• Title/Summary/Keyword: 12 Mood Vector

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How to Retrieve Music using Mood Tags in a Folksonomy

  • Chang Bae Moon;Jong Yeol Lee;Byeong Man Kim
    • Journal of Web Engineering
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.2335-2360
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    • 2021
  • A folksonomy is a classification system in which volunteers collaboratively create and manage tags to annotate and categorize content. The folksonomy has several problems in retrieving music using tags, including problems related to synonyms, different tagging levels, and neologisms. To solve the problem posed by synonyms, we introduced a mood vector with 12 possible moods, each represented by a numeric value, as an internal tag. This allows moods in music pieces and mood tags to be represented internally by numeric values, which can be used to retrieve music pieces. To determine the mood vector of a music piece, 12 regressors predicting the possibility of each mood based on acoustic features were built using Support Vector Regression. To map a tag to its mood vector, the relationship between moods in a piece of music and mood tags was investigated based on tagging data retrieved from Last.fm, a website that allows users to search for and stream music. To evaluate retrieval performance, music pieces on Last.fm annotated with at least one mood tag were used as a test set. When calculating precision and recall, music pieces annotated with synonyms of a given query tag were treated as relevant. These experiments on a real-world data set illustrate the utility of the internal tagging of music. Our approach offers a practical solution to the problem caused by synonyms.

Multimedia Contents Recommendation Method using Mood Vector in Social Networks (소셜네트워크에서 분위기 벡터를 이용한 멀티미디어 콘텐츠 추천 방법)

  • Moon, Chang Bae;Lee, Jong Yeol;Kim, Byeong Man
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2019
  • The tendency of buyers of web information is changing from the cost-effectiveness to the cost-satisfaction. There is such tendency in the recommendation of multimedia contents, some of which are folksonomy-based recommendation services using mood. However, there is a problem that they does not consider synonyms. In order to solve this problem, some studies have solved the problem by defining 12 moods of Thayer model as AV values (Arousal and Valence), but the recommendation performance is lower than that of a keyword-based method at the recall level 0.1. In this paper, we propose a method based on using mood vector of multimedia contents. The method can solve the synonym problem while maintaining the same performance as the keyword-based method even at the recall level 0.1. Also, for performance analysis, we compare the proposed method with an existing method based on AV value and a keyword-based method. The result shows that the proposed method outperform the existing methods.