• Title/Summary/Keyword: Acceleration time

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Development of Fault Diagnosis Technology Based on Spectrum Analysis of Acceleration Signal for Paper Cup Forming Machine (가속도 신호의 주파수 분석에 기반한 종이용기 성형기 구동축 고장진단 요소기술 개발)

  • Jang, Jaeho;Ha, Changkeun;Chu, Baeksuk;Park, Junyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2016
  • As demand for paper cups markedly increases, this has brought about a requirement to develop fast paper cup forming machines. However, the fast manufacturing speed of these machines causes faults to occur more frequently in the final product. To reduce the possibility of producing faulty products, it is necessary to develop technologies to monitor the manufacturing process and diagnose the machine status. In this research, we selected the main driving axis of the forming machine for fault diagnosis. We searched the states of rotational elements related to the driving axis and suggested a fault diagnostic system based on spectrum analysis consisting of a real-time data acquisition device, accelerometers, and a diagnosis algorithm. To evaluate the developed fault diagnostic system, we performed experiments using a test station which resembles the actual paper cup forming machine. As a result, we were able to confirm that the proposed system was sufficiently feasible to diagnose any abnormalities in the operation of the paper cup forming machine.

Effect of Muscle Function and Muscular Reaction of Knee Joint in the Twenties on the Whole Body Vibration Exercise (전신진동운동이 20대 성인남녀의 슬관절 근기능과 근반응성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Seung Rok;Jeong, Gu Young;Bae, Jong Jin;Min, Jin Young;Yu, Chang Ho;Kim, Jung Ja;Kwon, Tae Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.762-768
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the effect of whole-body vibration on muscle function and muscular reaction in the knee joint. We recruited thirty healthy subjects and divided them into a training group, who experienced whole-body vibration, and a control group, who did not. The training group performed whole-body vibration exercises for 30 min per day, 3 days a week, for 8 weeks. We measured knee joint torque to estimate muscle strength and reaction, using BIODEX System 3. Knee joint peak torque and total work performed increased significantly in the training group, and muscle acceleration time decreased. These results suggest that stimulation by whole-body vibration can improve muscle strength and reaction by improving muscle tone and increasing blood temperature and flow speed in muscular fiber. Our results also indicate that 4 weeks of exercise with whole-body vibration is required to improve the reaction response, and six weeks to improve strength.

Study on the effect of Jet Fuel alteration on Turbine Engine Performances through Turbine Engine Test (터빈엔진시험을 통한 제트연료 변경에 따른 엔진성능 변화 연구)

  • Kim, You-Il;Min, Seong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2011
  • The engine ground and altitude tests were carried out to investigate the effect of jet fuel alteration on the performance of a small turbojet engine. JP-S was supplied 8% higher than JP-8 by fuel metering system at the same command. The employment of JP-S showed the similar starting characteristic to that of JP-8, however, difference in the ignition time and acceleration rate of engine speed due to the difference of fuel flow rate by fuel metering system was observed. In spite of jet fuel alteration, the test results yield the similar steady-state engine performance in net thrust, air flow, exhaust gas temperature, etc. On the other hand, the fuel consumption of JP-S increased by 5 % compared with that of JP-8. In point of specific fuel consumption (SFC), SFC of JP-S was approximately 1.1~2.6 %, 5 % higher than that of JP-8 in ground and altitude tests respectively at the same thrust.

Dissipation of energy in steel frames with PR connections

  • Reyes-Salazar, Alfredo;Haldar, Achintya
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.241-256
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    • 2000
  • The major sources of energy dissipation in steel frames with partially restrained (PR) connections are evaluated. Available experimental results are used to verify the mathematical model used in this study. The verified model is then used to quantify the energy dissipation in PR connections due to hysteretic behavior, due to viscous damping and at plastic hinges if they are formed. Observations are made for two load conditions: a sinusoidal load applied at the top of the frame, and a sinusoidal ground acceleration applied at the base of the frame representing a seismic loading condition. This analytical study confirms the general behavior, observed during experimental investigations, that PR connections reduce the overall stiffness of frames, but add a major source of energy dissipation. As the connections become stiffer, the contribution of PR connections in dissipating energy becomes less significant. A connection with a T ratio (representing its stiffness) of at least 0.9 should not be considered as fully restrained as is commonly assumed, since the energy dissipation characteristics are different. The flexibility of PR connections alters the fundamental frequency of the frame. Depending on the situation, it may bring the frame closer to or further from the resonance condition. If the frame approaches the resonance condition, the effect of damping is expected to be very important. However, if the frame moves away from the resonance condition, the energy dissipation at the PR connections is expected to be significant with an increase in the deformation of the frame, particularly for low damping values. For low damping values, the dissipation of energy at plastic hinges is comparable to that due to viscous damping, and increases as the frame approaches failure. For the range of parameters considered in this study, the energy dissipations at the PR connections and at the plastic hinges are of the same order of magnitude. The study quantitatively confirms the general observations made in experimental investigations for steel frames with PR connections; however, proper consideration of the stiffness of PR connections and other dynamic properties is essential in predicting the dynamic behavior.

Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Space Steel Frames (공간 강뼈대 구조물의 비선헝 동적 해석)

  • Kim Seung-Eock;Cuong Ngo-Huu;Lee Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4 s.70
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    • pp.395-404
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a reliable numerical procedure for nonlinear time-history analysis of space steel frames subjected to dynamic loads. Geometric nonlinearities of member (P-$\delta$) and frame (P-$\Delta$) are taken into account by the use of stability functions in framed stiffness matrix formulation. The gradual yielding along the member length and over the cross section is included by using a tangent modulus concept and a softening plastic hinge model based on the New-Orbison yield surface. A computer program utilizing the average acceleration method for the integration scheme is developed to numerically solve the equation of motion of framed structure formulated in an incremental form. The results of several numerical examples are compared with those derived from using beam element model of ABAQUS program to illustrate the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the proposed procedure.

Seismic Fragility of Underground Utility Tunnels (지하 공동구 시설물의 지진취약도 분석)

  • Lee, Deuk-Bok;Lee, Chang-Soo;Shin, Dea-Sub
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.413-419
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    • 2016
  • Damage of infrastructures by an earthquake causes the secondary damage through the world at large more than the damage of the structures themselves. Amomg them, underground utility tunnel structures comes under the special life line: communication, gas, electricity and etc. and it has a need to evaluate its fragility to an earthquake exactly. Therefore, the destruction ability according to peak ground acceleration of earthquakes for the underground utility tunnels is evaluated in this paper. As an input ground motion for evaluating seismic fragilities, real earthquakes and artificial seismic waves which could be generated in the Korean peninsula are used. And as a seismic analysis method, response displacement method and time history analyzing method are used. An limit state which determines whether destruction is based on the bending moment and shear deformation. A method used to deduct seismic fragility curve is method of maximum likelihood and the distribution function is assumed to the log normal distribution. It could evaluate the damage of underground utility tunnels to an earthquake and could be applied as basic data for seismic design of underground utility tunnel structures.

Fast CU Encoding Schemes Based on Merge Mode and Motion Estimation for HEVC Inter Prediction

  • Wu, Jinfu;Guo, Baolong;Hou, Jie;Yan, Yunyi;Jiang, Jie
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1195-1211
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    • 2016
  • The emerging video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) has shown almost 40% bit-rate reduction over the state-of-the-art Advanced Video Coding (AVC) standard but at about 40% computational complexity overhead. The main reason for HEVC computational complexity is the inter prediction that accounts for 60%-70% of the whole encoding time. In this paper, we propose several fast coding unit (CU) encoding schemes based on the Merge mode and motion estimation information to reduce the computational complexity caused by the HEVC inter prediction. Firstly, an early Merge mode decision method based on motion estimation (EMD) is proposed for each CU size. Then, a Merge mode based early termination method (MET) is developed to determine the CU size at an early stage. To provide a better balance between computational complexity and coding efficiency, several fast CU encoding schemes are surveyed according to the rate-distortion-complexity characteristics of EMD and MET methods as a function of CU sizes. These fast CU encoding schemes can be seamlessly incorporated in the existing control structures of the HEVC encoder without limiting its potential parallelization and hardware acceleration. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed schemes achieve 19%-46% computational complexity reduction over the HEVC test model reference software, HM 16.4, at a cost of 0.2%-2.4% bit-rate increases under the random access coding configuration. The respective values under the low-delay B coding configuration are 17%-43% and 0.1%-1.2%.

A Study on Acceleration of Transient Brake Section and Skidding Section (불완전 제동구간과 활주구간의 감속도 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Kil Bae;Jung, Woo Teak;Ryu, Tae Sun;Oh, Young Tae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2012
  • Driver ordinarily takes sudden braking when urgent situation is developed or when the vehicle is involved in an unexpected accident. Therefore, the most common trace at a traffic accident scene is skid mark. Currently, in investigating traffic accident, overspeed is determined by the length of skid mark. However, in order to identify accurate cause of accident, estimation of pre-braking speed which takes into account speed reduction during transient time should be considered as a requirement. In a recent study, several ways to estimate pre-braking speed were suggested, but none considered to differentiate the decelerating transient brake section and skidding section. This study analyzed trends of decelerating transient brake section and skidding section by real braking test.

A Study on Cable Lifetime Evaluation Based on Characteristic Analysis of Insulation Resistance by Acceleration Factor of the Arrhenius Equation (아레니우스 방정식의 가속인자를 만족하는 절연저항특성 분석에 의한 케이블 수명평가 연구)

  • Um, Kee-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Woo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2014
  • With the development of industry these days, the demand for electric power increases and the larger capacity for power transfer is required. The scales of facilities should become larger; and the relative systems are required to operate with a higher degree of reliability. Therefore, stabilization of electric power systems is an important issue. The high degree of reliability required in the process of production and supply of electric power is an essential part of industrial society. Accident such as blackouts causes a hugh amount of economic losses to the high-tech industrial society dependent upon electric power. In this paper, in order to determine a stable operation of high-voltage power cable, used as a unique means of delivering electric power generated at a power station, we figure out the time rate of change of insulation resistance following a decay accelerating factor Arrhenius equation. With the data from the insulation resistance, we can determine the lifetime of power cable in operation.

Reliability assessment of mica high voltage capacitor through environmental test and accelerated life test (마이카 고전압 커패시터의 환경시험과 가속 수명시험을 통한 신뢰성 평가)

  • Park, Seong Hwan;Ham, Young Jae;Kim, Jeong Seok;Kim, Kyoung Hun;So, Seong Min;Jeon, Min Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.270-275
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    • 2019
  • Mica capacitor is being adopted for high voltage firing unit of guided weapon system because of its superior impact enduring property relative to ceramic capacitor. Reliability of localized mica high voltage capacitors was verified through environmental test like terminal strength test, humidity test, thermal shock test and accelerated life test for application to high voltage firing unit. Failure mode of mica capacitor is a decrease of insulation resistance and its final dielectric breakdown. Main constants of accelerated life model were derived experimentally and voltage constant and activation energy were 5.28 and 0.805 eV respectively. Lifetime of mica capacitor at normal use condition was calculated to be 38.5 years by acceleration factor, 496, and lifetime at accelerated condition and this long lifetime confirmed that mica high voltage capacitor could be applied for firing unit.