• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2D scan data

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3D Depth Camera-based Obstacle Detection in the Active Safety System of an Electric Wheelchair (전동휠체어 주행안전을 위한 3차원 깊이카메라 기반 장애물검출)

  • Seo, Joonho;Kim, Chang Won
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.552-556
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    • 2016
  • Obstacle detection is a key feature in the safe driving control of electric wheelchairs. The suggested obstacle detection algorithm was designed to provide obstacle avoidance direction and detect the existence of cliffs. By means of this information, the wheelchair can determine where to steer and whether to stop or go. A 3D depth camera (Microsoft KINECT) is used to scan the 3D point data of the scene, extract information on obstacles, and produce a steering direction for obstacle avoidance. To be specific, ground detection is applied to extract the obstacle candidates from the scanned data and the candidates are projected onto a 2D map. The 2D map provides discretized information of the extracted obstacles to decide on the avoidance direction (left or right) of the wheelchair. As an additional function, cliff detection is developed. By defining the "cliffband," the ratio of the predefined band area and the detected area within the band area, the cliff detection algorithm can decide if a cliff is in front of the wheelchair. Vehicle tests were carried out by applying the algorithm to the electric wheelchair. Additionally, detailed functions of obstacle detection, such as providing avoidance direction and detecting the existence of cliffs, were demonstrated.

Terrain Data Construction and FLO-2D Modeling of the Debris-Flow Occurrences Area (토석류 발생지역 지형자료 구축 및 FLO-2D 모델링)

  • Oh, Chae-Yeon;Jun, Kye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2019
  • Occurrences of debris flow are a serious danger to roads and residential located in mountainous areas and cause a lot of property loss. In this study, two basins were selected and spatial data were constructed to simulate the occurred debris flow from mountainous areas. The first basin was to use the Terrestrial LiDAR to scan the debris flow occurrence section and to build terrain data. For the second basin, use drones the sediment in the basin was photographed and DSM (Digital surface model) was generated. And to analyze the effect of the occurrence of debris flow on downstream side, FLO-2D, two-dimensional commercial model, was used to simulate the flow region of the debris flow. And it was compared with the sedimentation area of terrestrial LiDAR and drone measurement data.

3-D Graphics Simulators : SOFTGRA and RACA (3차원 그래픽스 시뮬레이터 : SOFTGRA와 RACA)

  • Eo, Kil-Su;Choi, Hun-Kyu;Kyung, Chong-Min
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1987.07b
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    • pp.1528-1531
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    • 1987
  • Two graphics simulators, SOFTGRA and RACA, have been developed. The SOFTGRA has been implemented by the scan line algorithm using 2 shading models with multi-light sources. The RACA is a ray casting simulator which produces shadowed images with realism. Above two simulators run on Sun micro system and MV10000 and produce image data which are transfered into IBM AT with Metheus' Omega graphics board and drawn there.

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Evaluation of Efficacy of Body Shaper for Senior Women Using 3D Scanned Data (3차원 데이터를 활용하여 시니어를 대상으로 한 바디쉐이퍼의 보정기능성 평가)

  • Kim, Soyoung;Hong, Kyunghi;Lee, Heeran
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.220-230
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    • 2019
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution has increased studies on observing the cross section by overlapping the clothing worn using 3D human body data. However, there is a lack of studies on the effect of pressure clothing that contracts the shape of the human body. Therefore, this study objectively evaluated the shaping functionality of body shapers using 3D scan and 3D data. Two types of commercial body shapers were selected for this study. The nude body and body wearing body shapers were then scanned. A 3D program evaluated the shaping functionality by overlapping the nude state with the body wearing body shaper A and B respectively. As a result, it was found that the effect of body shapers could be adequately observed according to body parts. The smaller body shaper was shown to have superior shaping capability with the abdomen more affected. Analysis of the horizontal cross section indicated that the waist circumference decreased by 6 cm when wearing body shaper A and decreased by 12cm when wearing body shaper B. The volume of the waist part decreased by 8.6% when wearing body shaper A and by 20.4% when wearing body shaper B. Therefore, it is more effective to compare the objective shaping functionality by body parts using the overlapped 3D scanned data rather than using exterior evaluation or length measurement when wearing clothing that contracts the body shape.

A Development of the Torso Pattern for Obese Middle-aged Women from 3D Virtual Garment Simulation (3D 가상착의 시스템에 의한 비만 중년여성의 토르소 원형설계에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Ji-Young
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to develop torso pattern of Middle-aged obese women by using the virtual twin and 3D virtual garment simulation system. The results were as follows; 1. By using 3D Virtual Garment Simulation, new torso pattern considered obese women was development. The basic numerical formula were as follows ; bust girth B/2+5, armhole depth B/6+5, front waist girth W/4+2+0.5, back waist girth W/4+1-0.5, front hip girth H/4+1+0.5, back hip girth H/4+2-0.5, chest width B/6+2.5, back width B/6+2.5 and back neck width B/20+2.5. 2. According to the results of the new torso pattern's appearance evaluation, it estimated more highly than existing pattern in silhouette and ease amount, confirming that new torso pattern is appropriate for the obese women. Also, new torso pattern was evaluated to allow proper space length of bust, waist, abdomen and hip. Virtual models production through 3D body scan data, pattern draft and virtual garment digital program were applied to prototypic design method so as to enhance the fitness of ready-made garments. This study is expected to serve as one of important basic data for ensuing studies that may utilize 3D Virtual Garment Simulation System with 2D patterns, and also for future 3D Pattern Production Program development.

Filtering Airborne Laser Scanning Data by Utilizing Adjacency Based on Scan Line (스캔 라인 기반의 인접 관계를 이용한 항공레이저측량 자료의 필터링)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ho;Yeom, Jun-Ho;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.359-365
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    • 2011
  • This study aims at filtering ALS points into ground and non-ground effectively through labeling and window based algorithm by utilizing 2D adjacency based on scan line. Firstly, points adjacency is constructed through minimal search based on scan line. Connected component labeling algorithm is applied to classify raw ALS points into ground and non-ground by utilizing the adjacency structure. Then, some small objects are removed by morphology filtering, and isolated ground points are restored by IDW estimation. The experimental results shows that the method provides good filtering performance( about 97% accuracy) for diverse sites, and the overall processing takes less time than converting raw data into TIN or raster grid.

Obstacle Detection for Unmanned Ground Vehicle on Uneven Terrain (비평지용 무인차량을 위한 장애물 탐지)

  • Choe, Tok Son;Joo, Sang Hyun;Park, Yong Woon;Park, Jin Bae
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.342-348
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    • 2016
  • We propose an obstacle detection algorithm for unmanned ground vehicle on uneven terrain. The key ideas of the proposed algorithm are the use of two-layer laser range data to calculate the gradient of a target, which is characterized as either ground or obstacles. The proposed obstacle detection algorithm includes 4-steps: 1) Obtain the distance data for each angle from multiple lidars or a multi-layer scan lidar. 2) Calcualate the gradient for each angle of the uneven terrain. 3) Determine ground or obstacle for each angle on the basis of reference gradient. 4) Generate a new distance data for each angle for a virtual laser scanner. The proposed algorithm is verified by various experiments.

Real-time Data Enhancement of 3D Underwater Terrain Map Using Nonlinear Interpolation on Image Sonar (비선형 보간법을 이용한 수중 이미지 소나의 3 차원 해저지형 실시간 생성기법)

  • Ingyu Lee;Jason Kim;Sehwan Rho;Kee–Cheol Shin;Jaejun Lee;Son-Cheol Yu
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2023
  • Reconstructing underwater geometry in real time with forward-looking sonar is critical for applications such as localization, mapping, and path planning. Geometrical data must be repeatedly calculated and overwritten in real time because the reliability of the acoustic data is affected by various factors. Moreover, scattering of signal data during the coordinate conversion process may lead to geometrical errors, which lowers the accuracy of the information obtained by the sensor system. In this study, we propose a three-step data processing method with low computational cost for real-time operation. First, the number of data points to be interpolated is determined with respect to the distance between each point and the size of the data grid in a Cartesian coordinate system. Then, the data are processed with a nonlinear interpolation so that they exhibit linear properties in the coordinate system. Finally, the data are transformed based on variations in the position and orientation of the sonar over time. The results of an evaluation of our proposed approach in a simulation show that the nonlinear interpolation operation constructed a continuous underwater geometry dataset with low geometrical error.

The Standard Processing of a Time Series of Imaging Spectral Data Taken by the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph on the Goode Solar Telescope

  • Chae, Jongchul;Kang, Juhyeong;Cho, Kyuhyoun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.46.1-46.1
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    • 2018
  • The Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) on the Goode Solar Telescope (GST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory is the imaging Echelle spectrograph developed by the Solar Astronomy Group of Seoul National University and the Solar and Space Weather Group of Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute. The instrument takes spectral data from a region on the Sun in two spectral bands simultaneously. The imaging is done by the organization of intensity data obtained from the fast raster scan of the slit over the field of view. Since the scan repeats many times, the whole set of data can be used to construct the movies of monochromatic intensity at arbitrary wavelengths within the spectral bands, and those of line-of-sight velocity inferred from different spectral lines. So far there are two standard observing configurations: one recording the $H{\alpha}$ line and the Ca II 8542 line simultaneously, and the other recording the Na I D2 line and Fe I 5435 line simultaneously. We have developed the procedures to produce the standard data for each observing configuration. The procedures include the spatial alignment, the correction of spectral shift of instrumental origin, and the lambdameter measurement of the line wavelength. The standard data include the movie of continuum intensity, the movies of intensity and velocity inferred from a chromospheric spectral line, the movies of intensity and velocity inferred from a photospheric line. The processed standard data will be freely available online (fiss.snu.ac.kr) to be used for research and public outreach. Moreover, the IDL procedures will be provided on request as well so that each researcher can adapt the programs for their own research.

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Development of Image Processing Software for Ultrasonic NDE (초음파 비파괴 검사를 위한 영상처리 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Park, Jin-Hong;Nam, Myung-Woo;Lee, Young-Seock
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.459-460
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we describe a development of ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation software to analyze steam generator of nuclear power plant. The developed software includes classical analysis method such as A, B, C and D-scan images. And it can analyze the size and the location of internal cracks using 2D image. To do such, we obtain raw data from specimens of real pipeline of power plants, and get the crack points using LPF and differential method from obtained ultrasonic 1-dimensional data. The results of applications showed that the developed software provided accurate images of cracks on various specimens.

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