• Title/Summary/Keyword: 5.16 road

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Infection of Wiches' broom (Taphrina weisneri) to the Prunus yedoensis along the 5.16 Road in Jeju Island (제주도 5.16도로 주변 왕벚나무 빗자루병 발병 실태)

  • Kim, Chang-Jo;So, In-Sup;Huh, Moo-Ryong
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2009
  • This study has been carried out to measure the extent of damage for Witches' broom of cherry trees planted as street trees along the 5.16 road around the Halla Mountain. This study is expected to provide effective measures to prevent the infection of witches' broom. Among the cherry trees examined, almost all the trees of 40 years or over were severely infected. Those around 30 years old were infected as well, though they showing medium level of disease symptoms. However, cherry trees of less than 23 years were observed to be healthy without showing any symptoms. Cherry trees spontaneously growing within 30m width of the 5.16 road in the section from Sanchondan to Kyunwolak were less severely infected by Witches' broom (Taphrima waesneri), though there was a difference by tree age.

The Study on an Automated Generation Method of Road Drawings using Road Survey Vehicle (도로교통안전점검차량을 이용한 도로의 자동도면화 생성 연구)

  • Lee, Jun Seok;Yun, Duk Geun;Park, Jae Hong
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES : This study is to develop a automate road mapping system using ARASEO(Automated Road Analysis and Safety Evaluation TOol) for road management. METHODS : The road survey van named ARASEO(Automated Road Analysis and Safety Evaluation TOol) was used to generate highway drawings for Korea National Road number 37 automatically. In order to generate the highway drawings for purpose of road management, it is required to acquired the information for highway alignment, road width and road facilities such as safety barrier and road sign. Therefore the survey van acquired and analyzed the road width, median and guardrail data using rear side laser sensor of ARASEO and recognized the traffic control sign and chevron sign using foreside camera images. Also the highway alignment which is the basic information for highway drawing can be analyzed by acquisition the every 1m positional and attitude data using GPU and IMU sensor and developed algorithm. Finally, in this research the CAD based drawing software was developed to draw highway drawing using the analysis result from ARASEO. RESULTS : This study showed the comparison result of the surveyed road width and drawing data. To make the drawing of the road, we made the Autocad ARX program witch run in CAD menu interface. CONCLUSIONS : Using this program we can create the road center line, every 500m horizontal and vertical ground plan drawing automatically.

The calculation of elongation coefficients of forest roads - National forest roads of Kangnung national forest office - (임도(林道)의 우회계수(迂廻係數) 산출(算出) - 강릉영림서(江陵營林署)의 국유임도(國有林道)를 대상으로 -)

  • Cha, Du-Song;Ji, Byung-Yun;Cho, Koo-Hyun
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 1994
  • This study was carried out to estimate forest road elongation coefficients for providing the basic information of forest road construction. As the results, road elongation coefficients were calculated 0.33 less than 5% of road gradient, 0.39 between the gradient of 6% and 10%, 0.50 between the gradient of 11% and 15%, 0.58 between the gradient of 16% and 20%, and 0.60 greater than the gradient of 20%.

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A Position Information Hiding in Road Image for Road Furniture Monitoring (도로시설물 모니터링을 위한 도로영상 내 위치정보 은닉)

  • Seung, Teak-Young;Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong;Moon, Kwang-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.430-443
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    • 2013
  • The recognition of current position and road surrounding of car is very important to driver for safe driving. This paper presents the recognition technique of the road traveling environment using position information hiding and viewpoint transform that monitors the information of road furniture and signature and notifies them to driver. The proposed scheme generates the road images into which the position information are hided, from car camera and GPS module and provides the road information to driver through the viewpoint transformation and the road signature detection. The driving tests with camera and GPS module verified that the position information hiding takes about 66.5ms per frame, the detection rate of road signature is about 95.83%, and the road signature detection takes about 227.45ms per frame. Therefore, we know that the proposed scheme can recognize the road traveling environment on the road video with 15 frame rate.

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Coleopteran Communities around 5.16 Road of Mt. Halla, Jeju Island, Korea (한라산 5.16 도로변에 분포하는 딱정벌레류(類)의 월별과 고도별 군집 분석)

  • Yang, Kyoung-Sik;Kim, Sang-Bum;Kim, Won-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.337-358
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    • 2006
  • The field survey was conducted weekly from April to October in 2004 and 2005 on the sites along the 5.16 road. Sampling sites were made every 100 m height starting from 250 m altitude of both sides of Mt. Halla along 5.16 Road, which crosses the mountain from North to South. Totally 31,698 individuals of 76 species belonged to 25 families were collected. It was July that showed the largest number of species, as 48 species in the northern sloper 42 in the southern slope, and 22 at the highest site (at an altitude of 750 m), while it was April that showed the smallest as 17 species, 15 and 5, respectively. As for monthly fluctuation, the northern slope and the highest site reached their top in August, whereas it was June in the southern slope. In the analyses of similarity (chord distance) of any pair of temporal communities, the closest pair was between June and July in the northern slope area, between July and August in the southern slope and between July and September at the highest site, respectively.

Studies on Planning Method of Optimum Forest Road (최적임도배치계획(最適林道配置計劃)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cha, Du Song;Lee, Joon Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.2
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 1992
  • A planning method of optimum forest road was tested in the compartment II of Kangweon National University Forests by using a digital terrain model under four evaluation factors, i. e., minimum road length, average skidding distance, exploitative index, and ratio of inaccessible points. The results of the study were as follows : 1. Optimum forest road design based on the minimum road length was shown as 6035.6m, 12.73m/ha, 279.9m, 1.43, and 15.7% for total road length, forest road density, average skidding distance, exploitative index, and ratio of inaccessible points, respectively. 2. Optimum forest road design based on the average skidding distance was shown as 7828.5m, 16.52m/ha, 198.4m, 1.31, and 4.0% for total road length, forest road density, average skidding distance, exploitative index, and ratio of inaccessible points, respectively. 3. Optimum forest road design based on the exploitative index was shown as 7410.6m, 15.64m/ha, 210.9m, 1.26, and 5.0% for total road length, forest road density, average skidding distance, exploitative index, and ratio of inaccessible points, respectively. 4. Optimum forest road design based on the ratio of inaccessible points was shown as 8307.1m, 17.53 m/ha, 184.9m, 1.29, and 2.5% for total road length, forest road density, average skidding distance, exploitative index, and ratio of inaccessible points, respectively.

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A Study on the Restoration on the Strip Roads Mt. Baekun Area (백운산 지역에서 벌채지내 운재로의 회복에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2007
  • To investigate the restoration procedure on soil physical properties and vegetation at the surface of strip road affected by timber harvesting operation. This study was carried out at strip roads constructed between 1989 and 1994 in Mt. Baekun, Kwangyang, Chollanam-Do. Soil hardness of the surface layer was improved with change of time after strip road construction, but that of 7.6~15 cm depth from the surface was not improved. According to linear regression analysis, it was estimated 16.6 years in 0~7.5 cm and 16.9 years in 7.6~15 cm soil depth to be restored to natural forest lands. The amount of surface soil erosion was 0.045$m^3$/km/yr on strip roads constructed in 1989 and 1990, and road constructed in 1994 showed the highest value (4.5$m^3$/km/yr). Vegetation coverage rates of road surface were 96.7% in strip roads constructed in 1990. Those of cutslope and fillslope were highest in roads constructed in 1990. The results indicated that strip roads were restored with change of time after road construction.