• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3-D pose

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Surver and Construction in Gabensis village, Papua New Guinea (파푸아뉴기니 가벤시스마을 현황과 전망)

  • Chang, K.J.;Seo, G.S.;Byun, Jae Myun;Park, C.H.;Jeon, U.S.;Elick, G.;Eleo, D.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2011
  • Gabensis village is one of the biggest village In the Wampar Local Level Government area within the Huon Gulf District of Morobe Province with a population of around 3,000. The major staple food is banana which is well complemented by minor staples yam, cassava, Singapore/Chinese taro and sweet potato. Apart from gardening for own consumption, the villagers engage in selling of vegetables, garden staples, cocoa beans, coconuts, timber, chicken, fish and pig meat to supplement their livelihood. Livestock like pigs and chickens are also kept for meat and for commercial purpose. Bettlenut which was once one of the main cash crops has now been overtaken by cocoa due to a disease that had attacked almost the entire bettlenut tree population in the area. Even though the Wau-Bulolo highway cuts through the village and all have access to transport infrastructure, the majority of the population still encounter problems in communication due to poor telecommunication coverage. On average most people earn not more than K50 per week due to constrains in production and marketing among others. Gabensis village has the potential to develop a tourism industry given its natural attraction of Lake Wanam. Beside there is also the natural eel farming and the fish pond at the nearby Potsie village. These natural attractions pose huge tourism potential for the community. As part of government services delivery and development, education and health issues is very much important in the community however there is lack of infrastructural development and poor service delivery especially in the area of health. However, the responsibility is on the community to organize themselves to realize that potential. A well developed agro-ecotourism investments would have positive spillover effects to the community thus contributing towards improving the livelihoods of the many farming families.

Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Stormwater Runoffs from Industrial Region Discharged into Shihwa Lake (시화호 산업지역 강우유출수 내 중금속 유출특성 및 위해성 평가)

  • Ra, Kongtae;Kim, Joung-Keun;Lee, Jung-Moo;Lee, Seung-Yong;Kim, Eun-Soo;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.283-296
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    • 2014
  • The distribution of heavy metals in the stormwater runoffs from industrial sites around Shihwa Lake that implements the total pollutant load management system (TPLMS) was studied to characterize the temporal changes of metal concentrations and to assess the ecological risk in dissolved and particulate phases of the selected metals. The dissolved Co and Ni concentration demonstrated first flush and tended to decrease with increasing of the duration of rainfall. The intensity of precipitation was found to be the main controlling factor of particulate metals in the stromwater runoffs. The particulate concentration of Pb accounted for 97.2% so the particulate phase was its main form. Other metals followed the sequence: Pb>Cu>Cd>Co>Zn>Ni. The particulate-dissolved partitioning coefficient ($K_d$) indicated that the $K_d$ of Pb were bigger than that of other metals because the metal Pb in the stormwater runoffs is quickly removed into the particulate phase. In a single day rainfall event, total runoff fluxes for total metals as the sum of dissolved and particulate forms through only two sewer outlets were 2.21 kg for Co, 30.5 kg for Ni, 278.3 kg for Cu, 398.3 kg for Zn, 0.39 kg for Cd and 40.0 kg for Pb, respectively. Given the annual rainfall, the number of rain days and the basin area for total pollutant load management system (TPLMS) of Shihwa area, enormous amount of non-point metal pollutants were entered into Lake with any treatment. The dissolved metals (e.g., Ni, Cu and Zn) in the stormwater runoffs exceeded the acute water quality criteria. Additionally, all metals were significantly enriched in the particulate phase and exceeded the PEL criteria of sediment quality guidelines (SQGs). These results indicated that the heavy metals in the stormwater runoffs may pose a very high ecological risk to the coastal environments and ecosystem.

Plantar foot pressure analysis during golf swing motion using plantar foot pressure measurement system (족저압력분포 측정장비를 이용한 골프 스윙시 족저압 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Ki;Lee, Joong-Sook;Lee, Bom-Jin;Lee, Hun-Sik;Kim, Young-Jae;Park, Seung-Bum;Joo, Jong-Peel
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2005
  • D. K. LEE, J. S. LEE, B. J. LEE, H. S. LEE, Y. J. KIM, S. B. PARK, J. P. JOO. Plantar foot pressure analysis during golf swing motion using plantar foot pressure measurement system. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 75-89, 2005. In this study, weight carrying pattern analysis and comparison method of four foot region were suggested. We used three types of club(driver, iron7, pitching wedge). This analysis method can compare between top class golfer and beginner. And the comparison data can be used to correct the swing pose of trainee. If motion analysis system, which can measure the swing speed and instantaneous acceleration at the point of hitting a ball, is combined with this plantar foot force analysis method, new design development of golf shoes to increase comfort and ball flight distance will be available. 1. Address acting, forces concentrated in rare foot regions and lateral foot of right foot. Back swing top acting, relatively high force occurred in medial forefoot region of left foot and forefoot region of right foot. Impact acting, high force value observed in the lateral rarefoot region of left foot and medial forefoot region of right foot. Finish acting, force concentration observed on the lateral region and rarefoot region of left foot. 2. Forces were increased in address of right foot with clubs length increased. All clubs, back swing top acting, high force value observed in the lateral forefoot region of right foot. All clubs, in impact, high force value observed in the lateral rarefoot region of left foot and medial forefoot region of right foot. Finish acting, force concentration observed on the rarefoot region in driver and lateral foot region in iron on left foot. 3. Right foot forces distribution were increased in address, back swing top and left foot force distribution were increased in impact, finnish

A Evaluation of Direct Payment on Agricultural Income effect using Farm Manager Registration Information (농업경영체 등록정보를 활용한 농업직불제 소득효과 분석)

  • Han, Suk-Ho;Chae, Gwang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2016
  • The government has run and managed various forms of direct payment systems, such as the paddy and field direct payment, to ease the instability of farm incomes with respect to market opening, and preserve farm income. Direct payments to the agricultural sector is a center in the key policy instrument that plays an important role in income stabilization. Despite the large amount of spending in the farm unit, the status of direct payment, and policy effects the analysis of direct payments, such as stability of income contribution, are insufficient. This paper, using the farm unit DB in 2014 and 2015, performed farm level analysis of direct payment, and derived the implications of the performance evaluation system. As a result, the distribution of direct payment showed considerable bias to the left side compared to the normal distribution curve. Approximately half of the farms (49.3%) in 2014 DB should receive below 100,000 won per year by a direct payment. A larger-scale farm showed a significantly increased income effect and income stabilizing effect because direct payments make higher contributions to farm income in proportional to the area. In the more elderly farmers, a high contribution by direct payment to farm income was found to be an advantage; however, in small-scale farms of less than 0.5ha, direct payment contribution on farm household income was only 3%. In large-scale farms, 10ha or more, the contribution to farm income were found to be 29.4%. The income of large farms was 10 times larger than small farmers, and the direct payment entitlements that were received were 110 times larger. Through this policy, direct payments are required for future improvements and modifications.

Differential Diagnosis of Metastatic Bone Disease and Benign Bone Disease on Spine SPECT in Patients with Low Back Pain (요통 환자의 척추골 SPECT에서 골전이 병변과 양성골질환의 섭취 양상 분석을 통한 감별진단이 가능한가)

  • Lee, Seung-Hun;Choi, Yun-Young;Cho, Suk-Shin
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.371-377
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: One or more abnormal vertebrae detected on bone scintigraphy is a common finding in clinical practice, and it could pose a diagnostic dilemma especially in cancer patients. as either metastasis or benign disease may cause scintigraphic abnormality. The purpose of this study was to determine whether additional spine SPECT has a role in differentiating malignant from benign lesions in patients with back pain. Materials and Methods: We reviewed spine SPECT studios obtained over a three-year period in 108 patients. Among them, forty-five patients with abnormal SPECT and clinically followed records were evaluated (20 cancer patients were included). Uptake patterns were classified as follows: 1. Body: diffusely increased uptake, linear increased uptake of end plate, segmental increased uptake, and cold defect, 2. Posterior element: posterior to body (pedicle), posterior to Intervertebral disc space (facet joint), and spinous process. Lesions were correlated with radiological findings and with final diagnosis. Results: Sixty-nine bone lesions were detected on SFECT images, including 18 metastases, 28 degenerative diseases and 21 compression fractures. Cold defect (6) and segmental increased uptake (5) were dominant findings in metastasis; linear increased uptake (12), and facet joint uptake (15) were in degenerative change; and diffuse increased uptake (9), and linear increased uptake (9) were in compression fracture. Conclusion: Cold defect and segmental increased uptake of body were characteristic findings of metastasis, but care should be taken because compression fracture also shows segmental increased uptake in some cases. Degenerative disease was easily diagnosed because of the typical finding of linear increased uptake of end plate and facet joint. Therefore, additional bone SPECT after planar bone scan would be helpful for differentiating metastasis from benign condition in cancer patients.

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