• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Geospatial Data

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Development of Standard Work Type to Utilize Drone at Expressway Construction Sites (고속도로 건설현장에서 드론 활용을 위한 표준공종 개발)

  • Lee, Suk Bae;Jeong, Min;Auh, Su Chang;Kim, Jong Jeon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.461-468
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    • 2021
  • The role of drones is increasing day by day in smart construction that manages construction sites with 3D data in every life cycles. This is because both the digital surface model (DSM) and the orthoimage obtained for the construction site through the drone are made of point cloud data. This study aims to develop standard work types for drone use in order to systematically utilize drones in expressway construction sites. For the study, two expressway construction sites in Korea were set as test beds, and construction types applicable to drones were derived and verified through a pilot project. As a result of the study, three construction work types were developed for road planning, road design and maintenance, respectively, and in road construction, twenty-one detailed construction types were developed for five construction work types. It is expected that drones can be used more systematically not only at expressway construction sites, but also at other road construction sites by utilizing the "standard work type at expressway construction site for drone use" developed in this study.

Validation on the Utilization of Small-scale Unmanned Aerial Systems(sUAS) for Topographic Volume Calculations (토공량 산정을 위한 소형무인항공시스템의 활용성 평가)

  • Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2017
  • Small-scale UAS(Fusion technique of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles platform and Sensors, 'sUAS') opens various new applications in construction fields and so becoming progressively common due to the considerable potentials in terms of accuracy, costs and abilities. The purpose of this study is that the investigation of the validation on the utilization of sUAS for earth stockpile volume calculations on sites. For this, generate 3D models(DSM) with sUAS aerial images on an cone shaped soil stockpile approximately $270m{\times}300m{\times}20m$, which located at Baegot Life Park in Siheung-si, compared stockpile volume estimates produced by sUAS image analysis, against volume estimates obtained by GNSS Network-RTK ground surveying method which selected as the criteria of earth stockpile volume. The result through comparison and examination show(demonstrate) that there was under 2% difference between the volume calculated with the GNSS Network RTK data and the sUAV data, especially sUAS imaged-based volume estimate of a stockpile can be greatly simplified, done quickly, and very cost effective over conventional terrestrial survey methods. Therefore, with consideration of various plan to assess the height of vegetation, sUAS image-based application expected very useful both volume estimate and 3D geospatial information extraction in small and medium-sized sites.

Analysis of Airborne LiDAR-Based Debris Flow Erosion and Deposit Model (항공LiDAR 자료를 이용한 토석류 침식 및 퇴적모델 분석)

  • Won, Sang Yeon;Kim, Gi Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2016
  • The 2011 debris flow in Mt. Umyeonsan in Seoul, South Korea caused significant damages to the surrounding urban area, unlike other similar incidents reported to have occurred in the past in the country's mountainous regions. Accordingly, landslides and debris flows cause damage in various surroundings, regardless of mountainous area and urban area, at a great speed and with enormous impact. Hence, many researchers attempted to forecast the extent of impact of debris flows to help minimize the damage. The most fundamental part in forecasting the impact extent of debris flow is to understand the debris flow behavior and sedimentation mechanism in complex three-dimensional topography. To understand sedimentation mechanism, in particular, it is necessary to calculate the amount of energy and erosion according to debris flow behavior. The previously developed debris flow models, however, are limited in their ability to calculate the erosion amount of debris flow. This study calculated the extent of damage caused by a massive debris flow that occurred in 2011 in Seoul's urban area adjacent to Mt. Umyeonsan by using DEM, created from aerial photography and airborne LiDAR data, for both before and after the damage; and developed and compared a debris flow behavioral analysis model that can assess the amount of erosion based on energy theory. In addition, simulations using the existing debris flow model (RWM, Debris 2D) and a comprehensive comparison of debris flow-stricken areas were performed in the same study area.

Changes in the Number of Matching Points in CCTV's Stereo Images by Indoor/Outdoor Illuminance (실내·외 조도에 따른 스테레오 CCTV 영상 정합점 수 변화)

  • Moon, Kwang Il;Pyeon, Mu Wook;Kim, Jong Hwa;Kim, Kang San
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2015
  • The Ubiquitous City (U-City) spatial information technology aimed to provide services freely anytime and anywhere by converging high-tech information & communication technology in urban infrastructure has been available in diverse patterns. In particular, there have been studies on the development of 3D spatial information after selecting and matching key points with stereo images from the many Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) in the U-City. However, the data mostly used in extracting matching points haven't considered external environmental impacts such as illuminance. This study tested how much the matching points needed to construct 3D spatial information with the CCTV whose image quality is dependent upon changes in illuminance fluctuate under the same hardware performances. According to analysis on the number of matching points by illuminance, the number of matching points increased up to 3,000Lux in proportion to the illuminance when IRIS, shutter speed and ISO were fixed. In addition, a border between an object and background became more distinctive. When there was too much light, however, the page became brighter, and noise occurred. Furthermore, it was difficult to name key points because of the collapse of an inter-object border. It appears that if filmed with the study results, the number of matching points would increase.

Using Google Earth for a Dynamic Display of Future Climate Change and Its Potential Impacts in the Korean Peninsula (한반도 기후변화의 시각적 표현을 위한 Google Earth 활용)

  • Yoon, Kyung-Dahm;Chung, U-Ran;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.275-278
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    • 2006
  • Google Earth enables people to easily find information linked to geographical locations. Google Earth consists of a collection of zoomable satellite images laid over a 3-D Earth model and any geographically referenced information can be uploaded to the Web and then downloaded directly into Google Earth. This can be achieved by encoding in Google's open file format, KML (Keyhole Markup Language), where it is visible as a new layer superimposed on the satellite images. We used KML to create and share fine resolution gridded temperature data projected to 3 climatological normal years between 2011-2100 to visualize the site-specific warming and the resultant earlier blooming of spring flowers over the Korean Peninsula. Gridded temperature and phonology data were initially prepared in ArcGIS GRID format and converted to image files (.png), which can be loaded as new layers on Google Earth. We used a high resolution LCD monitor with a 2,560 by 1,600 resolution driven by a dual link DVI card to facilitate visual effects during the demonstration.

Socio-economic Features of One Slice of Chicagoland Using A Geo-Spatial Information System (시카고 부분지역의 사회경제적 특성에 대한 지형공간정보체계의 이용)

  • Oh, Jong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.223-235
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    • 1993
  • This study associates with socio-economic status in a slice section area of Chicago metropolitan to get spatial patterns of urban windows. GSIS(Geo-spatial Information System) has been monitored with several statistic methods, and geo-spatial map presentations. From the grouping analysis, the result displays that most suburban town have high income values, such as Elmhurst, Melrose Park, North Lake(Income ranges between $25,000${\sim}$30,000 : 1980 Sensus data). The factors produced form both analyses of SAS and BMDP are socio-ethnic, economic, hispanic, black, life expectancy, and multiple car ownership. In the study area the socio-ethnic factor is striking, and is composed of nine out of the fourteen varialbles. Geo-spatial 3-D mapping represents a socio-economic configuration of the study area. The high income value areas are Elmhurst and North Lack, and a spot between Belmont Ave. and the Lake Shore. Economic configuration is a vital importance of socio-economic activities in the urban areas. In the study area a minimum average income level is about $4,364 and maximun is $30,311.

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RPC Model Generation from the Physical Sensor Model (영상의 물리적 센서모델을 이용한 RPC 모델 추출)

  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Kim, Jae-Bin;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.4 s.27
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2003
  • The rational polynomial coefficients(RPC) model is a generalized sensor model that is used as an alternative for the physical sensor model for IKONOS-2 and QuickBird. As the number of sensors increases along with greater complexity, and as the need for standard sensor model has become important, the applicability of the RPC model is also increasing. The RPC model can be substituted for all sensor models, such as the projective camera the linear pushbroom sensor and the SAR This paper is aimed at generating a RPC model from the physical sensor model of the KOMPSAT-1(Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite) and aerial photography. The KOMPSAT-1 collects $510{\sim}730nm$ panchromatic images with a ground sample distance (GSD) of 6.6m and a swath width of 17 km by pushbroom scanning. We generated the RPC from a physical sensor model of KOMPSAT-1 and aerial photography. The iterative least square solution based on Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used to estimate the RPC. In addition, data normalization and regularization are applied to improve the accuracy and minimize noise. And the accuracy of the test was evaluated based on the 2-D image coordinates. From this test, we were able to find that the RPC model is suitable for both KOMPSAT-1 and aerial photography.

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