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Scale and Scope Economies and Prospect for the Korea's Banking Industry (우리나라 은행산업(銀行産業)의 효율성분석(效率性分析)과 제도개선방안(制度改善方案))

  • Jwa, Sung-hee
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.109-153
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    • 1992
  • This paper estimates a translog cost function for the Korea's banking industry and derives various implications on the prospect for the Korean banking structure in the future based on the estimated efficiency indicators for the banking sector. The Korean banking industry is permitted to operate trust business to the full extent and the security business to a limited extent, while it is formally subjected to the strict, specialized banking system. Security underwriting and investment businesses are allowed in a very limited extent only for stocks and bonds of maturity longer than three year and only up to 100 percent of the bank paid-in capital. Until the end of 1991, the ceiling was only up to 25 percent of the total balance of the demand deposits. However, they are prohibited from the security brokerage business. While the in-house integration of security businesses with the traditional business of deposit and commercial lending is restrictively regulated as such, Korean banks can enter the security business by establishing subsidiaries in the industry. This paper, therefore, estimates the efficiency indicators as well as the cost functions, identifying the in-house integrated trust business and security investment business as important banking activities, for various cases where both the production and the intermediation function approaches in modelling the financial intermediaries are separately applied, and the banking businesses of deposit, lending and security investment as one group and the trust businesses as another group are separately and integrally analyzed. The estimation results of the efficiency indicators for various cases are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. First, security businesses exhibit economies of scale but also economies of scope with traditional banking activities, which implies that in-house integration of the banking and security businesses may not be a nonoptimal banking structure. Therefore, this result further implies that the transformation of Korea's banking system from the current, specialized system to the universal banking system will not impede the improvement of the banking industry's efficiency. Second, the lending businesses turn out to be subjected to diseconomies of scale, while exhibiting unclear evidence for economies of scope. In sum, it implies potential efficiency gain of the continued in-house integration of the lending activity. Third, the continued integration of the trust businesses seems to contribute to improving the efficiency of the banking businesses, since the trust businesses exhibit economies of scope. Fourth, deposit services and fee-based activities, such as foreign exchange and credit card businesses, exhibit economies of scale but constant returns to scope, which implies, the possibility of separating those businesses from other banking and trust activities. The recent trend of the credit card business being operated separately from other banking activities by an independent identity in Korea as well as in the global banking market seems to be consistent with this finding. Then, how can the possibility of separating deposit services from the remaining activities be interpreted? If one insists a strict definition of commercial banking that is confined to deposit and commercial lending activities, separating the deposit service will suggest a resolution or a disappearance of banking, itself. Recently, however, there has been a suggestion that separating banks' deposit and lending activities by allowing a depository institution which specialize in deposit taking and investing deposit fund only in the safest securities such as government securities to administer the deposit activity will alleviate the risk of a bank run. This method, in turn, will help improve the safety of the payment system (Robert E. Litan, What should Banks Do? Washington, D.C., The Brookings Institution, 1987). In this context, the possibility of separating the deposit activity will imply that a new type of depository institution will arise naturally without contradicting the efficiency of the banking businesses, as the size of the banking market grows in the future. Moreover, it is also interesting to see additional evidences confirming this statement that deposit taking and security business are cost complementarity but deposit taking and lending businesses are cost substitute (see Table 2 for cost complementarity relationship in Korea's banking industry). Finally, it has been observed that the Korea's banking industry is lacking in the characteristics of natural monopoly. Therefore, it may not be optimal to encourage the merger and acquisition in the banking industry only for the purpose of improving the efficiency.

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A Study on the Effects of Support Service of Gyeonggi-do Cultural Contents Area Business Incubating Center on Corporate Performance: Focusing on the Business Validity of Business Start-Up Items (경기도 문화콘텐츠분야 창업보육센터 지원서비스가 입주기업 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 창업아이템의 사업타당성을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Dae Ung;Lee, Il han;Son, Jong Seo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2017
  • As the recent cultural contents area start-ups are creating remarkable outcomes such as investment attraction together with the reinforced institutional supports from the government, this study aimed to reverify the significance of researches related to correlation analysis between service of Business Incubating Center of Small & Medium Business Administration operated with no separation of business type, and corporate performance, in the aspect of Business Incubating Center in cultural contents area, and also to suggest the importance of establishing the business incubating system in the systematic and rational cultural contents area through the differentiated business incubating service by verifying the significant effects of the business validity of items on corporate performance, and then discovering services suitable for business incubating in cultural contents area, targeting Gyeonggi-do cultural contents area Business Incubating Center recently showing the biggest growth. Especially, contrary to the existing researches, in order to verify the characteristics of Gyeonggi-do Cultural Contents Business Incubating Center, the personal support service and marketing support service were included. It also aimed to understand the effects of the business validity of start-up items on corporate performance. Summarizing the results of this study, contrary to the results of the existing researches saying that spatial & additional support service, management support service, technical support service, personal support service, and marketing support service had significant effects on corporate performance, among the support service of Gyeonggi-do cultural contents area Business Incubating Center, the spatial & additional support service, personal support service, and marketing support service had significantly positive(+) effects on corporate performance while the management support service and technical support service had no significant effects on it. Comparing with the results of the researches on the support service of Business Incubating Center(BI) of Small & Medium Business Administration, the effects of the management support service and technical support service of Gyeonggi-do cultural contents area Business Incubating Center on corporate financial/non-financial performance were not huge. Also, in the results of analyzing the business validity of star-up items, the spatial & additional support service, management support service, and technical support service did not have significant effects on the business validity of start-up items while the personal support service and marketing support service had significantly positive(+) effects on it. In case when selecting companies, Gyeonggi-do Business Incubating Center emphasized the business validity of start-up items. However, the support service provided after the selection did not have huge effects on the business validity of start-up items. Lastly, in the results of analyzing the effects of the business validity of start-up items in Gyeonggi-do cultural contents area on corporate performance, among the success factors of business start-up, the business validity of start-up items was an important element having effects on corporate performance(financial/non-financial) in the cultural contents area.

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A Study for Improvement of Erythropoietin Responsiveness in Hemodialysis Patients (혈액 투석 환자에서 조혈 호르몬 치료 효과 향상에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Won;Do, Jun-Yeung;Yoon, Kyung-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.226-238
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    • 2001
  • Background: Anemia in chronic renal failure plays an important role in increasing morbidity of dialysis patients. The causes of the anemia are multifactorial. With using of erythropoietin(EPO) most of uremia-induced anemia can be overcome. However, about 10% of renal failure patients shows EPO-resistant anemia. Hyporesponsiveness to EPO has been related to many factors: iron deficiency, aluminum intoxication, inflammations, malignancies and secondary hyperparathyroidism. So I evaluated the improvement of EPO responsiveness after correction of above several factors. Materials and Methods: Seventy-two patients on hemodialysis over 6 months were treated with intravenous ascorbic acid(IVAA, 300 mg t.i.w. for 12 weeks), After administration of IVAA for 12 weeks, patients were classified into several groups according to iron status, serum aluminum levels and i-PTH levels. Indivisualized treatments were performed: increased iron supplement for absolute iron deficiency, active vitamin D3 for secondary hyperparathyroidism and desferrioxamine(DFO, 5 mg/kg t.i.w.) for aluminum intoxication or hyperferritinemia. Results: 1) Result of IVAA therapy for 12 weeks on all patients(n=72). Hemoglobin levels at 2, 4, 6 week were significantly elevated compared to baseline, but those of hemoglobin at 8, 10, 12 week were not significantly different. 2) Result of IVAA therapy for 20 weeks on patients with 100 ${\mu}g/l$ ${\leq}$ ferritin < 500 ${\mu}g/l$ and transferrin saturation(Tsat) below 30%(n=30). After treatment of IV AA for 12 weeks, patients were evaluated the response of therapy according to iron status. Patients with 100 ${\mu}g/l$ ${\leq}$ ferritin < 500 ${\mu}g/l$ and Tsat below 30% showed the most effective response. These patients were treated further for 8 weeks. Hemoglobin levels at 2, 4 week were significantly increased compared to baseline with significantly reduced doses of EPO at 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 20 week. Concomitantly significantly improvement of Tsat at 2, 6, 16, 20 week compared to baseline were identified. 3) Result of IVAA therapy for 12 weeks followed by DFO therapy for 8 weeks on patients with serum aluminum above 4 ${\mu}g/l$(n=12) Hemoglobin levels were not significantly increased during IVAA therapy for 12 weeks but dosages of EPO were significantly decreased at 2, 4, 6, 8 week during DFO therapy compared to pre-treatment status. Conclusion: IVAA can be helpful for the treatment of the anemia caused by functional iron deficiency and can reduce the dosage of EPO for anemia correction. And administration of low dose DFO, in cases of increased serum aluminum level, can reduce the requirement of EPO.

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  • Yun Taik Koo;Yun Yeon Sook;Han In Won
    • Proceedings of the Ginseng society Conference
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    • 1980.09a
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    • pp.87-113
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    • 1980
  • This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of Korean ginseng extract on carcinogenesis induced by various chemical carcinogens. Red ginseng extract was used for this study and was administered orally to the experimental animals. Carcinogens that were injected in subscapsular region of ICR newborn mice within 24 hours after birth were 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzan-thracene (DMBA), urethane, N-2-fluorenylacetamide(AAF), aflatoxin $B_1$ and tobacco smoke condensate. N -methyl-N -nitroso-N'-nitroguani-dine(MNNG) was injected subcutaneously at the back of wistar rats. Experimental animals were autopsied in immediately after being sacrificed. All major organs were examined grossly and weighted. After fixation histopathological preparations were made for microscopical study. Following results were obtained. In DMBA group sacrificed at the 26th week after the treatment with DMBA, the incidence of lung adenoma was $77\%$ and the average number of the tumor was 17. However, in DMBA combined with red ginseng group, the incidence was $78\%$ and the average number of lung adenoma was 14.1. This indicates that ginseng extract had no effect on the incidence of lung adenoma but decreased the average number of lung adenoma by $17\%.$ In DMBA group sacrificed at the 48th week after the injection of DMBA, the lung adenoma incidence was $88\%.$ The average diameter of the largest lung adenoma was 3.5 cm, the incidence of diffuse pulmonary infiltration was $18\%$ and the average lung weight of male experimental mice was $528.2{\pm}469.1\;gm.$ On the other hand, in DMBA combined with red ginseng group sacrificed at the 48th week, the incidence of lung adenoma was $96\%.$ The average diameter of the largest adenoma was 2.7 cm, the incidence of diffuse pulmonary infiltration was $7\%$ and the average lung weight of male mice was $418.0{\pm}520\;gm.$ These observations show that ginseng extract did not have any inhibitory effect on the incidence of lung adenoma but decreased the average diameter of the largest lung adenoma by $23\%,$ the incidence of duffuse pulmonary infiltration by $63\%$ and the average lung weight of male experimental mice by $21\%.$ From these results we have found that the prolonged administration with ginseng extract showed no inhibitory effect on the incidence of adenoma but it had the inhibitory effect on the proliferation of lung adenomas induced by DMBA. In urethane group sacrificed at the 28th week after the injection of urethane, the incidence of lung adenoma was $94\%$ and the average number of lung adenoma was 8.6. In urethane combined with red ginseng group, the. incidence of lung adenoma was $73\%$ and the average number of adenoma was 6.0. These results indicate that there were $22\%$ decrease of the lung adenoma incidence and $31\%$ decrease of the average number of adenoma in urethane combined with red ginseng group. And in urethane group sacrificed at the 50th week, the incidence of lung adenoma was $98\%$ and the incidence of diffuse pulmonary infiltration was $14\%$. In urethane combined with ginseng group the incidence of lung adenoma was $85\%$ and the incidence of diffuse pulmonary infiltration was $12\%$. Therefore the ginseng administration resulted in $15\%$ decrease of the lung adenoma incidence and $14\%$ decrease of the diffuse pulmonary infiltration incidence. From these results we knew that the prolonged administration with ginseng extract inhibited the incidence and also the proliferation of the lung adenoma induced by urethane. Lung adenoma and hepatoma were induced in the experimental mice sacrificed at the 68th week but not in the experimental mice sacrificed at the 28th week after the injection of AAF. In AAF group sacrificed at the 68th week after the injection of AAF the incidence of lung adenoma was $18\%$ and the incidence of hepatoma was $27\%$. And in AAF combined with ginseng group the lung adenoma incidence was $12\%$ and the hepatoma incidence was $37\%$. So the ginseng seemed to decrease the lung adenoma incidence by AAF, but we were unable to conclude the significant inhibitory effect of the ginseng extract on the incidence of lung adenoma by AAF because the above incidence of lung adenoma were similar to that of control group which was $11\%$. And these experimental data revealed that ginseng extract didn't have any inhibitory effect on the incidence of hepatoma induced by AAF. In aflatoxin $B_1$ group sacrificed at the 56th week, the incidence of lung adenoma was $24\%$ and hepatoma was $11\%$. However in aflatoxin $B_1$ combined with ginseng group the incidence of lung adenoma was $17\%$ and hepatoma was $3\%$ These results indicate that there were $29\%$ decrease of the lung adenoma incidence and $75\%$ decrease of the hepatoma incidence in aflatoxin $B_1$ combined with ginseng group. In tobacco smoke condensate experimental group sacrificed at 67th week, no tumors were induced except just a few lung adenoma. The lung adenoma incidence both in tobacco smoke condensate group and in tobacco smoke condensate combined with ginseng group was $8\%$. And this incidence rate was similar to that of control group. These results indicate that the injection of 320 ug tobacco smoke condensate per ICR newborn mouse was unable to induce lung adenoma in our experiments. In MNNG group sacrificed at the 27th week the tumor incidence was $38.5\%$ and in MNNG combined with ginseng extract group was $37\%$. In MNNG group for investigation of the life span of tumor bearing rats the tumor incidence was $93\%$ and the average life span of tumor bearing rats was 318 days. And in MNNG combined with ginseng extract group the tumor incidence was $96\%$ and the average life span was 337 days. Tumor induced by MNNG was almost sarcoma. This indicates that there was no inhibitory effect of ginseng extract on the tumor incidence, but the extract prolonged the average life span of tumor bearing rats by approximately 19 days.

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A Study on Industries's Leading at the Stock Market in Korea - Gradual Diffusion of Information and Cross-Asset Return Predictability- (산업의 주식시장 선행성에 관한 실증분석 - 자산간 수익률 예측 가능성 -)

  • Kim Jong-Kwon
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.355-380
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    • 2004
  • I test the hypothesis that the gradual diffusion of information across asset markets leads to cross-asset return predictability in Korea. Using thirty-six industry portfolios and the broad market index as our test assets, I establish several key results. First, a number of industries such as semiconductor, electronics, metal, and petroleum lead the stock market by up to one month. In contrast, the market, which is widely followed, only leads a few industries. Importantly, an industry's ability to lead the market is correlated with its propensity to forecast various indicators of economic activity such as industrial production growth. Consistent with our hypothesis, these findings indicate that the market reacts with a delay to information in industry returns about its fundamentals because information diffuses only gradually across asset markets. Traditional theories of asset pricing assume that investors have unlimited information-processing capacity. However, this assumption does not hold for many traders, even the most sophisticated ones. Many economists recognize that investors are better characterized as being only boundedly rational(see Shiller(2000), Sims(2201)). Even from casual observation, few traders can pay attention to all sources of information much less understand their impact on the prices of assets that they trade. Indeed, a large literature in psychology documents the extent to which even attention is a precious cognitive resource(see, eg., Kahneman(1973), Nisbett and Ross(1980), Fiske and Taylor(1991)). A number of papers have explored the implications of limited information- processing capacity for asset prices. I will review this literature in Section II. For instance, Merton(1987) develops a static model of multiple stocks in which investors only have information about a limited number of stocks and only trade those that they have information about. Related models of limited market participation include brennan(1975) and Allen and Gale(1994). As a result, stocks that are less recognized by investors have a smaller investor base(neglected stocks) and trade at a greater discount because of limited risk sharing. More recently, Hong and Stein(1999) develop a dynamic model of a single asset in which information gradually diffuses across the investment public and investors are unable to perform the rational expectations trick of extracting information from prices. Hong and Stein(1999). My hypothesis is that the gradual diffusion of information across asset markets leads to cross-asset return predictability. This hypothesis relies on two key assumptions. The first is that valuable information that originates in one asset reaches investors in other markets only with a lag, i.e. news travels slowly across markets. The second assumption is that because of limited information-processing capacity, many (though not necessarily all) investors may not pay attention or be able to extract the information from the asset prices of markets that they do not participate in. These two assumptions taken together leads to cross-asset return predictability. My hypothesis would appear to be a very plausible one for a few reasons. To begin with, as pointed out by Merton(1987) and the subsequent literature on segmented markets and limited market participation, few investors trade all assets. Put another way, limited participation is a pervasive feature of financial markets. Indeed, even among equity money managers, there is specialization along industries such as sector or market timing funds. Some reasons for this limited market participation include tax, regulatory or liquidity constraints. More plausibly, investors have to specialize because they have their hands full trying to understand the markets that they do participate in

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Expression of Decidual Natural Killer (NK) Cells in Women of Recurrent Abortion with Increased Peripheral NK Cells (말초혈액자연살해세포가 증가된 반복유산 환자의 탈락막자연살해세포의 발현)

  • Yeon, Myeong-Jin;Yang, Kwang-Moon;Park, Chan-Woo;Song, In-Ok;Kang, Inn-Soo;Hong, Sung-Ran;Cho, Dong-Hee;Cho, Yong-Kyoon
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 2008
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to quantify decidual $CD56^+$ and $CD16^+$ NK cell subtype population and to evaluate the correlation between decidual NK cell expression and peripheral $CD56^+$ NK cell expression in women with a history of recurrent abortion and increased peripheral NK cells. Methods: Twenty-nine women with recurrent abortion and elevated peripheral $CD56^+$ NK cell percentage who had chromosomally normal conceptus were included in this study. Thirty-two women with recurrent abortion who had chromosomally abnormal conceptus were used as controls. Distribution of $CD56^+$ and $CD16^+$ NK cells in decidual tissues including implantation sites was examined by immunohistochemical staining. The degree of immunohistochemical staining was interpreted by score and percentage. Results: There was a significant difference in decidual $CD56^+$ NK cell score ($43.6{\pm}24.5$ vs. $23.9{\pm}16.3$ P =0.001) and $CD56^+$ NK cell percentage ($42.1{\pm}11.7$ vs. $33.9{\pm}15.8$ P =0.027) between increased peripheral NK cell group and control group. However, there was no statistically significant difference in decidual $CD16^+$ NK cell score ($18.7{\pm}9.5$ vs. $13.2{\pm}39.4$ P =0.108) and $CD16^+$ NK cell percentage ($24.7{\pm}5.9$ vs. $23.4{\pm}11.7$ P =0.599). There was no significant correlation between decidual NK cell score and peripheral NK cell percentage in increase peripheral NK cell group (peripheral $CD56^+$ NK cell percentage vs. decidual $CD56^+$ NK cell score, r=-0.016, P =0.932, peripheral $CD16^+$ NK cell percentage vs. decidual $CD16^+$ NK cell score, r=0.008, P =0.968). Conclusion: This study shows that $CD56^+$ decidual NK cells are increased in decidua of women exhibiting a history of recurrent abortion with increased $CD56^+$ peripheral NK cell. There was no significant correlation between decidual and peripheral NK cell increment in increase peripheral NK cell group. This study suggests the possibility that decidual NK cells may play an important role in the immune mechanism of recurrent abortion.

A Study on the Liturgical Vestments of Catholic-With reference to the Liturgical Vestments Firm of Paderborn and kevelaer in Germany (카톨릭교 전례복에 관한 연구-독일 Paderborn 과 kevelaer의 전례복 회사를 중심으로)

  • Yang, Ri-Na
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.7
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    • pp.133-162
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    • 1995
  • Paderborn's companies, Wameling and Cassau, produce the liturgical vestments, which have much traditional artistic merit. And Kevelaerer Fahnen + Paramenten GmbH, located in Kevelater which is a place of pilgrimage of the Virgin Mary, was known to Europe, Africa, America and the Scandinavia Peninsula as the "Hidden Company" of liturgical vesments maker up to now. Paderborn and Kevelaer were the place of the center of the religious world and the Catholic ceremony during a good few centries. The Catholic liturgical vestiments of these 3 companies use versatile design, color, shape and techniques. These have not only the symbolism of religion, but also can meet our's expectations of utilization of modern textile art, art clothing and wide-all division of design. These give the understanding of symbolic meanings and harmony according to liturgical vestments to the believers. And these have an influence on mental thinking and induction of religious belief to the non-believers as the recognition and concerns about the religious art. The liturgical vestments are clothes which churchmen put on at the all ceremonial function of a mass, a sacrament, performance and a parade according to rules of church. These show the represen-tation of "Holy God" in silence and distinguish between common people and churchmen. And these represent a status and dignity of churchmen and induce majesty and respect to churchmen. Common clothes of the beginning of the Greece and Rome was developed to Christian clothes with the tendency of religion. There were no special uniforms distinguished from commen people until the Christianity was recognized officially by the Roman Emperor Constantinus at A.D.313. The color of liturgical vestments was originally white and changed to special colors according to liturgical day and each time by the Pope Innocentius at 12th century. The color and symbolic meaning of the liturgical vestments of present day was originated by the Pope St. Pius(1566-1572). Wool and Linen was used as decorations and materials in the beginnings and the special materials like silk was used after 4th century and beautiful materials made of gold thread was used at 12th century. It is expected that there is no critical changes to the liturgical vestments of future. But the development of liturgical vestments will continues slowly by the command of conservative church and will change to simple and convenient formes according to the culture, the trend of the times and the fashion of clothes. The companies of liturgical vestments develop versatile design, embroidery technique and realization of creative design for distinction of the liturgical vestments of each company and artistic progress. The cooperation of companies, artists and church will make the bright future of these 3 companies. We expect that our country will be a famous producing center of the liturgical vestments through the research and development of companies, participation of artists in religeous arts and concerts of church.

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Measuring Consumer-Brand Relationship Quality (소비자-브랜드 관계 품질 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Myung-Soo;Kim, Byoung-Jai;Shin, Jong-Chil
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.111-131
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    • 2007
  • As a brand becomes a core asset in creating a corporation's value, brand marketing has become one of core strategies that corporations pursue. Recently, for customer relationship management, possession and consumption of goods were centered on brand for the management. Thus, management related to this matter was developed. The main reason of the increased interest on the relationship between the brand and the consumer is due to acquisition of individual consumers and development of relationship with those consumers. Along with the development of relationship, a corporation is able to establish long-term relationships. This has become a competitive advantage for the corporation. All of these processes became the strategic assets of corporations. The importance and the increase of interest of a brand have also become a big issue academically. Brand equity, brand extension, brand identity, brand relationship, and brand community are the results derived from the interest of a brand. More specifically, in marketing, the study of brands has been led to the study of factors related to building of powerful brands and the process of building the brand. Recently, studies concentrated primarily on the consumer-brand relationship. The reason is that brand loyalty can not explain the dynamic quality aspects of loyalty, the consumer-brand relationship building process, and especially interactions between the brands and the consumers. In the studies of consumer-brand relationship, a brand is not just limited to possession or consumption objectives, but rather conceptualized as partners. Most of the studies from the past concentrated on the results of qualitative analysis of consumer-brand relationship to show the depth and width of the performance of consumer-brand relationship. Studies in Korea have been the same. Recently, studies of consumer-brand relationship started to concentrate on quantitative analysis rather than qualitative analysis or even go further with quantitative analysis to show effecting factors of consumer-brand relationship. Studies of new quantitative approaches show the possibilities of using the results as a new concept of viewing consumer-brand relationship and possibilities of applying these new concepts on marketing. Studies of consumer-brand relationship with quantitative approach already exist, but none of them include sub-dimensions of consumer-brand relationship, which presents theoretical proofs for measurement. In other words, most studies add up or average out the sub-dimensions of consumer-brand relationship. However, to do these kind of studies, precondition of sub-dimensions being in identical constructs is necessary. Therefore, most of the studies from the past do not meet conditions of sub-dimensions being as one dimension construct. From this, we question the validity of past studies and their limits. The main purpose of this paper is to overcome the limits shown from the past studies by practical use of previous studies on sub-dimensions in a one-dimensional construct (Naver & Slater, 1990; Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Chang & Chen, 1998). In this study, two arbitrary groups were classified to evaluate reliability of the measurements and reliability analyses were pursued on each group. For convergent validity, correlations, Cronbach's, one-factor solution exploratory analysis were used. For discriminant validity correlation of consumer-brand relationship was compared with that of an involvement, which is a similar concept with consumer-based relationship. It also indicated dependent correlations by Cohen and Cohen (1975, p.35) and results showed that it was different constructs from 6 sub-dimensions of consumer-brand relationship. Through the results of studies mentioned above, we were able to finalize that sub-dimensions of consumer-brand relationship can viewed from one-dimensional constructs. This means that the one-dimensional construct of consumer-brand relationship can be viewed with reliability and validity. The result of this research is theoretically meaningful in that it assumes consumer-brand relationship in a one-dimensional construct and provides the basis of methodologies which are previously preformed. It is thought that this research also provides the possibility of new research on consumer-brand relationship in that it gives root to the fact that it is possible to manipulate one-dimensional constructs consisting of consumer-brand relationship. In the case of previous research on consumer-brand relationship, consumer-brand relationship is classified into several types on the basis of components consisting of consumer-brand relationship and a number of studies have been performed with priority given to the types. However, as we can possibly manipulate a one-dimensional construct through this research, it is expected that various studies which make the level or strength of consumer-brand relationship practical application of construct will be performed, and not research focused on separate types of consumer-brand relationship. Additionally, we have the theoretical basis of probability in which to manipulate the consumer-brand relationship with one-dimensional constructs. It is anticipated that studies using this construct, which is consumer-brand relationship, practical use of dependent variables, parameters, mediators, and so on, will be performed.

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A Study on improvement of curriculum in Nursing (간호학 교과과정 개선을 위한 조사 연구)

  • 김애실
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1974
  • This Study involved the development of a survey form and the collection of data in an effort-to provide information which can be used in the improvement of nursing curricula. The data examined were the kinds courses currently being taught in the curricula of nursing education institutions throughout Korea, credits required for course completion, and year in-which courses are taken. For the purposes of this study, curricula were classified into college, nursing school and vocational school categories. Courses were directed into the 3 major categories of general education courses, supporting science courses and professional education course, and further subdirector as. follows: 1) General education (following the classification of Philip H. phoenix): a) Symbolics, b) Empirics, c) Aesthetics. 4) Synthetics, e) Ethics, f) Synoptic. 2) Supporting science: a) physical science, b) biological science, c) social science, d) behavioral science, e) Health science, f) Educations 3) Professional Education; a) basic courses, b) courses in each of the respective fields of nursing. Ⅰ. General Education aimed at developing the individual as a person and as a member of society is relatively strong in college curricula compared with the other two. a) Courses included in the category of symbolics included Korean language, English, German. Chines. Mathematics. Statics: Economics and Computer most college curricula included 20 credits. of courses in this sub-category, while nursing schools required 12 credits and vocational school 10 units. English ordinarily receives particularly heavy emphasis. b) Research methodology, Domestic affair and women & courtney was included under the category of empirics in the college curricula, nursing and vocational school do not offer this at all. c) Courses classified under aesthetics were physical education, drill, music, recreation and fine arts. Most college curricula had 4 credits in these areas, nursing school provided for 2 credits, and most vocational schools offered 10 units. d) Synoptic included leadership, interpersonal relationship, and communications, Most schools did not offer courses of this nature. e) The category of ethics included citizenship. 2 credits are provided in college curricula, while vocational schools require 4 units. Nursing schools do not offer these courses. f) Courses included under synoptic were Korean history, cultural history, philosophy, Logics, and religion. Most college curricular 5 credits in these areas, nursing schools 4 credits. and vocational schools 2 units. g) Only physical education was given every Year in college curricula and only English was given in nursing schools and vocational schools in every of the curriculum. Most of the other courses were given during the first year of the curriculum. Ⅱ. Supporting science courses are fundamental to the practice and application of nursing theory. a) Physical science course include physics, chemistry and natural science. most colleges and nursing schools provided for 2 credits of physical science courses in their curricula, while most vocational schools did not offer t me. b) Courses included under biological science were anatomy, physiologic, biology and biochemistry. Most college curricula provided for 15 credits of biological science, nursing schools for the most part provided for 11 credits, and most vocational schools provided for 8 units. c) Courses included under social science were sociology and anthropology. Most colleges provided for 1 credit in courses of this category, which most nursing schools provided for 2 creates Most vocational school did not provide courses of this type. d) Courses included under behavioral science were general and clinical psychology, developmental psychology. mental hygiene and guidance. Most schools did not provide for these courses. e) Courses included under health science included pharmacy and pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, nutrition and dietetics, parasitology, and Chinese medicine. Most college curricula provided for 11 credits, while most nursing schools provide for 12 credits, most part provided 20 units of medical courses. f) Courses included under education included educational psychology, principles of education, philosophy of education, history of education, social education, educational evaluation, educational curricula, class management, guidance techniques and school & community. Host college softer 3 credits in courses in this category, while nursing schools provide 8 credits and vocational schools provide for 6 units, 50% of the colleges prepare these students to qualify as regular teachers of the second level, while 91% of the nursing schools and 60% of the vocational schools prepare their of the vocational schools prepare their students to qualify as school nurse. g) The majority of colleges start supporting science courses in the first year and complete them by the second year. Nursing schools and vocational schools usually complete them in the first year. Ⅲ. Professional Education courses are designed to develop professional nursing knowledge, attitudes and skills in the students. a) Basic courses include social nursing, nursing ethics, history of nursing professional control, nursing administration, social medicine, social welfare, introductory nursing, advanced nursing, medical regulations, efficient nursing, nursing english and basic nursing, College curricula devoted 13 credits to these subjects, nursing schools 14 credits, and vocational schools 26 units indicating a severe difference in the scope of education provided. b) There was noticeable tendency for the colleges to take a unified approach to the branches of nursing. 60% of the schools had courses in public health nursing, 80% in pediatric nursing, 60% in obstetric nursing, 90% in psychiatric nursing and 80% in medical-surgical nursing. The greatest number of schools provided 48 crudites in all of these fields combined. in most of the nursing schools, 52 credits were provided for courses divided according to disease. in the vocational schools, unified courses are provided in public health nursing, child nursing, maternal nursing, psychiatric nursing and adult nursing. In addition, one unit is provided for one hour a week of practice. The total number of units provided in the greatest number of vocational schools is thus Ⅲ units double the number provided in nursing schools and colleges. c) In th leges, the second year is devoted mainly to basic nursing courses, while the third and fourth years are used for advanced nursing courses. In nursing schools and vocational schools, the first year deals primarily with basic nursing and the second and third years are used to cover advanced nursing courses. The study yielded the following conclusions. 1. Instructional goals should be established for each courses in line with the idea of nursing, and curriculum improvements should be made accordingly. 2. Course that fall under the synthetics category should be strengthened and ways should be sought to develop the ability to cooperate with those who work for human welfare and health. 3. The ability to solve problems on the basis of scientific principles and knowledge and understanding of man society should be fostered through a strengthening of courses dealing with physical sciences, social sciences and behavioral sciences and redistribution of courses emphasizing biological and health sciences. 4. There should be more balanced curricula with less emphasis on courses in the major There is a need to establish courses necessary for the individual nurse by doing away with courses centered around specific diseases and combining them in unified courses. In addition it is possible to develop skill in dealing with people by using the social setting in comprehensive training. The most efficient ratio of the study experience should be studied to provide more effective, interesting education Elective course should be initiated to insure a man flexible, responsive educational program. 5. The curriculum stipulated in the education law should be examined.

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A Study on Dietary Habits and Nutrient Intakes by Skipping Meals of Elementary School Children in Incheon (인천 지역 초등학생의 결식에 따른 식습관과 영양 섭취 상태에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sook-Kyoung;Kim, Myung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.668-679
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the relations of children's skipping meals after researching eating habits and lifestyle, parents' appreciation in nutrition behavior and dietary intake, throughout the research based on 4th to 6th grade students, total of 362 children at an elementary school in Inchoen. There were 104 students in skipping meals group and 258 students in eating meals group, with the average ages of 10.9, and 10.8, respectively. The average height and weight were 144.5 cm, 38.6 kg for skipping meals group, and 145.7 cm, 39.3 kg for eating meals group. Parents' appreciation of importance in breakfast showed a significant difference in whether children skip the meals or not (p<0.01). 43.7% of parents in skipping meals group answered that they serve breakfast everyday, compared to eating meals group with the percentage of 94.9%, showing significant difference in frequency of serving breakfast for their children (p<0.001). The skipping meals group answered that the reason they do not have breakfast is because they do not have time, which showed the highest percentage of 41.2%. For the eating meals group, 40.5% of students answered that they do not have appetite, which also showed difference (p<0.001). The skipping meals group tended to wake up later than those who have breakfast in the morning(p<0.01). The breakfast time for skipping meals group was later than the eating meals group, and according to whether they have breakfast of not, it showed a difference as well(p<0.01). Total score of nutrition attitude in skipping meals group and eating meals group were 30.8 and 32.1, showing that eating meals group showed more good in nutrition attitude (p<0.05). Daily intakes of energy (p<0.01) and protein (p<0.01) in skipping meals group were significantly lower than those in eating meals group. Skipping meals group bad lower rates in INQs of protein (p<0.01) and zinc (p<0.01), showing that skipping meals group is having low quality meals in nutrition. In conclusion, this study revealed that students with skipping meals are more likely to have meals that lacks nutrition or have low quality meals, and the time of rising hour in the morning, frequency of eating snacks can also affect whether or not they skip meals.