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The Morphology, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Red-Yellow Soils in Korea (우리나라 전토양(田土壤)의 특성(特性) (저구릉(低丘陵), 산록(山麓) 및 대지(臺地)에 분포(分布)된 적황색토(赤黃色土)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Shin, Yong Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 1973
  • Red Yellow Soils occur very commonly in Korea and constitute the important upland soils of the country which are either presently being cultivated or are suitable for reclaiming and cultivating. These soils are distributed on rolling, moutain foot slopes, and terraces in the southern and western parts of the central districts of Korea, and are derived from granite, granite gneiss, old alluvium and locally from limestone and shale. This report is a summary of the morphology, physical and chemical characteristics of Red Yellow Soils. The data obtained from detailed soil surveys since 1964 are summarized as follows. 1. Red-Yellows Soils have an A, Bt, C profile. The A horizon is dark colored coarse loamy or fine loamy with the thin layer of organic matter. The B horizon is dominantly strong brown, reddish brown or yellowish red, clayey or fine loamy with clay cutans on the soil peds. The C horizon varies with parent materials, and is coarser texture and has a less developed structure than the Bt horizon. Soil depth, varied with relief and parent materials, is predominantly around 100cm. 2. In the physical characteristics, the clay content of surface soil is 18 to 35 percent, and of subsoil is 30 to 90 percent nearly two times higher than the surface soil. Bulk density is 1.2 to 1.3 in the surface soil and 1.3 to 1.5 in the subsoil. The range of 3-phase is mostly narrow with 45 to 50 percent in solid phase, 30 to 45 percent in liquid one, and 5 to 25 percent in gaseous state in the surface soil; and 50 to 60 solid, 35 to 45 percent liquid and less than 15 percent gaseous in the subsoil. Available soil moisture capacity ranges from 10 to 23 percent in the surface soil, and 5 to 16 percent in the subsoil. 3. Chemically, soil reaction is neutral to alkaline in soils derived from limestone or old fluviomarine deposits, and acid to strong acid in other ones. The organic matter content of surface soil varying considerably with vegetation, erosion and cultivation, ranges from 1.0 to 5.0 percent. The cation exchange capacity is 5 to 40 me/100gr soil and closely related to the content of organic matter, clay and silt. Base saturation is low, on the whole, due to the leaching of extractable cations, but is high in soils derived from limestone with high content of lime and magnesium. 4. Most of these soils mainly contain halloysite (a part of kaolin minerals), vermiculite (weathered mica), and illite, including small amount of chlorite, gibbsite, hematite, quartz and feldspar. 5. Characteristically they are similar to Red Yellow Podzolic Soils and a part of Reddish Brown Lateritic Soils of the United States, and Red Yellow Soils of Japan. According to USDA 7th Approximation, they can be classified as Udu Its or Udalfs, and in FAO classification system to Acrisols, Luvisols, and Nitosols.

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Studies on Ripening Physiology of Rice plant. -I Difference in Ripening Structure between Jinheung and IR667 (수도(水稻)의 등숙생리(登熟生理)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -I 진흥(振興)과 IR667의 등숙구조비교(登熟構造比較))

  • Kwon, Hang Gwang;Park, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 1972
  • A local rice variety, Jinheung and newly bred IR667-Suwon 214 were grown in $5m^2$ concret pot with two spacings and two nitrogen levels and their ripening structure and its function were comparatively investigated to elucidate the causes of unusually low ripened grain ratio of IR667 lines. The following differences between two varieties were found. 1. Though IR667 had much lower ripened grain ratio (64%) than Jinheung (85%) grain yield(790 kg/10a) of IR667 was higher than that (760 kg/10a) of Jinheung. 2. Number of ripined grain per net assimiration rate (NAR) at 10 days after heading was a little higher in IR667 (6,490) than in Jinheung (6,360) consiting to lower grain weight ($29.9{\times}10^{-3}g$) in IR667 than $31.2{\times}10^{-3}g$ of Jinheung. But number of total grain per NAR was much higher (10,530) in IR667 than 7,290 of Jinheung indicating that it was the probable cause of low ripened grain ratio of IR667. 3. Extinction coeificient (K) was 0.115 in IR667 and 0.200 in Jinheung, thus IR667 could construct greater ripening structure per unit area. 4. Number of grain per LAI was decreased with increasing LAI at heading and the decreasing rate was similar for both IR667 and Jinheung. 5. Critical leaf area index at which crop growth rata (CGR) is maximum was 6.5 for IR667 and 5.2 for Jinheung. Below 5.2 of LAI net assimilation rate was always higher an Jinheung throughout the growing season. 6. The estimated optimum leaf area index having maximum grain yield was 7.4 for IR667 and 6.2 for Jinheung at 10 days after heading. However, actual leaf area index was 6.2 for IR-667 and 4.7 for Jinheung and these were even below critical leaf area index. 7. The decrease of LAI during ripening period was great in IR667 but photosynthesis per $m^2$ was decreased more rapidly in Jinheung. 8. Net assimilation rate (NAR) decreased with the increase of LAI at any time of ripening period. The decreasing rate of NAR with the increase of LAI was greater in IR667 with ripening. The greater decreasing rate of NAR in IR667 seemed to be attributed to low photosynthetic activity and high respiratory loss due to the requirement of higher optimum temperature of ripening. 9. Grain yield-ripened grain ratio curve showed less contribution of dry matter yield after heading to grain yield in IR667 than in Jinheung due to unfavorable ripening environment(specialy air temperature) indicating that yield of IR667 could most effectively increased through the improvement of ripening environment.

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The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policies for R&D Investment (R&D 투자 촉진을 위한 재정지원정책의 효과분석)

  • Song, Jong-Guk;Kim, Hyuk-Joon
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-48
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    • 2009
  • Recently we have found some symptoms that R&D fiscal incentives might not work well what it has intended through the analysis of current statistics of firm's R&D data. Firstly, we found that the growth rate of R&D investment in private sector during the recent decade has been slowdown. The average of growth rate (real value) of R&D investment is 7.1% from 1998 to 2005, while it was 13.9% from 1980 to 1997. Secondly, the relative share of R&D investment of SME has been decreased to 21%('05) from 29%('01), even though the tax credit for SME has been more beneficial than large size firm, Thirdly, The R&D expenditure of large size firms (besides 3 leading firms) has not been increased since late of 1990s. We need to find some evidence whether fiscal incentives are effective in increasing firm's R&D investment. To analyse econometric model we use firm level unbalanced panel data for 4 years (from 2002 to 2005) derived from MOST database compiled from the annual survey, "Report on the Survey of Research and Development in Science and Technology". Also we use fixed effect model (Hausman test results accept fixed effect model with 1% of significant level) and estimate the model for all firms, large firms and SME respectively. We have following results from the analysis of econometric model. For large firm: i ) R&D investment responds elastically (1.20) to sales volume. ii) government R&D subsidy induces R&D investment (0.03) not so effectively. iii) Tax price elasticity is almost unity (-0.99). iv) For large firm tax incentive is more effective than R&D subsidy For SME: i ) Sales volume increase R&D investment of SME (0.043) not so effectively. ii ) government R&D subsidy is crowding out R&D investment of SME not seriously (-0.0079) iii) Tax price elasticity is very inelastic (-0.054) To compare with other studies, Koga(2003) has a similar result of tax price elasticity for Japanese firm (-1.0036), Hall((l992) has a unit tax price elasticity, Bloom et al. (2002) has $-0.354{\sim}-0.124$ in the short run. From the results of our analysis we recommend that government R&D subsidy has to focus on such an areas like basic research and public sector (defense, energy, health etc.) not overlapped private R&D sector. For SME government has to focus on establishing R&D infrastructure. To promote tax incentive policy, we need to strengthen the tax incentive scheme for large size firm's R&D investment. We recommend tax credit for large size film be extended to total volume of R&D investment.

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Results of Curative Treatment for Cancer of the Tonsil (편도암의 근치적 치료 결과)

  • Park, Won;Ahn, Yong-Chan;Lim, Do-Hoon;Baek, Chung-Whan;Son, Young-Ik;Park, Keun-Chil;Kim, Kyoung-Ju;Lee, Jeung-Eun;Kang, Min-Kyu;Park, Young-Je;Nam, Hee-Rim;Huh, Seung-Jae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: To report the results of curative treatment for patients with tonsil cancer by retrospective analysis. Materials and Methods: From Jan. 1995 till Dec. 2000, 27 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil received curative treatment at Samsung Medical Center. Therapeutic decision was made through multidisciplinary conference, and curative radiation therapy was favored when, (1) the patient's condition was not fit for general anesthesia and surgery, (2) the patient refused surgery, (3) complete resection was presumed impossible, or (4) too severe disability was expected after surgery. Surgery was the main local modality in 17 patients (S$\pm$RT group), and radiation therapy in 10 (RT$\pm$CT group). The median follow-up period was 41 months. Results: AJCC stages were I/II in four, III in two, and IV in 21 patients. The 5-year disease-free survival rate was 73.3$\%$ in all patients, 70.6$\%$ in the S$\pm$RT group, and 77.8$\%$ in the RT$\pm$CT group. Treatment failure occurred in seven patients, all with stage III/IV, and all the failures occurred within 24 months of the start of treatment. Five patients among the S$\pm$CT group developed treatment failures; 2 local, 2 regional, and 1 distant (crude rate=29.4$\%$). Two patients among the RT$\pm$CT group developed failures; 1 synchronous local and regional, and 1 distant (crude rate=20.0$\%$). The 5-year overall survival rate was 77.0$\%$ in all patients, 80.9$\%$ in the S$\pm$RT group, and 70.0$\%$ in the RT$\pm$CT group. Conclusion: We could achieve favorable results that were comparable to previously reported data with respect to both the rates of local control and of survival by applying S$\pm$RT and RT$\pm$CT. RT$\pm$CT is judged to be an alternative option that can avoid the functional disability after surgical resection.

Gene Expression Profiles in Cervical Cancer with Radiation Therapy Alone and Chemo-radiation Therapy (자궁경부암의 방사선치료 및 방사선항암화학 병용치료에 따른 유전자발현 조절양상)

  • Lee Kyu Chan;Kim Meyoung-kon;Kim Jooyoung;Hwang You Jin;Choi Myung Sun;Kim Chul Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.54-65
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : To analyze the gene expression Profiles of uterine ceulcal cancer, and its variation after radiation therapy, with or without concurrent chemotherapy, using a CDNA microarray. Materials and Methods :Sixteen patients, 8 with squamous ceil carcinomas of the uterine cervix, who were treated with radiation alone, and the other 8 treated w14h concurrent chemo-radiation, were Included in the study. Before the starling of the treatment, tumor biopsies were carried out, and the second time biopsies were peformed after a radiation dose of 16.2$\~$27 Gy. Three normal cervix tissues were used as a control group. The microarray experiments were peformed with 5 groups of the total RNAs extracted individually and then admixed as control, pre-radiation therapy alone, during-radiation therapy alone, pre-chemoradiation therapy, and during-chemoradlation therapy. The 33P-iabeled CDNAS were synthesized from the total RNAs of each group, by reverse transcription, and then they were hybridized to the CDNA microarray membrane. The gene expression of each microarrays was captured by the intensity of each spot produced by the radioactive isotopes. The pixels per spot were counted with an Arrayguage, and were exported to Microsoft Excel The data were normalized by the Z transformation, and the comparisons were peformed on the Z-ratio values calculated. Results : The expressions of 15 genes, including integrin linked kinase (ILK), CDC28 protein kinase 2, Spry 2, and ERK 3, were increased with the Z-ratio values of over 2.0 for the cervix cancer tissues compared to those for the normal controls. Those genes were involved In cell growth and proliferation, cell cycle control, or signal transduction. The expressions of the other 6 genes, Including G protein coupled receptor kinase 5, were decreased with the Z-ratio values of below -2.0. After the radiation thorapy, most of the genes, with a previously Increase expressions, represented the decreased expression profiles, and the genes, with the Z-ratio values of over 2.0, were cyclic nucleotlde gated channel and 3 Expressed sequence tags (EST). In the concurrent chemo-radiation group, the genes involved in cell growth and proliferation, cell cycle control, and signal transduction were shown to have increased expressions compared to the radiation therapy alone group. The expressions of genes involved in anglogenesis (angiopoietln-2), immune reactions (formyl peptide receptor-iike 1), and DNA repair (CAMP phosphodiesterase) were increased, however, the expression of gene involved In apoptosls (death associated protein kinase) was decreased. Conclusion : The different kinds of genes involved in the development and progression of cervical cancer were identified with the CDNA microarray, and the proposed theory is that the proliferation signal stalls with ILK, and is amplified with Spry 2 and MAPK signaling, and the cellular mitoses are Increased with the increased expression oi Cdc 2 and cell division kinases. After the radiation therapy, the expression profiles demonstrated 4he evidence of the decreased cancer cell proliferation. There was no sigificant difference in the morphological findings of cell death between the radiation therapy aione and the chemo-radiation groups In the second time biopsy specimen, however, the gene expression profiles were markedly different, and the mechanism at the molecular level needs further study.

Moderating Effect of Lifestyle on Consumer Behavior of Loungewear with Korean Traditional Fashion Design Elements (소비자대함유한국전통시상설계원소적편복적소비행위지우생활방식적조절작용(消费者对含有韩国传统时尚设计元素的便服的消费行为之于生活方式的调节作用))

  • Ko, Eun-Ju;Lee, Jee-Hyun;Kim, Angella Ji-Young;Burns, Leslie Davis
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2010
  • Due to the globalization across various industries and cultural trade among many countries, oriental concepts have been attracting world’s attentions. In fashion industry, one's traditional culture is often developed as fashion theme for designers' creation and became strong strategies to stand out among competitors. Because of the increase of preferences for oriental images, opportunities abound to introduce traditional fashion goods and expand culture based business to global fashion markets. However, global fashion brands that include Korean traditional culture are yet to be developed. In order to develop a global fashion brand with Korean taste, it is very important for native citizen to accept their own culture in domestic apparel market prior to expansion into foreign market. Loungewear is evaluated to be appropriate for adopting Korean traditional details into clothing since this wardrobe category embraces various purposes which will easily lead to natural adaptation and wide spread use. Also, this market is seeing an increased demand for multipurpose wardrobes and fashionable underwear (Park et al. 2009). Despite rapid growth in the loungewear market, specific studies of loungewear is rare; and among research on developing modernized-traditional clothing, fashion items and brands do not always include the loungewear category. Therefore, this study investigated the Korean loungewear market and studied consumer evaluation toward loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements. Relationship among antecedents of purchase intention for Korean traditional fashion design elements were analyzed and compared between lifestyle groups for consumer targeting purposes. Product quality, retail service quality, perceived value, and preference on loungewear with Korean traditional design elements were chosen as antecedents of purchase intention and a structural equation model was designed to examine their relationship as well as their influence on purchase intention. Product quality and retail service quality among marketing mixes were employed as factors affecting preference and perceived value of loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements. Also effects of preference and perceived value on purchase intention were examined through the same model. A total of 357 self-administered questionnaires were completed by female consumers via web survey system. A questionnaire was developed to measure samples' lifestyle, product and retail service quality as purchasing criteria, perceived value, preference and purchase intention of loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements. Also, loungewear purchasing and usage behavior were asked as well in order to examine Korean loungewear market status. Data was analyzed through descriptive analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA and structural equation model was tested via AMOS 7.0. As for the result of Korean loungewear market status investigation, loungewear was purchased by most of the consumers in our sample. Loungewear is currently recognized as clothes that are worn at home and consumers are showing comparably low involvement toward loungewear. Most of consumers in this study purchase loungewear only two to three times a year and they spend less than US$10. A total of 12 items and four factors of loungewear consumer lifestyle were found: traditional value oriented lifestyle, brand-affected lifestyle, pursuit of leisure lifestyle, and health oriented lifestyle. Drawing on lifestyle factors, loungewear consumers were classified into two groups; Well-being and Conservative. Relationships among constructs of purchasing behavior related to loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements were estimated. Preference and perceived value of loungewear were affected by both product quality and retail service quality. This study proved that high qualities in product and retail service develop positive preference toward loungewear. Perceived value and preference of loungewear positively influenced purchase intention. The results indicated that high preference and perceived value of loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements strengthen purchase intention and proved importance of developing preference and elevate perceived value in order to make sales. In a model comparison between two lifestyle groups: Well-being and Conservative lifestyle groups, results showed that product quality and retail service quality had positive influences on both preference and perceived value in case of Well-being group. However, for Conservative group, only retail service quality had a positive effect on preference and its influence to purchase intention. Since Well-being group showed more significant influence on purchase intention, loungewear brands with Korean traditional fashion design elements may want to focus on characteristics of Well-being group. However, Conservative group's relationship between preference and purchase intention of loungewear with Korean traditional fashion design elements was stronger, so that loungewear brands with Korean traditional fashion design elements should focus on creating conservative consumers' positive preference toward loungewear. The results offered information on Korean loungewear consumers' lifestyle and provided useful information for fashion brands that are planning to enter Korean loungewear market, particularly targeting female consumers similar to the sample of the present study. This study offers strategic and marketing insight for loungewear brands and also for fashion brands that are planning to create highly value-added fashion brands with Korean traditional fashion design elements. Considering different types of lifestyle groups that are associated with loungewear or traditional fashion goods, brand managers and marketers can use the results of this paper as a reference to positioning, targeting and marketing strategy buildings.

The Effect of Common Features on Consumer Preference for a No-Choice Option: The Moderating Role of Regulatory Focus (재몰유선택적정황하공동특성대우고객희호적영향(在没有选择的情况下共同特性对于顾客喜好的影响): 조절초점적조절작용(调节焦点的调节作用))

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Kyung-Jin
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2010
  • This study researches the effects of common features on a no-choice option with respect to regulatory focus theory. The primary interest is in three factors and their interrelationship: common features, no-choice option, and regulatory focus. Prior studies have compiled vast body of research in these areas. First, the "common features effect" has been observed bymany noted marketing researchers. Tversky (1972) proposed the seminal theory, the EBA model: elimination by aspect. According to this theory, consumers are prone to focus only on unique features during comparison processing, thereby dismissing any common features as redundant information. Recently, however, more provocative ideas have attacked the EBA model by asserting that common features really do affect consumer judgment. Chernev (1997) first reported that adding common features mitigates the choice gap because of the increasing perception of similarity among alternatives. Later, however, Chernev (2001) published a critically developed study against his prior perspective with the proposition that common features may be a cognitive load to consumers, and thus consumers are possible that they are prone to prefer the heuristic processing to the systematic processing. This tends to bring one question to the forefront: Do "common features" affect consumer choice? If so, what are the concrete effects? This study tries to answer the question with respect to the "no-choice" option and regulatory focus. Second, some researchers hold that the no-choice option is another best alternative of consumers, who are likely to avoid having to choose in the context of knotty trade-off settings or mental conflicts. Hope for the future also may increase the no-choice option in the context of optimism or the expectancy of a more satisfactory alternative appearing later. Other issues reported in this domain are time pressure, consumer confidence, and alternative numbers (Dhar and Nowlis 1999; Lin and Wu 2005; Zakay and Tsal 1993). This study casts the no-choice option in yet another perspective: the interactive effects between common features and regulatory focus. Third, "regulatory focus theory" is a very popular theme in recent marketing research. It suggests that consumers have two focal goals facing each other: promotion vs. prevention. A promotion focus deals with the concepts of hope, inspiration, achievement, or gain, whereas prevention focus involves duty, responsibility, safety, or loss-aversion. Thus, while consumers with a promotion focus tend to take risks for gain, the same does not hold true for a prevention focus. Regulatory focus theory predicts consumers' emotions, creativity, attitudes, memory, performance, and judgment, as documented in a vast field of marketing and psychology articles. The perspective of the current study in exploring consumer choice and common features is a somewhat creative viewpoint in the area of regulatory focus. These reviews inspire this study of the interaction possibility between regulatory focus and common features with a no-choice option. Specifically, adding common features rather than omitting them may increase the no-choice option ratio in the choice setting only to prevention-focused consumers, but vice versa to promotion-focused consumers. The reasoning is that when prevention-focused consumers come in contact with common features, they may perceive higher similarity among the alternatives. This conflict among similar options would increase the no-choice ratio. Promotion-focused consumers, however, are possible that they perceive common features as a cue of confirmation bias. And thus their confirmation processing would make their prior preference more robust, then the no-choice ratio may shrink. This logic is verified in two experiments. The first is a $2{\times}2$ between-subject design (whether common features or not X regulatory focus) using a digital cameras as the relevant stimulus-a product very familiar to young subjects. Specifically, the regulatory focus variable is median split through a measure of eleven items. Common features included zoom, weight, memory, and battery, whereas the other two attributes (pixel and price) were unique features. Results supported our hypothesis that adding common features enhanced the no-choice ratio only to prevention-focus consumers, not to those with a promotion focus. These results confirm our hypothesis - the interactive effects between a regulatory focus and the common features. Prior research had suggested that including common features had a effect on consumer choice, but this study shows that common features affect choice by consumer segmentation. The second experiment was used to replicate the results of the first experiment. This experimental study is equal to the prior except only two - priming manipulation and another stimulus. For the promotion focus condition, subjects had to write an essay using words such as profit, inspiration, pleasure, achievement, development, hedonic, change, pursuit, etc. For prevention, however, they had to use the words persistence, safety, protection, aversion, loss, responsibility, stability etc. The room for rent had common features (sunshine, facility, ventilation) and unique features (distance time and building state). These attributes implied various levels and valence for replication of the prior experiment. Our hypothesis was supported repeatedly in the results, and the interaction effects were significant between regulatory focus and common features. Thus, these studies showed the dual effects of common features on consumer choice for a no-choice option. Adding common features may enhance or mitigate no-choice, contradictory as it may sound. Under a prevention focus, adding common features is likely to enhance the no-choice ratio because of increasing mental conflict; under the promotion focus, it is prone to shrink the ratio perhaps because of a "confirmation bias." The research has practical and theoretical implications for marketers, who may need to consider common features carefully in a practical display context according to consumer segmentation (i.e., promotion vs. prevention focus.) Theoretically, the results suggest some meaningful moderator variable between common features and no-choice in that the effect on no-choice option is partly dependent on a regulatory focus. This variable corresponds not only to a chronic perspective but also a situational perspective in our hypothesis domain. Finally, in light of some shortcomings in the research, such as overlooked attribute importance, low ratio of no-choice, or the external validity issue, we hope it influences future studies to explore the little-known world of the "no-choice option."

Surrogate Internet Shopping Malls: The Effects of Consumers' Perceived Risk and Product Evaluations on Country-of-Buying-Origin Image (망상대구점(网上代购店): 소비자감지풍험화산품평개대원산국형상적영향(消费者感知风险和产品评价对原产国形象的影响))

  • Lee, Hyun-Joung;Shin, So-Hyoun;Kim, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.208-218
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    • 2010
  • Internet has grown fast and become one of the most important retail channels now. Various types of Internet retailers, hereafter etailers, have been introduced so far and as one type of Internet shopping mall, 'surrogate Internet shopping mall' has been prosperous and attracting consumers in the domestic market. Surrogate Internet shopping mall is a unique type of etailer that globally purchases well-known brand goods that are not imported in the market, completes delivery in the favor of individual buyers, and collects fees for these specific services. The consumers, who are usually interested in purchasing high-end and unique but not eligible brands, have difficulties to purchase these items overseas directly from the retailers or brands in other countries due to worries of payment failure and no address available for their usually domestic only delivery. In Korea, both numbers of surrogate Internet shopping malls and the magnitude of sales have been growing rapidly up to more than 430 active malls and 500 billion Korean won in 2008 since the population of consumers who want this agent shopping service is also expending. This etail business concept is originated from 'surrogate-mediated purchase' and this type of shopping agent has existed in many different forms and also in wide ranges of context level for quite a long time. As marketers face their individual buyers' representatives instead of a direct contact with them in many occasions, the impact of surrogate shoppers on consumer's decision making has been enormously important and many scholars have explored various range of agent's impact on consumer's purchase decisions in marketing and psychology field. However, not much rigorous research in the Internet commerce has been conveyed yet. Moreover, since as one of the shopping agent surrogate Internet shopping malls specifically connect overseas brands or retailers to domestic consumers, one specific character of the mall's, image of surrogate buying country, where surrogate purchases are conducted in, may play an important role to form consumers' attitude and purchase intention toward products. Furthermore it also possibly affects various dimensions of perceived risk in consumer's information processing. However, though tremendous researches have been carried exploring the effects of diverse dimensions of country of origin, related studies in Internet context has been rarely executed. There have been some studies that prove the positive impact of country of origin on consumer's evaluations as one of information clues in product manufacture descriptions, yet studies detecting the relationship between country image of surrogate buying origin and product evaluations rarely undertaken regarding this specific mall type. Thus, the authors have found it well-worth investigating in this specific retail channel and explored systematic relationships among focal constructs and elaborated their different paths. The authors have proven that country image of surrogate buying origin in the mall, where surrogate malls purchase products in and brings them from for buyers, not only has a positive effect on consumers' product evaluations including attitude and purchase intention but also has a negative effect on all three dimensions of perceived risk: product-related risk, shipping-related risk, and post-purchase risk. Specifically among all the perceived risk, product-related risk which is arisen from high uncertainty of product performance is most affected (${\beta}$= -.30) by negative country image of surrogate buying origin, and also shipping-related risk (${\beta}$= -.18) and post-purchase risk (${\beta}$= -.15) get influenced in order. Its direct effects on product attitude (${\beta}$= .10) and purchase intention (${\beta}$= .14) are also secured. Each of perceived risk dimension is proven to have a negative effect on purchase intention through product attitude as a mediator (${\beta}$= -.57: product-related risk ${\rightarrow}$ product attitude; ${\beta}$= -.24: shipping-related risk ${\rightarrow}$ product attitude; ${\beta}$= -.44: post-purchase risk ${\rightarrow}$ product attitude) as well. From the additional analysis, the paths of consumers' information processing are shown to be different based on their levels of product knowledge. While novice consumers with low level of knowledge consider only perceived risk important, expert consumers with high level of knowledge take both the country image, where surrogate services are conducted in, and perceived risk seriously to build their attitudes and formulate decisions toward products more delicately and systematically, which is in line with previous studies. This study suggests several pieces of academic and practical advice. Precisely, country image of surrogate buying origin does affect on consumer's risk perceptions and behavioral consequences. Therefore a careful selection of surrogate buying origin is recommended. Furthermore, reducing consumers' risk level is required to blossom this new type of retail business whether its consumer are novices or experts. Additionally, since consumer take different paths of elaborating information based on their knowledge levels, sophisticated marketing approaches to each group of consumers are required. For novice buyers strong devices for risk mitigation are needed to induce them to form better attitudes and for experts selections of better and advanced countries as surrogate buying origins are advised while endorsement strategy for the site might work as a reliable information clue to all consumers to mitigate the barriers to purchase goods online. The authors have also explained that the study suffers from some limitations, including generalizability. In future studies, tests of and comparisons among different types of etailers with relevant constructs are recommended to broaden the findings.

Determination of Cost and Measurement of nursing Care Hours for Hospice Patients Hospitalized in one University Hospital (일 대학병원 호스피스 병동 입원 환자의 간호활동시간 측정과 원가산정)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Uoon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.389-404
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to determine the cost and measurement of nursing care hours for hospice patients hostpitalized in one university hospital. 314 inpatients in the hospice unit 11 nursing manpower were enrolled. Study was taken place in C University Hospital from 8th to 28th, Nov, 1999. Researcher and investigator did pilot study for selecting compatible hospice patient classification indicators. After modifying patient classification indicators and nursing care details for general ward, approved of content validity by specialist. Using hospice patient classification indicators and per 5 min continuing observation method, researcher and investigator recorded direct nursing care hours, indirect nursing care hours, and personnel time on hospice nursing care hours, and personnel time on hospice nursing care activities sheet. All of the patients were classified into Class I(mildly ill), Class II (moderately ill), Class III (acutely ill), and Class IV (critically ill) by patient classification system (PCS) which had been carefully developed to be suitable for the Korean hospice ward. And then the elements of the nursing care cost was investigated. Based on the data from an accounting section (Riccolo, 1988), nursing care hours per patient per day in each class and nursing care cost per patient per hour were multiplied. And then the mean of the nursing care cost per patient per day in each class was calculated. Using SAS, The number of patients in class and nursing activities in duty for nursing care hours were calculated the percent, the mean, the standard deviation respectively. According to the ANOVA and the $Scheff{\'{e}$ test, direct nursing care hours per patient per day for the each class were analyzed. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. Distribution of patient class : class IN(33.5%) was the largest class the rest were class II(26.1%) class III(22.6%), class I(17.8%). Nursing care requirements of the inpatients in hospice ward were greater than that of the inpatients in general ward. 2. Direct nursing care activities : Measurement ${\cdot}$ observation 41.7%, medication 16.6%, exercise ${\cdot}$ safety 12.5%, education ${\cdot}$ communication 7.2% etc. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day per duty were needed ; 69.3 min for day duty, 64.7 min for evening duty, 88.2 min for night duty, 38.7 min for shift duty. The mean hours of direct nursing care of night duty was longer than that of the other duty. Direct nursing care hours per patient per day in each class were needed ; 3.1 hrs for class I, 3.9 hrs for class II, 4.7 hrs for class III, and 5.2 hrs for class IV. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day without the PCS was 4.1 hours. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day in class was increased significantly according to increasing nursing care requirements of the inpatients(F=49.04, p=.0001). The each class was significantly different(p<0.05). The mean hours of direct nursing care of several direct nursing care activities in each class were increased according to increasing nursing care requirements of the inpatients(p<0.05) ; class III and class IV for medication and education ${\cdot}$ communication, class I, class III and class IV for measurement ${\cdot}$ observation, class I, class II and class IV for elimination ${\cdot}$ irrigation, all of class for exercise ${\cdot}$ safety. 3. Indirect nursing care activities and personnel time : Recognization 24.2%, house keeping activity 22.7%, charting 17.2%, personnel time 11.8% etc. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per nursing manpower was 4.7 hrs. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per duty were 294.8 min for day duty, 212.3 min for evening duty, 387.9 min for night duty, 143.3 min for shift duty. The mean of indirect nursing care hours and personnel time of night duty was longer than that of the other duty. 4. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per patient per day was 2.5 hrs. 5. The mean hours of nursing care per patient per day in each class were class I 5.6 hrs, class II 6.4 hrs, class III 7.2 hrs, class IV 7.7 hrs. 6. The elements of the nursing care cost were composed of 2,212 won for direct nursing care cost, 267 won for direct material cost and 307 won for indirect cost. Sum of the elements of the nursing care cost was 2,786 won. 7. The mean cost of the nursing care per patient per day in each class were 15,601.6 won for class I, 17,830.4 won for class II, 20,259.2 won for class III, 21,452.2 won for class IV. As above, using modified hospice patient classification indicators and nursing care activity details, many critical ill patients were hospitalized in the hospice unit and it reflected that the more nursing care requirements of the patients, the more direct nursing care hours. Emotional ${\cdot}$ spiritual care, pain ${\cdot}$ symptom control, terminal care, education ${\cdot}$ communication, narcotics management and delivery, attending funeral ceremony, the major nursing care activities, were also the independent hospice service. But it is not compensated by the present medical insurance system. Exercise ${\cdot}$ safety, elimination ${\cdot}$ irrigation needed more nursing care hours as equal to that of intensive care units. The present nursing management fee in the medical insurance system compensated only a part of nursing car service in hospice unit, which rewarded lower cost that that of nursing care.

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Evaluation of the Perception and Satisfaction of Working and Internship Abroad -By Undergraduates Studying in Culinary and Foodservice Departments- (해외 취업 및 인턴쉽에 대한 인식과 만족도에 관한 연구 -조리 및 외식관련 전공자를 대상으로-)

  • Choi, Young-Hee;Kim, Il-Soon;Kim, Soo-Yeun
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the perception and satisfaction of undergraduates majoring in culinary arts and food service with working and internship abroad. The responses of the participants to 10 questions regarding perception and 13 questions regarding the importance and satisfaction with working and internship abroad were measured on a 5 point Likert scale. The primary results were as follows : 1) The subjects were composed of 50.9% male and 49.1% female students, of which 42.1% were employed and 57.9% experienced an internship abroad. 2) Most students went abroad to gain experience with respect to various foreign cultures in response to recommendations by the western cuisine department. 3) The items "I wish to conduct my affairs continuously"(M=4.21) and "I have good relationships with my colleagues at work"(M=4.11) received the highest points from male and female respondents, respectively. 4) Male students considered "cooperation among divisions"(M=4.11), "language skills"(M=4.38), and "kitchen environment"(M=4.34) to be very important. However, female students believed that "language skills"(M=4.36),"social relationships"(M=4.21), and "wage income"(M=4.18) were most important. Furthermore, male students were most satisfied with "company size" (M=4.28), "kitchen environment"(M=4.21), and "business hours"(M=4.10), while female students were most satisfied with "kitchen environment","incentive"(M=4.14) and "social relationships"(M=4.11).

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