• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3-D position

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Development of a Semi-Atomatic Protocol for embodiment of a desirable 3D breast shape and deployment of bra cup pattern (3차원의 바람직한 유방형상 구현을 위한 Semi-Atomatic Protocol 개발 및 브래지어 컵 패턴으로의 전개)

  • Sohn, Boo-hyun;Kweon, Soo-ae
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.189-206
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    • 2016
  • A breast model was for the human body was devised by studying a body scan and human body index of a desirable breast type. Thus, when manufacturing various 3D models, these results can accordingly become a fundamental basis for realizing a desirable breast model. This study aims to provide a basic data for designing the cup patterns of brassieres in order to improve the function and wearing comfort. The comfort of three kinds of brassieres were compared: one manufactured by the actual measured size; another manufactured as per the ratio of desirable upper and lower breast lengths; and the third manufactured by the 3D model attained by the desirable human body ratio. In this study, we suggest a process for realizing the desirable breast model using the ratio of bust breadth and waist front length, which are the components for deciding the appropriate position and size of breast, and which are easy to measure. The ideal breast shape is an equilateral triangle formed by connecting the nipple with the center of the clavicle. After deciding the interval between the nipples, this value can be used to configure the locations of nipples by drawing a tangent, with equal length, from the anterior neck point (which is the center of clavicle) to the nipple. Also, since inside points of breast do not exist, the outer point of breast, upper point of breast, and below point of breast on the same plane, and the depths from the nipple point to the respective points, are applied to simulate a 3D image, by modifications along the x, y, and z axes. Depending on the type of breast, the length from the center of shoulder to the nipple, the diameter of breast, upper length of breast, and the position of nipple, are different. In conical or protruding breast, the wearing sensation is better when the nipple point of brassiere was lifted, by modifying the upper and lower lengths of breast. Considering the wearing sensation and function of a brassiere, it was better to leave the wearer's size as it is and use a pad within the same cup, rather than increase the basal area of the breast in order to increase the volume.

The Computerized 3-D Clothing Simulation for the Evaluation of Men's Working Pants (남성용 작업복 팬츠 3차원 가상착의 시뮬레이션 평가)

  • Park, Gin Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.63 no.8
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2013
  • The study was aimed to develop men's working pants patterns through the computerized 3-D virtual clothing simulation system and to verify the effects of the 3-D simulated outfit by comparing it to the images of the actual outfits. The average body measurements of South Korean men aged between 30 and 39 used for the simulation in order to generate a 3-D virtual model and to realize outfits of men's working pants for the workers in the heavy industry in South Korea. And also the preliminary questionnaire survey results on certain aspects of the working pants such as type, detailed design preference and discomforting parts were taken into consideration. Both the simulated and real images of the developed working pants were compared in terms of the ease amount according to parts of the working pants, the position of seam lines, the appearance of darts and pleats, and the effects of the fabric surface according to expertise panels' subjective 5-point scale evaluation. The results throughout the study were (1) the basic working pants item worn by subject workers were the straight one pleated pants. The most discomforting parts of the working pants were in the order of body rise, thigh, hip, waist, pants hems and knee girth. (2) the drafting factors of pants patterns differed by the men's body features, which was related to the allocation of suppression amounts between waist and hip girths into darts and hip curve amounts on the waist line level of the pants. (3) the similarity of the virtually simulated and real images of men's working pants resulted in an average of 4.5 to the ease of appearance, 4.6 to the seam lines, 4.1 to the fabric surface effects in a 5-point scale, which means that the two were highly alike.

Three Dimensional Indoor Location Tracking Viewer

  • Yang, Chi-Shian;Jung, Sang-Joong;Chung, Wan-Young
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2009
  • In this paper we develop an indoor location tracking system and its 3D tracking monitoring viewer, viz., 3D Navigation Viewer (3DNV). We focus on the integration of an indoor location tracking system with the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), to facilitate a representation of the user's spatial information in virtual indoor environments that is synchronized with the physical location environment. The developed indoor location tracking system employs beacons as active transmitters, and a listener as a passive receiver. The distance information calculated from the difference speeds of RF and Ultrasonic signals is exploited, to determine the user's physical location. This is essential in supporting third parties like doctors and caregivers in identifying the activities and status of a particular individual via 3DNV. 3DNV serves as a unified user interface for an indoor location tracking system, showing the viewpoint and position of the target in virtual indoor environments. It was implemented using VRML, to provide an actual real time visualization of the target's spatial information.

Synthesis, Docking Study and In-vitro Evaluation of Anti-Tuberculosis Activity of Tri Substituted Imidazoles Containing Quinoline Moiety

  • Sahana, S.;Vijayakumar, G.R.;Sivakumar, R.;Sriram, D.;Saiprasad, D.V.
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2022
  • A simple, efficient, and cost-effective method has been employed for the synthesis of 2,4,5-trisubstituted imidazole derivatives (3a-j) containing quinoline substituent at 2nd position. Title compounds were obtained by multicomponent reaction (MCR), involving aryl substituted 1,2-diketone, quinoline carbaldehyde and ammonium acetate in the presence of acetic acid solvent under mild reaction conditions. The newly synthesized quinoline containing imidazole derivatives were confirmed through FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and mass spectral analysis. In-vitro microplate alamar blue assay (MABA) to determine the MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) values against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv was performed for the synthesized compounds. The synthesized compounds exhibited activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and among which compounds, 3d, 3f and 3i showed good activity. The highest activity was showed with compound 3i. The anti-mycobacterial activity results are well correlated with the computational molecular docking analysis, which was performed for the synthesized compounds prior to the evaluation of the activity.

Estimation of Head Angle and Position from 2D images (2 차원 영상의 얼굴 각도와 위치 판정)

  • Kim, Woowon;Hwang, Jinkyu;Lee, Sangyoun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.1-3
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    • 2011
  • 얼굴의 각도와 위치는 많은 정보를 포함하고 있어 다양한 분야에서 응용이 가능하다. 본 논문에서는 하나의 2 차원 영상만으로 사람 얼굴의 3 차원 각도와 위치를 파악하는 시스템을 제안한다. 얼굴 특징 점 검출 기술, 포즈 판정 기술, 오류 안정화 기술 등을 단계별로 설명하며, 비디오 데이터베이스를 통한 실험으로 시스템의 성능을 분석하였다. 오류는 5 도 안팎의 적은 수치이며 개인용 컴퓨터에서 실시간 수행이 가능하다.

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High speed 3D position detection of radiation using CCD camera (CCD 카메라를 이용한 방사선원 3차원 위치 고속 측정기)

  • Lee, Nam-Ho;Kim, Seung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10b
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    • pp.433-435
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    • 2005
  • 광변환 물질을 사용하여 X-선이나 감마방사선을 가시광으로 변환한 다음 CCD 카메라를 통하여 광량을 측정하면 방사선의 양을 간접적으로 측정할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 CCD형 비상대용 로봇용 고속 삼차원 방사선 위치 탐지장치에서 방사선 위치 센싱의 핵심 역할을 수행하는 CCD 방사선 탐지부를 간접 방사선 측정 방법을 응용하여 고안하고 구현한 다음 이에 대한 방사선 특성시험을 수행하였다. 시험 결과로 부터 구현한 CCD형 방사선 센서가 방사선 위치 및 선량 탐지장치로 활용 가능성이 충분함 확인하였다.

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Axial motion stereo method (로보트 팔에 부착된 카메라를 이용한 3차원 측정방법)

  • 이상용;한민홍
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1991.10a
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    • pp.1192-1197
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    • 1991
  • This paper describes a method of extracting the 3-D coordinates of feature points of an object from two images taken by one camera. The first image is from a CCD camera before approaching the object and the second image is from same camera after approaching the object along the optical axis. In the two images, the feature points appear at different position on the screen due to image enlargement. From the change of positions of feature points their world coordinates are calculated. In this paper, the correspondence problem is solved by image shrinking and correlation.

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3D Position Analysis and Tracking of an Object using Monocular USB port Camera (한 대의 USB port 카메라를 이용한 물체추적 과 3차원 정보 추출)

  • 이동엽;이동활;배종일;이만형
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.277-277
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    • 2000
  • This paper's purpose obtain information of three dimension using a camera. This system embody to know the height of object using triangle method between reference point of circumstance and object. As I use java program, it is possible to make system regardless of operating system, set up the system. By using comportable USB port camera, we used to everywhere without the capture board. We can use the internet by using the java's JMF and applet everywhere, we regard the camera as fixed.

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Effective PPL Arrangements in the Screen of Multimedia Contents (멀티미디어 콘텐츠화면에서의 효과적인 PPL 배치)

  • Lee, Young-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.875-881
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    • 2007
  • This study explores the attention effects of PPL(product placement) in multimedia contents. PPL has been attracted attention in multimedia as well as marketing communication field as a beneficiary model. For the research, multimedia screen is divided into 9 sections and the serial 9 digit($1{\sim}9$) is assigned to the each part of the screen. The visual exposure forms of each 9 digit are composed by 2-dimension(2D) and 3-dimension(3D). And the visual exposure patterns of each 9 digit are consisted of stopping and moving image. As a result, the 5th quartering has been proved the most attracted attention regardless of all exposure forms including 2D/3D and slopping/moving image. This means center of the multimedia screen is the best place for PPL. Especially in one digit moving screen the attention of the digit has reached the climax. This suggests moving PPL is able to get more attention than stopping. These results provide the most effective PPL position in the screen of the multimedia and PPL's visual exposure forms for maximizing multimedia user's attention. Finally, these findings can be a guideline fer message arrangements of the multimedia screen.

Stereospecific Analysis of the Molecular Species of the Triacylglycerols Containing Conjugate Trienoic Acids by GLC-Mass Spectrometry in Combination with Deuteration and Pentafluorobenzyl Derivatization Techniques (중수소화(重水素化), Pentafluorobenzyl화(化)와 GLC-Mass Spectrometry에 의한 Conjugate Trienoic Acid함유(含有) Triacylglycerol 분자종(分子種)의 입체특이적 분석(分析))

  • Woo, Hyo-Kyeng;Kim, Seong-Jin;Joh, Yong-Goe
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.214-232
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    • 2001
  • CTA ester bonds in TG molecules were not attacked by pancreatic lipase and lipases produced by microbes such as Candida cylindracea, Chromobacterium viscosum, Geotricum candidium, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Rhizophus delemar, R. arrhizus and Mucor miehei. An aliquot of total TG of all the seed oils and each TG fraction of the oils collected from HPLC runs were deuterated prior to partial hydrolysis with Grignard reagent, because CTA molecule was destroyed with treatment of Grignard reagent. Deuterated TG (dTG) was hydrolyzed partially to a mixture of deuterated diacylglycerols (dDG), which were subsequently reacted with (S)-(+)-1-(1-naphthyl)ethyl isocyanate to derivatize into dDG-NEUs. Purified dDG-NEUs were resolved into 1, 3-, 1, 2- and 2, 3-dDG-NEU on silica columns in tandem of HPLC using a solvent of 0.4% propan-1-o1 (containing 2% water)-hexane. An aliquot of each dDG-NEU fraction was hydrolyzed and (fatty acid-PFB ester). These derivatives showed a diagnostic carboxylate ion, $(M-1)^{-}$, as parent peak and a minor peak at m/z 196 $(PFB-CH_{3})^{-}$ on NICI mass spectra. In the mass spectra of the fatty acid-PFB esters of dTGs derived from the seed oils of T. kilirowii and M. charantia, peaks at m/z 285, 287, 289 and 317 were observed, which corresponded to $(M-1)^{-}$ of deuterized oleic acid ($d_{2}-C_{18:0}$), linoleic acid ($d_{4}-C_{18:0}$), punicic acid ($d_{6}-C_{18:0}$) and eicosamonoenoic acid ($d_{2}-C_{20:0}$), respectively. Fatty acid compositions of deuterized total TG of each oil measured by relative intensities of $(M-1)^-$ ion peaks were similar with those of intact TG of the oils by GLC. The composition of fatty acid-PFB esters of total dTG derived from the seed oils of T. kilirowii are as follows; $C_{16:0}$, 4.6 mole % (4.8 mole %, intact TG by GLC), $C_{18:0}$, 3.0 mole % (3.1 mole %), $d_{2}C_{18:0}$, 11.9 mole % (12.5 mole %, sum of $C_{18:1{\omega}9}$ and $C_{18:1{\omega}7}$), $d_{4}-C_{18:0}$, 39.3 mole % (38.9 mole %, sum of $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$ and its isomer), $d_{6}-C_{18:0}$, 41.1 mole % (40.5 mole %, sum of $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13r}$ and $C_{18:3\;9t,11t,13c}$), $d_{2}-C_{20:0}$, 0.1 mole % (0.2 mole % of $C_{20:1{\omega}9}$). In total dTG derived from the seed oils of M. charantia, the fatty acid components are $C_{16:0}$, 1.5 mole % (1.8 mole %, intact TG by GLC), $C_{18:0}$, 12.0 mole % (12.3 mole %), $d_{2}-C_{18:0}$, 16.9 mole % (17.4 mole %, sum of $C_{18:1{\omega}9}$), $d_{4}-C_{18:0}$, 11.0 mole % (10.6 mole %, sum of $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$), $d_{6}-C_{18:0}$, 58.6 mole % (57.5 mole %, sum of $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$). In the case of Aleurites fordii, $C_{16:0}$; 2.2 mole % (2.4 mole %, intact TG by GLC), $C_{18:0}$; 1.7 mole % (1.7 mole %), $d_{2}-C_{18:0}$; 5.5 mole % (5.4 mole %, sum of $C_{18:1{\omega}9}$), $d_{4}-C_{18:0}$ ; 8.3 mole % (8.5 mole %, sum of $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$), $d_{6}-C_{18:0}$; 82.0 mole % (81.2 mole %, sum of $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $C_{18:3 9c,11t,13c})$. In the stereospecific analysis of fatty acid distribution in the TG species of the seed oils of T. kilirowii, $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13r}$ and $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$ were mainly located at sn-2 and sn-3 position, while saturated acids were usually present at sn-1 position. And the major molecular species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})_{2}$ and $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})$ were predominantly composed of the stereoisomer of $sn-1-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, and $sn-1-C_{18:1{\omega}9}$, $sn-2-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, respectively, and the minor TG species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})_{2}(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})$ and $ (C_{16:0})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})_{2}$ mainly comprised the stereoisomer of $sn-1-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-2-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$ and $sn-1-C_{16:0}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c}$. The TG of the seed oils of Momordica charantia showed that most of CTA, $C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13r}$, occurred at sn-3 position, and $C_{18:2{\omega}6}$ was concentrated at sn-1 and sn-2 compared to sn-3. Main TG species of $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$ and $(C_{18:0})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$ were consisted of the stereoisomer of $sn-1-C_{18:1{\omega}9}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $sn-1-C_{18:0}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, respectively, and minor TG species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})_{2}$ and $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13c})$ contained mostly $sn-1-C_{18:2{\omega6}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $sn-1-C_{18:1{\omega}9}$, $sn-2-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$. The TG fraction of the seed oils of Aleurites fordii was mostly occupied with simple TG species of $(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{3}$, along with minor species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$, $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$ and $(C_{16:0})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})$. The sterospecific species of $sn-1-C_{18:2{\omega}6}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-1-C_{18:1{\omega}9}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ and $sn-1-C_{16;0}$, $sn-2-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$, $sn-3-C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t}$ are the main stereoisomers for the species of $(C_{18:2{\omega}6})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_2$, $(C_{18:1{\omega}9})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})_{2}$ and $(C_{16:0})(C_{18:3\;9c,11t,13t})$, respectively.