• Title/Summary/Keyword: Above sea level

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Demand Pattern of the Global Passengers: Sea and Air Transport (글로벌 여객의 해상과 항공운송에 대한 수요패턴)

  • Mo, Soo-Won
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • The main purpose of this paper is to estimate the impact of exchange rate and economic business activity on the passengers' demand for international transportation. The demand pattern depends upon the transport vehicles that the global passengers take. The global passengers' demand for transportation is modelled as exchange rate, industrial production and seasonal dummy variables. The seasonality is found in both water and air, but the former is far greater than the latter. All series span the period January 1990 to December 2008. The empirical results of this paper reveal that the income elasticity of sea transport is greater than that of air one, all of which are positive. The study also shows that the exchange rate has an significant impact on the demand for air transport, whereas it is insignificant in water transport. The impulse response function indicates that passengers increase steadily before peaking seven to eight months after the shocks to economic business activity and decline very slowly to its pre-shock level. The air passengers also respond negatively to the shocks in exchange rate and the impacts of exchange rate shock seem to decrease relatively slowly, while the water passengers respond positively after six months. The industrial production shocks remain above equilibrium for more than twenty four months, while the exchange rate shocks remain below equilibrium for more than twenty four months. Boosted by improved economic conditions worldwide, international tourism has recovered faster than expected from the impacts of the global financial crisis and economic recession of late 2008 and 2009. These facts suggest that the demand of global water transport has the high possibility of growing steadily and continuously.

A Study on the Marine Environmental Protection of Northeast Asian Seas in International Law (국제법상 동북아해저환경보존에 관한 연구)

  • 이윤철
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.77-97
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    • 1995
  • The protection of the marine environment is one of the main international legal problems in recent years. In parallel with the industrial development, a great quantity of chemical materials were used and in consequence, mass transportation of oil and other dangerous materials was required on the one hand, and discharge of industrial wasters drew also the attention on the other hand. Furthermore, oil tankers accidents, mass use of nuclear materials, sea-bed exploration and exploitation stimulated further deep human concern on the marine environment. The expansion of international concern to new and more dangerous sources of marine pollution regarded more strict and legal control on the Oil Tanker(DWT 95, 000tons, Cb=0.805) model. Calculation results are compared to the international, especially regional level. In particular, this study is concerned with the preservation of the Northeast Asian Seas surrounded by Japan, the Russian Far East, South Korea, North Korea, China and Taiwan. These adjacent countries must intensify cooperation regarding the prevention, reduction and control of the contamination of the sea. And this cooperation between the States concerned should, as much as possible, be aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of measures to prevent or abate transboundary environmental pollution. To achieve this purpose, States concerned should be imposed upon duties such as duty to assess the environmental impact, duty to inform, duty to consult and duty to assist on the basis of general principle of international law, international customary law and other various resolutions of international bodies. Depending on the nature and extent of actual or potential transboundary pollution with the use of a natural resource or the environment in general the establishment of some form of institutionalized cooperation between the States concerned may become useful or indispensable. The functions of this Organization are, inter alia, to keep the implementation of the Convention and the protocals under continuous observation, to make recommendations on regional or sub-regional rules and standards to be elaborated and on measures to be taken by the Contracting Parties, to be notified of any grave and imminent danger from pollution or threat of pollution by the Contracting Parties and to promote in close cooperation with appropriate governmental bodies additional measures to protect the marine environment of the Northeast Asian Seas, and so on. Above mentioned countries, first of all, are located within the Northeast Asian Seas geographically and, therefore, take responsibilities of preserving the clean sea against marine interferences regardless of any difference of the social, political and economic systems. They must be followed under the UNCLOS and other marine conventions. Under the present circumstances, Northeast Asian Seas will become dead seas in case that there is no instant and prompt action against pollution. Hence we have an absolute obligation to promote the development of the mandatory international environmental law, which in turn can faciliate more effective implementation of the regional cooperation by the neighbouring states within this area.

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Classification of Snowfalls over the Korean Peninsula Based on Developing Mechanism (발생기구에 근거한 한반도 강설의 유형 분류)

  • Cheong, Seong-Hoon;Byun, Kun-Young;Lee, Tae-Young
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2006
  • A classification of snowfall type based on development mechanism is proposed using previous snowfall studies, operational experiences, etc. Five types are proposed: snowfall caused by 1) airmass transformation (AT type), 2) terrain effects in a situation of expanding Siberian High (TE type), 3) precipitation systems associated with extratropical cyclones (EC type), 4) indirect effects of extratropical cyclones passing over the sea to the south of the Korean peninsula (ECS type), and 5) combined effects of TE and ECS types (COM type). Snowfall events during 1981-2001 are classified according to the 5 types mentioned above. For this, 118 events, with at least one station with daily snowfall depth greater than 20 cm, are selected. For the classification, synoptic weather charts, satellite images, and precipitation data are used. For TE and COM types, local sea-level pressure chart is also used to confirm the presence of condition for TE type (this is done for events in 1990 and thereafter). The classification shows that 109 out of 118 events can be classified as one of the 5 types. In the remaining 8 events, heavy snowfall occurred only in Ullung Island. Its occurrence may be due to one or more of the following mechanism: airmass transformation, mesoscale cyclones and/or mesoscale convergence over the East Sea, etc. Each type shows different characteristics in location of snowfall and composition of precipitation (i.e., dry snow, rain, and mixed precipitation). The AT-type snowfall occurs mostly in the west coast, Jeju and Ullung Islands whereas the TE-type snowfall occurs in the East coast especially over the Young Dong area. The ECS-type snowfall occurs mostly over the southern part of the peninsula and some east cost area (sometimes, whole south Korea depending on the location of cyclones). The EC- and COM-type snowfalls occur in wider area, often whole south Korea. Precipitation composition also varies with the type. The AT-type has a snow ratio (SR) higher than the mean value. The TE- and EC-type have SR similar to the mean. The ECS- and COM-type have SR values smaller than the mean. Generally the SR values at high latitude and mountainous areas are higher than those at the other areas. The SR value informs the characteristics of the precipitation composition. An SR value larger than 10 means that all precipitation is composed of snow whereas a zero SR value means that all precipitation is composed of rain.

Observational Characteristics of East Asian Monsoon during the Summers of 1993 and 1994 (1993, 1994년 여름철 동아시아몬순의 관측 특성)

  • Kim, Baek-Jo;Ryu, Chan-Su
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.369-379
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    • 2002
  • The characteristics of the East Asian summer monsoon circulation associated with the cool and wet summer of 1993 and the warm and dry summer of 1994 are investigated by analyzing the atmospheric circulations features in the upper and lower troposphere and by examining the global SST and associated tropical convective precipitation fields. The negative geopotential height anomalies at 500 hPa and 200 hPa in 1993 over East Asia, the central North Pacific, and the western United States were replaced by positive ones in 1994. In addition, the 200 hPa zonal wind anomaly averaged over the East Asian summer monsoon region is negatively correlated with the Korean summer temperature anomaly. The subtropical jet stream in 1993 was displaced into the central part of Korea well south of its normal position. The western Pacific subtropical high was shifted southward, and the East Asian summer rainfall and temperature was above-normal and below-normal, respectively due to the southwestward extension of a cold and dry polar airmass from the Sea of Okhotsk to the Est Sea. In contrast, the subtropical jet stream in 1994 was displaced well north of its normal position. The abrupt northward shift of the western Pacific subtropical high was accompanied with the rapid northward movement of the rain band of the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall. The anomaly patterns of the East Asia summer rainfall and temperature were opposite to those of 1993. Large sea surface temperature anomalies of opposite signs existed in the tropical Pacific with a mature El $Ni{\~{n}o$ in 1993 and a weak La $Ni{\~{n}a$ condition in 1994. The role of the anomalous convective precipitation in the western Pacific and the Indian Ocean related with the variations in the low-level cross-equatorial flow along the northwestern periphery of the Australian high and the Mascarene high is probably to influence a large-scale atmospheric circulation over the East Asia during both the years.

Development of Remote Sensing Reflectance and Water Leaving Radiance Models for Ocean Color Remote Sensing Technique (해색 원격탐사를 위한 원격반사도 및 수출광 모델의 개발)

  • 안유환
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.243-260
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    • 2000
  • Ocean remote sensing reflectance of just above water level was modeled using inherent optical properties of seawater contents, total absorption (a) and backscattering(bb) coefficients ($R_{rs}$=0.046 $b_b$/(a+$b_b$). This modeling was based on the specific absorption and backscattering coefficients of 5 optically active seawater components; phytoplankton pigments, non-chlorophyllous suspended particles, dissolved organic matters, heterotrophic microorganisms, and the other unknown particle components. Simulated remote sensing reflectance($R_{rs}$) and water leaving radiance(Lw) spectra were well agreed with in-situ measurements obtained using a bi-directional fields remote spectrometer in coastal waters and open ocean. $R_{rs}$ values in SeaWiFS bands from the model were analyzed to develop 2-band ratio ocean color chlorophyll with those observed insitu. Also, chlorophyll algorithm based on remote reflectance developed in this study fell in those obtained by a SeaBAM working group. The model algorithms were examined and compared with those observed insitu. Also, chlorophyll algorithm based on remote reflectance developed in this study fell in those obtained by a SeaBAM working group. The remote reflectance model will be very helpful to understand the variation of water leaving radiances caused by the various components in the seawater, and to develop new ocean color algorithm for CASE-II water using neural network method or other analytical method, and in the model of fine atmospheric signal correction.

Study of Scattering Mechanism in Oyster Farm by using AIRSAR Polarimetric Data (AIRSAR 다중편파 자료를 이용한 굴 양식장 산란현상 연구)

  • Lee Seung-Kuk;Hong Sang-Hoon;Won Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.303-316
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    • 2005
  • Strong radar returns were observed in oyster sea farms, and coherent interferometric pairs were successfully constructed. Tide height in coastal area is possible to be measured by using interferometric phase and intensity of SAR data. This SAR application technique for measuring the tide height in the near coastal zone can be further improved when applied to double bounce dominant areas. In this paper, we investigate the characteristics of polarimetric signature in the oyster farm structures. Laboratory experiments were carried out using Ku-band according to the target scale. Radar returns from vertical poles are stronger than those from horizontal Pole by 10.5 dB. Single bounce components were as strong as double bounce components and more sensitive to antenna look direction. Double bounce components show quasi-linear relation with the height of vertical poles, which implies double bounce is more useful to determine water level than total power. A L-band NASA/IPL airborne SAR (AIRSAR) image was classified into single-, double-bounce, and volume scattering components. It is observed that oyster farms are not always characterized by double bounced scattering. Double bounce is a main scattering mechanism in oyster farms standing above seawater, while single bounce is stronger than double bounce when bottom tidal flats are exposed to air. Ratios of the normalized single to double bounce components in the former and latter cases were 0.46 and 5.62, respectively. It is necessary to use double bounce dominant sea farms for tide height measurement by DInSAR technique.

Analysis of UHF-Band Propagation Loss in Long-distance Air-to-Ground Communication Tests (UHF 대역 장거리 항공 통신 시험의 전파 손실 분석)

  • Chang, Min-soo;Kim, Kyoo-hwan;Kim, Jae-hwan;Lee, Jae-moon;Whang, Chan-ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we measured the propagation path loss by a ground to air flight communication test at UHF band and analyzed the results. The ground receiving terminal was located at 1,100m above sea level in Cheju Island and the airborne transmit terminal flew at an altitude of 3.5km from 150 to 220km from the ground terminal. In this case, the ground terminal and the airborne terminal are on the Line of Sight. Therefore loss in this communications environment can be predicted based on Free Space Loss. However, in this test, the sea level exists between two terminals, and due to the very small angle of incidence on the reflecting surface due to the long-range communication environment, it is not possible to accurately predict the loss of free space only. Therefore, considering that there are no surrounding obstacles and that a line of sight is secured between the end of two terminals, we applied a plane earth reflection model and a spherical earth reflection model to estimate the propagation path loss and compared with the actual test results. As a result of the comparison, the predicted propagation path loss by a spherical earth reflection model were quite similar to the actual test values.

Spacial Distribution of PM1.0 Major Compounds from Long Range Transport at the Baegryungdo Super Site: Relationship between PSCF and Cluster Analysis (백령도에서 관측된 장거리 유입 PM1.0의 주성분 공간 분포: PSCF 및 군집분석 관계)

  • Oh, Sea-Ho;Lee, Taehyoung;Park, Taehyun;Ahn, Joon-Young;Park, Jin-Soo;Choi, Jin-Soo;Park, Gyutae;Bae, Min-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.411-423
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    • 2017
  • The spacial potential source contribution function (PSCF) method was utilized by considering topography and height of back trajectories based on the measurement of organic typo matter (OM), $NO_3{^-}$, $SO{_4}^{2-}$, and $NH_4{^+}$ at the Baegryungdo Super Site ($37^{\circ}57^{\prime}N$, $124^{\circ}37^{\prime}E$, 135 m a.s.l. (above sea level)) for three selected periods (i.e., January~April, May~August, and September~December) in 2013. The PSCF were calculated on the contributions of trans-boundary transport to the hourly mean concentrations using a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS). The cluster analysis using back trajectories was performed to identify the major airflows to the sampling site. The upper atmosphere in the Tianjin area of China and the lower atmosphere in the western coast area of Korea can be the major source of trans-boundary pollution to the sampling site during January~April resulted from PSCF. The area in Lianyungang-city and Liaoning-sheng, China can be responsibile for the nitrogen related secondary compounds during May~August, and Shandong Peninsula in China is the major source area during September~December. In addition, relationships between the cluster analysis of back trajectories and PSCF were investigated for the statistically significance level for the source areas.

The Assessment of Ultraviolet Radiation in Vegetable Growth (식물생장(植物生長)에 미치는 자외선(紫外線)의 효과(效果))

  • Kim, Hyeong-Ok;Moon, Doo-Khil;Lee, Shin-Chan;Kim, Yong-Ho;Song, Pill-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 1984
  • The terrestrial UV flux rapidly increased in late spring, as measured by the chemical actinometry at two elevations (near sea level and 1,100m above sea level) on Jeju Island. More intense UV fluxes were observed at higher altitudes. Any harmful effects of solar UV-B on the growth of soybean were not detected in UV-B-exclusion experiment. To ascertain the effect of UV radiation on vegetative growth, intact (㏖ wt 124000) and large (${\sim}120000$) phytochromes were irradiated with UV-B radiation. In intact phytochrome, the Pfr form accounts for 60% of the total phytochrome under stationary state conditions, whereas it accounts for 50% in large phytochrome. Calculated quantum yields for the forward and the backward phototransformations of phytochrome by UV were ${\phi}r=0.016$ and ${\phi}fr=0.010$ in intact phytochrome, and ${\phi}r={\phi}fr=0.012$ in large phytochrome, respectively.

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Seismic reflection survey in a tidal flat: A case study for the Mineopo area (갯벌 지역에서의 탄성파 탐사: 민어포 조간대 지역의 사례)

  • Jou Hyeong-Tae;Kim Han-Joon;Lee Gwang-Hoon;Choi Dong-Lim;Kim Min-Ji;Cho Hyun-Moo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.67-84
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    • 2002
  • A shallow high-resolution seismic reflection survey was carried out at the Mineopo tidal flat on the western coast of Korea. The purpose of the survey was to investigate shallow sedimentary structure of the tidal (fat associated with the recent sea level change. A total of 795 shots were generated at 1 m interval from a 5-kg hammer source and recorded on 48 channels of 100 Hz geophones along two mutually perpendicular profiles. The water-saturated ground condition resulted in suppressed ground rolls by significantly decreasing rigidity. In addition, seismic velocities over 1500 m/s provided easy segregation of reflected arrivals from lower velocity noise. As a consequence, seismic sections were created that are high in resolution and signal to noise ratio as well. The stack sections show that the tidal flat consists of 5 sedimentary sequences above acoustic basement. Although deposition is largely characterized by the transgressive sedimentary facies resulting from sea level rise, erosional surfaces are well-resolved within the sequences.

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