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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 3-D elasto-plastic analysis

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An Experimental Study on Stength of Slender Square Tube Columns Filled with High Strength Concrete (고강도콘크리트충전 각형강관장주의 내력에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Seo, Seong Yeon;Chung, Jin An
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.471-479
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, 18 square CFT columns filled with high-strength concrete were tested under concentric or eccentric axial loading. Two parameters of the experimental program included the buckling length-section depth ratio (LK/D) and the eccentricity of the appled compressive load (e). In additon, mechanical properties such as the compressive concrete strength and compressive and tensile steel strength were measured and incorporated into the material models for the stress-strain relationships of concrete and steel. This model was used in an elasto-plastic analysis in order to predict the behavior of the slender CFT columns. Observtions of the failure mode during the tests under axial loadig were also presented. The strengths obtained from the analysis. Recommendations for Design, and Constructions of CFT structures were presented, as verified by the experimental results.

Numerical Fatigue Test Method Based on Continuum Damage Mechanics (연속체 손상역학을 이용한 수치 피로시험 기법)

  • Lee, Chi-Seung;Kim, Young-Hwan;Kim, Tae-Woo;Lee, Jae-Myung
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2007
  • Once assessment of material failure characteristics is captured precisely in a unified way, it can bedirectly incorporated into the structural failure assessment under various loading environments, based on the theoretical backgrounds so called Local Approach to Fracture. The aim of this study is to develop a numerical fatigue test method by continuum damage mechanics applicable for the assessment of structural integrity throughout crack initiation and structural failure based on the Local Approach to Fracture. The generalized elasto-visco-plastic constitutive equation, which can consider the internal damage evolution behavior, is developed and employed in the 3-D FEA code in order to numerically evaluate the material and/or structural responses. Explicit information of the relationships between the mechanical properties and material constants, which are required for the mechanical constitutive and damage evolution equations for each material, are implemented in numerical fatigue test method. The material constants selected from constitutive equations are used directly in the failure assessment of material and/or structures. The performance of the developed system has been evaluated with assessing the S-N diagram of stainless steel materials.

Deformation analysis of high CFRD considering the scaling effects

  • Sukkarak, Raksiri;Pramthawee, Pornthap;Jongpradist, Pornkasem;Kongkitkul, Warat;Jamsawang, Pitthaya
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.211-224
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, a predictive method accounting for the scaling effects of rockfill materials in the numerical deformation analysis of rockfill dams is developed. It aims to take into consideration the differences of engineering properties of rockfill materials between in situ and laboratory conditions in the deformation analysis. The developed method is based on the modification of model parameters used in the chosen material model, which is, in this study, an elasto-plastic model with double yield surfaces, i.e., the modified Hardening Soil model. Datasets of experimental tests are collected from previous studies, and a new dataset of the Nam Ngum 2 dam project for investigating the scaling effects of rockfill materials, including particle size, particle gradation and density, is obtained. To quantitatively consider the influence of particle gradation, the coarse-to-fine content (C/F) concept is proposed in this study. The simple relations between the model parameters and particle size, C/F and density are formulated, which enable us to predict the mechanical properties of prototype materials from laboratory tests. Subsequently, a 3D finite element analysis of the Nam Ngum 2 concrete face slab rockfill dam at the end of the construction stage is carried out using two sets of model parameters (1) based on the laboratory tests and (2) in accordance with the proposed method. Comparisons of the computed results with dam monitoring data indicate that the proposed method can provide a simple but effective framework to take account of the scaling effect in dam deformation analysis.

Rock bridge fracture model and stability analysis of surrounding rock in underground cavern group

  • Yu, Song;Zhu, Wei-Shen;Yang, Wei-Min;Zhang, Dun-Fu;Ma, Qing-Song
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.481-495
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    • 2015
  • Many hydropower stations in southwest China are located in regions of brittle rock mass with high geo-stresses. Under these conditions deep fractured zones often occur in the sidewalls of the underground caverns of a power station. The theory and methods of fracture and damage mechanics are therefore adopted to study the phenomena. First a flexibility matrix is developed to describe initial geometric imperfections of a jointed rock mass. This model takes into account the area and orientation of the fractured surfaces of multiple joint sets, as well as spacing and density of joints. Using the assumption of the equivalent strain principle, a damage constitutive model is established based on the brittle fracture criterion. In addition the theory of fracture mechanics is applied to analyze the occurrence of secondary cracks during a cavern excavation. The failure criterion, for rock bridge coalescence and the damage evolution equation, has been derived and a new sub-program integrated into the FLAC-3D software. The model has then been applied to the stability analysis of an underground cavern group of a hydropower station in Sichuan province, China. The results of this method are compared with those obtained by using a conventional elasto-plastic model and splitting depth calculated by the splitting failure criterion proposed in a previous study. The results are also compared with the depth of the relaxation and fracture zone in the surrounding rock measured by field monitoring. The distribution of the splitting zone obtained both by the proposed model and by the field monitoring measurements are consistent to the validity of the theory developed herein.

Numerical Analysis of Welding Residual Stresses for Ultra-Thick Plate of EH40 Steel Joined by Tandem EGW (극후판 EH40 TMCP강재 Tandem EGW 용접부의 잔류응력 해석)

  • Hwang, Se-Yun;Lee, Jang-Hyun;Kim, Byung-Jong;Yang, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.821-830
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    • 2010
  • Deck plates and hatch coming of large container carrier and offshore structures are joined by ultra-thick plates whose thickness is more than 60mm. Traditionally FCAW has been used to join the thick plates in butt joint. However, FCAW has been replaced with EGW since the welding efficiency of EGW is higher than that of FCAW. Tandem EGW using two electrodes has been applied to vertical position welding by several shipyards. EGW requires one or two layers of bead whereas FCAW requires more than 20 layers of weld bead in thick welding. However, high welding residual stresses are generated by EGW since it uses higher heat input than FCAW. In the present study, a finite element model is suggested to predict the residual stresses induced by the tandem EGW. Butt specimen of EH40 TMCP shipbuilding steel plates vertical welding was modeled by a three-dimensional model. Residual stresses were measured by X-ray diffraction method and to verify the numerical result. The results show a good agreement with experimental result.

Springback Analysis of the Front Side Member with Advanced High Strength Steel (고강도 강판을 적용한 프런트 사이드 멤버의 스프링백 해석)

  • Song J. H.;Kim S. H.;Park S. H.;Huh H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.106-109
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    • 2005
  • Springback is a common phenomenon in sheet metal forming, caused by the elastic recovery of the internal stresses after removal of the tooling. Recently, advanced high strength steels (AHSS) such as TRIP and DP are finding acceptance in the automotive industry because their superior strength to weight ratio can lead to improved fuel efficiency and assessed crashworthiness of vehicles. The major troubles of the automotive structural members stamped with high strength steel sheets are the tendency of the large amount of springback due to the high yield strength and the tensile strength. The amount of springback is mainly influenced by the type of the yield function and anisotropic model induced by rolling. The discrepancy of the deep drawn product comparing the data of from the product design induced by springback must be compensated at the tool design stage in order to guarantee its function and assembly with other parts. The methodology of compensation of the low shape accuracy induced by large amount of springback is developed by the expert engineer in the industry. Recently, the numerical analysis is introduced in order to predict the amount of springback and to improve the shape accuracy prior to tryout stage of press working. In this paper, the tendency of springback is evaluated with respect to the blank material. The stamping process is analyzed fur the front side member formed with AHSS sheets such as TRIP60 and DP60. The analysis procedure fully covers the binderwrap, stamping, trimming and springback process with the commercial elasto-plastic finite element code LS-DYNA3D.

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Stability Analysis of the Excavation Slope on Soft Ground using Sheet Pile (널말뚝을 이용한 연약지반 굴착사면의 안정해석)

  • Kang, Yea Mook;Cho, Seong Seop;Lee, Dal Won
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 1996
  • The following results were obtained by analyzing the displacement, strain and stability of ground at the soft ground excavation using sheet pile. 1. Before setting the strut, the horizontal displacement was large on the upper part of excavated side, but after setting the strut, it showed concentrated phenomenon while being moved to go down to the excavated side. 2. After setting the strut, the displacement of sheet pile was rapidly decreased about a half compared with before setting the strut. The limitation of excavation depth was shown approximately GL-8m after setting double stair strut. 3. Maximum shear strain was gradually increased with depth of excavation, and local failure possibility due to shear deformation at the bottom of excavation was decreased by reinforcement of strut. 4. Maximum horizontal displacement of sheet pile at GL-7.5m was shown 0.2% of excavation depth in elasto-plastic method, and 0.6% in finite-element methods, and the maximum displacement was occurred around the bottom of excavation. 5. To secure the safety factor about penetration depth in the ground of modeling, D/H should be more than 0.89 in the case of one stair strut, and more than 0.77 in the case of double stair strut. 6. The relation of safety factor and D/H about the penetration depth was appeared, Fs=0.736(D/H) + 0.54 in the case of one stair strut, and Fs=0.750(D/H) + 0.62 in the case of double stair strut.

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Effects of Distributed Load on the Dynamic Response of the Reinforced Concrete Slabs (분포하중이 철근 콘크리트 슬래브의 동적 거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Kyung-Yoon;Cho, Jin-Goo;Choi, Soo-Myung;Hong, Chong-Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2008
  • This study has been carried out to investigate the dynamic characteristics of RC slabs. For this purpose, the 20-node solid element has been used to discretize the RC slabs into two parts of concrete and rebar. The material non-linearity considering elasto-visco plastic model and the smeared crack model have been adopted in the finite element formulation. The applied load can handle step load, load intensity of harmonic load, area of distributed load and frequency. The frequency of harmonic load has an significant effect on dynamic behaviour in terms of displacement. As the frequency is increased, the effect of load amplitude is more serious. Especially, if the frequency of harmonic load exceeds 30 Hz, it is noted that the displacement by harmonic load is greater than that by step load. In case of harmonic load, the damping effect shows no certain tendency with respect to frequency of load. In details, the damping is effective when the frequency of harmonic load is 2 Hz, but there is no consistent tendency according to damping ratio. The dynamic response when the frequency of harmonic load is 3 Hz shows same result for undamped case as well as for damped case with 5% damping ratio. It is also noted that we can get the largest deflection for damped case with 1% damping ratio. However, there is not any damping effect when the frequency of harmonic load is greater than 4 Hz.

The Response of a Single Pile and Pile Groups to Tunnelling Performed in Weathered Rock (풍화암에서 실시된 터널굴착으로 인한 단독말뚝 및 군말뚝의 거동)

  • Lee, Cheol Ju
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.5C
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 2012
  • The effects of tunnelling in weak weathered rock on the behaviour of a pre-existing single pile and pile groups (3×3 and 5×5 pile groups) above a tunnel have been studied by carrying out three-dimensional (3D) elasto-plastic numerical analyses. Numerical modelling of such effects considers the response of the single pile and pile groups in terms of tunnelling-induced ground and pile settlement as well as changes of the shear transfer mechanism at the pile-soil interface due to tunnelling. Due to changes in the relative shear displacement between the pile and the soil at the pile-soil interface with tunnel advancement, the shear stresses and axial pile force distributions along the pile change drastically. Based on the computed results, upward shear stresses are induced up to about Z/L=0.775 from the pile top, while downward shear stresses are mobilised below Z/L=0.775, resulting in a reduction in the axial pile force distribution with depth equivalent to a net increase in the tensile force on the pile. A maximum tensile force of about 0.36Pa developed on the single pile solely due to tunnelling, where Pa is the service axial pile loading prior to tunnelling. The degree of interface shear strength mobilisation at the pile-soil interface was found to be a key factor governing pile-soil-tunnelling interaction. Overall it has been found that the larger the number of piles, the greater is the effect of tunnelling on the piles in terms of pile settlement, while changes of the axial pile forces for the piles in the groups are smaller than for a single pile due to the shielding effect. The reduction of apparent allowable pile capacity due to tunnelling-induced pile head settlement was significant, in particular for piles inside the groups.

A study on the comparison by the methods of estimating the relaxation load of SEM-pile (SEM파일의 이완하중 산정방법별 이완하중량 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Gyu;Park, Eun-Hyung;Cho, Kook-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.543-560
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    • 2018
  • With the increased development in downtown underground space facilities that vertically cross under a railway at a shallow depth, the demand for non-open cut method is increasing. However, most construction sites still adopt the pipe roof method, where medium and large diameter steel pipes are pressed in to form a roof, enabling excavation of the inside space. Among the many factors that influence the loosening region and loads that occur while pressing in steel pipes, the size of the pipe has the largest impact, and this factor may correspond to the magnitude of load applied to the underground structure inside the steel pipe roof. The super equilibrium method (SEM) has been developed to minimize ground disturbance and loosening load, and uses small diameter pipes of approximately 114 mm instead of conventional medium and large diameter pipes. This small diameter steel pipe is called an SEM pile. After SEM piles are pressed in and the grouting reinforcement is constructed, a crossing structure is pressed in by using a hydraulic jack without ground subsidence or heaving. The SEM pile, which plays the role of timbering, is a fore-poling pile of approximately 5 m length that prevents ground collapse and supports surface load during excavation of toe part. The loosening region should be adequately calculated to estimate the spacing and construction length of the piles and stiffness of members. In this paper, we conducted a comparative analysis of calculations of loosening load that occurs during the press-in of SEM pile to obtain an optimal design of SEM. We analyzed the influence of factors in main theoretical and empirical formulas applied for calculating loosening regions, and carried out FEM analysis to see an appropriate loosening load to the SEM pile. In order to estimate the soil loosening caused by actual SEM-pile indentation and excavation, a steel pipe indentation reduction model test was conducted. Soil subsidence and soil loosening were investigated quantitatively according to soil/steel pipe (H/D).