• Title/Summary/Keyword: 환경제거

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Determination of Nitrogen Balance of Agricultural Land among OECD Nutrient Balance Indexes (OCED 농업양분지표중 질소 균형지표 설정)

  • Lee, Chun-Soo;Kim, Pil-Joo;Park, Yang-Ho;Kwak, Han-Kang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2000
  • To determine nitrogen balance (Input-Output) of Korea that was asked by Joint Working Party of the Committee for Agriculture and the Environment Policy Committee, OECD, nitrogen input and output were separately investigated as followings: nitrogen input included the amounts of chemical fertilizer consumption, cattle manure production, and biological nitrogen fixation in the national scale, and nitrogen output summed amounts withdrawn by crop and pasture harvesting, and crop residue removal, and lost by denitrification. In 1997, nitrogen balance of Korea was $158kg\;ha^{-1}$ and $211kg\;ha^{-1}$ on including and excluding denitrification loss, respectively. N balance excluded N loss by denitrification and N withdrawal by crop residues on nitrogen output was $250kg\;ha^{-1}$, which OECD asked to except two items from N balance determination because participants were not enough their data. Nitrogen balance was increased to 1.7~2.3 times in 1997 compared with 70 and $162kg\;ha^{-1}$ in 1985, which calculated on the condition of including denitrification and excluding denitrification and removal of crop residues in nitrogen output, respectively. This increase was caused mainly by increasing livestock manure production and chemical fertilizer consumption together with agricultural land area decrease. Nitrogen input was composed with 59% of chemical fertilizer. 42% of cattle manure and 5% of others in 1997, and output was with 73% of crop production, 23% of crop residue withdrawal and 4% of pasture production. Average nitrogen balance excluded N loss by denitrification and N withdrawals by crop residues in 1995~1997 calculated by OECD was $253kg\;ha^{-1}$, which was the second highest rank in OECD participants following $262kg\;ha^{-1}$ of Netherlands. Japanese N balance that has similar farming system with us was $135kg\;ha^{-1}$.

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A Research Review for Establishing Effective Management Practices of the Highly Invasive Cordgrass (Spartina spp.) (생태계 교란식물 cordgrass (Spartina spp.)의 효과적인 관리방안 수립을 위한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jin-Seog
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.111-125
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    • 2016
  • Cordgrass (Spartina spp.) is recognized as a highly invasive plant in estuaries throughout the world because of remarkable versatility and resiliency, significant reproduction, strong adaptability, rapid spreading, and vigorous growth. In this review, therefore, to provide insights on the effective management practices, the previous research works were summarized and discussed. Spartina spp. is a perennial halophyte, warm-season (C4) grass that reproduces both sexually through seeds and asexually by rhizomes. Management strategies for cordgrass have included various physical, biological, and chemical controls. Herbicides are usually the most cost-effective means of control. Currently, glyphosate, imazapyr, fluazifop and haloxyfop have been practically used. To improve the control efficacy, a combination of two more than methods (example, mowing-spraying) is needed to be applied consistently every year for at least 3 to 4 years and to be sprayed with enough dry time (>4-6 hr) at an early growth stage (before flowering). Consistently repeated application of same herbicide have to be avoided to prevent an unexpected emergence of herbicide-resistant lines. On the other hand, Spartina spp. have many positive functions for agricultural and eco-engineering purposes. Thus, we have to give more intensive research for effectively managing advantages and disadvantages of Spartina plantations.

Effect of Turbidity Changes on Tissues of Zacco koreanus (탁도 변화가 참갈겨니 (Zacco koreanus) 조직에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Myung-Ja;Kim, Jeong-Sook;Hwang, Yun-Hee;Lee, Jong-Eun;Seo, Eul-Won
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2008
  • Present study aims to investigate the effect of muddy water on the gill and the kidney tissues of Zacco koreanus under high turbidity rearing condition. The gill of Z. koreanus showed abnormal shapes in its secondary lamellae and a rough surface with impure debris in the high level of turbidity and the longer raising period condition. In addition, the gills showed the edema, the exfoliation of epithelial cell, and the fusion of the secondary lamellae. In case of kidney tissue, the atrophied glomerulus was observed, and the empty space in Bowman's capsule was wider. The SOD activities in both gill and kidney tissues were increased in proportion to the high level of turbidity. On the while, CAT and GPX activities were shown constant level in the gill, but were increased in the kidney in the high turbid muddy water. These results indicate that the harmful radicals which generate by high level of turbidity could be removed partly by antioxidant enzymes in the kidney. The concentrations of micro heavy metal ions accumulated in the gill increased drastically at the 1,000 NTU. Based on the above results, it is considered that the exposure to the high level of turbidity for long period may affect on the structures of tissues, and change the enzymatic balance in Z. koreanus, causing the fatal disease.

Efficient 3D Object Simplification Algorithm Using 2D Planar Sampling and Wavelet Transform (2D 평면 표본화와 웨이브릿 변환을 이용한 효율적인 3차원 객체 간소화 알고리즘)

  • 장명호;이행석;한규필;박양우
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.31 no.5_6
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, a mesh simplification algorithm based on wavelet transform and 2D planar sampling is proposed for efficient handling of 3D objects in computer applications. Since 3D vertices are directly transformed with wavelets in conventional mesh compression and simplification algorithms, it is difficult to solve tiling optimization problems which reconnect vertices into faces in the synthesis stage highly demanding vertex connectivities. However, a 3D mesh is sampled onto 2D planes and 2D polygons on the planes are independently simplified in the proposed algorithm. Accordingly, the transform of 2D polygons is very tractable and their connection information Is replaced with a sequence of vertices. The vertex sequence of the 2D polygons on each plane is analyzed with wavelets and the transformed data are simplified by removing small wavelet coefficients which are not dominant in the subjective quality of its shape. Therefore, the proposed algorithm is able to change the mesh level-of-detail simply by controlling the distance of 2D sampling planes and the selective removal of wavelet coefficients. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is a simple and efficient simplification technique with less external distortion.

Probabilistic Analysis of JPV Prime Generation Algorithm and its Improvement (JPV 소수 생성 알고리즘의 확률적 분석 및 성능 개선)

  • Park, Hee-Jin;Jo, Ho-Sung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2008
  • Joye et al. introduced a new prime generation algorithm (JPV algorithm hereafter), by removing the trial division from the previous combined prime generation algorithm (combined algorithm hereafter) and claimed that JPV algorithm is $30{\sim}40%$ faster than the combined algorithm. However, they only compared the number of Fermat-test calls, instead of comparing the total running times of two algorithms. The reason why the total running times could not be compared is that there was no probabilistic analysis on the running time of the JPV algorithm even though there was a probabilistic analysis for the combined algorithm. In this paper, we present a probabilistic analysis on the running time of the JPV algorithm. With this analytic model, we compare the running times of the JPV algorithm and the combined algorithm. Our model predicts that JPV algorithm is slower than the combined algorithm when a 512-bit prime is generated on a Pentium 4 system. Although our prediction is contrary to the previous prediction from comparing Fermat-test calls, our prediction corresponds to the experimental results more exactly. In addition, we propose a method to improve the JPV algorithm. With this method, the JPV algorithm can be comparable to the combined algorithm with the same space requirement.

The Study on Empirical Propagation Path Loss Model in the Antler Terminal Environment (엔틀러 터미널 환경에서 실험적인 패스 로스 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Tae;Kim, Jin-Wook;Jo, Yun-Hyun;Kim, Sang-Uk;Yoon, In-Seop;Park, Hyo-Dal
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.516-523
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, The path loss model of Air Traffic Control(ATC) telecommunication radio channel has been studied at the Incheon International Airport(IIA) with the terminal with two antlers. We measured two frequencies among VHF/UHF channel bands. The transmitting site radiated the Continuous Wave(CW). The propagation measurement was taken using the moving vehicle equipped with receiver and antenna. The transmitting power, frequency and antenna height are the same as the current operating condition. The path loss exponent and intercept parameters were extracted by the basic path loss model and hata model. The path loss exponents at passager terminal areas were 3.32 and 3.10 respectively in 128.2 MHz and 269.1 MHz. The deviation of prediction error is 9.69 and 9.65. The new path loss equation at the terminal area was also developed using the derived path loss parameters. The new path loss was compared with other models. This result will be helpful for the ATC site selection and service quality evaluation.

Triboelectrostatic Separation of Unburned Carbon from Flyash for Ash Recycling (마찰대전 정전분리기를 이용하여 석탄회에 함유된 미연탄소분 제거에 관한 연구)

  • 이재근;김성찬;손낙원;김두현;오정근
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 1997
  • Flyash from a coal-hed power plan1 is produced approximtcly 3 million tons m 1996 and causes the serious environmentalpmblem due to the disposal in the ash pond. Flyash is an accepted additive in concrete where it adds strength, sulfate ateresistanceand reduced cost, provided acccptablc levcls of unbunrned carbon are mmtmed This papzr describes to investigate thc technicalfeasibility of a dry triboelcctrostatlcp roccss to scparate unburned carbon h m f lyash into economically valuable produck Puliclesof unburned carbon and flyash can be impded positivc and negative surface charzes. rcapeclively. with a copper tniochargcr dueto dirferences in the work function values of thc particles and the tnbacharger. and cm he separated by passing thcm throuph anexternal electic field. A laboratory s d e separation system consists of r sacw feeder for ash supply, a tniocharger, verticalcollecling copper plates, power supplies, a flow meter, and a fan. Separation tests taking into account separahian efficiency and ashrecovery showed that flyash recovery was sh-nngly dependent an thc tnbocharger geomzhy, elect"c ficld strength. flyssh s ~ c a,n dash feeding late. Optimal separation conditions were flyash size less than 125 Fm and electric field shcngrh of 200 kV1m. Ovcr 80%of the flyash with 7% lass on ignition was recovered at wrbon contznts less than 3%bon contznts less than 3%

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Technical Trend on the Recycling Technologies for Stripping Process Waste Solution by the Patent and Paper Analysis (특허(特許)와 논문(論文)으로 본 스트리핑 공정폐액(工程廢液) 재활용(再活用) 기술(技術) 동향(動向))

  • Lee, Ho-Kyung;Lee, In-Gyoo;Park, Myung-Jun;Koo, Kee-Kahb;Cho, Young-Ju;Cho, Bong-Gyoo
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2013
  • Since the 1990s, the rapid development of information and communication industry, the demand for semiconductor and LCD continues to increase. Therefore in the formation of fine circuit patterns, which are the cores of sensitizer and the most expensive thinner and stripper liquor used to remove photoresist and its dilution, the amount in demand are dramatically increasing, emerging need for recycling of waste thinner and stripper liquor. Recently, recycling technologies of stripping process waste solution has been widely studied by economic aspects and environmental aspects, in terms of efficiency of the stripping process. In this study, analyzed paper and patent for recycling technologies of waste solution from stripping process. The range of search was limited in the open patents of USA (US), European Union (EP), Japan (JP), Korea (KR) and SCI journals from 1981 to 2010. Patents and journals were collected using key-words searching and filtered by filtering criteria. The trends of the patents and journals was analyzed by the years, countries, companies, and technologies.

Current Status and Utilization Technology of End-of-Life Photovoltaic Modules (태양광 폐 모듈의 처리현황 및 실용화 기술)

  • Cho, Jai Young;Park, Areum;Yun, Hyun Mok;Jun, Yun-Su;Kim, Joon Soo
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2020
  • Recently, it is increasing a amount of installed solar-cell rapidly, and end-of-life photovoltaic(ELP) modules are generated in according to the reduction of cell efficiency largely. Recycling of ELP modules are begun at an advanced nation already, but there are bring about environmental contamination and resource recovery problems owing to not treated ELP modules because of economic cost completely. First of all, there were researched basic study for treatment conditions of used solar cell inspection, dismantling of aluminum frame, crushing / grinding & separation of tempered glass, removal of back sheet & EVA film, leaching & precipitation recovery of valuable metals and treatment of waste water. Therefore, we establish optimum conditions through carried out of designed apparatus, installation of equipment, test operation & trouble shooting in scale of 1ton/day pilot plant test. Following to economic review, it does have the economic efficiency until to the case of tempered glass recovery, but does not have the economic value in case of total processes until to recover the valuable metals. However, there are guaranteed economic value if we are gained a large amount of the expenses through EPR supported system. It was confirmed the commercialized possibility of ELP modules recycling if there were established on the collecting ELP modules, reusing criteria, economical technology, enactment of directives and enforcement of EPR supported system efficiently.

A Study on Regulations and Strategies for Increasing the Chinese Construction Market Share post the FTA between Korea and China (한중FTA 이후 중국 해외건설업의 규제실태와 진출 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Myeong-soo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes difficulties of enterprise activities in Chinese construction market by surveys on early entrants and interviews with experts. This study also suggests future strategy to enter the market by using inducement coefficient model. Korean construction companies in China are under heavy pressure to maintain requirement of licenses, despite recent deregulation. They are in dire predicament for market entry due to the Foreign Direct Investment System. It is almost impossible to participate in public projects and also it is not easy to do PPP projects. Therefore, Korean government should make more efforts to solve those issues through negotiations in FTA and GPA. For future expansion in Chinese construction market, it is highly recommended to boost cooperation models between Korea and China according to the empirical results of inducement coefficient model. Korean companies should collaborate with Chinese companies in some fields: smart city, environment and water treatment. Also, Korean government should support Korean companies by diplomatic means such as requesting for further opening of China's market. In GPA or GATS negotiation, Korean government should ask Chinese government that Korean companies can obtain order independently (without joint venture with Chinese companies) in China. Lastly, Korean construction companies should participate in construction projects ordered by international organizations such as ADB, AIIB.