• Title/Summary/Keyword: Academic Information Resource

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An Analysis of the Digital Library Research Trends in Korea (국내 디지털 도서관 연구 동향 분석)

  • Kang, Bora;Kim, Heesop
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the research trends on the digital libraries in Korea. To achieve this objective, a total of 578 author-assigned English keywords were collected from the 272 major LIS journal articles published in Korea during last ten years-period, i.e., 2007-2016. The collected data were analyzed using NetMiner V.4 to discover their 'degree centrality' and 'betweenness centrality'. As the results, 'Academic Library', 'Reference Service', 'Public Library', 'E Resource', and 'E Book' showed the most frequently conducted research topics, and 'Academic Library', 'Reference Service', 'Information Behavior', and 'E Resource' were the most influencing research topics. Finally, 'Academic Library', 'Metadata', 'Information Behavior', 'E Resource', and 'Librarian' seemed the most widely intervening research topics in this research.

A Comparative Study of Academic Resource Sharing and Service System Between Korea and Japan (한국과 일본의 대학 학술정보 공유 유통 체계 비교 연구)

  • Cho, Jane
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.23-45
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    • 2012
  • From 1990s the Ministry of Education and KERIS have developed nationwide academic resource sharing and service system based on universities, and have contributed to bridge the gap of information and to facilitate resource sharing between universities. Meanwhile, in Japan which starts 15 years earlier than us, the Ministry of Education and NII built nationwide academic resource sharing and service system with starting on the project of university holding resource sharing and until now have shown similar aspect of development like us. But lately, since information environment has been changing rapidly, Japan try to find new paradigm which goes around electronic resources management substitute for physical resources and open access based academic communication, institutional repository which disseminate university's research output to the outside world. This study compare academic resource sharing and service system between Japan and Korea and try to suggest for Korean academic resource sharing and service system development. In Korea, firstly we should try to replacing published resources management system to electronic resources', secondly, reorganizing oversea's resource sharing and service system, thirdly, reactivating institutional repository toward open access, finally, unification of distracted driving force.

A Study on Implementing a National Academic Resources Management System in Korea (국가학술자원관리시스템구축 계획에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Young-Hee;Park, Hong-Seok;Lee, Soo-Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.99-127
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    • 2008
  • National competence is based on the quality of university education, which is determined by the competitiveness of academia, research and information, IMD reported that Singapore, #2 country in national competence index, topped in quality of university education. Meanwhile Korea's current national knowledge infrastructure project lacks comprehensive coordination at a governmental level and has been conducted in a rather sporadic manner, without any consideration on the overall analysis of knowledge information resources. Consequently, a disproportionate amount of attention was devoted to collecting general information resources, while neglecting rare, hard-to-collect sources with historic, academic, and/or cultural values. This study proposes to build an academic resource management system to fully supervise academic resources at least, among national knowledge information resources which is a national asset, and also to allocate budget and cultivate new information building projects based on overall analysis on academic resources. In other words, there is a need for a management system to implement efficient linkage, distribution and utilization of academic resources and, to that end, we need to build an academic resource management system at a national level, maximizing the benefits from the knowledge society that we live in.

Elements for the Assessment of Collaborative Repositories Based on E-Metrics Measurement Standards (E-Metrics 측정지표에 기반한 협력형 레포지토리 평가요소 연구)

  • Chang, D.H.
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.159-172
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    • 2009
  • This paper strives to shed a light on current academic resource sharing initiatives, and seeks the measure for the cooperative information resource management. It first attempts to draw outcomes and suggestions on the basis of issues and implications identified through the analyses in the aspects of management, service, and infrastructure of academic resource sharing in other countries. For this job, research methods such as interviews and on/offline literature review are employed. Specific projects to be analyzed via literature and web site review, although not detailed in nature, are National Technical Information Service(NTIS) and The National Science Digital Library(NSDL) in the United States, Intute of United Kingdom, and Australian Research Repositories Online to the World(ARROW) of Australia. Next, the paper discusses such an issue as the orientation of national level academic resource sharing initiatives based on the comparison of characteristics of current academic resource sharing project. For this, a thorough comparison on background, outlines and characteristics of the projects and analysis on the specifics of each project were conducted as well.

A Study on Building Subject Gateway for Web Academic Information (웹 학술정보의 주제게이트웨이 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sang-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.177-194
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    • 2004
  • The overload of internet information makes user many restrictions. Users are confronted with the problems of information quantities, search, quality and reliability without information needs, technology level, education background of user, when they use internet as a tool of information search and retrieval. Web academic information subject gateway which provides user web information resource of high quality is a solution for these problems. This article explores the characteristics about the establishment and administration of foreign web academic information subject gateway, and identifies the considerations for establishing and managing it.

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Discovery Layer in Library Retrieval: VuFind as an Open Source Service for Academic Libraries in Developing Countries

  • Roy, Bijan Kumar;Mukhopadhyay, Parthasarathi;Biswas, Anirban
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.3-22
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    • 2022
  • This paper provides an overview of the emergence of resource discovery systems and services, along with their advantages, best practices, and current landscapes. It outlines some of the key services and functionalities of a comprehensive discovery model suitable for academic libraries in developing countries. The proposed model (VuFind as a discovery tool) performs like other existing web-scale resource discovery systems, both commercial and open-source, and is capable of providing information resources from different sources in a single-window search interface. The objective of the paper is to provide seamless access to globally distributed subscribed as well as open access resources through its discovery interface, based on a unified index. This model uses Koha, DSpace, and Greenstone as back-ends and VuFind as a discovery layer in the front-end and has also integrated many enhanced search features like Bento-box search, Geodetic search, and full-text search (using Apache Tika). The goal of this paper is to provide the academic community with a one-stop shop for better utilising and integrating heterogeneous bibliographic data sources with VuFind (https://vufind.org/vufind).

Study on Performance Evaluation of Academic Information Distribution Project in Scientific Technology Field (과학기술분야 학술정보 유통사업 성과평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Seung-Jin;Kim, Jeong-Taek;Park, Yong-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.441-462
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    • 2007
  • As country try expand R&D investment and enhance its efficiency to improve the national competitiveness, research is needed to conduct qualitative enhancement and derive progressive future strategy in relation to the academic information distribution project in scientific technology field. In this study, BSC-based performance indicators were applied to an institute that is the representative of domestic academic information distribution institutes in the field of scientific technology to evaluate project performance, and then to analyze portfolio of using such evaluation results. As for the items of evaluation for the performance indicators of academic information distribution project in the scientific technology field, 12 items that includes information resource quality, information service quality, user satisfaction and economically useful value of academic information from four(4) viewpoints such as information resource, information service, user and economic viewpoints. In the portfolio analysis, it was conducted by performance indicators and by elements of the individual performance indicators as well. Based on the results of performance evaluation and portfolio analysis, the improvement method by viewpoints on academic information distribution project of an institute was suggested.

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Information Society and the Subject of Family Resource Management (정보사회와 가족자원경영학의 학문적 지향)

  • 차성란
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.211-224
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    • 2002
  • Because information society as a lather environment has different characteristics with the industrial one, we need to get the new guideline for the development of family resource management. So, this study was purposed to explore the importance of the information as a resource that is to be managed in the information society. To find the answer, challenge of the family resource management to be with, characteristics of the information and the information society, their effects on He family resource management, academic research patterns and activities of the public institutions were examined. As results, first, we need to focus on the family as a producer rather than a consumer. Second, we have to give the model of cuber life to the nomads in the information society. Third, we need to develope a new curriculm for students to play their parts in the ICT industry. Lastly, our efforts to make networks between researchers and persons in the In industry are needed.

Implementation Strategy on Sharing Resources to Organizational Change (학술자원 공동 활용 기반구축사업 개선 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Kee;Park, Sung-Ho;Lee, Soo-Sang
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.287-310
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    • 2009
  • This paper strives to shed a new light on current academic resource sharing initiatives of both Korea Research Foundation(KRF) and Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF), and seeks the measure to administer information resource effectively for a unified organization, which will launch soon, through the comparison and scrutiny, and analyses of strength and weakness on current projects. It first of all attempts to draw outcomes and suggestions on the basis of issues and implications identified through the exhaustive as-is analyses in the aspects of management, service, and infrastructure of academic resource sharing initiatives carried out by each foundations. The unification of projects and information systems are discussed in two aspects, as viewed each significant measures, that is, 1) an organizational aspect in terms to develop a new academic and research information service through the unification of operation systems related to information service project of each foundation; 2) An Initiative toward the integrated service via the unification of scattered individual unit systems in each foundation.

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A Study on the Academic Information Seeking Behavior of Oriental Medical Researcher (한의학분야 연구자들의 학술정보이용 행태에 관한 연구)

  • 변성희;윤구호;서미령
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2002
  • Objectives : The objective of this study was to examine the academic informationseeking behavior and demand of the oriental medical researcher and to create the base data for establishing a library environment providing a high-quality information service which would aid the activity of such researchers, Methods : We distributed a questionnaire to the one hundred professors of the college of oriental medicine on the method of acquisition of information data, the environment of the library belonging to the college, and the like. Results : $\circled1$ The main class using the academic information service of oriental medicine was revealed to be researchers having a career of 10 to 15 years who had a domestic doctorate in oriental medicine. $\circled2$ When accessing information, the primary information resource used was academic journals. $\circled3$ Of the data forms mentioned in the study, periodicals was used most in number of printed data; computer databases among non-printed data. $\circled4$ The purpose of using an information resource was for performing a research project. $\circled5$ The path of acquisition of information was usually through the materials in their possession. $\circled6$ The greatest difficulty in gathering information was first of all the lack of information owned by the library, and next a lack of time and insufficient knowledge of information search and use. $\circled7$ More than 90% of respondents on the necessity of an expert library answered as "necessary" or "certainly necessary", indicating that the foundation of an expert library is very urgent. Conclusions : This study is beneficial for researchers engaged in oriental medicine to activate the use of information and also it will form a base of data for researchers to establish an environment of expert library in oriental medicine.

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