• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환황해권 보세구

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A Study on Intra-Regional Cooperation in Trade and Investment : The Case between Incheon, Korea, and Three Provinces in Northeastern China (인천과 중국 동북 3성 지역 간 교역 및 투자 협력에 관한 연구)

  • 박창호;이기철
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.91-111
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted in order to develop inter-local cooperation strategies between the City of Incheon, in Korea, and three provinces in northeastern China. We begin with a description of the history of and prospects for trade between Korea and China, an explanation of the current economic status of Incheon, statistics on the economy, trade and investment trends in the region, and information on the ports of the three Chinese provinces. The following strategies are suggested for inter-local cooperation based on the current circumstances. First, cooperative industrial strategies and economic investment for promoting the mutual concerns and interests of China and Korea were developed. Second, a practical way of utilizing the Incheon Industrial Park located in Dandong, China, was devised to stimulate industrial and investment cooperation. Third, a method of building a network among major ports in Korea and other Northeast Asian port cities was developed. Fourth, an international logistics transportation system that makes connection between sea, land and air easier through logistics standardization was suggested in preparation fur the changing environment of logistics brought about by the opening of the new Incheon International Airport. Fifth, methods of Improving port facilities are suggested. And, finally, the role and necessity of the Incheon City Interchange Center in executing inter-local cooperation strategies is described.

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A Study on Development Strategies for Kunsan Port : Focused on trade with China (군산항만의 발전전략에 관한 연구-대 중국교역을 중심으로-)

  • 백대영
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.111-137
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    • 2001
  • The establishment of the WTO system means that the global age of trade has officially arrived. Since the integration of the world economy brings about the free movement of goods and services between nations, it is inevitable that sea-bound freight will continue to increase. A recent World Bank report says that China and Korea will be the first and seventh largest economic Powers, respectively, by the year 2020. In particular, the Korea peninsula has a geo-political advantage in being developed as a major Northeast Asian container center. Moreover China's swift uprising needs new order of trade for economy belt in Northeast Asia. Therefore, it can be said that Kunsan Port. which has already been designated as a free trade zone, has greater potential to rise as a regional beach-head port and main region for foreign investment. As such. Kunsan Port will play a major role in accelerating the emergence of the West Sea in international trade. There are several strategies for developing Kunsan Port into a central container port: 1) develop Kunsan port Into an import/export front base f3r multinational corporations, 2) develop Kunsan container port into the core composite container-linked central port, 3) attract foreign investment to the Kunsan Free Trade Area so as to promote balanced development among the regions of Korea, 4) support the central government and local governments to accelerate the coming of the "West Sea Era." These recommendations call for urgent implementation.

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