• Title/Summary/Keyword: ART convergence

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Analysis of the affiliated department and the name trend of the department of beauty department of a university located in the central region (중부권역 소재 대학 뷰티학과의 소속 계열과 학과 명칭 동향에 관한 분석)

  • Oh, Jeong-Sun;lee, Sook-ja;Park, Jang-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 2022
  • In the age of population cliff, an aggressive entrance exam strategy for the development of excellent human resources for beauty is very important for the survival of beauty departments and universities. Therefore, for the purpose of in-depth trend analysis of department names and affiliated departments that reflect department characteristics as well as external department promotion tools, we investigated and analyzed department affiliated departments and department titles in 2020 targeting the Beauty Department of Central University. As a result of the study, the departments belonging to each of the four regions had the most beauty arts department (28.57%) and health department (50.00%). In Daejeon, beauty design (37.5%) was the most, and in Chungcheong, beauty care, beauty cosmetics, and medical beauty care (11.11%) were the most. Through this study, it will be possible to analyze the overall characterization trend of the Department of Beauty, and it will be used as an important basic data to suggest the future direction of the department when the departments are merged or separated in the future. In addition, I believe that it will provide a foothold for follow-up research on the curriculum for each department or the change of department name by year.

A Study on the Design Preference Survey for Development of Auxiliary Therapy Products Utilizing Music of Mild Cognitive Impairment (경도인지장애인의 음악을 활용한 보조 치료기기 제품개발을 위한 디자인 선호도 조사에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hae Goo
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.31
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    • pp.355-365
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    • 2017
  • The future population of Korea is expected to reach the second highest level in the world by 2060 for the elderly. It is because of the rapid development of low fertility and medical technology. The burden of society for the elderly is expected to increase steadily. The elderly person firstly appears functional disorder. They have low ability in memory and in cognitive will be. Their activities are therefore limited. And economic production capacity is sharply reduced. Self-sufficiency is a difficult situation. They need help in economic and social aspects. Products for them need research and development. The elderly have a Mild Cognitive Impairment(MCI) stage with poor cognitive abilities. It is effective to combine pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment methods for people with mild cognitive impairment. The effects of non-pharmacological treatments on music have been proven. This paper is a study on the appearance from the viewpoint of design in the development of ancillary instruments using music therapy techniques with Digital Convergence. For this study, we investigated the preference for external appearance of mild cognitive impairment. Two times surveys were conducted. As a result, the design of home care product for the hard cognitive impaired was different from that of a conventional game machine or set top box. It should be designed according to the user's special circumstances. They are memory and cognitive abilities. Products that meet physical and mental changes must be developed.

Characteristics of Environmental Color Image Vocabulary for Public Healthcare Facility (공공보건시설 환경색채이미지 어휘 특성)

  • Park, Heykyung;Oh, Jiyoung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.31
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of color image for establishing the color environment contributing to the promotion of public health in the public health facilities and to utilize it as data of public health color plan and index development. For this purpose, the results of the previous precedent studies were integrated and public health facilities were classified into medical facilities (general hospitals), health facilities (public health centers), and sub - healing facilities (elderly care facilities). We visited 18 public health facilities in total, measured the environmental color of with a spectroscopic, compared the results and the precedent studies results, and identified color image characteristics and future supplement points. The results are as follows. First, the previous studies related to the environment color image vocabulary of the public health facilities, it prefer comfortable, bright and positive image. Second, as a result of direct measurement the environmental color of the public health facilities, it is found that most of them use the high brightness and low saturation color of Y series. Third, as a result of analyzing vocabulary of environmental color image of public health facilities, 'natural' image showed the highest frequency, and other images such as 'gentle' and 'decent' appeared. It was difficult to understand the characteristics of the color image vocabularies of public health facilities. This study is a convergence study of color science and environmental design, and it extends the scope of multidisciplinary research related to design and it will be helpful in environmental planning on user's emotion.

A Study on the Effects of Cultural and Artistic Activities on Job Commitment, Creative Behavior, and Job Performance (문화·예술 활동이 직무몰입, 창의적 행동, 업무성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Ha Soo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2018
  • Unlike in the past, culture and the arts are now being recognized as key elements for gaining competitive advantage, changing the approach and enjoyment methods of culture and art. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of participation of culture and art activities on the performance of the executives and staff members at M Financial Company. The study resulted in four different findings. First, creative activities have a positive effect on job commitment, but appreciation activities have no statistically significant effect on job commitment. Second, although appreciation activities have a positive effect on creative behavior, it has been confirmed that creative activities have no statistically significant effect on creative behavior. Third, job commitment has a significant effect on creative behavior. Fourth, the relationship between job commitment and job performance shows that job commitment affects job performance positively; creative behavior also positively affects job performance. Finally, we examined the mediating effect between participation in culture and art activities and job performance with job commitment and creative behavior. As a result, job commitment and creative behavior are found to mediate between creative activities and job performance. However, it did not mediate between appreciation activities and job performance. On the other hand, the mediating effect of creative behavior between job commitment and job performance was partially mediated.

Relationship between Progressive culture and arts activities and social transformation (진보적 문화예술 활동과 사회변화의 상관성 -광주민주화운동을 중심으로-)

  • LEE, Seung-Kwon;Yun, Man-sik
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2018
  • The present article focuses on the cultural arts, the role and functions of people as intermediate to carry out the revitalization of memory. Most of the basic cultural activities and events sparked from the cardinal point of the democratization of Gwangju and the interwoven relationships this created. In other words, the events leading to Gwangju democratization movement have derived from democratic culture and art and they contributed to change and influence South Korea's revolutionary movements. As far as clarifying the concept of culture is concerned, the idea of culture is too wide to encompass it so we aim to narrow it down to the special events of 5.18 democratization movements which launched the national transformation of the cultural stage and the development of democracy in South Korea. Through this, the movement of popular culture and popular arts fostered the revolution of society. Moreover, the value of the 5.18 movement for democratization stems from democracy, human rights, the universal value of peace and so many efforts were made by popular artists until it became upgraded as a national commemoration day. Raising the people's awareness that culture could change the course of history is still necessary so that popular art and culture play a central role in people's lives. In order to fulfill the people's inherent hope it is necessary to promote aesthetic values and a continuous revolution in societal practices.

A Study on the Bai Juyi Jungeun-sasang(中隱思想) and The Garden Construction (백거이의 중은사상과 원림조영)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Ahn, Hye-In;Shin, Hyun-Sil;Ha, Tae-Il;Kim, So-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to look at the Jungeun-sasang(中隱思想) and garden of Bai Juyi in the perspective of landscape architecture and inquiry the meaning of Bai Juyi's construction activities, thought shown in his gardens, and how his construction method influenced later and the result is as follows. First, the 'Jungeun-sasang(中隱思想)' of Bai Juyi improved the Eunil-sasang(隱逸思想) and the birth of 'Jungeun-sasang(中隱思想)' became a clue to be developed up to the garden art. In addition, different from before that built gardens hiding in mountains, it prepared the turning point to build gardens in cities. Second, the space principle of 'paradise' shown in the garden of Bai Juyi was a means and principle to absorb the nature such as positioning rocks, formation of mounds, and positioning of flowers in the limited and small spaces different from previous gardens of splendid and magnificent. The garden became not only outer scene but also the 'Simwon(心園) that reflected the inside world. 12) Third, the gardening act and thought appeared in the poem of Bai Juyi were expressed in pictures and his own gardens as his poem was borrowed and quoted. As a result, Bai Juyi's literary view on the art and thought prepared the base in the popularity of literary gardens and forming of characteristic styles through practical activities that he managed his own gardens. Forth, Bai Juyi's level of Confucianism realization and delicate aesthetical consciousness gave meanings to the scene of gardens through the discovery of the fusion of mountains and creeks, ways of adding, and the aesthetical consciousness of Taihushi(太湖石)and influenced in the forming of garden culture later on.

A Study of the Narrative Features in Animation as an Art Form - Focusing on Brad Bird's "The Iron Giant(1999)", "The Incredibles(2004)", "Ratatouille(2007)" - (예술 형식으로서의 애니메이션의 서사적 특성 연구 - 브래드 버드 감독의 "아이언 자이언트(1999)", "인크레더블(2004)", "라따뚜이(2007)"를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Soong-Hyun;Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2018
  • Brad Bird, a screenwriter and animation director in the United States, criticized the situation in which most animations were produced and released for the children since the early 2000s. He said that animation is an art form capable of conveying messages not only to children but also to adults, and that their development potential is high. In this study, I analyzed overall components such as narrative structure, character, subplot, symbol, and foreshadow of Brad Bird's animated feature films , , and examined his narrative features and strategies. As a result, the narrative features of animation as an art form are as follows: First, conveying the message of a serious subject that will deeply sympathize with adults as well as children. Second, expressing the social agenda which criticizes the contradiction of the real world and the periodic mistakes. Third, solid narrative structure through a dense plot based on realistic situation setting. I hope that this study will be used as basic research material for various animation production in the future.

Future of Stereoscopic 3D through the Analysis of Realistic Media Art (실감미디어 아트 분석을 통한 3D 입체영상의 미래 조망)

  • Kim, Hee-Young;Shin, Chang-Ok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2012
  • Generally today's culture and the arts industry has been focusing more on economic value than the arts. Therefore this paper will elucidate the meaning of the culture and the arts can be a break though which can only include commercial and economic values but transcend its values ultimately. First of all, this paper will suggest an advanced 3D stereoscopic images by analysis of examples and environments of realistic media arts. Looking into the changes of related technologies and market environments, the motion-recognition technology, as seem in SF film "Minority report", has become a feasible technology. In the past, 3D stereoscopic images were shown in the theme park theatre and exhibition halls for group viewing. but recent 3D TV and display devices have changed those environments to personal. Since domestic researches of realistic media art has been little, this paper will analyze them respecting to three broad classifications. The results are : Firstly, in CAVE method, more impact capabilities of spectators are expected that they can manipulate interactive interfaces freely and the physical movements of spectators can operate interactively. Secondly, inter-network communications and expansion of viewers' perceptions are predicted by way of HMD method, sensor suites and communication equipments. Thirdly, combinations of HMD and motion tracking utilization is foreseen. With the convergent usages of these three features, we can prospect the possibilities of interactive 4D that spectators wearing 3D stereoscopic display devices can experience and make their own 3D stereoscopic images actively at the point of their views.

A Study on martial arts when Equipped with Weapons, Clothes and Other Accessories (복식과 무기의 갖춤 상황에서의 무예연구)

  • Hwang, Ho-Young;Choi, Jea-Geun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.413-421
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    • 2013
  • We, currently settled on the peninsula, have a long history and our ancestors lived over the vast land further to the central Asia and northern China. Normally, our ancestors traded with many countries, but they fought battles when they were on bad terms and many countries emerged and disappeared. In this history, a variety of cultures have been established and the traditional martial arts is a part of those cultures. Our martial arts has been almost severed because of the development of fire weapons in the late Chosun Dynasty, Japan's colonial rule, and 1950-53 Korean War. Fortunately, we can study the traditional martial arts from history books, the records on the martial art books and relics. Muyeadobotongji, the martial art book published in the late Chosun Dynasty, regrets the negligence of martial arts Giyae(arts) after Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 and the Manchu war of 1636 and accommodated the martial art skills from Chosun, China and Japan. It is useful for studying martial arts, because it contains detailed description and drawings, clothes and accessories, and the specification of the weapons. However, the problem is the level of Giyae of the martial arts organization and individuals based on Muyeadobotongji vary and some organizations are arguing about the numbers.

A Study on the Jo Hee-Ryong's work in Writing and Painting's Aesthetic - In relation to the term of banishment(1851~1853) on Imja Island- (조희룡(趙熙龍)의 집필활동(執筆活動)과 회화심미(繪畵審美) 고찰 - 임자도(荏子島) 유배기(流配期)(1851~1853)와 관련하여...-)

  • Kim, Doyoung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2019
  • Jo, Hee-ryong(1789-1866), who was given the title of "boss of the world handling a China inkt" in the late Joseon Dynasty, was from a noble family, but he claimed to be a yeohang-in himself. The byeoggyesa was formed based on Jong-in and they are engaged in literary activities. Hee-ryong Jo, "I do not follow people's back" is the art spirit of my life. The theory of the Holy Spirit has inspired emotion or inspiration as the essence of art. He pursued original aesthetics of painting with the true nature and personality as important. During his early 60s, the period of banishment for about three years had a profound impact on the identity and direction of his art world. During this period, he wrote four volumes, including "Hwaguamlanmug", "Uhaeagamgo", "Sugyeongjaehaeoejeogdog", "Hanwaheonjehwajabjon" and among his paintings with 19 paintings, eight paintings were produced, including "Hwangsannaengundo", "Bangunlimsansudo", "Maehwaseoogdo". These works reveal the Playful sokmi sprit, the grotesque of manual dexterity, and the aesthetic of painting through the natural divergence of natural nature.