• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3-D elasto-plastic analysis

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Semi-rigid Elasto-Plastic Post Buckling Analysis of Space Frame by Using the Explicit Arc-Length Method (명시적 호장법을 이용한 공간프레임의 반강접 탄소성 후좌굴 해석)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Soo;Han, Sang-Eul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.535-546
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, semi-rigid elasto-plastic post-buckling analysis of a space frame was performed using various explicit arc-length methods. Various explicit arc-length methodsand a large-deformation and small-strain elasto-plastic 3D space frame element with semi-rigid connections and plastic hinges were developed. This element can be appliedto both explicit and implicit numerical algorithms. In this study, the Dynamic Relaxation method was adopted in the predictor and corrector processesto formulate an explicit arc-length algorithm. The developed "explicit-predictor" or "explicit-corrector" were used in the elasto-plastic post-buckling analysis. The Eulerian equations for a beam-column with finite rotation, which considers the bowing effects, were adopted for the elastic system and extended to theinelastic system with a plastic hinge concept. The derived tangent stiffness matrix was asymmetrical due to the finite rotation. The joint connection elements were introduced for semi-rigidity using a static condensation technique. Semi-rigid elasto-plastic post-buckling analyses were carried out to demonstrate the potential of the developed explicit arc-length method and advanced space frame element in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Particle Reinforced Metal Matirx Composites Considering the Thermal Residual Stress and the Non-uniform Distribution of Reinforcements (금속복합재료의 열잔류 응력과 강화재의 불규칙 분산 상태를 고려한 3차원 유한 요소 해석)

  • 강충길;오진건
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 2000
  • Particles reinforced MMCs have higher specific modulus, higher specific strength, better properties at elevated temperatures and better wear resistance than monolithic metals. But the coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE) of Al6061 is 5 times larger than that of SiCp. The discrepancy of CTE makes some residual stresses inside of MMCs. This work investigates SiCpCp/Al6061 composites at high temperatures in the microscopic view by three-dimensional elasto-plastic finite element analyses and compares the analytical results with the experimental ones. The theoretical model is not able to consider the nonuniform shape of particle. So the shape of particle is assumed to be perfect global shape. And also particle distribution is not homogeneous in experimental specimen. It is assumed to be homogeneous in simulation model. The type of particle distribution is face-centered cubic array(FCC array). Furthermore, non-homogeneous distribution is modeled by combination of several volume fractions.

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Prediction of Cutting Stress by 2D and 3D-FEM Analysis and Its Accuracy (2차원과 3차원 FEM 해석에 의한 절단응력의 해석 및 정도)

  • 장경호;이상형;이진형;강재훈
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.261-269
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    • 2003
  • Steel bridges, which have been damaged by load and corrosion, need repair or strengthening. In general, before the repair welding procedure, cutting procedure carry out. Therefore, the investigating of the behavior of stress generated by cutting is so important for safety of structure. Residual stress produced by gas cutting was analyzed using 2D and 3D thermal elasto plastic FEM. According to the results, the magnitude of temperature was analyzed by 2D FEM is smaller than that was analyzed using the 3D FEM program at the start and end edge of flange. And the magnitude and distribution of residual stress of perpendicular to the cutting line was analyzed by the 2D FEM program was similar to that was analyzed by the 3D FEM program. Therefore, it is possible to predict of cutting stress by 2D and 3D FEM.

Three-dimensional Analysis for Solidification and Bulging of Continuously Cast (연속 주조의 응고와 벌징에 관한 3차원 해석)

  • Kim Y. D.;Cho J. R.;Lee B. Y.;Ha M. Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.174-177
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, The bulging behavior of the solidified shell in continuously cast slabs have been numerically analyzed using three-dimensional elasto-plastic and creep finite element method Three-dimensional model has been applied in order to investigate the effect of the narrow face shell on restraining the bulging deflection. Solidification analysis are carried out by two-dimensional finite difference method. In this way, strains occurring at the solidification front near the narrow face of the slab, as well as those occurring in the board face have been computed. The adequacy of the model has been checked against the experimental results. In addition, the effect of the slab width and casting speed on the bulging are discussed.

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Thermal Elasto-Plastic Deformation Analysis of Metal Matrix Composites Considering Residual Stress and Interface Bonding Strength (잔류응력과 계면접합강도를 고려한 금속복합재료의 열탄소성 변형 해석)

  • Kang, Chung-Gil;Seo, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1 s.94
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 1999
  • As the interface bonding phenomenon between the matrix and the reinforcements has a large effect on the mechanical properties of MMCs, a sugestion of the strength analysis technique considering the residual stress and the interface bonding phenomenon is very important for the design of pans and the estimation of fatigue behavior. In this paper the three dimensional finite element anaysis is performed during the elasto-plastic deformation of the particulate reinforced metal matrix composites. It was analyzed with the volume fractions in view of microscale. Bonding strength. interface separation and matrix void growth between the matrix and the reinforcements will be predicted on deformation under tensile loading. An interface seperation is estimated by the fracture criterion which is a critical value of generalized plastic work per unit volume. The shape of the reinforcement is assumed to be a perfect sphere. And the type of the reinforcement distribution is assumed as FCC array. The thermal residual stress in MMCs is induced by the heat treatment. It is included at the simulation as an initial residual stress. The element birth and death method of the ANSYS program is used for the estimation of the interface bonding strength, void generation and propagation. It is assumed that the fracture in the matrix region begin to occur under the external loading when the plastic work per unit volume is equal to the critical value. The fracture strain will be defined. The experimental data of the extruded SiCp>/606l Al composites are compared with the theoretical results.

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Determination of collapse safety of shear wall-frame structures

  • Cengiz, Emel Yukselis;Saygun, Ahmet Isin
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.135-148
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    • 2007
  • A new finite shear wall element model and a method for calculation of 3D multi-storied only shear walled or shear walled - framed structures using finite shear wall elements assumed ideal elasto - plastic material are developed. The collapse load of the system subjected to factored constant gravity loads and proportionally increasing lateral loads is calculated with a method of load increments. The shape functions over the element are determined as a cubic variation along the story height and a linear variation in horizontal direction because of the rigid behavior of the floor slab. In case shear walls are chosen as only one element in every floor, correct solutions are obtained by using this developed element. Because of the rigid behavior of the floor slabs, the number of unknowns are reduced substantially. While in framed structures, classical plastic hinge hypothesis is used, in nodes of shear wall elements when vertical deformation parameter is exceeded εe, this node is accepted as a plastic node. While the system is calculated with matrix displacement method, for determination of collapse safety, plastic displacements and plastic deformations are taken as additional unknowns. Rows and columns are added to the system stiffness matrix for additional unknowns.

A Study on the Optimization of Lifting Lug for Block Erection (선박 블럭 탑재용 러그 구조 최적화 연구)

  • Min, Dug-Ki;Eum, Sung-Min
    • Special Issue of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • 2011.09a
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2011
  • In general, a number of lifting lugs have been used in shipbuilding industry and the D-type lugs are mainly used. The aim of this paper is to increase the cycle of the use and to reduce the size of lifting lugs to introduce lightweight shackle. In this study, nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis has been performed to confirm the ultimate strength of lifting lugs. In order to evaluate the proper design-load distribution around lug eye, the contact force between lifting lug and shackle pin has been realized by gab element model. Gap element modeling and nonlinear analysis are carried out using the finite element program MSC/PATRAN & ABQUS. Additionally the ultimate strength tests were performed to verify the structural adequacy of newly designed lifting lug and to insure safety of it. The D-10, 15, 20 & 40 ton models which are mainly used in the block erection are selected in the strength test. According to the results of the analysis and strength test, the ultimate strength of the newly designed lifting lugs has been estimated to exceed 3 times of design working load.

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Elasto-plastic Anisotropic Wood Material Model for Finite Solid Element Applications (탄소성이방성 솔리드 유한요소법 활용을 위한 목재 재료 모델 생성 연구)

  • Hong, Jung-Pyo;Kim, Chul-Ki;Lee, Jun-Jae;Oh, Jung-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.367-375
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    • 2014
  • A simplified material model, which was efficiently implemented in a three-dimensional finite solid element (3D FE) analysis for wood was developed. The bi-linear elasto-plastic anisotropic material theory was adopted to describe constitutive relations of wood in three major directions including longitudinal, radial and tangential direction. The assumption of transverse isotropy was made to reduce the requisite 27 material constants to 6 independent constants including elastic moduli, yield stresses and Poisson's ratios in the parallel, and perpendicular to grain directions. The results of Douglas fir compression tests in the three directions were compared to the 3D FE simulation incorporated with the wood material model developed in this study. Successful agreements of the results were found in the load-deformation curves and the permanent deformations. Future works and difficulties expected in the advanced application of the model were discussed.

A Study on the Prediction of Deformations of Plates due to Line Heating Using a Simplified Thermal Elasto-Plastic Analysis Method (간이 열탄소성 해석을 이용한 선상가열에 의한 판의 변형 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, C.D.;Seo, S.I.;Ko, D.E.
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.104-112
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    • 1997
  • Line heating process has been used in forming hull surfaces long before and it has depended on skillful workers. As the reduction of production cost is major concern of shipbuilding companies, line heating work must be improved for higher productivity. In this paper, as the first step to automatic hull forming, a method is proposed to predict deformations due to line heating. It includes a simplified thermal elasto-plastic analysis to increase computing efficiency and to do real time visualization of deformed shapes. For the prediction of deformation, a method to estimate heat flux of the torch is also introduced. Predicted deformations for line heated plates show good agreement with experimental results. The proposed method can be used in control and simulation of line heating process with ease.

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