• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2-Dimension

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A Study on the Perceived Stress Level of Mothers in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Patients (신생아 중환자실에 입원한 환아 어머니의 스트레스)

  • Kim Tae Im
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.224-239
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    • 2000
  • This descriptive study was conducted to understand the contents and degree of parental stress level in the NICU patients, and to give a baseline data in developing nursing intervention program. Subjects were the 62 mother of hospitalized newborn in NICU of 1 University Hospital in Taejon City from May 1st, 1999 to November 30th, 1999, who agreed to take part in this study. The instrument used in this study were Parental Stressor Scales : NICU(PSS:NICU) developed by Miles et al. and validated by 3 NICU practitioners and 3 child health nursing faculties. The questionnaire has 4 dimensions and 45 items; sight and sounds of NICU(5 items), babies' appearance and behavior(19 items), parental role alteration and relationship with their baby(10 items), communication with health team(11 items). The questionnaire asks parents to rate each item on a five-point Likert type scale that ranges from (1) to (5). Total scores representing overall stress from the NICU environment are calculated by summing response to each item. A high score indicates high stress. A subscale score is calculated by summing the responses to each item in the subscale. Cronbach's α coefficients were .93. The data was analyzed as average, Frequency, Standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient by use of SPSS/PC+. The results of this study is summarized as follows ; 1. The total perceived stress level score of mothers was slightly high(3.6±.7). The highest scored dimension was 'appearance and behavior of the baby'(3.9±1.5), and next were 'relationship with their baby and parental role change'(3.5±1.4), 'communication with health team'(3.4±.9), 'sight and sounds of NICU'(3.2±.8). 2. Two variables were statistically significant with PSS:NICU total scale ; mother's perceived severity of the baby's condition (r=.482, P=.002) and mother's religious attendance(t=2.83, P=.01). The more the mother perceive their baby's condition severe, the higher the total stress score. There were high stress score noted in the mother of no religious attendance. 3. Four variables were statistically significant with NICU environment subscale ; mother's educational background(F=3.45, P=.04), religious attendance(t=2.28, P=.04), sex of the baby(t=2.83, P=.01) and NICU patients' hospital day(r=.359, P=.004). That is mother with high educational background and girl baby were high NICU environment subscale score. 4. Four variables were statistically significant with appearance and behavior of the baby subscale ; when first saw baby(F=3.52, P=.04), incubator care(t=2.83, P=.01), mother's perceived severity of the baby's condition(r=.303, P=.017), number of NICU visit(r=.441, P=.002). That is, seeing the baby first in the NICU and recieved incubator care was very stressful. Also, the more the mother perceive their baby's condition severe and more NICU visit, the higher the appearance and behavior of the baby subscale stress score. 5. Four variables were statistically significant with relationship with their baby and parental role change subscale ; when first saw baby(F=3.37, P=.04), sex of the baby(t=2.36, P=.03), incubator care(t=5.60, P=.00), mother's perceived severity of the baby's condition(r=.401, P=.001). That is, seeing the baby first in the NICU and girl baby was very stressful. Also, the more the mother perceive their baby's condition severe, the higher the relationship with their baby and parental role change subscale stress score. 6. Three variables were statistically significant with communication with health team subscale ; mother's educational background (F=3.63, P=.04), incubator care(t=4.24, P=.00), gestational age(r=-.394, P=.047), and birth weight(r=-.460, P=.004). That is, mother with high educational background and receiving incubator care were high communication with health team subscale score. Also, the shorter the gestational age and smaller the baby's birth weight, the higher the communication with health team subscale score. In conclusion, information about physical environment of NICU, the mother's perceived severity of baby's illness state, maternal role change related variables and the knowledge of characteristics of NICU patients must be included in nursing intervention program of mother's of NICU patients in reducing the maternal stress and anxiety level.

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The cephalometric study of skeletal types in Cl III malocclusion with reduced lower anterior face height (전하안면 고경이 작은 III급 부정교합자의 골격유형에 관한 두부방사선 계측학적 연구)

  • Han, Dong-Hun;Cha, Kyung-Suk
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.26 no.2 s.55
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    • pp.205-218
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    • 1996
  • A given facial type can be considered as a syndrome in which various features are aggregated, so a single parameter is not sufficient to accurately identify a given facial type. This study was designed to identify & characterize the skeletal types that blend under the headline-'Cl III,deepbite'. Cephalograms of thirty-four untreated mixed dentition patients, selected mainly on the basis of clinical impression of Cl III with reduced lower face heights were studied. The following conclusion can be drawn. 1. Cl III malocclusion with reduced lower face height could be classified into three types. 2. Subtype 1 was identified by the following features : strong ramus, more anteriorly positioned upper molars without alveolar hypoplasia, acutely reduced Mn. plane angle. 3. Subtype 2 was characterized by a short ramus, sharply reduced postrior alveolar height, and normal Mn. plane angle. In general, this type had hypoplasia tendency in the vertical dimension. 4. In subtype 3, the AUFH occupying more percentage than ALFH was a outstanding feature. Ramal height was in normal range, alveolar hypoplasia and slightly reduced Mn. plane angle was observed. 5. The features of the subtypes were reflected in certain indices, which can be regarded as discriminative index. LAFH: if reduced, regardless of subtypes, indicates reduced lower ant. face height consistently. FHR: when this ratio is increased, it indicates subtype 1. FHI: when this ratio is in normal range, it indicates subtype 2. FPI: if reduced greatly, it indicates subtype 3.

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The Influence of Store Environment on Service Brand Personality and Repurchase Intention (점포의 물리적 환경이 서비스 브랜드 개성과 재구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Gil;Kim, Jung-Hee;Kim, Youn-Jeong
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.141-173
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    • 2007
  • The study examines how the environmental factors of store influence service brand personality and repurchase intention in the service environment. The service industry has been experiencing the intensified competition with the industry's continuous growth and the influence from rapid technological advancement. Under the circumstances, it has become ever more important for the brand competitiveness to be distinctively recognized against competition. A brand needs to be distinguished and differentiated from competing companies because they are all engaged in the similar environment of the service industry. The differentiation of brand achievement has become increasingly important to highlight certain brand functions to include emotional, self-expressive, and symbolic functions since the importance of such functions has been further emphasized in promoting consumption activities. That is the recent role of brand personality that has been emphasized in the service industry. In other words, customers now freely and actively express their personalities or egos in consumption activities, taking an important role in construction of a brand asset. Hence, the study suggests that it is necessary to disperse the recognition and acknowledgement that the maintenance of the existing customers contributes more to boost repurchase intention when it is compared to the efforts to create new customers, particularly in the service industry. Meanwhile, the store itself can offer a unique environment that may influence the consumer's purchase decision. Consumers interact with store environments in the process of,virtually, all household purchase they make (Sarel 1981). Thus, store environments may encourage customers to purchase. The roles that store environments play are to provide informational cues to customers about the store and goods and communicate messages to stimulate consumers' emotions. The store environments differentiate the store from competing stores and build a unique service brand personality. However, the existing studies related to brand in the service industry mostly concentrated on the relationship between the quality of service and customer satisfaction, and they are mostly generalized while the connective studies focused on brand personality. Such approaches show limitations and are insufficient to investigate on the relationship between store environment and brand personality in the service industry. Accordingly, the study intends to identify the level of contribution to the establishment of brand personality made by the store's physical environments that influence on the specific brand characteristics depending on the type of service. The study also intends to identify what kind of relationships with brand personality exists with brand personality while being influenced by store environments. In addition, the study intends to make meaningful suggestions to better direct marketing efforts by identifying whether a brand personality makes a positive influence to induce an intention for repurchase. For this study, the service industry is classified into four categories based on to the characteristics of service: experimental-emotional service, emotional -credible service, credible-functional service, and functional-experimental service. The type of business with the most frequent customer contact is determined for each service type and the enterprise with the highest brand value in each service sector based on the report made by the Korea Management Association. They are designated as the representative of each category. The selected representatives are a fast-food store (experimental-emotional service), a cinema house (emotional-credible service), a bank (credible-functional service), and discount store (functional-experimental service). The survey was conducted for the four selected brands to represent each service category among consumers who are experienced users of the designated stores in Seoul Metropolitan City and Gyeonggi province via written questionnaires in order to verify the suggested assumptions in the study. In particular, the survey adopted 15 scales, which represent each characteristic factor, among the 42 unique characteristics developed by Jennifer Aaker(1997) to assess the brand personality of each service brand. SPSS for Windows Release 12.0 and LISREL were used in the analysis of data verification. The methodology of the structural equation model was used for the study and the pivotal findings are as follows. 1) The environmental factors ware classified as design factors, ambient factors, and social factors. Therefore, the validity of measurement scale of Baker et al. (1994) was proved. 2) The service brand personalities were subdivided as sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness, which makes the use of the brand personality scales by Jennifer Aaker(1997) appropriate in the service industry as well. 3) One-way ANOVA analysis on the scales of store environment and service brand personality showed that there exist statistically significant differences in each service category. For example, the social factors were highest in discount stores, while the ambient factors and design factors were highest in fast-food stores. The discount stores were highest in the sincerity and excitement, while the highest point for banks was in the competence and ruggedness, and the highest point for fast-food stores was in the sophistication, The consumers will make a different respond to the physical environment of stores and service brand personality that are inherent to the corresponding service interface. Hence, the customers will make a different decision-making when dealing with different service categories. In this aspect, the relationships of variables in the proposed hypothesis appear to work in a different way depending on the exposed service category. 4) The store environment factors influenced on service brand personalities differently by category of service. The factors of store's physical environment are transferred to a brand and were verified to strengthen service brand personalities. In particular, the level of influence on the service brand personality by physical environment differs depending on service category or dimension, which indicates that there is a need to apply a different style of management to a different service category or dimension. It signifies that there needs to be a brand strategy established in order to positively influence the relationship with consumers by utilizing an appropriate brand personality factor depending on different characteristics by service category or dimension. 5) The service brand personalities influenced on the repurchase intention. Especially, the largest influence was made in the sophistication dimension of service brand personality scale; the unique and characteristically appropriate arrangement of physical environment will make customers stay in the service environment for a long time and will lead to give a positive influence on the repurchase intention. 6) The store environment factors influenced on the repurchase intention. Particularly, the largest influence was made on the social factors of store environment. The most intriguing finding is that the service factor among all other environment factors gives the biggest influence to the repurchase intention in most of all service types except fast-food stores. Such result indicates that the customers pay attention to how much the employees try to provide a quality service when they make an evaluation on the service brand. At the same time, it also indicates that the personal factor is directly transmitted to the construction of brand personality. The employees' attitude and behavior are the determinants to establish a service brand personality in the process of enhancing service interface. Hence, there should be a reinforced search for a method to efficiently manage the service staff who has a direct contact with customers in order to make an affirmative improvement of the customers' brand evaluation at the service interface. The findings suggest several managerial implications. 1) Results from the empirical study indicated that store environment factors have a strong positive impact on a service brand personality. To increase customers' repurchase intention of a service brand, the management is required to effectively manage store environment factors and create a friendly brand personality based on the corresponding service environment. 2) Mangers and researchers must understand and recognize that the store environment elements are important marketing tools, and that brand personality influences on consumers' repurchase intention. Based on such result of the study, a service brand could be utilized as an efficient measure to achieve a differentiation by enforcing the elements that are most influential among all other store environments for each service category. Therefore, brand personality established involving various store environments will further reinforce the relationship with customers through the elevated brand identification of which utilization to induce repurchase decision can be used as an entry barrier. 3) The study identified the store environment as a component of service brand personality for the store's effective communication with consumers. For this, all communication channels should be maintained with consistency and an integrated marketing communication should be executed to efficiently approach to a larger number of customers. Mangers and researchers must find strategies for aligning decisions about store environment elements with the retailers' marketing and store personality objectives. All ambient, design, and social factors need to be orchestrated so that consumers can take an appropriate store personality. In this study, the induced results from the previous studies were extended to the service industry so as to identify the customers' decision making process that leads to repurchase intention and a result similar to those of the previous studies. The findings suggested several theoretical and managerial implications. However, the situation that only one service brand served as the subject of analysis for each service category, and the situation that correlations among store environment elements were not identified, as well as the problem of representation in selection of samples should be considered and supplemented in the future when further studies are conducted. In addition, various antecedents and consequences of brand personality must be looked at in the aspect of the service environment for further research.

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Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Diagnosis: Influence of Mammary Gland Inflammation on Cow´s Milk Composition Measurement

  • Roumiana Tsenkova;Stefka Atanassova;Kiyohiko Toyoda
    • Near Infrared Analysis
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2001
  • Nowadays, medical diagnostics is efficiently supported by clinical chemistry and near infrared spectroscopy is becoming a new dimension, which has shown high potential to provide valuable information for diagnosis. The investigation was carried out to study the influence of mammary gland inflammation, called mastitis, on cow´s milk spectra and milk composition measured by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Milk somatic cell counts (SCC) in milk were used as a measure of mammary gland inflammation. Naturally occurred variations with milk composition within lactation and in the process of milking were included in the experimental design of this study. Time series of unhomogenized, raw milk spectral data were collected from 3 cow along morning and evening milking, for 5 consecutive months, within their second lactation. In the time of the trial, the investigated cows had periods with mammary gland inflammation. Transmittance spectra of 258 milk samples were obtained by NIRSystem 6500 spectrophotometer in 1100-2400 nm region. Calibration equations for the examined milk components were developed by PLS regression using 3 different sets of samples: samples with low somatic cell count (SCC), samples with high SCC and combined data set. The NIR calibration and prediction of individual cow´s milk fat, protein, and lactose were highly influenced by the presence of mil samples from animals with mammary gland inflammation in the data set. The best accuracy of prediction (i.e. the lower SEP and the higher correlation coefficient) for fat, protein and lactose was obtained for equations, developed when using only “healthy” samples, with low SCC. The standard error of prediction increased and correlation coefficient decreased significantly when equations for low SCC milk were used to predict examined components in “mastitis” samples with high SCC, and vice versa. Combined data set that included samples from healthy and mastitis animals could be used to build up regression models for screening. Further use of separate model for healthy samples improved milk composition measurement. Regression vectors for NIR mild protein measurement obtained for “healthy” and “mastitic” group were compared and revealed differences in 1390-1450 nm, 1500-1740 nm and 1900-2200 nm regions and thus illustrated post-secretory breakdown of milk proteins by hydrolytic enzymes that occurred with mastitis. For the first time it has been found that monitoring the spectral differences in water bands at 1440 nm and 1912 nm could provide valuable information for inflammation diagnosis.


  • Kim, Gwan-Jeong;Lee, Chang-Won;Kim, Jong-Soo;Lee, Youn-Gung;Ballesteros-Paredes, Javier;Myers, Philip C.;Kurtz, S.
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.9-23
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    • 2010
  • In this paper we examined the association of Infrared Dark Cloud (IRDC) cores with YSOs and the geometric properties of the IRDC cores. For this study a total of 13,650 IRDC cores were collected mainly from the catalogs of the IRDC cores published from other studies and partially from our catalog of IRDC cores containing new 789 IRDC core candidates. The YSO candidates were searched for using the GLIMPSE, MSX, and IRAS point sources by the shape of their SED or using activity of water or methanol maser. The association of the IRDC cores with these YSOs was checked by their line-of-sight coincidence within the dimension of the IRDC core. This work found that a total of 4,110 IRDC cores have YSO candidates while 9,540 IRDC cores have no indication of the existence of YSOs. Considering the 12,200 IRDC cores within the GLIMPSE survey region for which the YSO candidates were determined with better sensitivity, we found that 4,098 IRDC cores (34%) have at least one YSO candidate and 1,072 cores among them seem to have embedded YSOs, while the rest 8,102 (66%) have no YSO candidate. Therefore, the ratio of [N(IRDC core with protostars)]/[N(IRDC core without YSO)] for 12,200 IRDC cores is about 0.13. Taking into account this ratio and typical lifetime of high-mass embedded YSOs, we suggest that the IRDC cores would spend about 104105 years to form high-mass stars. However, we should note that the GLIMPSE point sources have a minimum detectable luminosity of about 1.2L at a typical IRDC core's distance of ~4 kpc. Therefore, the ratio given here should be a 100ver limit and the estimated lifetime of starless IRDC cores can be an upper limit. The physical parameters of the IRDC cores somewhat vary depending on how many YSO candidates the IRDC cores contain. The IRDC cores with more YSOs tend to be larger, more elongated, and have better darkness contrast than the IRDC cores with fewer or no YSOs.

Postoperative Arrhythmia after Open Heart Surgery - Cause, Incidence and It`s Management - (개심수술후 심장부정맥에 대한 임상적 연구: 원인,빈도 및 치료)

  • 장병철
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.843-852
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    • 1991
  • We prospectively studied postoperative cardiac arrhythmia after open heart surgery to analyze the types and incidence of cardiac arrhythmia and to predict preoperative risk factors. And also we evaluated the effectiveness of atrial and ventricular epicardial electrodes which were placed during operation Between March 1990 and August 1990, We had operated on in 211 patients and we studied 201 consecutive patients excluding 10 patients. The study group included 99 males and 102 female patients, ages 1 month to 75 years[Mean±SD=28.0±21.7 years]. Postoperatively, all patients were regularly seen by the cardiac surgeon and cardiologist, They had continuous electrocardiographic monitoring for the first 3 days, initially in the intensive care unit and were checked routine electrocardiography on the postoperative 7 days, The postoperative cardiac arrhythmia were analyzed and possible associations of this arrhythmia with various pre, intra, and postoperative factors were studied by univariate and multivariate discriminant analysis, The overall incidence of postoperative cardiac arrhythmia except relative sinus bradycardia was 36.8%;[74/201], The incidence of postoperative cardiac arrhythmia in acyanotic congenital heart disease: 19.4%, cyanotic congenital heart disease: 20.8%, cardiac arrhythmia surgery: 33.3%, acquired valvular heart disease: 60.9% and coronary artery occlusive disease: 38.9%. Both univariate and multivariate studies indicated the pre operative symptom duration[p = 0013], the duration of medication[p=0.003], presence of preoperative arrhythmia[p<0.001] and pre-operative left atrial dimension in echocardiography to be the factor promoting postoperative cardiac arrhythmia. Multivariate discriminant analysis showed that the presence of preoperative cardiac arrhythmia, bypass time and the duration of preoperative symptom duration conveyed considerable risk factor on post-operative arrhythmia. The atrial wire electrodes were used diagnostically in 36 and were used therapeutically in 89 among 201 patients. Atrial pacing were used to treat relative sinus bradycardia, accelerated junctional tachycardia or premature atrial or ventricular contractions in 51 patients. Atrioventricular sequential pacing were used in 16 patients and ventricular pacing were used in 20 patients. Hemodynamics were evaluated in 2 patients of relative sinus bradycardia before and after atrial pacing. The atrial pacing increased the amount of cardiac output to 15% more. Because of their great utility in the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias, we conclude that routine placement of atrial and ventricular electrodes at the time of operation is indicated regardless of the nature of the open-heart procedure.

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Study of the Efficiency Droop Phenomena in GaN based LEDs with Different Substrate

  • Yoo, Yang-Seok;Li, Song-Mei;Kim, Je-Hyung;Gong, Su-Hyun;Na, Jong-Ho;Cho, Yong-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.08a
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    • pp.172-173
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    • 2012
  • Currently GaN based LED is known to show high internal or external efficiency at low current range. However, this LED operation occurs at high current range and in this range, a significant performance degradation known as 'efficiency droop' occurs. Auger process, carrier leakage process, field effect due to lattice mismatch and thermal effects have been discussed as the causes of loss of efficiency, and these phenomena are major hindrance in LED performance. In order to investigate the main effects of efficiency loss and overcome such effects, it is essential to obtain relative proportion of measurements of internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and various radiative and nonradiative recombination processes. Also, it is very important to obtain radiative and non-radiative recombination times in LEDs. In this research, we measured the IQE of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) LEDs with PSS and Planar substrate using modified ABC equation, and investigated the physical mechanism behind by analyzing the emission energy, full-width half maximum (FWHM) of the emission spectra, and carrier recombination dynamic by time-resolved electroluminescence (TREL) measurement using pulse current generator. The LED layer structures were grown on a c-plane sapphire substrate and the active region consists of five 30 \AA thick In0.15Ga0.85N QWs. The dimension of the fabricated LED chip was 800um×300um. Fig. 1. is shown external quantum efficiency (EQE) of both samples. Peak efficiency of LED with PSS is 92% and peak efficiency of LED with planar substrate is 82%. We also confirm that droop of PSS sample is slightly larger than planar substrate sample. Fig. 2 is shown that analysis of relation between IQE and decay time with increasing current using TREL method.

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Study on Developing Assessment Guideline for Safety and Performance of Electric Cupping Apparatus (전동식 부항기에 대한 안전성 및 성능평가 가이드라인 개발연구)

  • Yi, Seung-Ho;Kim, Eun-Jung;Shin, Kyung-Hoon;Nam, Dong-Woo;Kang, Jung-Won;Lee, Seung-Deok;Lee, Hye-Jung;Lee, Jae-Dong;Kim, Kap-Sung
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : We developed and proposed a guideline for safety and performance assessment of electric cupping apparatus(Class 2 medical device). Methods : We drafted the guideline for safety and performance assessment of electric cupping apparatus by referring the existing standards and guideline, based on online questionnaire for Korean medical doctors and measurement data from commercially available products. Physical dimension of cups and inner vacuum pressure were acquired for the measurement in order to achieve the purposes. Results : This guideline only can be applied to electric cupping apparatus for enhancing blood circulation by employing negative pressure generated by electricity. Seven items of appearance and label, operation test of pump, variation test of input electricity, vacuum level test, vacuum sustain test, cup-size dependent test, noise level test are suggested for evaluation subjects and methods required for electric cupping devices. Requirements for the design and development of electric cupping devices are suggested: vacuum level indicator, vacuum generation rate, pressure control, valve detachment stability, cup comparability, safety measure, surge protection, user friendliness, instruction for use (IFU). Conclusions : We proposed a guideline for safety and performance assessment of electric cupping apparatus to improve the quality of relating products and aid the commercialization of them, by aiming higher industrial competitiveness of the medical device sectors in Korea. Discussion with related institutes such as industry, academy and government is further required. Public hearings also need to be held prior to the establishment of a final guideline and standard.

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Interchange with Art Contained in the Works of Yves Saint Laurent (이브 생 로랑(Yves Saint Laurent) 작품에 수용된 예술과의 교류)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.283-295
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    • 2011
  • This study deals with the interchange with art that is contained in the works of Yves Saint Laurent, and it is disclosed through his works that modern fashion is part of expressive art while pursuing creative function as a work of art. The study has been performed on the basis of the references, the pictures of his works and interviews posted in domestic and overseas fashion magazines such as Vogue, Fashion News, Mode & Mode, Gap, Collections, etc. Regarding the scope of this study, it specifically deals with works he created from 1958 until 2002, when he announced his last collection. The results of the study show that with respect to Post-Impressionism, his works were greatly affected by van Gogh(who had used colors as active media in depicting his internal mental state) which gave birth to gorgeous and handicraft-like 'Couture-style clothes'. With respects to Fauvism, the works of Matisse also had an impact on Yves Saint Laurent, who added a sense of fauvism in his works through the use of colors, motif, or full reproduction of images from paintings. We see the influence of cubism upon Laurent when we examine his works of 'clothes with artistic value,' which utilized applique, beaded decoration, patchwork, embroidered patterns, relief-like ornaments, etc. using motif or objet much as we see in the works of Picasso and Braque, artists who expressed a new dimension of the formative arts. Laurent's use of neoplasticism, or plainness of painting, demonstrates a new formative art on the three-dimensional human body by using the works of Mondrian, which consist of black lines and primary colors, although generally Laurent's 'neoplastic'works differed from the works of Mondrian by more actively utilizing the lines and colors when designing dress and its ornament. In addition, the paintings and poems of surrealism artists and poets were directly used in the clothes or their images were sometimes borrowed. In order to express respect toward the spirit of surrealism and its artists, the human body motifs such as lips and eyes(which were frequently used by the surrealism artists) were applied to embroidery, printing and beaded decoration. Finally, being inspired by such Pop artists as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Tom Wesselman, Laurent further emphasized the aesthetic value of the popular consumer image in his own work, resulting in the wide recognition of the designs of Yves Saint Laurent as representing the new wave of the Pop Art school.

A Study for Validation of the Preschool Child Observation Record (COR) for Korean Children (유아관찰기록척도(K-COR-II) 타당화 연구)

  • Shin, Nary;Oh, Jeong Soon
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.309-337
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to validate Preschool Child Observation Record-II developed by High/Scope for Korean preschool children. The subjects of the study were 255 children aged three to six attending child care centers and their head teachers. They were observed for at least two months and completed the Korean version of Child Observation Record-II(K-COR-II). K-COR-II consisted of six categories and 32 items which had five-level-rubrics. The results from an exploratory factor analysis identified one dimension of the scale, there was no evidence of discriminant validity even after face validity was examined. The concurrent validity and internal consistency of the revised scale were relatively high. Also, the mean between the upper and lower groups with regard to item discrimination showed significant difference. It was concluded that K-COR-II can be used as a valid and reliable instrument to various aspects of preschool children's development.