• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D map system

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A Study on the Web Mapping Method and Application of the Topographic Information in an Open Environment (개방환경에서 지형정보의 웹지도화 방법과 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.563-575
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    • 2007
  • This study aims to investigate a possibility of using topographic information by web mapping in open environments. Web mapping intends to focus on a map analysis and application of the function and geo-visualization. Functions of Web topographic info-map include a spatial analysis, enlargement and minimization, movement, landuse information, user-controling 3 dimension map, landform cross-section analysis, shortest path analysis. The web system adopts SVG(scalable vector graphics), MYSQL, PHP, XML for mapping. SVG has open source policy, so everyone can use it, as well, it is effective on flexible database linkage, cartographic representation. 3D map is intended to represent 3D map by user-controlled sunshine putting pixel opacity by elevation values after making DEM. Landform is designed to show a cross-section analysis and statistics by retrieving height information from database engine with clicking two points on the map. Shortest path analysis within regions uses Dijkstra's algorithm. Near future, resultantly, the area of WebGIS will have to meet more social demands for use-created geo-information and application, so more researches are needed to be web mapping more applicable for users.

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Steep Slope Management System integrated with Realtime Monitoring Information into 3D Web GIS (상시계측센서정보와 3차원 Web GIS를 융합한 급경사지관리시스템)

  • Chung, Dong Ki;Sung, Jae Ryeol;Lee, Dong Wook;Chang, Ki Tae;Lee, Jin Duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2013
  • Geospatial information data came recently in use to build the location-based service in various fields. These data were shown via a 2-D map in the past but now can be viewed as a 3-D map due to the dramatic evolution of IT technology, thus improving efficiency and raising practicality to a greater extent by providing a more realistic visualization of the field. In addition, many previous GIS applications have been provided under desktop environment, limiting access from remote sites and reducing its approachability for less experienced users. The latest trend offers service with web-based environment, providing efficient sharing of data to all users, both unknown and specific internal users. Therefore, real-time information sensors that have been installed on steep slopes are to be integrated with 3-D geospatial information in this study. It is also to be developed with web-based environment to improve usage and access. There are three steps taken to establish this system: firstly, a 3-D GIS database and 3-D terrain with higher resolution aerial photos and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) have been built; secondly, a system architecture was proposed to integrate real-time sensor information data with 3D Web-based GIS; thirdly, the system has been constructed for Gangwon Province as a test bed to verify the applicability.

Underwater Magnetic Field Mapping Using an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (자율수상선을 이용한 수중 자기장 지도 작성)

  • Jung, Jongdae;Park, Jeonghong;Choi, Jinwoo
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2018
  • Geomagnetic field signals have potential for use in underwater navigation and geophysical surveys. To map underwater geomagnetic fields, we propose a method that exploits an autonomous surface vehicle. In our system, a magnetometer is rigidly attached to the vehicle and not towed by a cable, minimizing the system's size and complexity but requiring a dedicated calibration procedure due to magnetic distortion caused by the vehicle. Conventional 2D methods can be employed for the calibration by assuming the horizontal movement of the magnetometer, whereas the proposed 3D approach can correct for horizontal misalignment of the sensor. Our method does not require a supporting crane system to rotate the vehicle, and calibrates and maps simultaneously by exploiting data obtained from field operation. The proposed method has been verified experimentally in inland waters, generating a magnetic field map of the test area that is of much higher resolution than the public magnetic field data.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System on Positioning Accuracy Based on 3D Digital Map Through Simulation

  • Suh, Yong-Cheol;Konishi, Yusuke;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.751-756
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    • 2002
  • Since the operation of the first satellite-based navigation services, satellite positioning has played an increasing role in both surveying and navigation, and has become an indispensable tool for precise relative positioning. However, in some situations, e.g. at a low angle of elevation, the use of satellites for navigation is seriously restricted because obstacles like buildings and mountains can block signals. As a mean to resolve this problem, the quasi-zenith satellite system has been proposed as a next-generation satellite navigation system. Quasi-zenith satellite is a system which simultaneously deploys several satellites in a quasi-zenith geostationary orbit so that one of the satellites always stay close to the zenith if viewed from a specific point on the ground of East Asia. Thus, if a position measurement function compatible with GPS is installed in the quasi-zenith and stationary satellites, and these satellites are utilized together with the GPS, four satellites can be accessed simultaneously nearly all day long and a substantial improvement in position measurement, especially in metropolitan areas, can be achieved. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of quasi-zenith satellite system on positioning accuracy improvement through simulation by using precise orbital information of the satellites and a three-Dimensional digital map. Through this simulation system, it is possible to calculate the number of simultaneously visible satellites and available area of the positioning without the need of actual observation.

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Georeferencing of GPR image data using HD map construction method (정밀 도로 지도 구축 방법을 이용한 GPR 영상 데이터 지오레퍼런싱)

  • Shin, Jinsoo;Won, Jonghyun;Lee, Seeyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.507-513
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    • 2021
  • GPR (Ground Penetrating RADAR) is a sensor that inspects the pavement state of roads, sinkholes, and underground pipes. It is widely used in road management. MMS (Mobile Mapping System) creates a detailed and accurate road map of the road surface and its surroundings. If both types of data are built in the same area, it is efficient to construct both ground and underground spatial information at the same time. In addition, since it is possible to grasp the road and important facilities around the road, the location of underground pipelines, etc. without special technology, an intuitive understanding of the site is also possible, which is a useful tool in managing the road or facilities. However, overseas equipment to which this latest technology is applied is expensive and does not fit the domestic situation. LiDAR (Light Detection And Raging) and GNSS/INS (Global Navigation Satellite System / Inertial Navigation System) were synchronized in order to replace overseas developed equipment and to secure original technology to develop domestic equipment in the future, and GPR data was also synchronized to the same GNSS/INS. We developed software that performs georeferencing using the location and attitude information from GNSS/INS at the time of acquiring synchronized GPR data. The experiments were conducted on the road site by dividing the open sky and the non-open sky. The road and surrounding facilities on the ground could be easily checked through the 3D point cloud data acquired through LiDAR. Georeferenced GPR data could also be viewed with a 3D viewer along with point cloud data, and the location of underground facilities could be easily and quickly confirmed through GPR data.

Development of a 3D Object Recognition Component for OPRoS (OPRoS를 위한 3차원 물체 인식 컴포넌트 개발)

  • Han, Chang-Ho;Oh, Choon-Suk
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2011
  • Recently, many researchers in the world are concentrated to develop the robot platform which is to reduce the developing cost by reusing existing softwares. In this paper, we describe that the 3 dimension recognition object components for OPRoS (Open Platform for Robotic Services) which is developed in Korea. We present that the structure of the component, disparity map and depth map algorithm for recognizing 3 dimension space. We used stereo matching and block matching method to produce the disparity map. We test the component on the computer with OPRoS platform and show the results of accuracy and performance time.

Quantization Noise Reduction in MPEG Postprocessing System Using the Variable Filter Adaptive to Edge Signal (에지 신호에 적응적인 가변 필터를 이용한 MPEG 후처리 시스템에서의 양자화 잡음 제거)

  • Lee Suk-Hwan;Huh So-Jung;Lee Eung-Joo;Kwon Ki-Ryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.296-306
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    • 2006
  • We proposed the algorithm for the quantization noise reduction based on variable filter adaptive to edge signal in MPEG postprocessing system. In our algorithm, edge map and local modulus maxima in the decoded images are obtained by using 2D Mallat wavelet tilter. And then, blocking artifacts in inter-block are reduced by Gaussian LPF that is variable to filtering region according to edge map. Ringing artifacts in intra-block are reduced by 2D SAF according to local modulus maxima. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm was superior to the conventional algorithms as regards PSNR, which was improved by 0.04-0.20 dB, and the subjective image quality.

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Evaluation of MR-SENSE Reconstruction by Filtering Effect and Spatial Resolution of the Sensitivity Map for the Simulation-Based Linear Coil Array (선형적 위상배열 코일구조의 시뮬레이션을 통한 민감도지도의 공간 해상도 및 필터링 변화에 따른 MR-SENSE 영상재구성 평가)

  • Lee, D.H.;Hong, C.P.;Han, B.S.;Kim, H.J.;Suh, J.J.;Kim, S.H.;Lee, C.H.;Lee, M.W.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2011
  • Parallel imaging technique can provide several advantages for a multitude of MRI applications. Especially, in SENSE technique, sensitivity maps were always required in order to determine the reconstruction matrix, therefore, a number of difference approaches using sensitivity information from coils have been demonstrated to improve of image quality. Moreover, many filtering methods were proposed such as adaptive matched filter and nonlinear diffusion technique to optimize the suppression of background noise and to improve of image quality. In this study, we performed SENSE reconstruction using computer simulations to confirm the most suitable method for the feasibility of filtering effect and according to changing order of polynomial fit that were applied on variation of spatial resolution of sensitivity map. The image was obtained at 0.32T(Magfinder II, Genpia, Korea) MRI system using spin-echo pulse sequence(TR/TE = 500/20 ms, FOV = 300 mm, matrix = $128{\times}128$, thickness = 8 mm). For the simulation, obtained image was multiplied with four linear-array coil sensitivities which were formed of 2D-gaussian distribution and the image was complex white gaussian noise was added. Image processing was separated to apply two methods which were polynomial fitting and filtering according to spatial resolution of sensitivity map and each coil image was subsampled corresponding to reduction factor(r-factor) of 2 and 4. The results were compared to mean value of geomety factor(g-factor) and artifact power(AP) according to r-factor 2 and 4. Our results were represented while changing of spatial resolution of sensitivity map and r-factor, polynomial fit methods were represented the better results compared with general filtering methods. Although our result had limitation of computer simulation study instead of applying to experiment and coil geometric array such as linear, our method may be useful for determination of optimal sensitivity map in a linear coil array.

Improvement of the Steering Feel of an Electric Power Steering System by Torque Map Modification

  • Lee Man Hyung;Ha Seung Ki;Choi Ju Yong;Yoon Kang Sup
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.792-801
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    • 2005
  • This paper discusses a dc motor equipped electric power steering (EPS) system and demonstrates its advantages over a typical hydraulic power steering (HPS) system. The tire-road interaction torque at the steering tires is calculated using the 2 d.o.f. bicycle model, in other words by using a single-track model, which was verified with the J-turn test of a real vehicle. Because the detail parameters of a steering system are not easily acquired, a simple system is modeled here. In previous EPS systems, the assisting torque for the measured driving torque is developed as a boost curve similar to that of the HPS system. To improve steering stiffness and return-ability of the steering system, a third-order polynomial as a torque map is introduced and modified within the preferred driving torques researched by Bertollini. Using the torque map modification sufficiently improves the EPS system.

Development of Infrastructure Maintenance Map based on GIS Data for Efficient Budget Management

  • Changjun Lee;Taeil Park;Yongwoon Cha
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 2024
  • Many developed countries, including Korea, are rapidly aged owing to years of use. Infrastructures such as roads, water, and sewage are Social Overhead Capital (SOC), which provide convenience to the nation and support national economic growth. Thus, continuous maintenance and investment are required because infrastructure deterioration is directly related to social effects, such as quality of life and safety. In addition, because infrastructure maintenance costs a lot of the budget, it is necessary to appropriate criteria for budget allocation, given assessing the condition of infrastructure. This study developed an Infrastructure Maintenance Map (IMM) based on a Geographic Information System (GIS) for infrastructure maintenance budgets and investment priorities. The IMM uses maintenance information for roads, bridges, water, and sewage, obtained from Bridge Management System (BMS), Pavement Management System (PMS) and facility data in South Korea. The IMM can calculate deterioration levels and maintenance costs of infrastructure repair methods. Maintenance priorities are also evaluated based on Multi-Attribute Utility Theory using the deterioration level, economic feasibility, and effect of facilities. This study contributes to easy decision-making regarding infrastructure investment priorities and maintenance budgeting to the status of facility on the 3D map by IMM.