• Title/Summary/Keyword: AIR 모델

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A Study on Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer of a Corrugated Structure for Crossflow Reduction of Impingement Jet (충돌제트에서의 횡방향 유동 감소를 위한 파형 구조의 유동 및 열전달에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Byeong Jo;Kim, Seon Ho;Joo, Won Gu;Cho, Hyung Hee
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2017
  • Impingement jets have been applied in a wide variety of fields as they provide significantly high heat transfer on the impingement-jet stagnation zone. However, the crossflow in an impingement chamber developed by spent wall jets can disrupt and deflect the downstream jets in the array, leading to a decrease in the cooling performance of an array of impingement jets. A numerical analysis is made of the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in a corrugated structure that traps the spent air in the corrugations between impingement jets and reduces crossflow effects on downstream jets. All computations are performed by considering a three-dimensional, steady, and incompressible flow by using the ANSYS-CFX 15.0 code. The effects of the configuration parameters of the corrugated structure on crossflow reduction of the array of impingement jets are presented and discussed.

Tracer Experiment for the Investigation of Urban Scale Dispersion of Air Pollutants - Simulation by CALPUFF Dispersion Model and Diffusion Feature of Tracer Gases (추적자 확산 실험에 의한 서울 도심 확산 현상 연구 - 추적기체의 확산특징과 CALPUFF 모델에 의한 모사)

  • Lee, Chong-Bum;Kim, Jea-Chul;Lee, Gang-Woong;Ro, Chul-Un;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.405-419
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    • 2007
  • A series of tracer experiments for the evaluation of atmospheric dispersion was performed over the urban area of Seoul using two inert, non-deposition perfluorocarbon (PMCH and m-PDCH) gases during three years campaign on 2002, 2003 and 2005. 30 sampling sites for collecting these tracers were located along two arcs of 2.5 and 5 kilometers downwind from the release point. About ten measurements which each lasted for 2 hours or 4 hours were made over the two consecutive days during each campaign. CALPUFF and MM5 meteorological model were applied to evaluate the urban dispersion in detail. Size of Modeling domain was $27\;km{\times}23\;km$ and the fine nest in the modeling domain had a grid size of 0.5 km. The results showed that CALPUFF dispersion model had a tendency to estimate tracer concentrations about $2{\sim}5$ times less than those of ambient samples under many conditions. These consistent inaccuracy in urban dispersion was attributed to inherent inaccuracy and lack of details in terrain data at urban area.

Transmission Interval Optimization by Analysis of Collision Probability in Low Power TPMS (저전력 운영 TPMS에서 충돌 확률 분석을 통한 전송주기 최적화)

  • Lim, Sol;Choi, Han Wool;Kim, Dae Jin
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.364-371
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    • 2017
  • TPMS is a vehicle electric system that measures the air pressure of a tire, and informs the driver of current tire states. The TPMS sensor typically uses unidirectional communication for small size, light weight, and low power. The transmission period of the sensor indicates the service quality of monitoring the tire. In order to determine the optimal transmission period, frame collision probability and the life time of the sensor should be analyzed. In this paper, collision probability model using Venn diagram is designed in low power TPMS with the normal and warning mode. And the life time and a collision probability were analyzed with the ratio(n) of the normal mode to warning mode transmission period. As a result, $T_{nP}=31sec$ and $T_{wP}=2.4sec$ at 5 years, and $T_{nP}=71sec$ and $T_{wP}=2.5sec$ at 7 years.

Forecast and verification of perceived temperature using a mesoscale model over the Korean Peninsula during 2007 summer (중규모 수치 모델 자료를 이용한 2007년 여름철 한반도 인지온도 예보와 검증)

  • Byon, Jae-Young;Kim, Jiyoung;Choi, Byoung-Cheol;Choi, Young-Jean
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.237-248
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    • 2008
  • A thermal index which considers metabolic heat generation of human body is proposed for operational forecasting. The new thermal index, Perceived Temperature (PT), is forecasted using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) mesoscale model and validated. Forecasted PT shows the characteristics of diurnal variation and topographic and latitudinal effect. Statistical skill scores such as correlation, bias, and RMSE are employed for objective verification of PT and input meteorological variables which are used for calculating PT. Verification result indicates that the accuracy of air temperature and wind forecast is higher in the initial forecast time, while relative humidity is improved as the forecast time increases. The forecasted PT during 2007 summer is lower than PT calculated by observation data. The predicted PT has a minimum Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) of $7-8^{\circ}C$ at 9-18 hour forecast. Spatial distribution of PT shows that it is overestimated in western region, while PT in middle-eastern region is underestimated due to strong wind and low temperature forecast. Underestimation of wind speed and overestimation of relative humidity have caused higher PT than observation in southern region. The predicted PT from the mesoscale model gives appropriate information as a thermal index forecast. This study suggests that forecasted PT is applicable to the prediction of health warning based on the relationship between PT and mortality.

An Experimental Study on Design and Starting Characteristics of a Sub-scale Diffuser for Simulating High-Altitude Environment (고고도 환경 모사용 축소형 디퓨저 설계 및 시동특성 연구)

  • Lee, Yang-Suk;Jeon, Jun-Su;Ko, Young-Sung;Yang, Jae-Jun;Kim, Sun-Jin;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2009
  • This experimental study was performed to find the important design parameters and the starting characteristics of a supersonic exhaust diffuser. The experimental study was carried out on a scaled down model of straight cylindrical supersonic exhaust diffuser, in order to evaluate the effects of operating fluid(air, nitrogen), the diffuser inlet area over the primary nozzle throat area($A_d/A_t$), the inlet pressure of primary nozzle, diffuser length over diffuser inner diameter($L_d/D_d$) and existence or nonexistence of diffuser divergence. The test results showed that the starting pressure increased with decrease in diameter of primary nozzle, and the measured starting pressure of the diffuser had approximately 90~98% efficiency as compared with the predicted starting pressure. Also, the diffuser was started at all case, regardless of $L_d/D_d$ (above 8.4) and diffuser divergence. The result of this study can be used as an essential database for developing a simulated high-altitude facility for real-scale model.

Buzz Margin Control for Supersonic Intake Operating over Wide Range of Mach Number (넓은 마하수 영역에서의 초음속 흡입구 버즈마진 제어기법)

  • Park, Iksoo;Park, Jungwoo;Lee, Changhyuck;Hwang, Kiyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2014
  • Buzz margin scheduling and control technique which are suitable to regulate stable and high pressure air in wide range of Mach number are suggested for fixed geometry of a supersonic intake. From the analysis of preceding study, most effective control variable is induced and scheduling law is newly suggested in a real application point of view. The appropriateness of the control law in wide range of Mach number is addressed by numerical simulation of controlled propulsion system. Also, the simulation for stabilization and tracking performances of the controller are studied to investigate the phenomena under flight maneuver and disturbances.

The Characteristics of Environmental Friendly Tourism in the South Pacific Islands: A Case Study of Ecotourism in Fiji Islands (남태평양제도의 환경친화적 관광특성 -피지(Fiji)의 생태관광을 사례로-)

  • Choe, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.124-141
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    • 2006
  • Fiji is referred to as the hub of the South Pacific as it lies on the major sea and air transport routes in the region. Tourism, the fastest growing industry within the global economy, is already well established within the country. This paper aims to explore the characteristics of ecotourism in Fiji Islands as a foreign area study. To achieve the objectives, this research carried out a literature review before taking several field surveys in Fiji Islands. Research areas are Raintree Lodge in Suva, Kula Ecopark near Sigatoka, Sigatoka Sand Dunes National Park, Nalesutale Fijian indigenous village near Nadi. Most of all facilities and ecotour programs are developed for environmental, economical and educational effects. The case studies of Fiji present a good model of how to succeed in ecotourism and conservation management to Korea. In addition, this research will provide effective regional policies for the environmental friendly tourism in Korea.

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Effect of Aerosol Feedback on Solar Radiation in the Korean Peninsula Using WRF-CMAQ Two-way Coupled Model (WRF-CMAQ 결합모델을 이용한 에어로졸 피드백 효과가 한반도 일사량에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Yoo, Jung-Woo;Park, Soon-Young;Jeon, WonBae;Kim, Dong-Hyeok;Lee, HwaWoon;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Kim, Hyun-Goo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.435-444
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we investigated the effect of aerosol feedback on $PM_{10}$ simulation using a two-way coupled air quality model (WRF-CMAQ). $PM_{10}$ concentration over Korea in January 2014 was simulated, and the aerosol feedback effect on the simulated solar radiation was intensively examined. Two $PM_{10}$ simulations were conducted using the WRF-CMAQ model with (FB) and without(NFB) the aerosol feedback option. We find that the simulated solar radiation in the west part of Korea decreased by up to $-80MJ/m^2$ due to the aerosol feedback effect. The feedback effect was significant in the west part of Korea, showing high $PM_{10}$ estimates due to dense emissions and its long-range transport from China. The aerosol feedback effect contributed to the decreased rRMSE(relative Root Mean Square Error) for solar radiation (47.58% to 30.75%). Aerosol feedback effect on the simulated solar radiation was mainly affected by concentration of $PM_{10}$. Moreover, FB better matched the observed solar radiation and $PM_{10}$ concentration than NFB, implying that taking into account the aerosol direct effects resulted in the improved modeling performance. These results indicate that aerosol feedback effects can play an important role in the simulation of solar radiation over Korean Peninsula.

The implementation of liquefaction equipment monitoring system based on Android (안드로이드 기반의 유증기 액화장치 모니터링 시스템 구현)

  • Park, Man-Kyu;Tack, Han-Ho;Kim, Gwan-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.583-589
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    • 2016
  • Volatile organic compounds(VOCs) are regarded as a harmful cause substance not only causing air pollutions but also causing global warming phenomenon. For this reason, VOCs are managed politically to reduce emissions by each country. In particular, the vapor from the gas station contains VOCs which is harmful to the human body such as carcinogens benzene and pollute the atmosphere, the Ministry of Environment defined every gas station must install vapor recovery equipment to recover volatile organic compounds. Recently, there are many accidents caused by existing vapor treatment methods, the liquefaction recovery technology is getting the spotlight to cool the vapor at the field. However, because the liquefaction recovery technology have risks of fire or explosion in accordance with temperature, the real time monitoring is critical factor. In this paper, we implement an Android-based monitoring application for liquified vapor recovery device which attached sensor module for temperature and power to monitoring real time information.

Evaluation of the CALPUFF Model Using Improved Meteorological Fields in Complex Terrain of East Sea Coast (동해안의 복잡지형에서 기상장 개선에 따른 CALPUFF 모델의 평가)

  • Lee, Chong-Bum;Kim, Jea-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2009
  • Donghae city is one of the most representative cement industrial city in Korea. The area is faced with the East Sea to the East and with high montane region of Tae-Back mountain range to the West. Many pollutant sources of air pollution are located near the coast, but the largest point sources of the region are located at the bottom of the mountain area in Donghae city. The local wind is highly affected by local topography and plays an important role in transport and dispersion of contaminants from the pollution sources. This study was designed to evaluate enhancement of MM5 predictions by using Four Dimensional Data Assimilation (FDDA), the SONDE data and the national meteorological station, data only. The alternative meteorological fields predicted with and without FDDA were used to simulate spatial and temporal variations of NOx in combined with Atmospheric Dispersion Models (CALPUFF). For the modeling domain, the alternative meteorological fields with 1.1 km spatial resolution were interpolated to the CALMET with 0.5 km resolution. The vertical layers set to have 35 and 12 layers for MM5 and CALPUFF, respectively. MM5 with the FDDA did not resulted in significant improvement of meteorological field prediction in Donghae region, which is primarily because of complex geography and wind scheme. The result of CALPUFF, however, showed reduction of uncertainty errors by using the interpolation scheme of the actual measurement data.