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Development of an ACMI Simulator Based on LVC Integrating Architecture (LVC 통합 아키텍처 기반 실기동급 ACMI 모의기 개발)

  • Jang, Youngchan;Oh, Jihyun;Myung, Hyunsam;Kim, Cheonyoung;Hong, Youngseok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.540-547
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    • 2015
  • This paper describes development contents and flight tests of an ACMI simulator based on LVC integrating architecture. ACMI is the system that provides air combat training and ground bombing training for improving fighting efficiency, that is the live simulation involving real people to operate real systems. ACMI simulator was developed for technic acquisition of LVC interoperability by using data link communication. ACMI simulator simulated maneuvering of a fighter by operating an UAV, a fighter can be distinguished from an UAV by maneuvering characteristics. This study proposes maneuvering simulation method by using flight data of the UAV, and performed its flight test for verifying similarity of fighter maneuvering.

A Study about the Training Program for the Kolman Technique on the Horizontal Bars (체조 철봉 콜만 기술동작의 훈련프로그램 적용 및 향상도평가)

  • Back, Jin-Ho;Park, Jong-Chul;Yoon, Chang-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2009
  • This study develops a technique training program to enhance the completion of Kolman, the high air flight technique, and applies it to two national athletes of the horizontal bar, one of the gymnastic events, for eight weeks. After that, their improvement was measured through 3D motion analysis to help them elevate their performance. The training program includes swing, hand release, twist, and bar hold, and its implementation produced the results stated below. They were made to practice the motion in the following way. After the hand-standing of giant swing which initiates the motion, they lift their body upward a little bit more. Next, they take their body down almost like a vertical descent and make a deep tap swing. Instead of doing the tap swing which widens the flection of hip and shoulder joints, while body revolution is more emphasized in particular, they release the bar as raising the centroid of their body sufficiently. During the flight, they try to narrow every joint in their body. As a result, the bar's elasticity becomes greatly increased, and since the backing rate of their body gets higher, the centripetal force of the swing is improved that they can release the bar in the higher position. In addition, because they can erect their body faster during the flight, they can perform comfortable twist and revolution in the air. They can also adjust the direction of the flight easily without too much concern for the proper timing of hand release as they rise. Thereby, they can not only maintain adequate distance from the bar for the bar hold but also ensure enough distance for body revolution and twist.