• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D fashion simulation

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Development of Torso Pattern for Underweight Female in their 20s~30s - Using Clo 3D program - (20~30대 저체중 성인여성의 토르소원형 설계 - Clo 3D 프로그램 적용 사례 -)

  • Lim, Jiyoung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.963-970
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to develop torso pattern of underweight female in their 20s~30s by using Clo 3D virtual garment simulation system. The results were as follows; first, as a result of analyzing torso somatotype, underweight women showed lower average than average values of whole women in their twenties and thirties in the items such as length, width, circumference, thickness except for height. Second, by using 3D virtual garment simulation, new torso pattern considered underweight female was development. The basic numerical formula were as follows ; bust girth B/2+3.5, armhole depth B/4+0.5, front waist girth W/4+0.5+0.7, back waist girth W/4+0.5-0.7, front hip girth H/4+1+0.5, back hip girth H/4+1-0.5, chest width B/6+3.1, back width B/6+4.5, neck width B/12+0.2 and neck depth B/12+1.7. Third, by reducing hollowed amount of front, back, and side line, and hollowed amount of back center line, the reduced quantity was included to darts amount. Number of dart was adjusted to two pieces so that darts amount was equally distributed to two darts. Forth, according to the results of the new torso pattern's appearance evaluation, it estimated more highly than existing pattern in silhouette and ease amount, confirming that new torso pattern was appropriate for the underweight women. This study is expected to serve as one of important basic data for ensuing studies that may utilize 3D virtual garment simulation system with 2D patterns, and also for future 3D pattern production program development.

Knit Design Using 3D Virtual Clothing Simulation Program of Knit CAD System (니트 CAD시스템의 3D 가상착의 프로그램을 활용한 니트디자인)

  • Lee, Seul-A;Lee, Yoon Mee;Lee, Younhee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.65 no.1
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    • pp.104-117
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the fashion industry has been integrating with The IT industry in order to develop in various ways. This study looks into ways to utilize the 3D CAD system, which would reduce time and cost while producing samples, and strengthen the communication between the brand and its cooperators by deploying knit designs using Knit CAD system's 3D virtual clothing program. The research method was reference, Internet resources 3D fashion CAD system and 3D Knit CAD system. Based on the data, simulation of the complete design of 4 deployed knit designs was done by using 3D virtual clothing program of the Knit CAD system utilizing knit design elements. One of each design element among the virtual clothing designs was chosen to produce real clothing, and the experts did verification on the appearance assessment of 3D virtual clothing knit designs of the Knit CAD system. As a result, 3D virtual clothing knit design of the Knit CAD system proved itself as an efficient system in terms of time and cost.

A Study on the case analysis and the production of 3D digital fashion show (디지털 패션쇼 사례분석 및 3D 디지털 패션쇼 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Wu, Sehee;Kang, Yeonkyung;Ko, Younga;Kim, Anna;Kim, Naeun;Ko, Hyeongseok
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.64-80
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    • 2013
  • A new technology of fashion show is opening the digital era and an imaginary fashion show is now arising as a new form of fashion show which allows one to enjoy a collection through the monitor without holding a real fashion show. Digital fashion show allows designer to create infinite ideas by articulating the designer's concept through not only garments but also other factors. In this research, We will analyze cases which are mixtures of digital technology and fashion show and will suggest a new paradigm of fashion show by producing an imaginary fashion show which cannot be easily articulated in an ordinary real fashion show, articulated by garments created by digital technology and graphic effects. The program used for this study is 'DC Suite 2.0' developed by Physan and Digital Clothing Center of Seoul National University, available for 2D pattern production and 3D simulation. In addition, in order to enhance representation of the visual effects, Maya's Qualoth and V-ray program which could be compatible with 'DC Suite' were used to make 3D digital fashion show.

Development of Upper Bodice Pattern for the Late Elementary Obese- Schoolgirls - Using iVirds 3.0 PB and iVirds 3.0 DS program - (아동후기 비만여아의 상반신 원형 설계 - iVirds 3.0 PB 및 iVirds 3.0 DS 프로그램 적용 -)

  • Lim, Jiyoung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.921-926
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study is to develop upper bodice pattern for obese girls aged 10~12 by using 3D virtual garment simulation system. The criteria for subjects in this study were girls who had over 1.46 of the R$\ddot{o}$hrer Index. A total of 229 schoolgirls who met these criteria were enrolled. The results of this study are as follows: First, by using 3D virtual garment simulation, new upper bodice pattern considered obese-schoolgirls was development. The basic numerical formula were as follows ; bust girth B/2+4.5, armhole depth B/4-1, waist girth W/4+0.5+dart amount, front chest width B/6+2, back width B/6+2, neck width B/12-0.5 and neck depth B/12+0.5. Second, armhole darts were added to compensate the loose amount of front armhole and dart manipulation was used to ensure a better appearance on armhole in the design. The dart side line was modified concavely to help cover the protruding stomach. Curved lines on the armhole were significantly relieved using dart manipulation and the darts side line was modified concavely to reduce the tightness around the front waist darts. Third, according to the results of the new upper bodice pattern's appearance evaluation, it estimated more highly than existing pattern in silhouette and ease amount, confirming that new upper bodice pattern was appropriate for the obese-schoolgirls. This study is expected to serve as one of important basic data for ensuing studies that may utilize 3D virtual garment simulation system with 2D patterns.

The Comparative Study on a Characteristic Expressivity of Movie Clothings and 3D Virtual Clothings - Focusing on the Software : CLO 3D & Mavrelous Designe2 - (영화 의상과 3D 가상 의상의 표현 특성 비교 연구 - CLO 3D와 Marvelous Designer2 소프트웨어를 중심으로 -)

  • Na, Yoon-Hee;Kim, Sook-Jin
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2012
  • This research was analyzed regarding comparing features of expressions between clothes in movie, , and cyber clothes that were made by Marvelous Designer2 which is a design CAD. This research was studied to experiment an expressing possibility of clothes simulation software which was developed currently. Therefore, we picked clothes that are good at movement and detail in the movie. The dress theory of the renaissance which is the period background of movie, was considered and studied as pattern, silhouette, material, color, detail and animation. The movie's dresses are made with 3D virtual and compared so 3D virtual clothes's benefits and weaknesses can be analyzed. As a result, we found that 3D virtual dress can show the real movie's feature accordingly with current developed IT standard. This will assist a development in fashion industry and become a new indicator for 3D movie clothing.

Effect of Fabric Properties used for the Loop Type Decorative Elements on the 3-dimensional Shape

  • Ko, Youngmin;Kim, Jongjun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.30-47
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    • 2013
  • In the modern fashion industry, efficiency has been increasing thanks to development of computer graphics, IT technology, and digitalization. Unlike the past when fashion design heavily depended on handwork, digitalization of fashion industry makes fabrication time shorter and enables designers to adopt comprehensive expression, generating high value-added product. The Apparel CAD, an example of the digitalized fashion industry, has been developed from 2D system into a system providing 3D simulation. Digital clothing can be determined as an activity of designers using the tool in order to fabricate pattern and simulate its designed clothes in the virtual space of computer. In this study, physical properties of eight materials, which can be utilized on a par with current fashion trend, have been specified. For more sophisticated investigation, external appearance of the material was investigated by 3D scanning. In order to examine the physical properties of fabric specimens, KES(Kawabata Evaluation System) measurements and other physical property measurements were made. With the results, virtual material and clothes were simulated via CLO 3D, one of 3D apparel CAD systems. Then, virtual fabrics and clothes of similar types were generated and analyzed.

Production of Digital Fashion Contents based on Augmented Reality Using CLO 3D and Vuforia (CLO 3D와 Vuforia를 활용한 증강현실 기반 디지털 패션 콘텐츠 제작)

  • Kang, Tae-Seok;Lee, Dong-Yeon;Kim, Jinmo
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2020
  • This study defines the pipeline for digital fashion contents production using CLO 3D, a 3D fashion design software that supports virtual clothing visualization as a cutting-edge simulation technology for fashion, and vuforia, a mobile platform augmented reality (AR) development kit for creating AR applications. The proposed production pipeline is organized in a method to produce a virtual clothing model through CLO 3D software through works of patterns, sewing lines, textures, etc., and AR contents based on computer vision techniques using the functions and properties of vuforia development kits in the Unity engine development environment. In addition, we present application method that can be practically utilized from the perspective of practical users, such as fashion designers and directors, by creating a new type of AR digital fashion contents directly as a flow of the defined production pipeline.

Interactive 3D Pattern Design Using Real-time Pattern Deformation and Relative Human Body Coordinate System (실시간 패턴 변형과 인체 상대좌표계를 이용한 대화형 3D 패턴 디자인)

  • Sul, In-Hwan;Han, Hyun-Sook;Nam, Yun-Ja;Park, Chang-Kyu
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.582-590
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    • 2010
  • Garment design needs an iterative manipulation of 2D patterns to generate a final sloper. Traditionally there have been two kinds of design methodologies such as the flat pattern method and the pattern draping method. But today, it is possible to combine the advantages from the two methods due to the realistic cloth simulation techniques. We devised a new garment design system which starts from 3D initial drape simulation result and then modifies the garment by editing the 2D flat patterns synchronously. With this interactive methodology using real-time pattern deformation technique, the designer can freely change a pattern shape by watching its 3D outlook in real-time. Also the final garment data were given relative coordinates with respect to the human anthropometric feature points detected by an automatic body feature detection algorithm. Using the relative human body coordinate system, the final garments can be re-used to an arbitrary body data without repositioning in the drape simulation. A female shirt was used for an example and a 3D body scan data was used for an illustration of the feature point detection algorithm.

A Study on i-Fashion 3D Avatar's Consumer satisfaction & Comparison of 3D and Direct Masurement - Based of Domestic University Students

  • Choi, Eunhee;Do, Wolhee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.421-428
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    • 2015
  • This research is to understand customer satisfaction with virtual fitting based on a 3D body scanner and avatars as well as differences between avatars and the 'real me'. To this end, this research examined Korean college students to facilitate 3D body scanning, avatar generation and surveys. The author used 3D body scan data with direct measurements to identify differences between the 3D body scan data-based 'my avatar' and 'real me' in the virtual dress fitting system. The survey results on 'the level of customer awareness on 3D body scanner' found that the majority of both genders did not know about it and indicated a lower usability to incorporate IT technology into the fashion industry. The question in the 3D body scanning and avatar found an affirmative attitude. Satisfaction levels on the 3D avatars' similarity with 'own body' and garment fitting were positive and indicated a need for further technological improvements to express the avatars identical to customers' own body. More research is necessary for the accuracy of sizes for 3D body scanning that measure body sizes while wearing clothes. Avatars based on such datamay be less similar to 'own body' and cause customer dissatisfaction. Thus, further technology development is required to narrow gaps using data to make avatars that provide more accurate virtual fitting simulation services to customers.

Development of Korean Cultural Shirt Design as a Fashion Culture Product (한국적 디자인을 기본으로 한 패션문화상품 셔츠디자인 개발)

  • Choi, Eunjoo
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.777-785
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    • 2017
  • The MICE industry is a new industry that combines corporate meetings, intensive tours, conventions and exhibitions. The convention (the international conference itself) is a conception born from the interpretation of multiple industries such as conferences, incentive tourism, exhibitions and fairs. It is therefore necessary to develop products that can contribute to the revitalization of the MICE industry. We will participate in globalization era trends by developing original design with unique color sense as well as traditional beauty and elegance that can represent the Korean Wave in order to develop high value-added fashion cultural products. We examine the formative characteristics of Chogakbo and apply them to the harmony of geometrical characteristics and colors. The morphological characteristics and sewing method of the Korean traditional 'fo' were also used for shirt designs. It is a fashion cultural product that applies to the Korean Cheokagbo design as well as maintains a basic aloha shirt design that can be worn by everyone (regardless of gender and age) to make it globally acceptable. We used a simple and interesting geometric configuration of the surface represented by the surface composition of the patchwork as well as proposed a design costume by 3D clothing simulation work. The research results can be used as basic data for the domestic fashion market and cultural goods market.