z. platypus)가 1,707개체(88.8%)로 대부분을 차지하였고, 그 외 참갈겨니(Z. koreanus) 53개체(2.8%), 돌고기(P. herzi) 46개체(2.4%), 참마자(Hemibarbus longirostris) 35개체(1.8%), 모래무지(Pseudogobio esocinus) 23개체(1.2%) 등의 순으로 조사되었다. 횡성호 2지점(구방교, 부동교)에서는 착공하기 전에 총 6과 22종 721개체가 조사되었으며, 참갈겨니(Z. koreanus) 177개체 (24.5%), 배가사리(M. longidorsalis) 91개체(12.6%), 쉬리(C. splendidus) 88개체(12.2%), 묵납자루(A. signifer) 71개체(9.8%), 피라미(Z. platypus) 45개체(6.2%) 등의 순으로 기록되었다. 반면, 착공한 후에는 총 6과 12종 393개체가 조사되었으며, 피라미(Z. platypus) 228개체(58.0%), 붕어(C. auratus) 56개체(14.2%), 밀어(R. brunneus) 46개체(11.7%), 쏘가리(Siniperca scherzeti) 20개체(5.1%), 동자개(Pseudobagrus fulvidraco) 16개체(4.1%) 등의 순으로 조사되었다. 하류 2지점(활아지교, 수백교)에서는 착공하기 전에 총 8과 25종 995개체가 조사되었으며, 참갈겨니(Z. koreanus) 172개체(17.3%), 쉬리(C. splendidus) 163개체(16.4%), 묵납자루(A. signifer) 96개체(9.6%), 배가사리(M. longidorsalis) 91개체(9.1%), 피라미(Z. platypus) 84개체(8.4%) 등의 순으로 기록되었다. 반면, 착공한 후에는 총 7과 19종 453개체가 조사되었으며, 피라미(Z. platypus) 234개체(51.7%), 밀어(R. brunneus) 42개체(9.3%), 돌고기(Pungtungia herzi) 36개체(7.9%), 참갈겨니(Z. koreanus) 36개체(7.9%), 쉬리(C. splendidus) 10개체(4.2%) 등의 순으로 조사되었다. 본 연구의 조사 및 비교분석 결과 유수역이었던 섬강에 횡성다목적댐이 건설되어 주변 환경이 크게 변화하였고 그 결과 각 조사 지점에서의 어류상이 유수역 선호 어종에서 오염 내성종 및 정수역 선호 어종으로 변화되는 것을 확인하였다.

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Ichthyofauna and Fish Community from the Dongjin River System, Korea (동진강 수계의 어류상과 어류군집)

  • Kim, Jong-Ryool;Lee, Chung-Lyeol
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.40-49
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    • 2001
  • The ichthyofauna and fish community of the Dongjin River system were surveyed at 21 sites from October 1998 to September 1999. We confirmed the presence of 53 species in 14 families belonging to seven orders. Thirty-two species of cyprinid fishes accounted for 60.4% of the total, four species of cobitid and gobiid fishes 7.5% of the total, and two species of bagrid and centrarchid fishes for 3.8% of the total. The dominant species in the Dongjin River system was Zacco platypus (relative abundant 26.0%), the subdominant species was Carassius auratus (14.7%). The dominant and subdominant species in each stream of the Dongjin River system were determined. In the Dongjin River, the dominant species was Z. platypus (40.6%), the subdominant Acheilognathus lanceolatus (20.5%); in Wonpyeong stream, Pseudorasbora parva (22.6%) and Hypomesus olidus (13.2%); in Gobu stream C. auratus (67.5%) and Cyprinnus carpio (15.4%). Fourteen of the 53 species from the the Dongjin River system comprised 28.6% of the total Korean endemic species; seven rare species accounted for less than 0.1% of the total. Four exotic fish species were found: Cyprinus carpio (Islaeli carp), Carassius cuvieri, Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis macrochirus. The species dominance, diversity, and evenness index of the fish community from the Wonpyeong stream were 0.12, 1.08, and 0.91, respectively, indicating better conditions than those of the Dongjin River and the Gobu stream. The fish community of the Wonpyeong stream showed closer relationship to that of the Dongjin River than to that of the Gobu stream.

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