• Title/Summary/Keyword: ANIMAL MODEL

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Comparison of Wound Healing in Porcine Skin with Continuous-Wave and Pulsed Mode $CO_2$ Laser Incisions (돼지에서 연속형 $CO_2$ 레이저와 펄스형 $CO_2$ 레이저를 이용한 피부절개시 창상치유 평가)

  • Lee, Jae-Yeon;Cho, Sung-Whan;Park, Chang-Sik;Kim, Myung-Cheol
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.647-651
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    • 2010
  • The advantages of the $CO_2$ laser are offset by the delay in laser wound healing secondary to thermal damage. To minimize the undesirable thermal damage of the $CO_2$ laser, investigators have developed technical advances in the delivery system of the laser energy. This study compared tissue healing of the continuous and the pulsed modes $CO_2$ laser wounds in an animal surgery model. Five healthy Landrace and Yorkshire mixed breeds of both genders were used (45-51 kg, 4-6 months old, three males and two females). A full thickness wound of skin ($2{\times}2{\times}2cm^2$) was made over on the each pig's both sides of dorsal midline at 0, 7, 14, and 18 days. The wounds created at 18, 14, 7 and 0 days were named post-wounding day (PWD) 3, 7, 14 and 21, respectively. In each pig, one wound (left side) was treated pulsed $CO_2$ laser and the other wound (right side) was treated continuous wave $CO_2$ laser. Each wound was closed with two interrupted suture of 3-0 sutures. At 21 days after initial wounding, each wound was taken for histological evaluations. The degrees of reepithelialization were performed more prominently in the pulsed mode group than in the continuous mode group. The degrees of granulation were greater significantly in pulsed mode group than those in the continuous mode on PWD 3 (p < 0.05). The degrees of fibroblasts in the pulsed mode group were greater significantly in comparison to those in the continuous mode group on PWD 7, (p < 0.05). In conclusion, reepithelialization, granulation and fibroblasts in the pulsed mode group were greater markedly in comparison to those in the continuous mode group. It was considered that pulsed mode $CO_2$ laser was more suitable for the skin incision than the continuous mode $CO_2$ laser.

Neuroprotective effects of resveratrol via anti-apoptosis on hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats (신생 백서의 저 산소 허혈 뇌손상에서 항세포사멸사를 통한 resveratrol의 신경보호 효과)

  • Shin, Jin Young;Seo, Min Ae;Choi, Eun Jin;Kim, Jin Kyung;Seo, Eok Su;Lee, Jun Hwa;Chung, Hai Lee;Kim, Woo Taek
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.10
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    • pp.1102-1111
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : Resveratrol, extracted from red wine and grapes, has an anti-cancer effect, an antiinflammatory effect, and an antioxidative effect mainly in heart disease and also has neuroprotective effects in the adult animal model. No studies for neuroprotective effects during the neonatal periods have been reported. Therefore, we studied the neuroprotective effect of resveratrol on hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in neonatal rats via anti-apoptosis. Methods : Embryonic cortical neuronal cell culture of rat brain was performed using pregnant Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats at 18 days of gestation (E18) for the in vitro approach. We injured the cells with hypoxia and administered resveratrol (1, 10, and $30{\mu}g/mL$) to the cells at 30 minutes before hypoxic insults. In addition, unilateral carotid artery ligation with hypoxia was induced in 7-day-old neonatal rats for the in vivo approach. We injected resveratrol (30 mg/kg) intraperitoneally into animal models. Real-time PCR and Western blotting were performed to identify the neuroprotective effects of resveratrol through anti-apoptosis. Results : In the in vitro approach of hypoxia, the expression of Bax, caspase-3, and the ratio of Bax/Bcl-2, indicators of the level of apoptosis, were significantly increased in the hypoxia group compared to the normoxia group. In the case of the resveratrol-treated group, expression was significantly decreased compared to the hypoxia group. And the results in the in vivo approach were the same as in the in vitro approach. Conclusion : The present study demonstrates that resveratrol plays neuroprotective role in hypoxic-ischemic brain damage during neonatal periods through the mechanism of anti-apoptosis.

Studies on the Efficiency of Piglet Production by Controlling the Farrowing Time I. Factors on the Normal Farrowing Time in Swine (돼지에 있어서 분만시각의 인위적 조절에 의한 자돈생산 효율에 관한 연구 I. 돼지에 있어서 자돈분만 시각에 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • 정영채;김창근;윤종택;이종완;전광주;이석우;이학철;이관순;나광빈
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2000
  • To improve the pig farm management and efficiency of swine industry by inducing the farrowing to day-time from night, In the first experiment, reproduction records of purebred and crossbred pigs were collected and analyzed to estimate the $\varepsilon$ ffec 잉 of factors affecting day and night farrowing. The general linear model was used to estimate the least square means of the factors affecting various reproductive characteristics. And also, chi-square tests were used to examine the independence of the reproductive traits and environmental factors using the SAS (1992). The comparisons between pure and crossbred pigs for total number born, percentage of number born alive, gestation length, time length for farrowing were determined. The results indicated that the gestation length of crossbred (115.11 d) was slightly longer than that of purebred (114.89 d, p<0.05). For the seasonal effects on total number born, the largest was found in spring and no differences were found among summer, fall and winter. The average gestation length was 1 day longer in spring and winter than in summer and fall. The total number born and number born alive were smaller in first, second, and greater or equal to sixth parity than other parities. And also, the percentage of no. born alive was least in greater or equal to sixth parity. For the effect of mating methods, natural and artificial insemination, on total number born and number born alive, no differences between the two methods were found. However, the percentage of number born alive for natural mating was 98.06% and was higher than artificial insemination(93.75%). The time length for farrowing was I hour were found for the 6 hrs of farrowing time. In general situation of pig farms, day-time farrowing was 34.8% and night farrowing was 65.2%, indicating that night farrowing was almost double of the night farrowing.

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Meat Production Characteristics of Black Bengal Goat

  • Chowdhury, S.A.;Faruque, S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.848-856
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    • 2004
  • Black Bengal goat is primarily reared for meat, skin comes here as a by-product. The present trial describes the effect of age on different carcass characteristics of Black Bengal goats of either sex. A total of 61 Black Bengal goats of different age and sex groups were slaughtered. They were reared under semi-intensive management on milk alone or with concentrates (of 10.14 MJ ME and 10.48 g M/kg DM) and freshly cut Napier grass (2 MJ ME and 25 g CP/kg of fresh matter) that provides the estimated NRC (1981) requirement. The four age groups were: pre-weaned kids (0-90 day), post-weaned kids (91-180 days), growing (181-365 days) and adult (>365 days). Goats were slaughtered according to 'Halal' method by severing the major vessels of the throat by a transverse cut. Different slaughter parameters of Black Bengal goat can be best predicted from the equations as follows: live weight (kg)=0.801 (shoulder height (cm))-24.32, ($r^{2}$=0.94); carcass weight (kg)=0.364 (height at hind legs (cm))-11.54, ($r^{2}$=0.91); edible weight (kg)=0.623 (shoulder height (cm))-19.94, ($r^{2}$=0.91) and saleable weight (kg)=0.701 (shoulder height (cm))-21.99, ($r^{2}$=0.92). Live weight, carcass weight, edible weight and saleable weight of castrated goat at one-year onward ranges from 20-22, 9.4-10.5, 14-16 and 16.6-18.8 kg, respectively, which are about 80% higher than most of the reported observations on Black Bengal goat of same age and sex. Slaughter weight, warm carcass weight, edible weight and saleable weight increased curvilinearly with age of slaughter but not affected (p>0.05) by sex. However, linearity of the response curve of affect of age on mentioned parameters ends at around 9 months. Visceral fat as per cent of live weight increased curvilinearly with age and attain its maximum (about 6%) at about 500 days. However, linear part of the quadratic model ends at about 300 days when visceral fat content is about 4.8% of body weight. Blood and skin yield for one-year old male goat was 797 g and 1.61 kg, respectively. Absolute yield of blood and skin increased curvilinealry and attained maximum level at about 400 days (13.3 months). Average proportion of different carcass cut were - round 27%, rump 7%, loin 10%, ribs (6-12th) 14%, shoulder 21%, Neck 7%, chest 14%. Thigh and shoulder constituted about 48.3% of the cold carcass weight. Overall crude protein content of meat samples of different carcass cuts progressively decreased with age starting from 57 at 0-90 days to 58, 47 and 33 per cent, respectively at 91-180, 181-365 and >365 days, respectively. Overall meat fat content increased almost linearly from 11.1% during 91-180 days to 22.9 and 39.5% during 181-365 and >365days, respectively. Results from this trial suggest that both carcass yield and carcass composition changes with age; and sex have little or no effect on carcass yield and carcass composition. However, caution should be made in using second conclusion as there were few female animals slaughtered relative to the male. Optimum slaughter age for Black Bengal goat reared under semi-intensive management with adequate feeding and management would be about 9 months when their live weight, warm carcass weight, edible and saleable weight of carcass can be about 16.74, 7.28, 12.05 and 13.81 kg, respectively.

Antioxidant Effect of Arthrospira platensis Extract and Effect on UVB-induced Free Radical Production (Arthrospira platensis 추출물의 항산화 및 UVB에 의해 유도된 활성산소 생성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min Seung;Yang, Jae-Chan;Kim, Bo-Ae
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2020
  • Arthrospira platensis is the oldest marine microalgae on the planet, is said to contain most of the nutrients needed by the human body. It's components are reported to contain a large amount of various substances such as phycocyanin, chlorophyll and β-carotene, and are known to have an aging and whitening effect. In this study, UVB-induced reactive oxygen species reduction efficacy and antioxidant activity of spirulina purified water extract were investigated. effect was confirmed by measuring DPPH radical scavenging activity, FRAP reducing power and ABTS+ radical scavenging activity of 0.05, 0.10, 0.50 1.0 mg/mL of spirulina purified water extract. The coagulation rate, hatching rate and heart rate toxicity were measured by treating spirulina purified water extract with 0.05, 0.10, 0.50 mg/mL concentration using Zebrafish, an alternative experimental animal model. UVB-induced ROS measurement was treated with spirulina extract at 0.05, 0.10, 0.50 mg/mL concentration, and then stained with DCFH-DA to confirm the inhibitory effect of ROS. As a result of measuring antioxidant effect, DPPH, FRAP and ABTS+ showed concentration-dependent antioxidant effects in comparison with ascorbic acid. and measuring the coagulation rate, hatching rate, and heart rate using Zebrafish, an alternative experimental animal, it was confirmed that there was no toxicity in 0.05 and 0.10 mg/mL except 0.5 mg/mL compared to the control group. The ROS scavenging activity of UVB-induced zebrafish showed higher ROS reduction than the positive control. The results of this study suggest that spirulina and purified water extracts are valuable for UV and skin protection cosmetics.

Prediction of Optimum Capacity for Tractor Drawn Liquid Manure Tank Spreader by Computer Simulation (컴퓨터 모의시험에 의한 트랙터견인형 액상가축분뇨 살포기의 적정용량 예측)

  • 이규승
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2002
  • A computer simulation was carried out to investigate the optimum capacity of liquid manure tank spreader which is used as a tractor attachment. Soil physical properties, such as soil moisture content, bulk density, soil hardness and soil types were measured in the 10 major rice production area for computer simulation. Mathematical model which include soil physical properties and vehicle factor was used for computer simulation. Most of the soil type of the investigated area was sandy clay loam. Soil moisture content ranged between 30 and 40% mostly. Soil bulk density was in the range of 1,500 to 1,700 kg/$m^3$. Soil hardness ranged between 1 to 18 $cm^2$. Soil hardness incorporate the effects of many soil physical properties such as soil moisture content, soil type and soil bulk density, and so the range of soil hardness is greater than any other physical properties. The capacity of liquid manure tank spreader was above 3,000 kg$_{f}$ for the most of the investigated areas, and mostly in the range of 4,000 to 6,000 $kg_f$ depending upon the slip. But for the soft soil area such as Andong and Asan, the tractor itself has mobility problem and shows no pulling force for some places. For this area, the capacity of liquid manure tank spreader ranged between 1,000 and 2,000 $kg_f$ mostly, so the capacity of liquid manure tank spreader should be designed as a small capacity trailer compared to the other area.mpared to the other area.

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Improving Work Adjustment Skills in Students with Mental Retardation Using Hydroponics Program (수경재배 프로그램을 통한 지적 장애학생의 직업적응력 증진)

  • Joo, Byung-Sik;Park, Sin-Ae;Son, Ki-Cheol
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.586-595
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to determine the effects of horticultural therapy (HT) program using hydroponics on work adjustment skills of students with mental retardation. Based on the critical role transitional model and special education curriculum for agriculture, especially hydroponics, HT program (total 22 sessions) using hydroponics procedure for Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. 'Asia Heuk Romaine') was developed. Fourteen (10 males, 4 females) graded $1^{st}$ to $2^{nd}$ with intellectual disabilities were recruited from a special education class in a high school located in Inchon, Korea and then a special farm for hydroponics in Inchon, Korea was offered for the HT program. The students with intellectual disabilities participated in the HT program for 4-month (from September to December of 2011, twice a week, approximately 60 minutes per session). Before and after the HT program, the McCarron assessment neuromuscular development, emotional behavioral checklist, interpersonal negotiation strategies, and KEPAD picture vocational interest test were performed by the teachers and horticultural therapists. As the results, the students significantly improved motor performance (p = 0.002), emotional behavioral strategies (p = 0.00), and interpersonal negotiation strategies (p = 0.05). However, no significant difference between before and after the HT program for vocational interest was observed. In conclusion, the HT program using hydroponics, consists of simple and easy tasks so that it would be applicable for the students with intellectual disabilities positively affected to work adjustment skills by improving the motor performance, emotional behavioral strategies, and interpersonal negotiation strategies. Additionally, HT programs using hydroponics with various kinds of vegetables are required to develop and to apply in practical settings for improving work adjustment skills.

Renal Expression of TonEBP and Urea Transporter in the Water-deprived Mongolian Gerbil(Meriones unguiculatus) (절수시 Mongolian Gerbil 콩팥에서 TonEBP와 Urea transporter의 발현 변화)

  • Park, Yong-Deok;Kim, Sung-Joong;Jung, Ju-Young
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2007
  • Tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein(TonEBP) is a transcriptional factor essential in the function and development of the renal medulla. TonEBP plays a critical role in protecting renal medullary cells from the deleterious effect of hypertonicity. TonEBP is a key regulator of urinary concentration via stimulation of transcription of urea transporter(UT) in a manner independent of vasopressin. UT in the renal inner medulla is important for the conservation of body water due to its role in the urine concentrating mechanism. Mongolian gerbil(Meriones unguiculatus) has been as an model animal for studying the neurological disease such as stroke and epilepsy because of the congenital incomplete in Willis circle, as well as the investigation of water metabolism because of the long time-survival in the condition of water-deprived desert condition, compared with other species animal. In this study, we divide 3 groups of which each group include the 5 animals. In the study of 7 or 14 days water restricted condition, we investigated the TonEBP and UT-A by using a immunohistochemistry in the kidney. In the normal kidney, the distribution of TonEBP is generally localized on nuclei of inner medullary cells. Nuclear distribution of TonEBP is generally increased throughout the medulla in 7 and 14 days dehydrated group compared with control group. Increased nuclear localization was particularly dramatic in thin limbs. In control groups, UT-A was expressed in inner stripe of outer medulla(ISOM) and inner medulla(IM). UT-A was present in the terminal part of the short-loop of descending thin limbs (DTL) in ISOM and also present in the inner medullary collecting duct(IMCD), where the intensity of it gradually increased toward the papillary tip. In the dehydrated kidney, UT-A immunoreactivity was increased in the short-loop of DTL in ISOM and in the long-loop of DTL in the initial part of IM, where was expressed moderate positive reaction in the normal kidney. Also it was up regulated in the IMCD in initial & middle part of IM. However UT-A down regulated in the IMCD, where the intensity of it gradually decreased toward the papillary tip. These findings suggest that increased levels of TonEBP in medulla and UT-A in shot-loop of DTL and IMCD play a important role for maintain fluid balance in the water-deprived mongolian gerbil kidney.

Study on Tumor Control Probability and Normal Tissue Complication Probability in 3D Conformal Radiotherapy (방사선 입체조형치료에 대한 종양치유확율과 정상조직손상확율에 관한 연구)

  • 추성실
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.227-245
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    • 1998
  • A most appropriate model of 3-D conformal radiotherapy has been induced by clinical evaluation and animal study, and therapeutic gains were evaluated by numerical equation of tumor control probability(TCP) and normal tissue complication probability (NTCP). The radiation dose to the tumor and the adjacent normal organs was accurately evaluated and compared using the dose volume histogram(DVH). The TCP and NTCP was derived from the distribution of given dosage and irradiated volume, and these numbers were used as the biological index for the assessment of the treatment effects. Ten patients with liver disease have been evaluated and 3 dogs were sacrificed for this study. Based on the 3-D images of the tumor and adjacent organs, the optimum radiation dose and the projection direction which could maximize the radiation effect while minimizing the effects to the adjacent organs could be decided. 3). The most effective collimation for the normal adjacent organs was made through the beams eye view with the use of multileaf collimator. When the dose was increased from 50Gy to 70Gy, the TCP for the conventional 2-port radiation and the 5-port multidimensional therapy was 0.982 and 0.995 respectively, while the NTCP was 0.725 and 0.142 respectively, suggesting that the 3-D conformal radiotherapy might be the appropriate therapy to apply sufficient radiation dose to the tumor while minimizing the damages to the normal areas of the liver. Positive correlation was observed between the NTCP and the actual complication of the normal liver in the animal study. The present study suggest that the use of 3-D conformal radiotherapy and the application of the mathematical models of TCP and NTCP may provide the improvements in the treatment of hepatoma with enhanced results.

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Development of Low-fat Meat Processing Technology using Interaction between Meat Proteins and Hydrocolloids-II Development of Low-fat Sausages Using the Results of Model Study (식육단백질과 친수성 콜로이드의 상호결합 특성을 이용한 저지방 육제품 제조기술 개발 - II 모델연구결과를 이용한 저지방 소시지의 개발)

  • Chin, Koo-Bok;Lee, Hong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.629-635
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to develop low-fat comminuted sausages (LFSs, < 3%) manufactured with 1% single (Konjac flour, KF; kappa-carrageenan, k-CN and Locust bean gum, LBG) or mixed hydrocolloids and to select the best combination which had similar textural characteristics to those with regular-fat (~25% fat) control. In experiment 1, LFSs were formulated with each 1% hydrocolloid, smoked and cooked to an internal temperature of 71.7$^{\circ}C$. The pH range of LFSs was 6.29 to 6.34 and approximately 23~24% of fat was removed in the final products, resulting in the higher moisture and protein contents (%) in LFSs, as compared to regular-fat control. No differences (p>0.05) in cooking loss (CL, %), expressible moisture (EM, %), and hunter color values (L, a, b) were observed with the addition of each 1% hydrocolloid. However, LFSs containing 1% k-CN had textural hardness values similar to those with low-/regular-fat controls, whereas LFSs having either KF or LBG had similar cohesiveness values to those with regular-fat counterpart. Tn experiment 2, two or three mixed hydrocolloids were added to the low-fat sausage formulation. The addition of mixed KF+LBG (KLL) and KF+CN+LBG(KCL) reduced EM and textural hardness values, as compared to low-fat control. Among the treatments, LFSs containing two or three combinations of CN with KF or/and LBG had similar textural characteristics to those with regular-fat control. These results suggested that multiple addition of CN with other hydrocolloids (KF or LBG) for the replacement of fats in LFSs would be recommended for the proper functional and textural properties.