• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D스캔데이터

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The Influence of Different Gypsum Materials on the Accuracy from Complete Arch Digital Impression (전악의 디지털 인상 채득 시 치과용 모형재가 디지털 모형 정확성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ki-Baek;Lee, Gyeong-Tak;Kim, Hae-Young;Kim, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.617-623
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to measure the accuracy of different gypsum materials by a white light dental scanner. A master model with the prepared lower full arch tooth was used. The type IV and scannable stone were used for 20 stone casts (10 casts each) duplicated a master model of mandible. The distance between the reference points were measured and analyzed by the Delcam $Copycad^{(R)}$ (Delcam Plc, UK) 3D graphic software. The t-student test for paired samples were used for statistical analysis. The mean differences to master model for type IV stone and scannable stone model were 0.29~0.56 mm, and 0.17~0.35 mm, respectively. There were statistical differences in dimensional accuracy for full arch impression between the master model and type IV/scannable stone (p<0.05). Two different gypsum materials showed clinically acceptable accuracies of full arch digital impression produced by them. Besides, in both gypsum materials, the differences to the master model detected appear to provide enough accuracy for clinical application.

Development of Male Fitted Torso Type Basic Patterns According to the Body Surface Segment Method (체표면분할법에 의한 성인 남성용 피티드 토르소형 원형 설계)

  • Suh, Chu-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1109-1120
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    • 2009
  • This study develops a fitted torso type basic pattern for men by utilizing 3D body scan data. Recent fashion trends are reflected in the development of the pattern. The subjects were 15 men in their 20's, who wear size 95 (M size). Body scan data was obtained through a 3D whole body scanner (WB4, Cyberware, USA), and a body surface development figure for developing male fitted torso type basic pattern was attained through the use of Rapid Form 2006 as well as Auto CAD 2006 programs. The results are as follows: A body surface development figure through body surface segment method showed high exactitude in an error range of 100$\pm$1%. In addition, it occurred in an error range of 100:1:3% because of the hard scanning conditions in the incline of the shoulder and armpit areas. However, the body surface development figure as well as the direct measurement results can be used as basic data for the given patternmaking since the error range falls into 100$\pm$3%. Dart amounts obtained from the average cross section were center back 2.2cm (24.3%), back armpit point 3.8cm (41.8%), front armpit point 3.0cm (33.9%). As shown the jacket pattern, the biggest dart amount was portioned out at the back armpit point. The drafting equations for the development pattern acquired are as follows; Full width=C/2+5cm, back length=height/4-1cm, armhole depth=(C/10+12cm)+3cm, back width=2C/10+2cm, front width=2C/10. The development pattern was a fitted torso basic pattern that was composed of 3 pieces, so it would be very useful in developing shirt or jacket patterns. According to the results of the evaluation of the developed pattern appearance, it obtained higher scores of over 3.5 points in almost items, meaning that the developed pattern is appropriate for a male fitted torso type basic pattern. It suggests a possibility of patternmaking from a body surface development figure in 2-D to prototype.

Principle and Recent Advances of Neuroactivation Study (신경 활성화 연구의 원리와 최근 동향)

  • Kang, Eun-Joo
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.172-180
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    • 2007
  • Among the nuclear medicine imaging methods available today, $H_2^{15}O-PET$ is most widely used by cognitive neuroscientists to examine regional brain function via the measurement of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). The short half-life of the radioactively labeled probe, $^{15}O$, often allows repeated measures from the same subjects in many different task conditions. $H_2^{15}O-$ PET, however, has technical limitations relative to other methods of functional neuroimaging, e.g., fMRI, including relatively poor time and spatial resolutions, and, frequently, insufficient statistical power for analysis of individual subjects. However, recent technical developments, such as the 3-D acquisition method provide relatively good image quality with a smaller radioactive dosage, which in turn results in more PET scans from each individual, thus providing sufficient statistical power for the analysis of individual subject's data. Furthermore, the noise free scanner environment $H_2^{15}O$ PET, along with discrete acquisition of data for each task condition, are important advantages of PET over other functional imaging methods regarding studying state-dependent changes in brain activity. This review presents both the limitations and advantages of $^{15}O-PET$, and outlines the design of efficient PET protocols, using examples of recent PET studies both in the normal healthy population, and in the clinical population.

An Efficient Coding Technique of Holographic Video Signal using 3D Segment Scanning (분할영역의 3차원 스캐닝을 이용한 홀로그래픽 비디오 신호의 효율적인 부호화 기술)

  • Seo, Young-Ho;Choi, Hyun-Jun;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2C
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    • pp.132-140
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we proposed a new technique to encode and decode the digital hologram. Since the digital hologram (or fringe pattern) is generated by interference of light, it has much different property from natural 2D (2 dimensional) images. First, we acquisite optical-sensed or computer-generated hologram by digital type, and then extract a chrominance component. The extracted digital hologram for coding is separated into segments to use multi-view properties. The segmented hologram shows the similar characteristics with picturing an object with 2D cameras in various point of view. Since fringe pattern is visually observed like as noise, we expect that the fringe pattern has poor coding efficiency. To obtain high efficiency, the segment is transformed with DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) which resembles hologram generation process with high performance. Each transformed segment passes the 3D scanning process according to time and spatial correlation, and is organized into a video stream. Since the segment which correspond to frame of a video stream consists of the transformed coefficients with wide range of value, it is classified and re-normalized. Finally it is compressed with coding tools. The proposed algorithm illustrated that it has better properties for reconstruction of 16 times higher compression rate than the previous researches.

Introduction and Application of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Estimating Physical Structurers of Vegetation in the Channel (하도 내 식생의 물리적 구조를 산정하기 위한 3차원 지상 레이저 스캐닝의 도입 및 활용)

  • Jang, Eun-kyung;Ahn, Myeonghui;Ji, Un
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2020
  • Recently, a method that applies laser scanning (LS) that acquires vegetation information such as the vegetation habitat area and the size of vegetation in a point cloud format has been proposed. When LS is used to investigate the physical shape of vegetation, it has the advantage of more accurate and rapid information acquisition. However, to examine uncertainties that may arise during measurement or post-processing, the process of adjusting the data by the actual data is necessary. Therefore, in this study, the physical structure of stems, branches, and leaves of woody vegetation in an artificially formed river channel was manually investigated. The obtained results then compared with the information acquired using the three-dimensional terrestrial laser scanning (3D TLS) method, which repeatedly scanned the target vegetation in various directions to obtain relevant information with improved precision. The analysis demonstrated a negligible difference between the measurements for the diameters of vegetation and the length of stems; however, in the case of branch length measurement, a relatively more significant difference was observed. It is because the implementation of point cloud information limits the precise differentiation between branches and leaves in the canopy area.

Quantitative Analysis of GBCA Reaction by Mol Concentration Change on MRI Sequence (MRI sequence에 따른 GBCA 몰농도별 반응에 대한 정량적 분석)

  • Jeong, Hyun Keun;Jeong, Hyun Do;Kim, Ho Chul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.182-192
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we introduce how to change the reaction rate as mol concentration when we scan enhanced MRI with GBCA(Gadolinium Based Contrast Agent), Also show the changing patterns depending on diverse MRI sequences which are made by different physical principle. For this study, we made MRI phantom ourselves. We mixed 500 mmol Gadoteridol with Saline in each 28 different containers from 500 to 0 mmol. After that, MR phantom was scanned by physically different MRI sequences which are T1 SE, T2 FLAIR, T1 FLAIR, 3D FLASH, T1 3D SPACE and 3D SPCIR in 1.5T bore. The results were as follows : *T1 Spin echo's Total SI(Signal Intensity) was 15608.7, Max peak was 1352.6 in 1 mmol. *T2 FLAIR's Total SI was 9106.4, Max peak was 0.4 1721.6 in 1 mmol. *T1 FLAIR's Total SI was 20972.5, Max peak was 1604.9 in 1 mmol. *3D FLASH's Total SI was 20924.0, Max peak was 1425.7 in 40 mmol. *3D SPACE 1mm's Total SI was 6399.0, Max peak was 528.3 in 3 mmol. *3D SPACE 5mm's Total SI was 6276.5, Max peak was 514.6 in 2 mmol. *3D SPCIR's Total SI was 1778.8, Max peak was 383.8 in 0.4 mmol. In most sequences, High signal intensity was shown in diluted lower concentration rather than high concentration, And also graph's max peak and pattern had difference value according to the each different sequence. Through this paper which have quantitative result of GBCA's reaction rate depending on sequence, We expect that practical enhanced MR protocol can be performed in clinical field.

A Study on the Recreated Experiment and Casting Method of Ancient Iron Seated Buddha by Spilt Casting Method (분할주조법을 이용한 고대 철불의 재현실험 및 주조법 연구)

  • Park, June Yeong;Jung, Da Yeon;Han, Min Su;Lee, Joo Wan;Cho, Nam Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.234-242
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    • 2022
  • The study aimed to investigate the split casting method based on the recreation of the iron-seated Buddha (ISB) statue (number 1971) in the Chuncheon Museum. The statue was designed using three-dimensional scan data and reduced to half-size. Using the existing research results, the ISB statue was created by mold production and split casting. The mold was prepared by mixing sand and clay at a ratio of 3:4 and 1:3 on the outside and inside, respectively, and then casting was done. Various casting defects were observed in the ISB casting and similar shapes were seen. The casting defects included veining or finning, misrun, open or external shrinkage, surface or subsurface blowholes, surface pinholes, and shift. The microstructures were identified as branch-shaped dendrite and pearlite organizations, and black graphite was observed between the cementite organizations. The study findings may be relevant in exploring traditional casting and manufacturing techniques of ISB and may aid in the production of the original form of ISB.

Analysis of Optimal Pathways for Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning for the Establishment of Digital Inventory of Forest Resources (디지털 산림자원정보 구축을 위한 최적의 지상LiDAR 스캔 경로 분석)

  • Ko, Chi-Ung;Yim, Jong-Su;Kim, Dong-Geun;Kang, Jin-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to identify the applicability of a LiDAR sensor to forest resources inventories by comparing data on a tree's position, height, and DBH obtained by the sensor with those by existing forest inventory methods, for the tree species of Criptomeria japonica in Jeolmul forest in Jeju, South Korea. To this end, a backpack personal LiDAR (Greenvalley International, Model D50) was employed. To facilitate the process of the data collection, patterns of collecting the data by the sensor were divided into seven ones, considering the density of sample plots and the work efficiency. Then, the accuracy of estimating the variables of each tree was assessed. The amount of time spent on acquiring and processing the data by each method was compared to evaluate the efficiency. The findings showed that the rate of detecting standing trees by the LiDAR was 100%. Also, the high statistical accuracy was observed in both Pattern 5 (DBH: RMSE 1.07 cm, Bias -0.79 cm, Height: RMSE 0.95 m, Bias -3.2 m), and Pattern 7 (DBH: RMSE 1.18 cm, Bias -0.82 cm, Height: RMSE 1.13 m, Bias -2.62 m), compared to the results drawn in the typical inventory manner. Concerning the time issue, 115 to 135 minutes per 1ha were taken to process the data by utilizing the LiDAR, while 375 to 1,115 spent in the existing way, proving the higher efficiency of the device. It can thus be concluded that using a backpack personal LiDAR helps increase efficiency in conducting a forest resources inventory in an planted coniferous forest with understory vegetation, implying a need for further research in a variety of forests.

Scientific Study on Clepsydra of Changgyeonggung Palace, National Treasure for Diagnosis on State of Conservation (국보 창경궁 자격루 누기의 보존상태 진단을 위한 과학적 조사)

  • YOU Harim;LEE Jaesung;YU Jia;JO Hanui;PARK Younghwan;RYU Dongwan
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.138-156
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    • 2023
  • Some of the metal cultural heritage that make up a considerable proportion of Korea's cultural heritage have been installed and displayed outdoors due to their own functions, roles, and scale. Therefore, more diverse and complex damages can occur outdoors than they are in a stable environment. Therefore, it is necessary to combine accurate diagnosis and systematic survey methods in order to utilize basic data obtained from research results as data for the long-term and continuous conservation management as well as to do the research to diagnose the conservation status of outdoor cultural heritage. The clepsydra(hereinafter referred to as Jagyeongnu) of Changgyeonggung Palace, the National Treasure has been installed and displayed outdoors since it was manufactured. Though regular conservation and maintenance of the Jagyeongnu have been carried out, damage still occurred. Therefore, the scientific research on Jagyeongnu to diagnose the state of conservation was conducted prior to the full-scale conservation treatment. First, the state of conservation was investigated with an examination of basic data, macroscopic inspections and past records of repair history according to the purpose of the research. More detailed examinations were also conducted through the 3D scan, surface pattern investigation, and color difference analysis, and the analysis on materials and contaminants were conducted through P-XRF, FT-IR, and Py-GC/MS. The scientific research reveals that squalane and silicone oil have been applied in the past for conservation treatment and directly exposed to outdoor environmental factors, which caused damage to Jagyeongnu and contaminants such as dust adhered thickly to its surface, accelerating severe damage. A greater incidence of damage was found around the part with relatively high exposure effect, which corresponded with the tendency identified by grouping color difference data. As a result of integrating various research methodologies to diagnose the state of conservation and secure basic data, the causes and types of damage were identified. Furthermore, the process of obtaining digital data to be utilized in various ways, and the color difference analysis presenting visible damage as scientific data and identifying the tendency of damage patterns were confirmed to have been effective.

An External Surfaces Modeling of Inlay/onlay Using Geometric Techniques (기하학 기술을 이용한 인레이/온레이의 외면 모델링)

  • Yoo kwal-Hee;Ha Jong-Sung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.12A no.6 s.96
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a method for effectively modeling inlay/onlay prostheses restoring a tooth that are partially destroyed. An inlay/onlay is composed of internal surface adhering to an abutment, and external surface revealed to the outside sight. Internal surfaces are modeled using Minkowski sum expanding the grinded surface parts of abutments so that the internal surfaces can adhere to the abutments with closer contact. In modeling external surfaces, we exploit 3D mesh deformation techniques: DMFFD(direct manipulation free-form deformation)[19] and MWD(multiple wires deformation)[17] with three kinds of informations: standard teeth models, mesh data obtained by scanning a plaster cast of a patient's tooth, FGP(functionally guided plane) measuring the occlusion of the patients's teeth. The standard teeth models are used for building up the basic shapes of external surfaces, while the plaster fast and FGP data are used for reflecting the unique properties of adjacent md occlusal surfaces of the patients's teeth, which are slightly different to each other but very important for correct functioning. With these informations as input data, the adjacent and occlusal surfaces are automatically generated as mesh data using the techniques of DMFFD and m, respectively. Our method was implemented so that inlay/onlay prostheses fan be designed more accurately by visualizing the generated mesh models with requirements by dentists.