• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Location

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A study on the Form of Sijo seen from Various Aspects (다각적 관점에서 본 시조 형식 연구)

  • Im, Jong-Chan
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.30
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    • pp.147-164
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    • 2009
  • The conclusion of this paper is as follows. First, the authentic syllable count of sijo can be summed up as following: Second, the structure of the statement can be summed up as following: 1) Each statement extremely excludes the use of modifiers to clarify the development of the logic. 2) The meaning of each of the three statement, chojang (the 1st statement), jungjang (the middle statement) and jongjang (the last statement), is connected to the previous one closely, so the text as a whole is perfect. 3) The last statement identifies itself as the conversion or conclusion of the whole text. Therefore, the last statement should begin with a connective adverb like 'Therefore' or 'Then'. But in ancient sijo works, this sort of connected adverb is normally omitted. 4) Each statement of sijo is composed of one of the 4 structures suggested below: a) subjective phrase + predicative phrase b) the formal clause + the latter clause c) location-indicating phrase + sentence d) objective phrase + predicative phrase Since the text of a sijo work is formed like this, sijo is said to be composed of three jang (statement) & six gu (phrase), which is the very feature that proves that sijo is a fixed form of verse.

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A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of CBCT and EXACTRAC on Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (CBCT와 EXACTRAC을 이용한 Spine SBRT의 유용성 평가)

  • Choi, Woo Keun;Park, Su Yeon;Park, Do Keun;Song, Ki Won
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study is to evaluate the efficacy of the CBCT and EXACTRAC the image on the spine stereotactic body radiation treatment. Materials and Methods: The study compared the accuracy of the dose distribution for changes in the real QA phantom for The shape of the body of the phantom was performed. Novalis treatment artificially set up at the center and to the right, on the Plan 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm in front 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm and upwards 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm and $0.5^{\circ}$ by moving side to side Exactrac error correction and error values of CBCT and plan changes on the dose distribution were recorded and analyzed. Results: Cubic Phantom of the experimental error, the error correction Exactrac X-ray 6D Translation in the direction of the 0.18 mm, Rotation direction was $0.07^{\circ}$. Translation in the direction of the 3D CBCT 0.15 mm Rotation direction was $0.04^{\circ}$. DVH dose distribution using the results of the AP evaluate the change in the direction of change was greatest when moving. Conclusion: ExacTrac image-guided radiation therapy with a common easy and fast to get pictures from all angles, from the advantage of CBCT showed a potential alternative. But every accurate information compared with CT treatment planning and treatment of patients with more accurate than the CBCT ExacTrac the location provided. Changes in the dose distribution in the experiment results show that the treatment of spinal SBRT set up some image correction due to errors at the target and enter the spinal cord dose showed that significant differences appear.

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The experimental study of early loading on the Miniplate in the beagle dog (성견의 하악골에 식립된 Miniplate에 가한 조기 부하의 영향에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Chung, Yong-Koo;Lee, Young-Jun;Chung, Kyu-Rhim
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.33 no.4 s.99
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 2003
  • Conventional osseointegrated titanium implants have many limitations; large size, limited location for placement of the implant, severity of the surgery, discomfort of initial healing, difficulty of oral hygiene and uncontrollable force direction. Recently titanium miniscrew and miniplate have been used for an alternative to conventional dental implant. But in relation to miniplate, miniscrew has disadvantages in that more potential inflammation, light orthodontic force application and limited orthodontic application. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of miniplate by observing the reactions of peri-implant tissues to early orthodontic and orthopedic loading of titanium miniplate. In four adult beagle dogs 10 miniplates were inserted into the alveolar bone using 20 osseointegrated titanium screws. 4 miniplates were placed in two dogs(dogA, B) and 6 miniplates in two dogs(dogC, D). In dogA, B miniplates were loaded with 200gm of force immediately after placement for 15 weeks. In dogc, D, miniplates were loaded with 400gm of force immediately after placement for 8 weeks. Miniplates of dogA were removed, dogA was healed for 4 weeks, and the area which was removed of miniscrew was examined. Following an observation period, the miniplates including miniscrews and the surrounding bone of dogB and dogC, D were removed, respectively. Undecalcified section along the long axis of miniscrews were made and the degree of osseointegration was examined under the light microscope. The results were as follows. 1. In the histologic features there was direct contact between bone and miniscrew in all groups except one, dogC control group. The loaded miniscrew demonstrated only a slight increase of the osseous proximaty when compared with unloaded miniscrew 2. There was no significant difference of the osseointegration of Peri-miniscrew surface between dogB and dogC, D. But dogB showed slightly more increased bone apposition than dogC, D 3. The gingiva overlapping the miniplate and miniscrew showed no inflammatory sign in clinical and histological aspects. 4. The impaled hard and soft tissues at the area which was removed of miniscrews showed good healing without inflammatory reaction. 5. The mobility showed slight increase in un-loaded miniplate but that was insignificant. Based on the results of this study, miniplate(C-tube) can be used as a firm osseous orthodontic and orthopedic anchorage unit immediately after insertion.

Meteorological Constraints and Countermeasures in Rice Breeding -Breeding for cold tolerance- (기상재해와 수도육종상의 대책 - 내냉성품종육성방안-)

  • Mun-Hue Heu;Young-Soo Han
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 1982
  • Highly cold tolerant varieties are requested not only at high latitute cool area but also tropical high elevated areas, and the required tolerance is different from location to location. IRRI identified 6 different types of cold tolerance required in the world for breeding purpose; a) Hokkaido type, b) Suweon type, c) Taipei 1st season type, d) Taipei 2nd season type, e) Tropical alpine type and, f) Bangladesh type. The cold tolerance requested in Korea is more eargent in Tongil group cultivars and their required tolerance is the one such as the physiological activities at low temperature are as active as in Japonica group cultivars at least during young seedling stage and reproduction stage. With conventional Japonica cultivars, such cold tolerant characters are requested as short growth duration but stable basic vegetative growth, less sensitive to high temperature and less prolonged growth duration at low temperature. The methods screening for cold tolerance were developed rapidly after the Tongil cultivar was reliesed. The facilities of screening for cold tolerance, such as, low temperature incubator, cold water tank, growth cabinet, phytotron, cold water nursery in Chuncheon, breeding nursery located in Jinbu, Unbong and Youngduk, are well established. Foreign facilities such as, cold water tank with the rapid generation advancement facilities, cold nurseries located in Banaue, Kathmandu and Kashimir may be available for the screening of some limitted breeding materials. For the reference, screening methods applied at different growth stages in Japan are introduced. The component characters of cold tolerance are not well identified, but the varietal differences in a) germinability, b) young seedling growth, c) rooting, d) tillering, e) discolation, f) nutrition uptake, g) photosynthesis rate, h) delay in heading, i) pollen sterility, and j) grain fertility at low temperature are reported to be distinguishable. Relationships among those traits are not consistent. Reported studies on the inheritance of cold tolerance are summarized. Four or more genes are controlling low temperature germinability, one or several genes are controlling seedling tolerance, and four or more genes are responsible for the pollen fertility of the rice treated with cold air or grown in the cold water nursery. But most of those data indicate that the results may come out in different way if those were tested at different temperature. Many cold tolerant parents among Japonicas, Indicas and Javanicas were identified as the results of the improvement of cold tolerance screening techniques and IRTP efforts and they are ready to be utilized. Considering a) diversification of germ plasm, b) integration of resistances to diseases and insects, c) identification of adaptability of recommending cultivars and, d) systematic control of recommending cultivars, breeding strategies for short term and long term are suggested. For short term, efforts will be concentrated mainly to the conventional cultivar group. Domestic cultivars will be used as foundation stock and ecologically different foreign introductions such as from Hokkaido, China or from Taiwan, will be used as cross parents for the adjustment of growth durations and synthsize the prototype of tolerances. While at the other side, extreme early waxy Japonicas will be crossed with the Indica parents which are identified for their resistances to the diseases and insects. Through the back corsses to waxy Japonicas, those Indica resistances will be transfered to the Japonicas and these will be utilized to the crosses for the improvement of resistances of prototype. For the long term, efforts will be payed to synthsize all the available tolerances identified any from Japonicas, Indicas and Javanicas to diversify the germ plasm. The tolerant cultivars newly synthsized, should be stable and affected minimum. to the low temperature at all the growing stages. The resistances to the diseases and insects should be integrated also. The rapid generation advancement, pollen culture and international cooperations were emphasized to maximize the breeding efficiency.

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A Study on the Application of Drone Based Aeromagnetic Survey System to Iron Mine Site (드론 기반 항공자력탐사 시스템을 이용한 철광산 탐사 적용성 연구)

  • Min, Dongmin;Oh, Seokhoon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 2017
  • The system of magnetic exploration with a drone flight was constructed and applied to the iron mine site. The magnetic probe system installed on the drone used a sensor as Bartington's fluxgate type magnetometer, Mag639 and the A/D converter to collect magnetic intensity values on the tablet PC. The drone flight control module is a highly expandable Pixhawk with allowing 15 minutes of flight by loading 3kg. Experiments on the magnetic field interference range were performed to remove the erroneous effect from the drone with applying RTK GPS to obtain the magnetic intensity value at the accurate position. The accurate location information enabled to obtain the gradient measurement of magnetic field by measuring twice at different altitudes. Also, by using the terrain information, we could eliminate the terrain effect by setting the flight path to fly along the terrain. These results are in line with the field experiments using the nuclear proton magnetometer G-858 of Geometrics Co., Ltd, which adds to the reliability of the drone based aeromagnetic survey system we constructed.

Low Complexity Motion Estimation Based on Spatio - Temporal Correlations (시간적-공간적 상관성을 이용한 저 복잡도 움직임 추정)

  • Yoon Hyo-Sun;Kim Mi-Young;Lee Guee-Sang
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.1142-1149
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    • 2004
  • Motion Estimation(ME) has been developed to reduce temporal redundancy in digital video signals and increase data compression ratio. ME is an Important part of video encoding systems, since it can significantly affect the output quality of encoded sequences. However, ME requires high computational complexity, it is difficult to apply to real time video transmission. for this reason, motion estimation algorithms with low computational complexity are viable solutions. In this paper, we present an efficient method with low computational complexity based on spatial and temporal correlations of motion vectors. The proposed method uses temporally and spatially correlated motion information, the motion vector of the block with the same coordinate in the reference frame and the motion vectors of neighboring blocks around the current block in the current frame, to decide the search pattern and the location of search starting point adaptively. Experiments show that the image quality improvement of the proposed method over MVFAST (Motion Vector Field Adaptive Search Technique) and PMVFAST (Predictive Motion Vector Field Adaptive Search Technique) is 0.01~0.3(dB) better and the speedup improvement is about 1.12~l.33 times faster which resulted from lower computational complexity.

The Effect of Advertising Location in Printed Media Advertisement for Multiple Products (복수제품 인쇄광고물에서 광고위치 효과)

  • Park, Sang-June
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2015
  • This paper investigates effective locations for two products in printed media advertisement (in which one is the relatively higher price product and the other is the relatively lower price product), and provides some insights on the effective locations of multiple products in printed media advertisements. For the research purpose, this paper develops 4 different versions of printed media advertisement and conducts an experiment study to compare consumers' responses on the different versions: Type A(the higher price product is located at the left side of advertisement, and the lower price product is located at the right side of advertisement), Type B(the higher price product is located at the right side of advertisement, and the lower price product is located at the left side of advertisement), Type C(the higher price product is located at the top side of advertisement, and the lower price product is located at the bottom side of advertisement), Type D(the higher price product is located at the bottom side of advertisement, and the lower price product is located at the top side of advertisement). The results of the experiment show that marketers can increase consumers' choices on the both products when they locate the higher price product at the left side or the top of advertisement and do the lower price product at the right or the bottom of advertisement.

A Study on Validation for Mapping of Gas Detectors at a BTX Plant (BTX 공정에서 Gas Detector Mapping 적정성 검토에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Ji Hye;Han, Man Hyoeng;Kim, Il Kwon;Chon, Young Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.168-178
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    • 2017
  • In order to prevent major and chemical accidents, some of the plants which would like to install and operate hazard chemicals handling facilities must submit Off-site Consequence Analysis due to recent arisen leak accidents since 2015. A lot of chemical industrials choose gas detectors as mitigation equipment to early detect gas vapor. The way of placement of gas detectors has two methods; Code-based Design(CBD) and Performance-based Design. The CBD has principles for gas detectors to be installed with consideration for the place that is expected to accumulate gas, and the leak locations according to legal standards and technical guidelines, and has a possibility to be unable to detect by these rules to locate gas detectors by vapor density information. The PBD has two methods; a Geographic Method and Scenario based Method. The Scenario-based Method has been suggested to make up for the Geographic Coverage Method. This Scenario-based Method draw the best optimum placement of gas detectors by considering leak locations, leak speed information, leak directions and etc. However, the domestic placement guidelines just refers to the CBD. Therefore, this study is to compare existing placement location of gas detectors by the domestic CBD with placement locations, coverages and the number of gas detectors in accordance with the Scenario-based Method. Also this study has measures for early detecting interest of Vapor Cloud and suitable placement of gas detectors to prevent chemical accidents. The Phast software was selected to simulate vapor cloud dispersion to predict the consequence. There are two cases; an accident hole size of leak(8 mm) from API which is the highst accident hole size less than 24.5 mm, and a normal leak hole size from KOSHA Guide (1.8 mm). Detect3D was also selected to locate gas detectors efficiently and compare CBD results and PBD results. Currently, domestic methods of gas detectors do not consider any risk, but just depend on domestic code methods which lead to placement of gas detectors not to make personnels recognize tolerable or intolerable risks. The results of the Scenario-based Method, however, analyze the leak estimated range by simulating leak dispersion, and then it is able to tell tolerable risks. Thus it is considered that individuals will be able to place gas detectors reasonably by making objectives and roles flexibly according to situations in a specific plant.

Flow Resistance of Vertical Rib Sidewall in Open Channel (개수로 측벽 세로돌출줄눈의 흐름저항)

  • Park, Sang Deog;Ji, Min Gyu;Nam, A Reum;Woo, Tae Young;Shin, Seung Sook
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.9
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    • pp.947-956
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    • 2013
  • Most of flood protection walls built on the impingement in mountain rivers have been made of concrete. It may cause flood disasters because the smooth wall surface could increase flow velocity. In this study the hydraulic experiments was carried out to evaluate the effect of one side wall with rectangular vertical ribs on flow resistance in open channel. The ratio of the pitch between vertical ribs to its depth, ${\lambda}_{nv}$, was designed so that it include the so-called d type and k type roughness. The range of Froude number, $F_r$, based on hydraulic radius is 0.81~1.12. Flow resistance in the open channel with a rib sidewall depends on the interval length of each ribs and the flow discharge. Maximum flow resistance occurred when ${\lambda}_{nv}$ is 9. In the d type roughness which ${\lambda}_{nv}$ is less than 3, the flow resistance decreases with increase of flow discharge. In the k type roughness which ${\lambda}_{nv}$ is greater than 3, the flow resistance increases with increase of flow discharge. The increments of flow resistance are especially great when ${\lambda}_{nv}$ are 9 and 12. The resistance due to vertical rib is mostly by the shape resistance and the vertical rib on one sidewall of open channel affects on the flow resistance so that the equivalent roughness heights of vertical rib may occur in scale of flow depth. Therefore the vertical ribs may be used to reduce the flow velocity and to move the location of maximum flow velocity from the rib sidewall to the centerward in a cross section of channels.

Flying Cake: An Augmented Game on Mobile Device (Flying Cake: 모바일 단말기를 이용한 실감형 게임)

  • Park, An-Jin;Jung, Kee-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 2007
  • In the ubiquitous computing age which uses a high quantity network, mobile devices such as wearable and hand-held ones with a small tamers and a wireless communication module will be widely used in near future. Thus, a lot of researches about an augmented game on mobile devices have been attempted recently. The existing augmented games used a traditional 'backpack' system and a pattern marker. The 'backpack' system is expensive, cumbersome and inconvenient to use, and because of the pattern marker, it is only possible to play the game in the previously installed palace. In this paper, we propose an augmented game called Flying Cake using a face region to create the virtual object(character) without the pattern marker, which manually indicates an overlapped location of the virtual object in the real world, on a small and mobile PDA instead of the cumbersome hardware. Flying Cake is an augmented shooting game. This game supplies us with two types: 1) a single player which attacks a virtual character on images captured by a camera in an outdoor physical area, 2) dual players which attack the virtual character on images which we received through a wireless LAN. We overlap the virtual character on the face region using a face detection technique, and users play Flying Cake though attacking the virtual character. Flying Cake supplies new pleasure to flayers with a new game paradigm through an interaction between the user in the physical world captured by the PDA camera and the virtual character in a virtual world using the face detection.