• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D FE

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Metallurgical Study of Iron Artifacts Yangju-Mountain Fortress (양주 대모산성 출토 철기유물의 금속학적 연구)

  • Lim, Sun-Ki;Kang, Dai-Ill;Moon, Whan-Suk;Park, Dong-Kyu;Kang, Sung-Goon
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.14
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 1993
  • 1. Metallurgical Properties of Iron artifacts excavated from Yangju-Mountain fortress were studied for the scientific conservation and metallurgical history of ancient Iron artifacts.2. Iron artifacts form Yangju-Mountain fortress were found to be the products of having well-established Carburizing and remelting technique in that period.3. These artifacts seem to be manufactured from very pure ores, because very pure ferrite structure and low impurity.4. Especially evidence of very suitable carburizing technic well-established and usealloying method of Fe-C system on purpose were found.5. Cast iron artifacts were found to be eutectic composition (4.31%) having lowestmelting point in Fe-C system.

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Taguchi Parameter Design for the Fabrication Process of Anisotropic NdFeB Magnet by Single Stroke Hot Deformation

  • Ying Li;Kim, Y. B.;Wang, Lin-shan;Kim, M. J.;M. S. Song;J. H. Yang;D. S. Suhr;Kim, T. K;Kim, C. O.
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.106-109
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    • 2000
  • The single stroke hot deformation is a simple method fur the fabrication of anisotropic NdFeB magnets. In order to obtain the optimum conditions, Taguchi method of experimental design was applied in this work. The optimum conditions obtained on the basis of coercivity in Taguchi analysis was a little different from those of remanence and maximum energy Product. The contribution of each factor to magnetic Properties was calculated in detail.

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Parametric Study on Bellows of Piping System Using Fuzzy Theory

  • Lee Yang-Chang;Lee Joon-Seong
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes a novel automated analysis system for bellows of piping system. An automatic finite element (FE) mesh generation technique, which is based on the fuzzy theory and computational geometry technique, is incorporated into the system, together with one of commercial FE analysis codes and one of commercial solid modelers. In this system, a geometric model, i.e. an analysis model, is first defined using a commercial solid modelers for 3-D shell structures. Node is generated if its distance from existing node points is similar to the node spacing function at the point. The node spacing function is well controlled by the fuzzy knowledge processing. The Delaunay triangulation technique is introduced as a basic tool for element generation. The triangular elements are converted to quadrilateral elements. Practical performances of the present system are demonstrated through several analysis for bellows of piping system.

Low Temperature Magnetization and Spin Wave Excitations in Amorphous Fe67 Co18B14Si1

  • Yoo, Yong-Goo;Yu, Seong-Cho;Hans A. Graf
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.72-75
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    • 1997
  • The temperature dependent saturation magnetization curve of amorphous Fe67 Co18B14Si1, alloy was measured using a SQUID magnetometer and vibrating sample magnetometer from 5 K up to 800 K. Inelastic neutron neutron scattering measurements also have been used to study the long wavelength spin dynamics of this high Tc amorphous ferromagnetic alloy. The magnon dispersion curve exhibit the conventional quadratic relationship E = D (T) q2 + $\Delta$, typical of an iso=obtained from a low temperature magnetization curve, which was consistent with the value obtained from the analysis oif inelastic neutron scattering data after consideration of its temperature dependence.

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A New Trend of In-situ Electron Microscopy with Ion and Electron Beam Nano-Fabrication

  • Furuya, Kazuo;Tanaka, Miyoko
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.36 no.spc1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2006
  • Nanofabrication with finely focused ion and electron beams is reviewed, and position and size controlled fabrication of nano-metals and -semiconductors is demonstrated. A focused ion beam (FIB) interface attached to a column of 200keV transmission electron microscope (TEM) was developed. Parallel lines and dots arrays were patterned on GaAs, Si and $SiO_2$ substrates with a 25keV $Ga^+-FIB$ of 200nm beam diameter at room temperature. FIB nanofabrication to semiconductor specimens caused amorphization and Ga injection. For the electron beam induced chemical vapor deposition (EBI-CVD), we have discovered that nano-metal dots are formed depending upon the beam diameter and the exposure time when decomposable gases such as $W(CO)_6$ were introduced at the beam irradiated areas. The diameter of the dots was reduced to less than 2.0nm with the UHV-FE-TEM, while those were limited to about 15nm in diameter with the FE-SEM. Self-standing 3D nanostructures were also successfully fabricated.

Dynamic Characteristics of Lumbar Spine After Vertebroplasty (척추성형술 시술 후 요추의 동적 특성)

  • Kim S.H.;Ko S.K.;Chae S.W.;Park J.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.240-243
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    • 2005
  • Osteoporosis, one of the age-related disease causes vertebra body fracture due to weakening trabecular bone and makes a substantial effect on load sharing among vertebras. Recently, vertebroplasty is one of the most popular treatment, as augmenting PMMA into vertebra. Biomechanical studies about vertebroplasty have been evaluated by several experiments or analysis under static loading but there has been no study on response under dynamic loading. This study included the FE analysis of patients who treated vertebroplasty under dynamic loading. For this study, 3-D FE model of lumbar spine(L1-L2) was modeled from CT scanning data and compared with experimental results in vitro in order to validate this model. Biomechanical behavior about each of normal person, osteoporotic patient and patient treated vertebroplasty for quantitative evaluations of vertebroplasty was compared and investigated.

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Analysis Method on the Free Drop Impact Condition of Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipping Casks (자유낙하충격조건에 있는 사용후핵연료 운반용기의 충격해석방법 연구)

  • 이재형;이영신;류충현;나재연
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.766-771
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    • 2001
  • The package used to transport radioactive materials, which is called by cask, must be safe under normal and hypothetical accident conditions. These requirements for the cask design must be verified through test or finite element analysis. Since the cost for FE analysis is less than one for test. the verification by FE analysis is mainly used. But due to the complexity of mechanical behaviors. the results depends on how users apply the codes and it can cause severe errors during analysis. In this paper, finite element analysis is carried out for the 9 meters free drop and the puncture condition of the hypothetical accident conditions using LS-DYNA3D and ABAQUS/Explicit. We have investigated the analyzing technique for the free drop impact test of the cask and found several vulnerable cases to errors. The analyzed results were compared with each other. We have suggested a reliable and relatively simple analysis technique for the drop test of spent nuclear fuel casks.

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  • Jang, T.S.;Park, J.D.;Jeung, W.Y.
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.421-426
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    • 1995
  • The magnetic properties of the hot-pressed magnets made from the Fe-Nd-B alloys, mechanically ground and subsequently blended with binary additives such as Al-Cu and Ag-Zn before hot pressing, were investigated. The coercivities of the magnets increased as the concentration of Al-Cu increased up to 1 wt.% or up to 3 wt.% in the case of Ag-Zn. At higher concentrations the coercivities decreased markedly. The maximum gain in coercivity by the addition was about 20 %. typical values of $_{i}H_{c}$ and $B_{r}$ of a hotpressed magnet containing 1 wt.% Al-Cu were 18 kOe and 7 kG, respectively. It was found that Cu, Ag, and Zn, which diffused into the magnet during hot pressing, were mostly concentrated on the Nd-rich grain boundary phase whereas Al was present not only in the grain boundary region but also in the matrix grains.

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Magnetic, Magneto-Optical, and Transport Properties of Ordered and Disordered 3d-Transition Metal Aluminide Films

  • Lee, Y.P.;Kim, K.W.;Rhee, J.Y.;Kudryavtsev, Y.V.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.7 no.s1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1998
  • The influence of the order-disorder structural transition on the magnetic and mageto-optical, and transport properties of Fe-Al and Co-Al alloy films has been investigated. The disordered states in the alloy films were prepared by vapor quenching deposition on glass substrates cooled by liquid nitrogen. The experimental study of the magento-optical properties of the ordered and disordered Fe-Al and Co-Al alloy films has been carried out in 1.05-5.0 eV energy range at room temperature. The transport properties have been measured in 2-300K temperature range with and without magnetic field of 0.5T. The influence of the order-disorder structural transition on the magnetic and magneto-optical properties was discussed by using the effective medium approximation and the structural defect approach. That on the temperature dependence of the resistivity was analyzed in a framework of the partial localization of the electronic states and the variable range hopping conductivity.

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Is a Suction Drain Necessary in Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair?

  • Park, Jin-Young;Sim, Ju Hyun;Lee, Jae Hyung;Oh, Kyung Soo;Chung, Seok Won
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.137-142
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    • 2016
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of suction drain use following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair by comparing early pain score and range of motion (ROM) between groups with and without suction drains. Methods: The study included 153 patients with rotator cuff tears who underwent arthroscopic repairs at our clinic from April 2014 to March 2015. Following surgery, a suction drain was used in 85 patients (group D) and not used in 68 patients (group ND). There was no statistical difference between the groups in terms of age, gender, or total operation time. The clinical outcome with regard to pain (assessed by pain scores and analgesic requests) and passive ROM was assessed preoperatively and postoperatively. Results: Immediate postoperative analgesic requirement was significantly higher in group D (p=0.001), although there was no difference in pain outcomes between the groups during the 3-month follow-up period. A statistically significant difference in passive ROM was observed at the postoperative 2- and 6-week follow-ups (p=0.036, 0.035, and 0.034 in forward elevation (FE), external rotation at the side (ER) and 90 ER at weeks 2, respectively; 0.045 and 0.009 in FE and ER at weeks 6, respectively); however no significant difference was observed at the end of 3 months. During the study period, no complication was reported in either group. Conclusions: Use of suction drains after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair provided little benefit in terms of ROM or pain in the early postoperative period (up to 3 months).