• Title/Summary/Keyword: A-Light curve

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  • 안영숙;김호일;이우백
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2000
  • DO Cas is a short period (P=0.68day) eclipsing binary star and is classified as a near-contact binary by Shaw(1990). There is no published radial velocity curve for this short period binary after Mannino(1958). Hill(1991) suspected that Mannino's radial velocity curve had some serious mistake. So, we scanned the original plates used by Mannino with PDS and the spectra were employed to IRAF packages to estimate the radial velocities. The radial velocity curve and the BVR light curves made by us in 1998 were analyzed simultaneously with Wilson-Devinney code. We found that DO Cas is a contact or near-contact binary which the primary component fills its Roche lobe and we also estimated the absolute dimensions of each components of this system.

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  • 김호일;한원용;이우백;김천휘
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.196-203
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    • 1995
  • The UBV light curves of a close eclipsing binary SW Lyn were obtained with the observations made at the Sobaeksan Astronomy Observatory during 7 nights from September 1983 to March 1987. These light curves show asymmetry to the secondary minimum light and the asymmetry is larger at the shorter wavelength light curve. Assuming that the star sport makes the asymmetry, we employed the WD code to make the B and V light curves solution. We confirmed that SW Lyu has near contact(semi-detached) Roche configuration and has the Case A evolution.

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Enhancing Underwater Images through Deep Curve Estimation (깊은 곡선 추정을 이용한 수중 영상 개선)

  • Muhammad Tariq Mahmood;Young Kyu Choi
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2024
  • Underwater images are typically degraded due to color distortion, light absorption, scattering, and noise from artificial light sources. Restoration of these images is an essential task in many underwater applications. In this paper, we propose a two-phase deep learning-based method, Underwater Deep Curve Estimation (UWDCE), designed to effectively enhance the quality of underwater images. The first phase involves a white balancing and color correction technique to compensate for color imbalances. The second phase introduces a novel deep learning model, UWDCE, to learn the mapping between the color-corrected image and its best-fitting curve parameter maps. The model operates iteratively, applying light-enhancement curves to achieve better contrast and maintain pixel values within a normalized range. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, producing higher-quality images compared to state-of-the-art methods.

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High-throughput SNP Genotyping by Melting Curve Analysis for Resistance to Southern Root-knot Nematode and Frogeye Leaf Spot in Soybean

  • Ha, Bo-Keun;Boerma, H. Roger
    • Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2008
  • Melting curve analysis of fluorescently labeled DNA fragments is used extensively for genotyping single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP). Here, we evaluated a SNP genotyping method by melting curve analysis with the two probe chemistries in a 384-well plate format on a Roche LightCycler 480. The HybProbe chemistry is based on the fluorescence resonance energy transfer(FRET) and the SimpleProbe chemistry uses a terminal self-quenching fluorophore. We evaluated FRET HybProbes and SimpleProbes for two SNP sites closely linked to two quantitative trait loci(QTL) for southern root-knot nematode resistance. These probes were used to genotype the two parents and 94 $F_2$ plants from the cross of PI 96354$\times$Bossier. The SNP genotypes of all samples determined by the LightCycler software agreed with previously determined SSR genotypes and the SNP genotypes determined on a Luminex 100 flow cytometry instrument. Multiplexed HybProbes for the two SNPs showed a 98.4% success rate and 100% concordance between repeats two of the same 96 DNA samples. Also, we developed a HybProbe assay for the Rcs3 gene conditioning broad resistance to the frogeye leaf spot(FLS) disease. The LightCycler 480 provides rapid PCR on 384-well plate and allows simultaneous amplification and analysis in approximately 2 hours without any additional steps after amplification. This allowed for a reduction of the potential contamination of PCR products, simplicity, and enablement of a streamlined workflow. The melting curve analysis on the LightCycler 480 provided high-throughput and rapid SNP genotyping and appears highly effective for marker-assisted selection in soybean.

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Preprocessing for High Quality Real-time Imaging Systems by Low-light Stretch Algorithm

  • Ngo, Dat;Kang, Bongsoon
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.585-589
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    • 2018
  • Consumer demand for high quality image/video services led to growing trend in image quality enhancement study. Therefore, recent years was a period of substantial progress in this research field. Through careful observation of the image quality after processing by image enhancement algorithms, we perceived that the dark region in the image usually suffered loss of contrast to a certain extent. In this paper, the low-light stretch preprocessing algorithm is, hence, proposed to resolve the aforementioned issue. The proposed approach is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively against the well-known histogram equalization and Photoshop curve adjustment. The evaluation results validate the efficiency and superiority of the low-light stretch over the benchmarking methods. In addition, we also propose the 255MHz-capable hardware implementation to ease the process of incorporating low-light stretch into real-time imaging systems, such as aerial surveillance and monitoring with drones and driving aiding systems.

Functional Data Classification of Variable Stars

  • Park, Minjeong;Kim, Donghoh;Cho, Sinsup;Oh, Hee-Seok
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.271-281
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    • 2013
  • This paper considers a problem of classification of variable stars based on functional data analysis. For a better understanding of galaxy structure and stellar evolution, various approaches for classification of variable stars have been studied. Several features that explain the characteristics of variable stars (such as color index, amplitude, period, and Fourier coefficients) were usually used to classify variable stars. Excluding other factors but focusing only on the curve shapes of variable stars, Deb and Singh (2009) proposed a classification procedure using multivariate principal component analysis. However, this approach is limited to accommodate some features of the light curve data that are unequally spaced in the phase domain and have some functional properties. In this paper, we propose a light curve estimation method that is suitable for functional data analysis, and provide a classification procedure for variable stars that combined the features of a light curve with existing functional data analysis methods. To evaluate its practical applicability, we apply the proposed classification procedure to the data sets of variable stars from the project STellar Astrophysics and Research on Exoplanets (STARE).

Intensive Monitoring Survey of Nearby Galaxies

  • Im, Myungshin;Choi, Changsu;Lim, Gu;Lee, Sangyun;Yoon, Sung Chul;Chun, Sang Hyun;Yoon, Hyun-Il;Jeon, Yeong-Beaom;Lee, Sang Gak;Kang, Wonseok;Kwon, Sun-gil;Pak, Soojong;Eghamberdiev, Shuhrat
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.31.1-31.1
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    • 2016
  • SNe light curves have been used to understand the expansion history of the universe, and a lot of efforts have gone into understanding the overall shape of the radioactively powered light curve. However, we still have little direct observational evidence for the theorized SN progenitor systems. Recent studies suggest that the light curve of a supernova shortly after its explosion (< 1 day) contains valuable information about its progenitor system and can be used to set a limit on the progenitor size, R*. In order to catch the early light curve of SNe explosion and understand SNe progenitors, we are performing a ~8hr interval monitoring survey of nearby galaxies (d < 50 Mpc) with 1-m class telescopes around the world. Through this survey, we expect to catch the very early precursor emission as faint as R=21 mag (~0.1 Rsun for the progenitor). In this talk, we outline this project, and present a few scientific highlights, such as the early light curve of SN 2015F in NGC 2442.

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RSSI-Based Indoor Localization Method Using Virtually Overlapped Visible Light (가상 가시광 중첩을 이용한 RSSI 기반의 실내 측위법)

  • Kim, Dae Young;Yi, Keon Young
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.63 no.12
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    • pp.1697-1703
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose an indoor RSSI (received signal strength indication)-based localization method that uses virtually overlapped visible light with an indoor LED lighting system. In our system, a photodiode (PD) measures the RSSI from LED lamps that blink in one row or column units. Subsequently, the RSSI is used to obtain the horizontal distances between the LED lamps and the receiver with the predetermined characteristics curve, R-D curve, that represents the relation between the RSSI and the horizontal distances. When the controlled LED lamps blink in one row or column units, the R-D curve at the border of the LED lamps is different because of the weak lighting, which results in the position sensing error of the receiver. The deviation of the optical power of each LED also causes the error. To solve these problems, we propose a method that overlaps the visible light through the numerical operation at the receiver side without any modification of the light source side. Our proposed method has been simulated in a room measuring $1.2{\times}1.2{\times}1.8m^3$ considering the effect of the error on the optical power of the LED. The simulation result shows that the proposed method eliminates the error condition with the R-D curve and achieves an average positioning error of 13.4 mm under the error rate 3% of the optical power.

An Analysis of Near-infrared Light Curves of δ Scuti Variable BO Lyn (δ Scuti형 변광성 BO Lyn의 근적외선 광도곡선 분석)

  • Lim, Ji-Hye;Sohn, Jungjoo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.389-397
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    • 2016
  • In order to investigate the light curve difference in visual and infrared wavelength of ${\delta}$ Scuti variable Bo Lyn, observations were performed using BOAO 1.8m reflecting telescope and an infrared detector, KASINICS, with J, H, and Ks filters. Infrared light curves of total 7 nights were obtained between March and April in 2011, and those were compared to the V-filter light curve to examine the differences in period, time of maximum light, amplitude, and shape. From the periodic analysis of infrared light curve, a single frequency of $f_1=10.712cycle/day$, $P=0.09335{\pm}0.00002days$ was obtained, and there was no difference in the period along different wavelengths. In the infrared light curve, a frequency of $2f_1$ was detected. This frequency well explains the asymmetric shape of light curve, one of the characteristics of high-amplitude ${\delta}$ Scuti variables. We compared the locations of the measured infrared maxima and the predicted maxima of V-filter, finding that the times of maxima were delayed about 0.3 phase at infrared wavelengths. Amplitude ratios were adopted to be ${\Delta}J/{\Delta}V=0.328$, ${\Delta}H/{\Delta}V=0.216$, and ${\Delta}Ks/{\Delta}V=0.211$, with the range of variation being smaller at longer wavelengths. It seems that the differences in the times of maxima and amplitude occurred because the changes in brightness of a pulsating variable star are mainly caused by the change in temperature.

Recent results on IceCube multi-messenger astrophysics

  • Rott, Carsten
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.54.2-54.2
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    • 2019
  • Mass and radius of a neutron star in low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) can be estimated simultaneously when the observed light curve and spectrum show the photospheric radius expansion feature. This method has been applied to 4U 1746-37 and the mass and radius were found to be unusually small in comparison with typical neutron stars. We re-estimate the mass and radius of this target by considering that the observed light curve and spectrum can be affected by other X-ray sources because this LMXB belongs to a very crowded globular cluster NGC 6441. The new estimation increases the mass and radius but they do not reach the typical values yet.

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