• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D model fitting

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3D Face Modeling based on 3D Morphable Shape Model (3D 변형가능 형상 모델 기반 3D 얼굴 모델링)

  • Jang, Yong-Suk;Kim, Boo-Gyoun;Cho, Seong-Won;Chung, Sun-Tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.212-227
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    • 2008
  • Since 3D face can be rotated freely in 3D space and illumination effects can be modeled properly, 3D face modeling Is more precise and realistic in face pose, illumination, and expression than 2D face modeling. Thus, 3D modeling is necessitated much in face recognition, game, avatar, and etc. In this paper, we propose a 3D face modeling method based on 3D morphable shape modeling. The proposed 3D modeling method first constructs a 3D morphable shape model out of 3D face scan data obtained using a 3D scanner Next, the proposed method extracts and matches feature points of the face from 2D image sequence containing a face to be modeled, and then estimates 3D vertex coordinates of the feature points using a factorization based SfM technique. Then, the proposed method obtains a 3D shape model of the face to be modeled by fitting the 3D vertices to the constructed 3D morphable shape model. Also, the proposed method makes a cylindrical texture map using 2D face image sequence. Finally, the proposed method builds a 3D face model by rendering the 3D face shape model with the cylindrical texture map. Through building processes of 3D face model by the proposed method, it is shown that the proposed method is relatively easy, fast and precise than the previous 3D face model methods.

Performance Test of Hypocenter Determination Methods under the Assumption of Inaccurate Velocity Models: A case of surface microseismic monitoring (부정확한 속도 모델을 가정한 진원 결정 방법의 성능평가: 지표면 미소지진 모니터링 사례)

  • Woo, Jeong-Ung;Rhie, Junkee;Kang, Tae-Seob
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • The hypocenter distribution of microseismic events generated by hydraulic fracturing for shale gas development provides essential information for understanding characteristics of fracture network. In this study, we evaluate how inaccurate velocity models influence the inversion results of two widely used location programs, hypoellipse and hypoDD, which are developed based on an iterative linear inversion. We assume that 98 stations are densely located inside the circle with a radius of 4 km and 5 artificial hypocenter sets (S0 ~ S4) are located from the center of the network to the south with 1 km interval. Each hypocenter set contains 25 events placed on the plane. To quantify accuracies of the inversion results, we defined 6 parameters: difference between average hypocenters of assumed and inverted locations, $d_1$; ratio of assumed and inverted areas estimated by hypocenters, r; difference between dip of the reference plane and the best fitting plane for determined hypocenters, ${\theta}$; difference between strike of the reference plane and the best fitting plane for determined hypocenters, ${\phi}$; root-mean-square distance between hypocenters and the best fitting plane, $d_2$; root-mean-square error in horizontal direction on the best fitting plane, $d_3$. Synthetic travel times are calculated for the reference model having 1D layered structure and the inaccurate velocity model for the inversion is constructed by using normal distribution with standard deviations of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 km/s, respectively, with respect to the reference model. The parameters $d_1$, r, ${\theta}$, and $d_2$ show positive correlation with the level of velocity perturbations, but the others are not sensitive to the perturbations except S4, which is located at the outer boundary of the network. In cases of S0, S1, S2, and S3, hypoellipse and hypoDD provide similar results for $d_1$. However, for other parameters, hypoDD shows much better results and errors of locations can be reduced by about several meters regardless of the level of perturbations. In light of the purpose to understand the characteristics of hydraulic fracturing, $1{\sigma}$ error of velocity structure should be under 0.2 km/s in hypoellipse and 0.3 km/s in hypoDD.

Development of Simple Articulated Human Models using Superquadrics for Dynamic Analysis

  • Lee, Hyun-Min;Kim, Jay-Jung;Chae, Je-Wook
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.715-725
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    • 2011
  • Objective: This study is aimed at developing Articulated Human Models(AHM) using superquadrics to improve the geometric accuracy of the body shape. Background: The previous work presents the AHM with geometrical simplification such as ellipsoids to improve analysis efficiency. However, because of the simplicity, their physical properties such as a center of mass and moment of inertia are computed with errors compared to their actual values. Method: This paper introduces a three steps method to present the AHM with superquadrics. First, a 3D whole body scan data are divided into 17 body segments according to body joints. Second, superquadric fitting is employed to minimize the Euclidean distance between body segments and superquadrics. Finally, Fee-Form Deformation is used to improve accuracy over superquadric fitting. Results: Our computational experiment shows that the superquadric models give better accuracy of dynamic analysis than that of ellipsoid ones. Conclusion: We generate the AHM composed of 17 superquadrics and 16 joints using superquadric fitting. Application: The AHM using superquadrics can be used as the base model for dynamics and ergonomics applications with better accuracy because it presents the human motion effectively.

3D Generic Vertebra Model for Computer Aided Diagnosis (컴퓨터를 이용한 의료 진단용 3차원 척추 제네릭 모델)

  • Lee, Ju-Sung;Baek, Seung-Yeob;Lee, Kun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.297-305
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    • 2010
  • Medical image acquisition techniques such as CT and MRI have disadvantages in that the numerous time and efforts are needed. Furthermore, a great amount of radiation exposure is an inherent proberty of the CT imaging technique, a number of side-effects are expected from such method. To improve such conventional methods, a number of novel methods that can obtain 3D medical images from a few X-ray images, such as algebraic reconstruction technique (ART), have been developed. Such methods deform a generic model of the internal body part and fit them into the X-ray images to obtain the 3D model; the initial shape, therefore, affects the entire fitting process in a great deal. From this fact, we propose a novel method that can generate a 3D vertebraic generic model based on the statistical database of CT scans in this study. Moreover, we also discuss a method to generate patient-tailored generic model using the facts obtained from the statistical analysis. To do so, the mesh topologies of CT-scanned 3D vertebra models are modified to be identical to each other, and the database is constructed based on them. Furthermore, from the results of a statistical analysis on the database, the tendency of shape distribution is characterized, and the modeling parameters are extracted. By using these modeling parameters for generating the patient-tailored generic model, the computational speed and accuracy of ART can greatly be improved. Furthermore, although this study only includes an application to the C1 (Atlas) vertebra, the entire framework of our method can be applied to other body parts generally. Therefore, it is expected that the proposed method can benefit the various medical imaging applications.

S-CODE: A Subdivision Based Coding System for CAD Models

  • Takarada, Yosuke;Takeuchi, Shingo;Kawano, Isao;Hotta, Jun;Suzuki, Hiromasa
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • v.3 no.1_2
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2003
  • A large scale polygon models are often used to approximately represent 3D CAD models in Digital Engineering environment such as DMU (Digital Mockups) and network based collaborative design. However, they are not suitable for distribution on the network and for interactive rendering. We introduce a new coding system based on subdivision schemes called S-CODE system. In this system, it is possible to highly compress the model with sufficient accuracy and to view the model efficiently in a level of detail (LOD) fashion. The method is based on subdivision surface fitting by which a subdivision surface and curves which approximate a face of a CAD model are generated. We also apply a subdivision method to analytic surfaces such as conical and cylindrical surfaces. A prototype system is developed and used for evaluation with reasonably complicated data. The results show that the method is useful as a CAD data coding system.

Three-dimensional Shape Recovery from Image Focus Using Polynomial Regression Analysis in Optical Microscopy

  • Lee, Sung-An;Lee, Byung-Geun
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 2020
  • Non-contact three-dimensional (3D) measuring technology is used to identify defects in miniature products, such as optics, polymers, and semiconductors. Hence, this technology has garnered significant attention in computer vision research. In this paper, we focus on shape from focus (SFF), which is an optical passive method for 3D shape recovery. In existing SFF techniques using interpolation, all datasets of the focus volume are approximated using one model. However, these methods cannot demonstrate how a predefined model fits all image points of an object. Moreover, it is not reasonable to explain various shapes of datasets using one model. Furthermore, if noise is present in the dataset, an error will be generated. Therefore, we propose an algorithm based on polynomial regression analysis to address these disadvantages. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed method is more accurate than existing methods.

Phonon Dispersion and Specific Heat in FCC Structure (FCC구조에서 포논분산과 비열)

  • Chung, Jae-Dong;Lee, Kyung-Tae
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.1207-1212
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    • 2004
  • A model for the phonon dispersion relationship for cubic zinc sulfide structure, for example SiC, is developed in terms of two unknown force constants. Born model that incorporates bond bending and bond stretching, is used for the force constants. The force constants are determined by fitting to experimental data. Using only the nearest-neighbor coupling results in $6{\times}6$ sized dynamic matrix. The eigenvalues of dynamics matrix for each wavenumber in 3-D ${\kappa}$ space correspond to frequencies, 3 for optical phonon and 3 for acoustic phonon, which is so-called dispersion relation (${\kappa}$-${\omega}$). The density of state is determined by counting the states for each frequency bin, and the properties such as specific heat and thermal conductivity can be obtained. The specific heat is estimated on this model and compared with experiment and other models, i.e. Debye model, Einstein model and combined Debye-Einstein model. In spite of the simple bond potential model, reasonable agreements are found.

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The Three Dimensional Modeling Method of Structure in Urban Areas using Airborne Multi-sensor Data (다중센서 데이터를 이용한 구조물의 3차원 모델링)

  • Son, Ho-Woong;Kim, Ki-Young;Kim, Young-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2006
  • Laser scanning is a new technology for obtaining Digital Surface Models(DSM) of the earth surface.It is a fast method for sampling the earth surface with high density and high point accuracy. This paper is for buildings extraction from LiDAR points data. The core part of building construction is based on a parameters filter for distinguishing between terrain and non-terrain laser points. The 3D geometrical properties of the building facades are obtained based on plane fitting using least-squares adjustment. The reconstruction part of the procedure is based on the adjacency among the roof facades. Primitive extraction and facade intersections are used for building reconstruction. For overcome the difficulty just reconstruct of laser points data used with digital camera images. Also, 3D buildings of city area reconstructed using digital map. Finally, In this paper show 3D building Modeling using digital map and LiDAR data.

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A 3D Face Reconstruction and Tracking Method using the Estimated Depth Information (얼굴 깊이 추정을 이용한 3차원 얼굴 생성 및 추적 방법)

  • Ju, Myung-Ho;Kang, Hang-Bong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.18B no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2011
  • A 3D face shape derived from 2D images may be useful in many applications, such as face recognition, face synthesis and human computer interaction. To do this, we develop a fast 3D Active Appearance Model (3D-AAM) method using depth estimation. The training images include specific 3D face poses which are extremely different from one another. The landmark's depth information of landmarks is estimated from the training image sequence by using the approximated Jacobian matrix. It is added at the test phase to deal with the 3D pose variations of the input face. Our experimental results show that the proposed method can efficiently fit the face shape, including the variations of facial expressions and 3D pose variations, better than the typical AAM, and can estimate accurate 3D face shape from images.