• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D Building Model

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  • JunHyuk Kwon;Byungil Kim;SangHyun Lee;Hyoungkwan Kim
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2013
  • Introducing the concept of construction safety in the design/engineering phase can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of safety management on construction sites. In this sense, further improvements for safety can be made in the design/engineering phase through the development of (1) an automated hazard identification process that is little dependent on user knowledge, (2) an automated construction schedule generation to accommodate varying hazard information over time, and (3) a visual representation of the results that is easy to understand. In this paper, we formulate an automated hazard identification framework for construction safety by extracting hazard information from related regulations to eliminate human interventions, and by utilizing a visualization technique in order to enhance users' understanding on hazard information. First, the hazard information is automatically extracted from textual safety and health regulations (i.e., Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) Standards) by using natural language processing (NLP) techniques without users' interpretations. Next, scheduling and sequencing of the construction activities are automatically generated with regard to the 3D building model. Then, the extracted hazard information is integrated into the geometry data of construction elements in the industry foundation class (IFC) building model using a conformity-checking algorithm within the open source 3D computer graphics software. Preliminary results demonstrate that this approach is advantageous in that it can be used in the design/engineering phases of construction without the manual interpretation of safety experts, facilitating the designers' and engineers' proactive consideration for improving safety management.

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3D numerical analysis of piled raft foundation for Ho Chi Minh City subsoil conditions

  • Amornfa, Kamol;Quang, Ha T.;Tuan, Tran V.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2022
  • Piled raft foundations are widely used and effective in supporting high-rise buildings around the world. In this study, a piled raft system was numerically simulated using PLAXIS 3D. The settlement comparison results between the actual building measurements and the three-dimensional (3D) numerical analysis, were in good agreement, indicating the usefulness of this approach for the evaluation of the feasibility of using a piled raft foundation in Ho Chi Minh City subsoil. The effects were investigated of the number of piles based on pile spacing, pile length, raft embedment on the settlement, load sharing, bending moments, and the shear force of the piled raft foundation in Ho Chi Minh City subsoil. The results indicated that with an increased number of piles, increased pile length, and embedding raft depth, the total and differential settlement decreased. The optimal design consisted of pile numbers of 60-70, corresponding to pile spacings is 5.5-6 times the pile diameter (Dp), in conjunction with a pile length-to-pile diameter ratio of 30. Furthermore, load sharing by the raft, by locating it in the second layer of stiff clay, could achieve 66% of the building load. The proposed model of piled raft foundations could reduce the total foundation cost by 49.61% compared to the conventional design. This research can assist practicing engineers in selecting pile and raft parameters in the design of piled raft foundations to produce an economical design for high-rise buildings in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, and around the world.

Towards 3D Modeling of Buildings using Mobile Augmented Reality and Aerial Photographs (모바일 증강 현실 및 항공사진을 이용한 건물의 3차원 모델링)

  • Kim, Se-Hwan;Ventura, Jonathan;Chang, Jae-Sik;Lee, Tae-Hee;Hollerer, Tobias
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents an online partial 3D modeling methodology that uses a mobile augmented reality system and aerial photographs, and a tracking methodology that compares the 3D model with a video image. Instead of relying on models which are created in advance, the system generates a 3D model for a real building on the fly by combining frontal and aerial views. A user's initial pose is estimated using an aerial photograph, which is retrieved from a database according to the user's GPS coordinates, and an inertial sensor which measures pitch. We detect edges of the rooftop based on Graph cut, and find edges and a corner of the bottom by minimizing the proposed cost function. To track the user's position and orientation in real-time, feature-based tracking is carried out based on salient points on the edges and the sides of a building the user is keeping in view. We implemented camera pose estimators using both a least squares estimator and an unscented Kalman filter (UKF). We evaluated the speed and accuracy of both approaches, and we demonstrated the usefulness of our computations as important building blocks for an Anywhere Augmentation scenario.

A Study on the good use of Construction Management Model based on BIM (CM(ConstructionManagement)에의 효율적 BIM활용에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Young-Gi;Kim, Kyung-Jun
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2010
  • The CM(Construction Manager) of D-university has been seeking the advice of my BIM-team to adopt CM(Construction Management) and BIM best practices to improve project delivery results, and has authored best practice reports for spatial validation, BIM, 3D, 4D and 5D performance. Building Information Modeling(BIM) Process, Integration, and Adoption looks at BIM implementation from a company and project level laying out a process for companies to use BIM. Following this studies, participants will be able to: 1. BIM participants has been creating a BIM process diagram for a project, and has been evaluating and selecting process options for a specific BIM project. 2. BIM participants has been describing the roles and responsibilities of participants in the BIM process, and has been communicating the BIM process to management, colleagues, and project stakeholders. 3. BIM participants has been identified consistent factors influencing BIM return on investment at the project level and the company level, and has been outlining a process for BIM adoption on the project level and company level.

BIM Mesh Optimization Algorithm Using K-Nearest Neighbors for Augmented Reality Visualization (증강현실 시각화를 위해 K-최근접 이웃을 사용한 BIM 메쉬 경량화 알고리즘)

  • Pa, Pa Win Aung;Lee, Donghwan;Park, Jooyoung;Cho, Mingeon;Park, Seunghee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2022
  • Various studies are being actively conducted to show that the real-time visualization technology that combines BIM (Building Information Modeling) and AR (Augmented Reality) helps to increase construction management decision-making and processing efficiency. However, when large-capacity BIM data is projected into AR, there are various limitations such as data transmission and connection problems and the image cut-off issue. To improve the high efficiency of visualizing, a mesh optimization algorithm based on the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classification framework to reconstruct BIM data is proposed in place of existing mesh optimization methods that are complicated and cannot adequately handle meshes with numerous boundaries of the 3D models. In the proposed algorithm, our target BIM model is optimized with the Unity C# code based on triangle centroid concepts and classified using the KNN. As a result, the algorithm can check the number of mesh vertices and triangles before and after optimization of the entire model and each structure. In addition, it is able to optimize the mesh vertices of the original model by approximately 56 % and the triangles by about 42 %. Moreover, compared to the original model, the optimized model shows no visual differences in the model elements and information, meaning that high-performance visualization can be expected when using AR devices.

Building of the Web-Based 3D Road Guide System of Yonsei Univ. (웹 기반의 3차원 교내 길 안내 시스템)

  • 손홍규;김호성;백종하
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2004
  • Recently various types of digital maps are widely available through the internet. Such e-maps have an advantage that user can easily get the information of destination by using only the search function. But these e-naps are based on 2D coordinate system so that they have limits that the virtual shapes of ground are very different from the real ones. Therefore, for more actual services of location information, we made a 3D model of Yonsei University with JAVA 3D and VRML technology and built the 3D e-map of Yonsei University, which is applied through the interaction between the web server and clients.

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Indexing Sectioned BIM Models for Mapping Crack with BIM 3D Model

  • Young-Soo Kim;Gyeong Chan Mun;Janghwan Kim;Sam-Hyun Chun;R. Young Chul Kim
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2024
  • In Current artificial structures, we must periodically make their safety inspections. In this process, we should consider the safety of workers and the accuracy of safety checks and also consider time and cost savings for safety inspections. Additionally, in the fields of architecture and civil engineering, we are unavoidable the use of foreign commercialized BIM model tools. To address these challenges, we propose mapping crack areas and BIM 3D design drawings based on augmented reality (AR) for the safety inspection of Huge Bridges. For this purpose, we define indexing of 2D/3D drawing models, create the tabulation of all 2D/3D drawings into a database, analyze QR codes, and finally integrate with augmented reality devices. we may expect our method to improve the efficiency of safety inspections on bridge sites. Moreover, we will enable the domestics of our pure technology.

A Study on 3D Model Building of Drones-Based Urban Digital Twin (드론기반 도심지 디지털트윈 3차원 모형 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Seong-Ha;Choi, Kyu-Myeong;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2020
  • In this study, to build a spatial information infrastructure, which is a component of a smart city, a 3D digital twin model in the downtown area was built based on the latest spatial information acquisition technology, the drone. Several analysis models were implemented by utilizing. While the data processing time and quality of the three types of drone photogrammetry software are different, the accuracy of the construction model is ± 0.04 in the N direction and ± 0.03m in the E direction. In the m and Z directions, ± 0.02m was found to be less than 0.1m, which is defined as the allowable range of surveying performance and inspection performance for the boundary point in the area where the registration of the boundary point registration is executed. 1: 500 to 1 of the aerial survey work regulation: The standard deviation, which is the error limit of the photographic reference point of the 600 scale, appeared within 0.14 cm, and it was found that the error limit of the large scale specified in the cadastral and aerial survey was satisfied. In addition, in order to increase the usability of smart city realization using a drone-based 3D urban digital twin model, the model built in this study was used to implement Prospect right analysis, landscape analysis, Right of light analysis, patrol route analysis, and fire suppression simulation training. Compared to the existing aerial photographic survey method, it was judged that the accuracy of the naked eye reading point is more accurate (about 10cm) than the existing aerial photographic survey, and it is possible to reduce the construction cost compared to the existing aerial photographic survey at a construction area of about 30㎢ or less.

Building a Sentential Model for Automatic Prosody Evaluation

  • Yoon, Kyu-Chul
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this paper is to propose an automatic evaluation technique for the prosodic aspect of an English sentence uttered by Korean speakers learning English. The underlying hypothesis is that the consistency of the manual prosody scoring is reflected in an imaginary space of prosody evaluation model constructed out of the three physical properties of the prosody considered in this paper, namely: the fundamental frequency (F0) contour, the intensity contour, and the segmental durations. The evaluation proceeds first by building a prosody evaluation model for the sentence. For the creation of the model, utterances from native speakers of English and Korean learners for the target sentence are manually scored by either native teachers of English or Korean phoneticians in terms of their prosody. Multiple native utterances from the manual scoring are selected as the "model" native utterances against which all the other Korean learners' utterances as well as the model utterances themselves can be semi-automatically evaluated by comparison in terms of the three prosodic aspects [7]. Each learner utterance, when compared to the multiple model native utterances, produces multiple coordinates in a three-dimensional space of prosody evaluation, each axis of which corresponds to the three prosodic aspects. The 3D coordinates from all the comparisons form a prosody evaluation model for the particular sentence and the associated manual scores can display regions of particular scores. The model can then be used as a predictive model against which other Korean utterances of the target sentence can be evaluated. The model from a Korean phonetician appears to support the hypothesis.

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Automated Generation of a Construction Schedule Based on the Work Method Template for 4D Simulation (4D 시뮬레이션을 위한 공법 템플릿 기반의 건설공정 자동 생성)

  • Song, Sung-Yol;Yang, Jeong-Sam;Myung, Tae-Sik
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.216-228
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    • 2012
  • BIM-based 4D simulation makes people easily understand complex construction process using 3D graphics model and helps them review and identify the construction schedule in each phase of the construction process. Moreover, 4D simulation can be used as reference data to determine the validity of the process in the design phase and will be utilized as a measure for checking the construction process. Therefore 4D simulation of construction improves efficiency of project management. However, current commercial applications available for 4D simulation do not provide sufficient functions for connection of 3D models and process information. In this paper, we propose an automated generation method through the definition of the process based on a work method template and developed the template based schedule generation system (TSGS).