• Title/Summary/Keyword: 후공정

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A Study on the Oxy-Combustion of the Coal in Drop Tube Furnace (Drop Tube Furnace에서 석탄의 순산소 연소 특성)

  • Roh, Seon Ah;Yun, Jin Han;Lee, Jung Kyu;Keel, Sang In;Min, Tai Jin;Kim, Sang-Bok;Park, In-Yong;Han, Bangwoo;Kim, Jin-Tae
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.367-371
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    • 2021
  • The oxy-combustion system is one of the carbon recovery and storage technologies (CCS: Carbon capture & storage) that performs coal combustion using pure oxygen and recirculated flue gas. This is a technology that facilitates storage of carbon dioxide by generating an exhaust gas consisting of only carbon dioxide without a process of separating carbon dioxide and nitrogen when coal is burned using pure oxygen and recirculated flue gas mixture instead of a conventional air combustion system that produces carbon dioxide and nitrogen mixed exhaust gas. In this study, the characteristics of generated NO and SO2 as atmospheric pollutants during oxy-combustion were examined using O2/CO2 mixed simulation gas. The reaction temperature was varied from 900 ℃ to 1200 ℃ and oxygen partial pressure was varied from 30% to 50%. The results showed that NO and SO2 concentrations in flue gas increased as the oxygen concentration and the reaction temperature in the furnace increased. The partial pressure of CO2 in flue gas also increased as the oxygen concentration and the reaction temperature in the furnace increased. As a results of comparing NO production of 30% O2/CO2 oxy-combustion with air combustion, NO in flue gas increased with reaction temperature in both experiments and NO of oxy-combustion was 40 ~ 80 ppm lower than that of air combustion.

A Study on the Faculty Evaluation Model with Considering the Characteristics of Education-Based Colleges (전문대학의 특성을 고려한 교수업적평가 모델 연구)

  • Hwang, Il-Kyu;Kim, Kyeong-Sook;Kwon, O-Young;Ahn, Tae-Won;Park, Young-Tae
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.23-49
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    • 2011
  • Faculty performance evaluation system has been settled down as an uncomfortable but unavoidable system, and it is one of the most important factors to grow the college competitiveness up. In this study, we selected and surveyed faculty evaluation models of several universities and colleges in Korea, and analyzed by comparing each evaluation areas of educational achievement, college-industry collaboration, research, and service. We also identified the properties of the current faculty evaluation models of the junior colleges, and derived several problems from these models such as an imitation of four-year university model, a disorders of job evaluation with respect to the attributes of classified jobs, a large variation of individual item weights, and an insufficient reflection of major characteristics. Based on these surveys and analysis, an improved faculty evaluation model for the junior college is proposed in this study. This model proposed four basic areas-educational achievement, college-industry collaboration, research, and service by considering the importance of the college-industry collaboration in the junior college-as well as the team evaluation area. Weights of the SCI-class paper was selected as a criterion for the arrangement of objective comparison of each evaluation items. We showed the integration method of several different evaluation model with respect to the attributes of classified jobs of each faculties, and evaluation plan of variational characteristics according to the majors of individuals in this model. Finally, we introduced an area fail and rating system to operate efficiently the proposed faculty evaluation model.

Densification Behavior and Magnetic Properties of Fe-2%Ni Sintered Compact Fabricated by Metal Injection Molding (사출성형법에 의해 제작된 Fe-2%Ni연자성 소결체의 소결 및 자기적 특성)

  • Lim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.278-283
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    • 2019
  • 3 kinds of fine powder, Fe-2%Ni alloy powder(N Ltd.) and Fe+2%Ni mixed powder(B Ltd. and S Ltd.), were fabricated into sintered compacts of bending strength specimens and ring type specimens by metal injection molding, debinding and controlling sintering conditions (reduction and sintering atmospheres, sintering temperature, sintering time and cooling rates). Density and magnetic properties of the sintered compacts were evaluated with the following conclusions. (1) When each compact was hold at 1123K for 3.6ks in H2 and sintered at 1623K for 14.4ks in Ar, the density of N, B and S Ltd.'s sintered compacts were measured as 96, 99 and 99%, and oxygen/carbon contents were measured as 0.0041%O/0.0006%C, 0.0027%O/0.0022%C, and 0.160%O/0.0026%C, respectively. (2) Magnetic characteristics of B Ltd. compact in Ar with the best results showed $B_{25}=14.3KG$, $B_r=7.75KG$, and $H_c=2.1Oe$, but not enough as those made by melting process. (3) Magnetic properties of B Ltd. compact which were sintered at 1673K for 14.4ks in Ar gas, and cooled at $0.83Ks^{-1}$ to 1123K and then cooled at $0.083Ks^{-1}$ down to room temperature were measured as $B_{25}=14.8KG$, $B_r=8.3KG$, and $H_c=1.3Oe$, almost similar to those made by melting process. Objected soft magnetic materials properties were obtained through sintering process by controlling sintering conditions (reduction condition, sintering atmosphere, sintering temperature and sintering time) and cooling rates.

Base Study Related with Development of Natural Bio-Adhesives Using Seaweeds (해초류를 이용한 천연 바이오 접착제 개발 기반 연구)

  • Han, Won-Sik;Oh, Seung-Jun;kim, Young-Mi;Lee, You-Jin;Kim, Ye-Jin;Park, Min-Seon;Wi, Koang-Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.595-604
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    • 2018
  • In this study, in a bid to develop natural bioadhesives for paper craft, the hanji industry, and preserving cultural assets, complex polysaccharides were extracted from brown and red algae and used as an ingredient in adhesives. Brown algae include sea trumpet, kelp, sea oak, and sea mustard, whereas red algae include Pachymeniopsis elliptica agar-agar weed, Gloiopeltis tenax, and hunori. The polysaccharides were extracted after transforming them from non-aqueous Ca complexes contained in each of the brown and red algae into water-soluble polysaccharides containing alkali metals with a solubility level of 1. and extracted Subsequently, only the polysaccharides were extracted using alcohol precipitation. The adhesion tensile strengths of kelp, a brown algae, and Pachymeniopsis elliptica, a red algae, were 21.58 and 32.99 kgf, respectively. They thus demonstrated better adhesion than that of solid glue products such as water plants (18.45 kgf) and glue sticks (20.45 kgf). The extraction yield of these polysaccharides is supposed to be determined according to their extracted environments; however, no difference in adhesion strength was seen. Further, it was found that the shapes of polysaccharides were determined by their growing environment instead of extraction environment. Use of multi-step alcohol precipitation method during extraction enabled the removal of the constituents except protein and other polysaccharides, thereby demonstrating a stable outcome without cultivation of mold. Furthermore, there was no occurrence of mold even after production of the adhesives by the simple solution method, which demonstrates the adhesive's potential as an environment-friendly adhesive material.

The Production Techniques of Korean Dried-lacquer Buddha Statue seen through the Seated Dried-lacquer Bodhisattva Statue in Okura Museum of Art in Tokyo (도쿄 오쿠라슈코칸 협저보살좌상(東京 大倉集古館 夾紵菩薩坐像)을 통하여 본 한국 협저불상의 제작기법)

  • Jeong, Ji-yeon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.172-193
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    • 2013
  • This study examines the production techniques and raw materials shown in the Korean dried-lacquer statues of Buddha through a careful observation of the Seated Dried-lacquer Bodhisattva Statue from the late Goryeo Dynasty which is currently possessed by Okura Museum of Art in Tokyo. As a method of study, the X-ray data and the results from a field survey were combined to analyze the production techniques and the characteristics of raw materials. Based on this analysis, a hypothesis was established on the production process and verified through a reenactment of the actual production process. Then, the characteristics of the techniques applied to each process and the raw materials were recorded in detail. Specifically, the dried lacquer techniques and the raw materials were estimated based on the results of naked-eye observation in comparison with the literature, especially the records of "Xiu Shi Lu" written by Huang Cheng of the Ming Dynasty which is considered as 'the textbook of lacquer techniques.' The raw materials used in the production of the traditional Korean lacquerware inlaid with mother-of-pearl were also referenced. As a result, it was found that the features of production techniques and the raw materials found in the Statue at Okura Museum of Art have many similarities with those of the Seated Dried-lacquer Statue of Lohan (Arhat) from Yuanfu 2 Nian Ming (1098) of the Song Dynasty which is currently at the Honolulu Museum of Art. In particular, the similarities include that the interior of the statue being vacant because the clay and the wood core were not replaced after being removed from the prototype, that the complete form was made in the clay forming stage to apply the lacquer with baste fiber fabric, that the clay and the wood core were removed through the bottom of the statue, and that the modeling stage was omitted and the final coat over the statue is very thin. Additionally, decorating with ornaments like Bobal and Youngrak made of plastic material was a technique widely popular in the Song Dynasty, suggesting that the Seated Dried-lacquer Bodhisattva Statue in Okura Museum of Art was greatly affected by the production techniques of the Dried-lacquer Buddha Statue from the Song Dynasty. There is no precise record on the origin and history of the Korean Dried-lacquer Buddha Statues and the number of existing works is also very limited. Even the records in "Xuanhe Fengshi Gaoli Tujing" that tells us about the origin of the Dried-lacquer Buddha Statue from the Yuan Feng Period (1078~1085) do not indicate the time of transmission. It is also difficult to trace the clear route of transmission of production techniques through existing Dried-lacquer Buddha Statues. Fortunately, this study could at least reveal that the existing Dried-lacquer Buddha Statues of Korea, including the one at Okura Museum of Art, have applied the production techniques rather differently from those used in the production of Japanese Datsukatsu Dried-lacquer Buddha Statues that have been known as the standard rule in making dried-lacquer statues of Buddha for a long time.

Conservation of Removing Surface Contaminants on Silla monument at Jungsung-ri using Nd:YAG Laser Cleaning System (Nd/YAG레이저를 이용한 포항중성리신라비 표면오염물 제거와 보존처리)

  • Lee, Tae Jong;Kim, Sa Dug;Lee, Joo Wan;Oh, Jung Hyeon;Lee, Myeong Seong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.142-153
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    • 2011
  • 'Silla Monument Stone in Jungseong-ri, Pohang' was discovered in Pohang City, Gyeongsangbuk Province of Korea in 2009. The monument stone with irregular shape has dimensions of maximum height of 105cm, width of 47.6~49.6cm, thickness of 13.8~14.7cm and weight of 115kg. The results of monument stone was found to be granitite. Conservation treatment procedure was carried out in the order of production of Weathering map, cleaning of surface pollutants, consolidation using ethyl silicate. Black pollutant(crust) that covered more than 60% of the surface was analyzed first in order to remove the pollutants on the surface of the monumental stone by cleaning of surface pollutants using laser. The purpose on analysis was not only to verify the pollutants on the stone but also to carry out preliminary cleaning by securing rocks with same pollutant as the monumental stone. As the results of analysis using p-XRF(PMI. INNOV-X, USA) on the site, high level of Mn and Fe were detected, and the analysis of small section that had been fallen off with SEM/EDX for the purpose of quantitative analysis also detected high level of Mn. The Similar contaminants on Stone secured in the manner described above were made into 10 samples ($5cm{\times}5cm$) and was subjected to preliminary cleaning by Nd-YAG Laser(Laser&Physics, Korea). The results of surface observation through portable microscope during cleaning revealed that the power of 460mJ, wavelength of 1064nm and irradiation frequency of 1,800~2,300 per $25cm^2$ were most effective. Evaluation on the preservative treatment was made through confirmation of the extent of removal through color-difference meter measurement and component analysis prior to and following removal of the pollutants. As the result of color-difference meter measurement increase in the brightness was evidenced by the increase in the brightness ($L^*$)value from 33 to 49, and it was possible to ascertain the reduction in the pollutants as the content of Mn was reduced by about 80% from $50,000{\pm}5,000ppm$ to $10,000{\pm}2,000pmm$ from the result of component analysis.

Simultaneous Removal of SOx and NOx in Flue Gas of Oxy-fuel Combustion by Direct Contact Condenser (직접접촉식 응축기를 통한 가압순산소 연소 배가스 내 SOx, NOx 동시저감 연구)

  • Choi, Solbi;Mock, Chinsung;Yang, Won;Ryu, Changkook;Choi, Seuk-Cheon
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.245-255
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    • 2019
  • Pressurized oxy-fuel combustion is a promising technology for $CO_2$ capture with a benefit of improving power plant efficiency compared with atmospheric oxy-fuel combustion. Prior to $CO_2$ compression in this process, a flue gas condenser (FGC) is used to remove $H_2O$ while recovering the latent heat. At the same time, the FGC has a potential for high-efficiency removal of $SO_x$ and $NO_x$ by exploiting their good solubility in water. In this study, experiments were carried out in a lab-scale, direct contact FGC under different pressures varying between 1 and 20 bar to evaluate the removal efficiency of $SO_2$ and $NO_x$ for individual gases and their mixture. In the tests for individual gases, 20% and 76% of $NO_x$ was removed at 1 bar and 10 bar, respectively. Even higher removal efficiencies were achieved for $SO_2$, and also these were maintained for longer as the pressure increased. In the tests for $SO_2$ and $NO_x$ mixture, the removal efficiency of $NO_x$ increased from 13% at 1 bar to 56% at 20 bar because of higher solubility at elevated pressures. $SO_2$ in the mixture was initially dissolved almost completely and then increased by 1,219 ppm at 1 bar and by 165 ppm at 20 bar. Overall, the removal efficiency of $SO_2$ and $NO_x$ was increased at elevated pressures, but it was lower in the mixture compared with individual gases at identical conditions because of a lower pH and associated chemical reactions in water.

Study on Improvement of Mechanical Property, Oxidation and Erosion Resistance of SiC Matrix Ceramic Composites Reinforced by Hybrid Fabric Composed of SiC and Carbon Fiber (탄화규소섬유와 탄소섬유 하이브리드 직물을 강화재로 한 SiC 매트릭스 세라믹복합재의 기계적물성, 산화 및 삭마 저항성 개선 연구)

  • Yoon, Byungil;Kim, Myeongju;Kim, Jaesung;Kwon, Hyangjoo;Youn, Sungtae;Kim, Jungil
    • Composites Research
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.148-157
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    • 2019
  • In this study, $C_f/SiC$, $SiC_f/SiC$ and $C_f-SiC_f/SiC$ ceramic composites reinforcing carbon fiber, SiC fiber and hybrid fiber were fabricated by hybrid TGCVI and PIP process. After the thermal shock cycle, 3-point bending and Oxy-Acetylene torch test, their mechanical behavior, oxidation and erosion resistance were evaluated. The $C_f/SiC$ composite showed a decrease in mechanical property along with increasing temperature, a pseudo-ductile fracture mode and a large quantity of erosion. The $SiC_f/SiC$ composite exhibited stronger mechanical property and lower erosion rate compared to the $C_f/SiC$, but brittle fracture mode. On the other hand, hybrid type of $C_f-SiC_f/SiC$ composite gave the best mechanical property, more ductile failure mode than the $SiC_f/SiC$, and lower erosion rate than the $C_f/SiC$. During the Oxy-Acetylene torch test, the $SiO_2$ formed by reaction of the SiC matrix with oxygen prevented further oxidation or erosion of the fibers for $C_f-SiC_f/SiC$ and $SiC_f/SiC$ composites particularly. In conclusion, if a hybrid composite with low porosity is prepared, this material is expected to have high applicability as a high temperature thermo-structural composite under high temperature oxidation atmosphere by improving low mechanical property due to the oxidation of $C_f/SiC$ and brittle fracture mode of $SiC_f/SiC$ composite.

Physiological Activity of Supercritical Poria cocos back Extract and Its Skin Delivery Application using Epidermal Penetrating Peptide (초임계 복령피 추출물의 생리활성 및 경피투과 펩티드를 이용한 경피 약물전달의 응용)

  • Kim, Min Gi;Park, Su In;An, Gyu Min;Heo, Soo Hyeon;Shin, Moon Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.766-778
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    • 2019
  • In this study, Poria cocos bark were extracted by supercritical process, and anti-inflammatory, whitening, and antioxidant effects were measured in comparison with ethanol extract. Also, An effective percutaneous permeation method using a selected formulation of the extract and a drug delivery peptide was proposed. Pachymic acid, known as the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory compound of the ventricle, is an indicator component and the HPLC analysis shows that the supercritical extract of the pericardium is more than twice that of the Poria cocos bark extract. In order to confirm antioxidative effect of Bombyx mori, DPPH scavenging ability and ABTS scavenging ability test showed that the ethanol extract of Poria cocos Back had lower concentration than the supercritical extract of Poria cocos back. However, RAW 264.7 Measurements of Nitric oxide (NO) production in cells showed lower NO production at the same concentration than the Poria cocos back ethanol extract. In addition, after 72 hours of processing of $20{\mu}g/mL$ of the Poria cocos back extract in B16 melanoma cells, both the intracellular and extracellular melanin extract were effective and the supercritical extract was lower melanin content. No toxicity was observed at the concentration of $800{\mu}g/mL$ in RAW 264.7 cells used in NO production experiments. However, in B16 melanoma cells, even at $50{\mu}g/mL$, both Poria cocos back ethanol extract and supercritical extract showed a survival rate of less than 60%. The liposome formulation and drug delivery peptides were shown to be useful for percutaneous permeation of Supercritical Extract of Poria cocos back using a liposome formulation and a drug delivery peptide. it is expected that there will be great potential for development as a variety of cosmetic materials for Poria cocos back.

A Study on the Development of Assessment Index for Catastrophic Incident Warning Sign at Refinery and Pertrochemical Plants (정유 및 석유화학플랜트 중대사고 전조신호 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Yong Jin;Park, Dal Jae
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.637-651
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    • 2019
  • In the event of a major accident such as an explosion in a refinery or a petrochemical plant, it has caused a serious loss of life and property and has had a great impact on the insurance market. In the case of catastrophic incidents occurring in process industries such as refinery and petrochemical plants, only the proximate causes of loss have been drawn and studied from inspectors or claims adjustors responsible for claims of property insurers, incident cause investigators, and national forensic service workers. However, it has not been done well for conducting root cause analysis (RCA) and identifying the factors that contributed to the failure and establishing preventive measures before leading to chemical plant's catastrophic incidents. In this study, the criteria of warning signs on CCPS catastrophic incident waning sign self-assessment tool which was derived through the RCA method and the contribution factor analysis method using the swiss cheese model principle has been reviewed first. Secondly, in order to determine the major incident warning signs in an actual chemical plant, 614 recommendations which have been issued during last the 17 years by loss control engineers of global reinsurers were analyzed. Finally, in order to facilitate the assessment index for catastrophic incident warning signs, the criteria for the catastrophic incident warning sign index at chemical plants were grouped by type and classified into upper category and lower category. Then, a catastrophic incident warning sign index for a chemical plant was developed using the weighted values of each category derived by applying the analytic hierarchy process (pairwise comparison method) through a questionnaire answered by relevant experts of the chemical plant. It is expected that the final 'assessment index for catastrophic incident warning signs' can be utilized by the refinery and petrochemical plant's internal as well as external auditors to assess vulnerability levels related to incident warning signs, and identify the elements of incident warning signs that need to be tracked and managed to prevent the occurrence of serious incidents in the future.