• 제목/요약/키워드: Abnormal Wear

검색결과 86건 처리시간 0.019초

오스템퍼링 처리한 회주철의 마멸특성에 미치는 잔류 오스테나이트 조직의 영향에 관한 연구 (Effect of Retained Austenite on the Wear Resistance of Austempered Grey Iron)

  • 신호철;이종훈;김홍범;김창규;최창옥
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.548-557
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    • 1994
  • Grey iron containing a small amount of Cu and Mo to improve the effect of heat treatment and microstructures were poured in to the mold and them austenized at $900^{\circ}C$. After austenitizing the specimens of castings were austempered $210^{\circ}C$, $250^{\circ}C$, $300^{\circ}C$ and $350^{\circ}C$. The effects of matrix structures, mechanical properties and wear characteristics were investigated by austempering temperatures. Tensile strength and hardness of austempered grey iron are increased and the amount of retained austenite is decreased as austempering temperature is lower even though the amount of retained autenite in it only 4%. The amount of rolling wear loss are increased as rolling revolution is increased and wear loss of austempered grey iron under dry rolling condition is characterized by three models; initial wear, stationary wear and abnormal wear. It has been found that the amount of wear loss was increased with increasing maxium compressive stress and rolling revolution.

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Ceramic 재질을 이용한 자동차용 대형 디젤엔진 Valve Lifter 연구 II. 사출성형에 의한 탄화규소질 Valve Lifter 개발 (Studies of Valve Lifer for Automotive Heavy Duty Diesel Engine by Ceramic Materials II. Development of SiC Valve Lifter by Injection Molding Method)

  • 윤호욱;한인섭;임연수;정윤중
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.172-179
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    • 1998
  • Valve lifter namely tappet is supported by lifter hole which is located upper side of camshaft in cylinder block transforms rotatic mvement of camshaft into linear movement and helps to open and shut the en-gine valve as an engine parts. The face of valve lifter which is continuously contacting with camshaft brings about abnormal wears such as unfair wear and early wear because it is severely loaded in the valve train system. These wears act as a defect like over-clearance and cause imperfect combustion of fuel during the valve lifting in the combustion chamber. Consequently this imperfect combustion makes the engine out-put decrease and has cause on air pollution. To prevent these wears therefore The valve lifter cast in me-tal developed into SiC ceramics valve lifter which has an excellence in wear and impact resistance As a results the optimum process conditions like injection condition mixture ratio and debonding process could be established. After sintering fine-sinered dual microstructure in which prior ${\alpha}$-SiC matches well with new SiC(${\beta}$-SiC) produced by reaction among the ${\alpha}$-SiC carbon and silicon was obtained. Based on the study it is verified that mechanical properties of SiC valve lifter are excellent in Vickers hardness 1100-1200 bending strength (300-350 Pa) fracture toughness(1.5-1.7 Mpa$.$m1/2) Through engine dynamo test-ing SiC valve lifter and metal valve lifter are examined and compared into abnormal phenomena such as early fracture unfair and early wear. It is hoped that this research will serve as an important springboard for the future study of heavy duty diesel engine parts developed by ceramics which has a good wear resis-tance relaibility and lightability.

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ADI재의 드릴가공시 절삭저항 및 AE신호에 의한 공구마멸상해의 검출 (Monitoring of Tool Wear Condition by Cutting Resistance and AE Signal in Drilling ADI Material.)

  • 유경곤;전태옥;박홍식
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제15권11호
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 1998
  • For the purpose of monitoring the abnormal state in proportion to cutting in automatic production process, the 3 kinds of specimens different from mechanical properties by austempering through temperature variation were manufactured, and the effects of tool wear on thrust and AE RMS was analyzed with sequential drilling in in-process. When the ADI specimens were drilled, the relationship of thrust and AE RMS with flank wear was studied through experiments, and it is confirmed that the reliable wear state is able to be monitored by using these signals. It was shown that thrust and AE RMS increased slowly till flank wear reached to V$_{B}$ = 0.25mm, and they increased steeply over the value. The effective tool exchange time was able to be pre-estimated by using this fact. It was validated that the tool breakage was able to be detected on the real time by monitoring in in-process.s.

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저마찰 박막코팅 적용 타펫 부품의 마찰 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Friction Characteristics of Tappet by Low Friction Coating)

  • 서준호;임대순;나병철
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.265-269
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    • 2009
  • The wear of the contact in the tappet accounts for the greatest portion of entire friction loss of an engine, leading to the occurrence of abnormal wear. The coated specimens for earn-tappet wear test were producted by using PVD-Sputtering coating method. It examined the friction characteristics occurring between the earn and the tappet by using the dedicated wear tester and found that the friction torque value was reduced through comparison testing with the existing part when the low friction coating was applied. So application of the low friction coating to actual vehicles will reduce the fuel economy and occurrence of noise-vibration.

풍력발전기용 증속기 상태 모니터링에 관한 기초 연구 (Preliminary study on the Condition Monitoring of Wind-turbine Gearbox)

  • 박영준;이재정;이근호;남용윤
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.343-346
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    • 2008
  • To improve the reliability and extend the life for a wind-turbine gearbox, the gearbox needs to be monitored and analysed exactly. This study was conducted to analyze and detect the gearbox conditions when lubricating oil contaminated by wear particles was used. Characteristics of the gearbox failure by wear particles were monitored simultaneously by the on-line measurement sensor of vibration, oil condition and temperature. For the detail vibration analyses, frequency analysis(FFT) was performed. The results of the study were summarized as follows: Vibrational signal was found sensitive to abnormal changes of the gearbox conditions when lubricant was contaminated by wear particles. Also, using frequency analysis for the harmonics of gear mesh frequency(GMF), it is found that the failure of gearbox was caused by the damages of meshing gears. However, temperature and oil condition measuring signals were found not so effective to detect any gearbox failure by oil contamination.

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Prediction of TBM disc cutter wear based on field parameters regression analysis

  • Lei She;Yan-long Li;Chao Wang;She-rong Zhang;Sun-wen He;Wen-jie Liu;Min Du;Shi-min Li
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제35권6호
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    • pp.647-663
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    • 2023
  • The investigation of the disc cutter wear prediction has an important guiding role in TBM equipment selection, project planning, and cost forecasting, especially when tunneling in a long-distance rock formations with high strength and high abrasivity. In this study, a comprehensive database of disc cutter wear data, geological properties, and tunneling parameters is obtained from a 1326 m excavated metro tunnel project in leptynite in Shenzhen, China. The failure forms and wear consumption of disc cutters on site are analyzed with emphasis. The results showed that 81% of disc cutters fail due to uniform wear, and other cutters are replaced owing to abnormal wear, especially flat wear of the cutter rings. In addition, it is found that there is a reasonable direct proportional relationship between the uniform wear rate (WR) and the installation radius (R), and the coefficient depends on geological characteristics and tunneling parameters. Thus, a preliminary prediction formula of the uniform wear rate, based on the installation radius of the cutterhead, was established. The correlation between some important geological properties (KV and UCS) along with some tunneling parameters (Fn and p) and wear rate was discussed using regression analysis methods, and several prediction models for uniform wear rate were developed. Compared with a single variable, the multivariable model shows better prediction ability, and 89% of WR can be accurately estimated. The prediction model has reliability and provides a practical tool for wear prediction of disc cutter under similar hard rock projects with similar geological conditions.

헐겁게 지지된 저널베어링의 마모 및 전동특성 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Wear and Vibrational Characteristics of a Loosely supported proceeding Bearing)

  • 장래혁;편성관;윤의성;공호성;최동훈
    • 한국윤활학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국윤활학회 2002년도 제35회 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2002
  • Condition monitoring plays a vital role since it sustains reliable operation of industrial plants and machinery in the pursuit of economic whole life operation. In order to achieve this goal, it is needed to monitor various parameters of mechanical system such as vibration, wear, temperature and etc., and finally to diagnosis the root causes of any possible abnormal machine condition. In this work, a machine failure caused by mechanical looseness was experimentally simulated and on-line measurement of the vibration, wear and temperature were simultaneously measured. For the quantitative analyses of machine wear, several statistical parameters of the wear particle size distribution were obtained through the center moment method of the Weibull distribution function, and they were compared to vibrational characteristics. Results showed that the wear and vibrational characteristics did not reveal a strong correlation each other in a loosely supported proceeding bearing.

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초음파의 형상인식법을 이용한 저널베어링의 마멸파손 검지 (The Early Detection of Journal Bearing Failures by a Pattern Recognition of Ultrasonic Wave)

  • 윤의성;손동구;안효석
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제17권8호
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    • pp.2061-2068
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    • 1993
  • Condition monitoring technology is of great importance for the maintenance of complex machinery in view of its early monitoring of the abnormal condition and the protection against failure. Several methods have been used for the detection of failure of journal bearings, one of the main elements of mechanical system. The methods most frequently used are vibration and temperature monitoring, but these are unable to monitor the wear conditions exactly. In this study, an ultrasonic measument method, one of the non-destructive testing methods, was introduced as the monitoring technology. Furtermore a pattem recognition method was applied to analyze the ultrasonic signal. The monitoring system using the pattern recognition method is composed of digital signal processing units and uses Hamming net algorithm for the recognition of ultrasonic waves. From the journal bearing wear test, the occurrence of adhesive wear of the white metal in rubbing contact with the shaft was exactly detected by this system, and the wear status of the journal bearing was monitored by measuring the wear thickness.

500 MW급 석탄화력발전소 증기터빈축 이상진동의 해결방안 (Abnormal Vibration of the Steam Turbine Shaft in 500 MW Class Coal-fired Power Plants)

  • 안광민;유호선
    • 플랜트 저널
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구에서는 500 MW급 석탄화력발전소 기동 중 고압 및 중압 증기터빈축 양단 베어링에서 발생한 이상진동 현상의 원인을 규명하고 해결방안을 모색하기 위하여 알려진 이론에 근거하여 분석을 수행하였다. 주파수, 진폭 및 위상각 분석결과 접촉에 의해 발생하는 진동의 전형적인 특성이 나타나 이상진동의 원인을 접촉으로 판단하였고 증기터빈을 분해하여 내부부품의 마모를 확인하였다. 이상진동을 해소하기 위하여 저속회전 및 발란싱 방법을 적용하였는데 발란싱이 저속회전보다 접촉현상 해소에 우수하였다. 따라서 본 연구와 유사한 특성의 이상진동이 증기터빈 축에서 발생할 경우 발란싱은 유력한 해결방안이 될 수 있을 것이다.

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윤활유 오염과 디젤엔진의 크랭크핀 이상마모에 대한 원인 규명 (Root cause analysis of the abnormal wear on diesel engine crankpin and lubricant contamination)

  • 서정우;박동희
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제38권7호
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    • pp.854-867
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    • 2014
  • 지속적인 유가의 상승에 따라 국제 석유 자본들의 유전개발에 대한 투자가 활발하고 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 추세에 있다. 최근 5년 동안(2008~2013)에 인도된 드릴쉽(drill-ship)은 67척으로 그 이전 30년 동안에 인도된 척수의 두 배에 이른다. 그리고 최근에는 3,000 m 내외의 심해유전 개발이 증가하고 있다. 이에 따라 시추 장비와 시스템이 대형화 추세에 있으며, 이들의 운전을 위한 디젤발전기의 용량이 증가하였다. 디젤발전기 용량은 일반 상선과는 달리 고출력 및 고전압이 요구되며, 이를 충족시키기 위하여 V-type 320 mm 실린더 내경의 고출력 엔진에 대한 수요가 증가하게 되었다. 드릴쉽의 경우 일반 상선 대비 선박건조 기간이 길어짐에 따라 커미셔닝 기간 중 장시간 저 부하 운전이 불가피하여 엔진 윤활유 관리의 중요성이 대두되었다. 최근에는 선박인도 전 크랭크핀에 캠마모(Cam wear)와 같은 이상마모가 발생하였으며 시리즈 호선 및 관련 호선들에 대한 크랭크핀의 전수 검사 결과 정도의 차이가 있었으나 모두 크랭크핀에 이상마모가 발생한 것이 확인되었다. 본 논문은 실제 호선에 적용된 엔진 크랭크핀의 이상마모 발생 원인에 대해 이상마모 메커니즘 분석과 실증결과 분석을 통하여 재발방지를 위한 대책 방안에 대하여 논하였다.