• 제목/요약/키워드: 1,2-propanediol

검색결과 115건 처리시간 0.022초

수용액 중에서 Ni(II) 이온과 2-(2-Hydroxyethylamino)-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol(Monotris)과의 착물형성에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Complexation of Nickel(II) Ion with 2-(2-Hydroxyethylamino)-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol(Monotris) in Aqueous Solution)

  • 홍경희;심승보;오성근;전용진
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제11권12호
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    • pp.5221-5231
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    • 2010
  • Ni(II)이온과 2-(2-Hydroxyethylamino)-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol(Monotris)과의 착물형성을 $25^{\circ}C$ 이온강도 0.10M 에서 전위차법으로 연구하였다. $NiL^{2+}$ 착물은 히드록실기의 산소 원자 뿐만아니라 아민의 질소기도 금속에 배위하였다. pH가 증가하면서 $NiL^{2=}$는 3개의 수소이온이 해리된 $Ni_2L_2H_{-3}^+$의 이핵착물이 형성되었다.

Local Structure Study of Liquid Phase Ethylene Glycol and 1,3-propanediol through Density Functional Theory

  • Nam, Seungsoo;Sim, Eunji
    • EDISON SW 활용 경진대회 논문집
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    • 제5회(2016년)
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2016
  • Using density functional Theory, we studied local structure of liquid ethylene glycol and 1,3-propanediol. For both liquid, making intramolecular hydrogen bonding is not preferred, because relative energy between with and without intramolecular hydrogen bond is only -1.95kcal/mol, which is far less than intermolecular hydrogen bonding energy, about -7.5kcal/mol. Also, hydrogen bond induce polarization of hydroxyl group and make $2^{nd}$ hydrogen bond more stronger. This effect was small in intramolecular hydrogen bond of ethylene glycol. When considering energy per hydrogen bond, making only one intermolecular hydrogen bond for ethylene glycol pair is energetically favored, while two intermolecular hydrogen bond can be formed in 1,3-propanediol pair.

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Propanediol-1,2-carbonate 용매에서 우라늄(VI)의 전기화학적 연구 (Electrochemical Study of Uranium(VI) in Propanediol-1,2-Carbonate)

  • 박종민;김영래
    • 대한화학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.351-357
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    • 1988
  • Propanediol-1,2-carbonate (PDC) 용매중에서 우라닐 화합물의 전기화학적 환원반응 메카니즘을 전압전류법으로 조사하여 봉우리 전위의 위치, 한계전류의 성질, 한계전류와 온도 및 농도의 관계, 전극반응의 가역성, 양성자 공여체인 페놀의 첨가에 대한 영향등을 기술하였다. 또 우라닐 화합물의 수용액에 PDC의 양을 점차 증가시킨 혼합용매에서의 전극반응도 조사하였다. 우라닐 화합물의 비가역적 전극반응에 관여하는 전이계수 및 속도상수등의 반응 속도론적 파라미터를 Koutecky의 이론에 따라 결정하였으며, ${\Delta}H,\;{\Delta}G\;및\;{\Delta}S$등에 열역할적 파라미터도 계산하였다.

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생쥐 분할배의 동결보호물질 개발 (Development of Antifreezing Agent for Bisected Embryo in Mouse)

  • 이병오
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.233-238
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    • 1996
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of cryoprotective agents and thawing temperature on the survival rate of the bisected embryos of mouse. The results of this study were summairzed as follows: 1. In in vitro culture after frozen with DMSO, glycerol, ethylene glycol or propanediol and thawed, the rates of normally developed bisected morula which was denuded were 31.7, 39.1, 28.0 and 23.1%, respectively. 2. The survival rates of bisected morula encased into the zona pellucida in in vitro culture after frozen with DMSO, glycerol, ethylene glycol or propanediol and thawed were 72.4, 68.7, 64.0 and 59.5%, respectively. 3. The survival rates of bisected denuded blastura in in vitro culture after frozen with DMSO, glycerol, ethylene glycol or propanediol and thawed were 48.3, 44.8, 32.1 and 28.6%, respectively. 4. The survival rates of bisected blasturae encased into the zona pellucida in in vitro culture after frozen with DMSO, glycerol, ethylene glycol or propanediol and thawed were 73.6, 67.4, 53.0 and 49.1%, respectively. 5. In in vitro culture after frozen with DMSO, glycerol, ethylene glycol or propanediol and thawed at room temperature, the rates of the normally developed bisected morula which was encased into the zona pellucida were 67.1, 62.3, 57.7 and 53.0%, respectively, and those of the bisected blasturae encased into the zona pellucida were 70.8, 65.4, 56.6 and 52.1%, respectively. 6. The survival rates of bisected morula which was encased into the zona pellucida in in vitro culture after forzen with DMSO, glycerol, ethylene glycerol or propanediol and thawed at 37$^{\circ}C$ were 74.3, 71.3, 63.9 and 57.4%, respectively, and those of bisected blastura encased into zona pellucida were 76.0, 69.1, 61.1 and 56.1%, respectively.

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국내 시판 간장에서의 3-Monochloro-1,2-propanediol(3-MCPD) 분석 평가 (Analysis of 3-Monochloro-1,2-Propanediol (3-MCPD) in Soy Sauce Products in Korea)

  • 송현수;이병무
    • Toxicological Research
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.191-194
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    • 2002
  • 3-Monochloro-1,2-propanediol(3-MCPD) was analyzed in soy sauce products commercially available in Korea. A total of 24 samples were collected and 3-MCPD was determined by GC/MS. Sources of 24 samples were classified by manufacturing methods as naturally brewed(NB), acid hydrolyzed (AH) and mixed (M = NB + AH) soy sauces. 3-MCPD was not detected in NB soy sauce products (< 0.01 ppm, mg/kg) whereas AH and M soy sauce products showed a wide range of 3-MCPD contamination (0.0l ∼ 2.038 ppm). The contaminated levels of 3-MCPD in soy sauce products were higher than the permissible or tentative permissible level of 3-MCPD in both European Community (0.02 ppm) and Korea (0.3 ppm). These data suggest that 3-MCPD levels contaminated in soy sauce products in Korea were shown to be too high and should be reduced to as low a level technologically feasible to protect Korean from the exposure to toxic chemical, 3-MCPD.

등온 결정화 과정에서의 Poly(trimethylene 2,6-naphthalate)(PTN) film의 구조적 변화 (Structural Changes of Poly(trimethylene 2,6-naphthalate)(PTN) Films During Isothermal Crystallization)

  • 양영일;김영호;이한섭
    • 한국섬유공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국섬유공학회 2002년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.443-446
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    • 2002
  • 일반적으로 결정성 고분자의 모폴로지 형태 및 결정화정도는 고분자 물질의 물리적 성질에 매우 큰 영향을 미치므로 결정화과정에 관한 연구는 고분자 물질의 공정-구조-물성의 상호관계를 이해하는데 매우 중요하다. Poly(trimethylene 2,6-naphthalate) (PTN)은 1,3-propanediol 과 2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylic acid로 합성된 결정성 고분자이며 1969년에 Doling 와 Chester에 의하여 처음으로 합성방법이 발표되었다$^1$. 그러나 1,3-propanediol의 공업적 합성이 이루어진 최근에서야 이 물질을 이용한 고분자의 연구가 활발하게 진행되게 되었다. (중략)

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배향된 Poly(trimethylene 2,6-naphthalate)(PTN) 필름의 미시적/거시적 구조 (Micro- and Macroscopic Structures of Oriented Poly(trimethylene 2,6-naphthalate)(PTN) films)

  • 양영일;김영호;이한섭
    • 한국섬유공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국섬유공학회 2003년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.341-342
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    • 2003
  • Poly(trimethylene 2,6-naphthalate)(PTN)은 dimethyl-2,6-naphthalene dicarboxylate(NDC)와 1,3-propanediol(PDO)로 합성된 polyester이다. 비록 PTN은 아직 상업화된 resin은 아니지만 Poly(trimethylene terephthalate)(PTT)와 비슷한 화학적 구조를 가지며 PTT 보다 높은 유리전이 온도(72$^{\circ}C$)를 나타내고 있으므로 다양한 분야에 응용될 수 있다. 특히 최근에 1,3-propanediol based polyester는 가스 차탄 특성이 우수하다는 것이 보고되었으며 PTN의 산소, 이산화탄소 등 가스 차단 특성은 poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalete)(PEN)보다 우수한 것으로 보고되었다. (중략)

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  • Li, Kezan;Feng, Enmin;Xiu, Zhilong
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • 제24권1_2호
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    • pp.387-397
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    • 2007
  • According to the controllability of pulse times and the amount of jumps in the states at these times in the process of fed-batch culture producing 1,3-propanediol, this paper proposes a terminal optimal control model, whose constraint condition is the nonlinear impulsive delay system. The existence of optimal control is discussed and an optimization algorithm which is applied to each subinternal over one cycle for this optimal control problem is constructed. Finally, the numerical simulations show that the terminal intensity of producing 1,3-propanediol has been increased obviously.

Analysis of 3-monochloro-l,2-propanediol(3-MCPD) in soy sauce products in Korea

  • Lee, Byung-Mu;Song, Hyun-Sue
    • 대한약학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한약학회 2003년도 Proceedings of the Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea Vol.2-2
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    • pp.115.2-115.2
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    • 2003
  • 3-Monochloro-1, 2-propanediol(3-MCPD) was analyzed in soy sauce products commercially available in Korea. A total of 24 samples were collected and 3-MCPD was determined by GC/MS. Sources of 24 samples were classified by manufacturing methods as naturally brewed(NB), acid hydrolyzed(AH) and mixed(M=NB+AH) soy sauces. 3-MCPD was not detected in NB soy sauce products (< 0.01 ppm, mg/kg) whereas AH and M soy sauce products showed a wide range of 3-MCPD contamination(0.01~2.038ppm). (omitted)

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4종류의 동해 방지제에 침지 한 진주조개, Pinctada fucata martensii와 참굴, Crassostrea gigas 담륜자의 생존율 (Survival Rates of Trochophores from Pearl Oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii and Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas Immersed in Pour Kinds of Cryoprotectant)

  • 최윤희;장영진
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.476-480
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    • 1999
  • 조개류 유생의 동해방지제 독성에 대한 내성을 평가하기 위해 진주조개, Pinctada fucata martensii와 참굴, Crassostrea gigas의 담륜자를 4종류의 동해방지제에 침지하여 생존율을 조사하였다. 실험에 사용된 동해방지제는 각각 0.01$\~$2.0 M의 DMSO, ethylene glycol, glycerol 과 1,2-propanediol이었으며, 침지시간은 5$\~$20분으로 설정하였다. 모든 동해방지제에 진주조개와 참굴 담륜자를 침지하였을 때, 농도가 낮을수록 침지시간이 짧을수록 생존율이 높아지는 경향을 보였으며, 동해방지제의 종류에 따라 담륜자의 생존율이 다르게 나타났다. DMSO와 ethylene glycol에서는 참굴 담륜자의 생존율이, glycerol과 1,2-propanediol에서는 진주조개 담륜자의 생존율이 상대적으로 높게 나타났다. 그러나 참굴에서는 4종류의 동해방지제에 0.2 M sucrose를 첨가하였을 때 생존율이 유의하게 높아졌다.

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