• Title/Summary/Keyword: Abdominal pregnancy

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A Study on the Risk Factors for Maternal and Child Health Care Program with Emphasis on Developing the Risk Score System (모자건강관리를 위한 위험요인별 감별평점분류기준 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 이광옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 1983
  • For the flexible and rational distribution of limited existing health resources based on measurements of individual risk, the socalled Risk Approach is being proposed by the World Health Organization as a managerial tool in maternal and child health care program. This approach, in principle, puts us under the necessity of developing a technique by which we will be able to measure the degree of risk or to discriminate the future outcomes of pregnancy on the basis of prior information obtainable at prenatal care delivery settings. Numerous recent studies have focussed on the identification of relevant risk factors as the Prior infer mation and on defining the adverse outcomes of pregnancy to be dicriminated, and also have tried on how to develope scoring system of risk factors for the quantitative assessment of the factors as the determinant of pregnancy outcomes. Once the scoring system is established the technique of classifying the patients into with normal and with adverse outcomes will be easily de veloped. The scoring system should be developed to meet the following four basic requirements. 1) Easy to construct 2) Easy to use 3) To be theoretically sound 4) To be valid In searching for a feasible methodology which will meet these requirements, the author has attempted to apply the“Likelihood Method”, one of the well known principles in statistical analysis, to develop such scoring system according to the process as follows. Step 1. Classify the patients into four groups: Group $A_1$: With adverse outcomes on fetal (neonatal) side only. Group $A_2$: With adverse outcomes on maternal side only. Group $A_3$: With adverse outcome on both maternal and fetal (neonatal) sides. Group B: With normal outcomes. Step 2. Construct the marginal tabulation on the distribution of risk factors for each group. Step 3. For the calculation of risk score, take logarithmic transformation of relative proport-ions of the distribution and round them off to integers. Step 4. Test the validity of the score chart. h total of 2, 282 maternity records registered during the period of January 1, 1982-December 31, 1982 at Ewha Womans University Hospital were used for this study and the“Questionnaire for Maternity Record for Prenatal and Intrapartum High Risk Screening”developed by the Korean Institute for Population and Health was used to rearrange the information on the records into an easy analytic form. The findings of the study are summarized as follows. 1) The risk score chart constructed on the basis of“Likelihood Method”ispresented in Table 4 in the main text. 2) From the analysis of the risk score chart it was observed that a total of 24 risk factors could be identified as having significant predicting power for the discrimination of pregnancy outcomes into four groups as defined above. They are: (1) age (2) marital status (3) age at first pregnancy (4) medical insurance (5) number of pregnancies (6) history of Cesarean sections (7). number of living child (8) history of premature infants (9) history of over weighted new born (10) history of congenital anomalies (11) history of multiple pregnancies (12) history of abnormal presentation (13) history of obstetric abnormalities (14) past illness (15) hemoglobin level (16) blood pressure (17) heart status (18) general appearance (19) edema status (20) result of abdominal examination (21) cervix status (22) pelvis status (23) chief complaints (24) Reasons for examination 3) The validity of the score chart turned out to be as follows: a) Sensitivity: Group $A_1$: 0.75 Group $A_2$: 0.78 Group $A_3$: 0.92 All combined : 0.85 b) Specificity : 0.68 4) The diagnosabilities of the“score chart”for a set of hypothetical prevalence of adverse outcomes were calculated as follows (the sensitivity“for all combined”was used). Hypothetidal Prevalence : 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Diagnosability : 12% 23% 40% 53% 64% 75% 80%.

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Effects of 8 weeks Pregnancy Pilates Exercise and Probiotics Combined Treatment on Postnatal Women's Gut-microbiota, Body Composition, Blood Lipids, Obesity Hormones, Inflammatory Indicators (8주간의 출산 전 필라테스 운동과 프로바이오틱스 섭취가 출산 후 여성의 장내미생물, 신체구성, 혈중지질, 비만호르몬, 염증성 사이토카인에 미치는 영향)

  • Hyun, Hyun-Ah;Choi, Dong-Hun;Eom, Hyun-Seoub;Kim, Ji-Sun;Oh, Eun-Tak;Cho, Joon-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.878-892
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of pregnant women's taking of probiotics and pilates exercise on Postnatal women's body composition, gut-microbiota, obesity hormones, blood lipid, inflammatory cytokine. Overall clinical trial procedures are as follows. First, a total of 15 pregnant women were classified into 3 groups, probiotics intake+exercise group(PEX, n=5), exercise group(EX, n=5), and control group(CON, n=5). The PEX and EX groups participated in the pilates exercise twice a week for eight weeks, with 10 min for warm-up, 30 min for main exercise and 10 min for cool-dawn. The probiotics had to take one capsule a day on its empty stomach every day. The results showed that intestinal harmful bacteria were inhibited after childbirth in PEX group, and body fat, WHR reduction. There were also positive effects on the decrease of leptin hormone in PEX group and on IL-6, TNF-a levels. The caesarean section ratio of CON group compared to PEX and EX group was found to be high. Conclusion pregnant women's probiotics intake and pilates exercise will be effective in women's abdominal fat reduction after childbirth, and will have positive effects on inflammatory levels and appetite control hormones, which will be effective in preventing and treating obesity for after childbirth.

Nursing Practice Guideline for Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism According to the Guideline Adaptation Process (간호분야 실무지침의 수용개작 방법론에 따른 정맥혈전색전증예방 간호실무지침의 개발)

  • Cho, Yong Ae;Gu, Mee Ock;Eun, Young;Kim, Kyung Sook;Lee, Seon Heui;Yoon, Ji Hyun;Hwang, Jung Hwa;Lee, Kyeong Yoon;Park, Mi Joung
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.118-131
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a useful evidence-based guideline for preventing venous thromboembolism(VTE) in Korea adapting previously developed VTE guidelines. Methods: The guideline adaptation process was performed using 24 steps according to the nursing practice guideline adaptation manual developed by Hospital Nurses Association in 2012. Results: The newly developed VTE prevention guideline was consisted of 16 domains and 163 recommendations. The number of recommendations in each domain were: 4 general issues, 4 risk factors, 2 intervention at occurrence of VTE, 14 mechanical interventions, 30 pharmacological interventions, 19 VTE prevention for medical patient, 10 stroke patient, 16 cancer patient, 14 pregnancy, 6 for long distance traveller, 5 for abdominal surgery, 10 thoractic surgery, 10 orthopedic surgery, 5 neurosurgery, 4 other surgical patient, 2 urological surgery, 1 ENT surgery, 1 plastic surgery, 3 day surgery, 3 education of VTE prevention. Fourteen point three percent, 61.1%, and 24.6% of the recommendations were graded A, B, and C, respectively. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the new VTE prevention guideline can be more efficiently used to prevent VTE in hospital settings.

Review for Clinical Studies of Oriental Medicine on the Treatment of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (난소과자극증후군의 치료에 관한 한의 임상 연구 고찰)

  • Ku, Su-Jeong;Hwang, Deok-Sang;Lee, Jin-Moo;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.60-79
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This review plans to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of oriental medicine for the treatment of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) through literature research and overview. Methods: Database searching was conducted to identify relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on oriental medicine for the treatment of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. Studies were searched from Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology, Korean Medical Database, Korean studies Information Service System, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Cochrane library, PubMed and EmBase up to 21st May, 2020. Results: Seventeen studies were finally selected. Fifteen studies intervened with oral Chinese herb medicine, two studies intervened with acupuncture and moxibustion. Nine studies concluded that intervention with oriental medicine significantly relieved OHSS symptoms. Three studies reporting ovary diameter, four studies reporting abdominal circumference and other four studies reporting pelvic effusion showed significant reduction compared to control groups. Six studies showed significantly shorter duration for hospitalization in intervention groups. Only one study showed significantly higher pregnancy rate. Factors related with vascular permeability and blood cell coagulation were significantly lowered in intervention groups in general. Conclusions: From seventeen studies, oriental medicine relieved OHSS symptoms and showed treatment effectiveness. Further strictly designed studies and long-term observed studies are needed to establish evidences.

An Analysis of Upper-Body Shapes in Obese Women for Apparel Pattern Design (Plus-size 성인여성의 의복패턴 설계를 위한 상반신 체형 연구)

  • Yoon, Ji Won;Yoon, Hye Jun;An, Jae Sang
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.130-137
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    • 2013
  • The percentage of overweight people has increased in older people due to the change of body shape (including pregnancy and giving birth for women). Obesity is accompanied by body shape changes; subsequently, there are more pattern design considerations compared to standard body shapes. This paper classifies the upper body shape of overweight women in Korea, analyzes features by body shape and proposes basic pattern design data that reflects the features of plus-size women body shapes. The data on 540 subjects in the overweight group (from 20 to 69 years old)whose BMI was over 25 was selected. The following features by shape were identified in accordance with the upper body shape classification of overweight women. Body Shape1 had lower body obesity with long stature and arms in proportion to the trunk length and represented 22.2% of the subjects. Body Shape2 had most parts near average sizes for overweight body shapes with short height and arms that represented 37.6% of the subjects (the highest ratio). Body Shape3 was the smallest body shape in the four groups with the most distinct body figure and represented 30.7% of the subjects. Body Shape4 (9.4% of the subjects)was the upper body obesity type (the fattest group)and with of the waist bigger abdominal obesity type.

A investagation on OB&GY in ${\ulcorner}$Hwang\;Jae\;Nai\;Kyung${\lrcorner}$ ("황제내경(黃帝內經)"에 나타난 부인과(婦人科)에 관(關)한 문헌고찰(文獻考察))

  • Kim, Hye-Won;Cho, Jung-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.18 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2005
  • ${\ulcorner}$Hwang\;Jae\;Nai\;Kyung${\lrcorner}$ is the greatest and oldest book on oriental medicine. It contains all the basic theories of oriental medicine. OB&GY in oriental medicine have been developed on the foundation of ${\ulcorner}$Hwang\;Jae\;Nai\;Kyung${\lrcorner}$. However no intensive gynecological studies on ${\ulcorner}$Hwang\;Jae\;Nai\;Kyung${\lrcorner}$ has been performed to this day. Hereupon, an investigation on OB&GY in Hwang Jae Nai Kyung is done for future theory and clinical study. The phrases that contain OB&GY are totally 24 in the chapter 16 of Somun and total of 9 in the chapter 8 of Youngchu. Phrases dealing with pregnancy were total of 9, which was the most frequent. Also statements about amenorrhea, lower abdominal pain, bleeding, discharge, menstruation, jangdam, sukga, postpartum, infertility were found. Hence, more studies of OB&GY in ${\ulcorner}$Hwang\;Jae\;Nai\;Kyung${\lrcorner}$ is needed in order to verify and apply the theories stated in ${\ulcorner}$Hwang\;Jae\;Nai\;Kyung${\lrcorner}$.

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A study on the survey for the Application Status and the Improvement of Oriental Medical Health Insurance for the Ob & Gy Disease (부인과 질환에 대한 한방건강보험 적용실태 및 개선방안에 대한 조사연구 1)

  • Choi, Min-Sun;Kim, Dong-Il
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.239-257
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : In the part of Ob & Gy disease, the health insurance application is very limited. This study has been performed for gaining the basic data of enlargement of insurance coverage and reform of the insurance system corresponded with real clinical conditions. Methods : The survey has been practiced twice, the subjective questionnaire was used at the first survey. Then the questionnaire written using the results of first survey was distributed to the Korean medical doctors(KMD) who participated in the autumn symposium of the society of Oriental Obstetrics & Gynecology. Results : 1. The main Ob & Gy disease that the acupuncture treatment has been used actually or thought be positively necessary on the clinic were Dysmenorrhea(including premenstrual syndrome), Climacteric syndrome, Menstrual disorder, Postpartum Pain syndrome. Amenorrhea, Low back pain with pregnancy, JingHa(pelvic tumor), Infertility etc. 2. The main additional complex the sick and wounded names given to visiting patients for Ob & Gy disease as the limits of acupuncture items of insurance coverage were Low back Pain(J10), Qi-stasis(B13.0), SimHwaHangYeom(C2l.1). 3. Suitable the sick and wounded name of Ob & Gy disease thought be added in BokGangNae(Intra-abdominal acupuncture: CV13 ${\cdot}$CV16${\cdot}$CV10). TuJa(Puncture each adjoining acu-points in one insertion : SP6-GB39), TuJa(PC6-TE5) among acupuncture items of insurance coverage were Dysmenorrhea(K05). Menstrual disorder(K02) and Dysmenorrhea(K05), Hyperemesis(K16.0). 4. Climacteric syndrome(K04) and Dysmenorrhea(K05) should be added as suitable the sick and wounded name of TuJa(SP6-GB39), and Postpartum pain syndrome(K29) as KwanJeolGangNea(Intra-articular acupuncture: S35, LE201). Conclusion : Standing on this study, additional survey to general KMD should be continued. And the academic verifications through the oriental medical literatures and RCT papers on acupuncture should be also required.

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MR Imaging of Primary Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma in Pregnant Woman (임산부에서 발생한 원발성 후복막 점액낭샘암종의 자기공명영상 소견: 1예 보고)

  • Lee, Jisun;Cho, Bum Sang;Kim, Yook;Yi, Kyung Sik;Kang, Min Ho;Lee, Seung Young;Kim, Sung Jin;Park, Kil Sun
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.243-248
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    • 2013
  • Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma is a very rare malignancy. To date, 51 cases have been reported, including 3 in pregnant women. Herein, we report magnetic resonance findings of a 31-year-old Korean woman (15 weeks and 3 days pregnant) with primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. On abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a mass was identified in the retroperitoneal area with a nodular lesion showing heterogeneous signal intensity and focal wall thickening on T1- and T2-weighted images. Exploratory laparotomy and tumor excision were performed. Histological examination revealed primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. The patient subsequently underwent total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and omentectomy for metastatic mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of both ovaries 15 months after her initial surgery.

A Study of Error Correction in Words Used in Chinese Novel Kam Pin Mui Presented in the Great Chinese-Korean Dictionary (『한한대사전(漢韓大辭典)』에 보이는 『금병매사화(金瓶梅詞話)』 관련 어휘 오류연구(誤謬硏究))

  • Choi, Tae-hoon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.29
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    • pp.287-314
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    • 2012
  • This article examines the problems with some words used in "Chinese novel Kam Pin Mui"that are presented in"the Great Chinese-Korean dictionary". The author analyses the problems into three aspects: first, error correction in meaning interpretation; second, supplementary correction in meaning interpretation; and third, additional error correction. The main points of the study are presented in the following. First, in relation to the error correction in meaning interpretation, this study finds out that the explanations of "Liezi", "daxuanmo", "kedui", "shaojian" in the "Great Chinese-Korean dictionary"are incorrect. The cases involve the explanations that have no foundation, do not get to the points, and have narrow meaning interpretations compared with original meanings. Second, as for the supplementary correction, this study points out that the explanations of "yiri", "jiaosa", "buxi", "langhu" are not sufficient. Thus, this study claims that the following meanings for each case should be added, including "long time," "abdominal pains during pregnancy," "a type of folk performing arts without stages in local areas of China, and "to devour in greedy gulps." Third, with respect to the additional error correction, this study analyses "the typos of the examples," "the setup of inaccurate meaning items," "the front-to-back arrangement of the examples," and "inconsistency between meaning interpretations and examples" displayed in the dictionary. The error correction in the dictionary can be possible only if the findings from several other disciplines should be incorporated, involving cultural history, the history of literature, philology, grammatology, linguistics, etc. It seems impossible for a person to solve all the problems with the errors in the dictionary. Thus, it will be greatly helpful to the author and the people who prepare for the new edition of "the Great Chinese-Korean dictionary" if we can get continuous supports and comments from relating scholars of other disciplines. As a result, all these efforts will contribute to the academic progress for the relevant disciplines and these academic activities may develop a new area of the study.

Sex Differences in Coronary Artery Disease: Insights From the KoRean wOmen'S chest pain rEgistry (KoROSE)

  • Hack-Lyoung Kim;Myung-A Kim
    • Korean Circulation Journal
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    • v.53 no.10
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    • pp.655-676
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    • 2023
  • Interest in sex differences in coronary artery disease (CAD) has been steadily increasing. Concurrently, most of the data on these differences have primarily been Western-oriented. The KoRean wOmen'S chest pain rEgistry (KoROSE), started in 2011, has since published numerous research findings. This review aims to summarize the reported differences between men and women in CAD, integrating data from KoROSE. Cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women escalates dramatically due to the decrease in estrogen levels, which normally offer cardiovascular protective effects. Lower estrogen levels can lead to abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, increased blood pressure, and endothelial dysfunction in older women. Upon analyzing patients with CAD, women are typically older and exhibit more cardiovascular risk factors than men. Diagnosing CAD in women tends to be delayed due to their symptoms being more atypical than men's. While in-hospital outcome was similar between sexes, bleeding complications after percutaneous coronary intervention occur more frequently in women. The differences in long-term prognosis for CAD patients between men and women are still a subject of ongoing debate. Pregnancy and reproductive factors also play a significant role as risk factors for cardiovascular disease in women. A notable sex disparity exists, with women found to use fewer cardiovascular protective drugs and undergo fewer interventional or surgical procedures than men. Additionally, women participate less frequently than men in clinical research. Through concerted efforts to increase awareness of sex differences and mitigate sex disparity, personalized treatment can be provided. This approach can ultimately improve patient prognosis.