• Title/Summary/Keyword: 화강암류

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Trace Element and Mineral Chemistry of the Cretaceous Granites in the Southern Mungyeong Area (문경남부일대(聞慶南部一帶)에 분포(分布)하는 백악기(白堊紀) 화강암류(花崗岩類)의 미량원소(微量元素) 및 광물화학(鑛物化學))

  • Yun, Hyun Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.379-391
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    • 1991
  • The studied Cretaceous granties are widely distributed at the southern Mungyeong area in the southwestern part of Ogcheon Fold Belt. From the mineralogical and geochemical compositions, it is suggested that they show the characteristics of I-type and magnetite-series and formed under the conditions of high oxygen fugacity. The mineral chemistry of plagioclase, alkali feldspar and biotite in the granites by EMPA, was revealed as albite to oligoclase, microcline to microcline perthite and orthoclase perthite, and annite compositions, respectively. The granites have the distribution patterns of enriched LREE and depleted HREE, and show Eu negative anomalies suggesting mainly due to the feldspar fractionation in the residual magma. The geochemical data of Eu, EU/$^*Eu$, Sm and Gd suggest that the granites of the area have more abundant alkali feldspar crystallization than plagioclase. From the geochemical characteristics of Sr/Ba, La/Sm vs. Ce/Yb and other trace element evidences, the granites were the late stage products of differentiation and fractionated from a homogeneous parental granitic magma.

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시추자료와 순간충격시험의 관련성에 의한 금정산 화강암지역의 수리적 특성

  • 정재열;함세영;이병대;류상민;김광성;우윤정
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.378-381
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    • 2002
  • 금정산지역의 수리적인 특성을 파악하기 위하여 27개 지하수 공을 대상으로 순간충격시험(주입, 인양시험)을 실시하였다. 순간충격시험자료는 C-B-P법, Hvorslev법, Bouwer & Rice법을 이용하여 분석하였으며, 분석을 위해서는 AQTESOLV(Version 3.01) 소프트웨어를 이용하였다. 또한, 자료의 해석을 위해서 시추자료와 연관하여 해석하였으며, 이때 시추시 용출심도와 수리전도도와의 관련성 분석으로 dummy의 충격과 심도의 관련성을 고찰해 보았다. 순간충격시험 분석결과 얻어진 수리전도도는 7.69E-8 ~ 2.30E-5m/sec를 보인다.

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K-Ar ages and geochemistry of granitic rocks in the northeastern geongsang basin (북동부 경상분지의 화강암류에 대한 지구화학 및 K-Ar 연대)

  • 김상중
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 1999
  • The granitic rocks are distributed in the northeastern Gyeongsang basin, and are subdivided into the Youngduk, Younghae, Jangsadong and Onjeong granite. Based on the chondrite normalized patterns of REE by primitive mantle, the Jangsadong granite is more negative Eu anomaly than other granites. On the patterns of trace and rare earcth elements normalized by primitive mantle, Sr, P, Nd, Sm and Ti contents of t도 Youngduk and Younghae granites are higher than those of Jangsadong and Onjeong granites. Based on K-Ar ages, the Youngduk granite is 166.5 Ma for biotite, Younghae granite is 158.7 to 178.0 Ma for hornblende, Jangsadong granite is 113.8 to 118.4 Ma for K-feldspar and hornblende, and Onjeong granite is 67.4 Ma for biotite. Thus, geochemical and geochronological results suggest two plutonic episodes :the Youngduk-Younghae granites and Jangsadong-Onjeong granites suggest two plutonic episodes : the Youngduk-Younghae granites and Jangsadong-Onjeong granites. Jurassic plutonism cooled faster than Cretacous plutonism in the study area.

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K-Ar Muscovite Dating for Precambrian Granites in the Sangdong Area (상동지역(上東地域) 선캠브리아 화강암류(花崗巖類)의 K-Ar 백운모(白雲母) 연령측정(年齡測定))

  • Yun, Hyun Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.21-25
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    • 1991
  • The studied Nonggeori and Naedeogri granites in the Sangdong area intruded into the Precambrian metasedimentary rocks of the Yulri Group. The Cambro-Ordovician Choseon Supergroup overlied unconformably upon the Yulri Group. Pegmatitic dykes injected into the Yulri Group and the granites, but not in the Choseon Supergroup. Field relationships suggest approximate ages of the intrusive rocks in the studied area belong to the Precambrian. Extremely pure concentrates of muscovites(40-80#) were obtained from the granites by conventional isodynamic magnetic separators. The contents of K and 40Ar in the muscovites show 8.60-8.78% and 98.52-99.11%, respectively. From the potassium contents of the muscovites and the approximate ages, the sample amounts for argon analyses are average of 0.00371gr. The K-Ar ages on the muscovites were revealed as Proterozoic ($1673{\pm}22{\sim}1802.5{\pm}17.5Ma$).

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경주시 마동 탑골에 발달하는 제4기 단층(탑골단층)의 구조적 특성

  • Ryoo, Chung-Ryul;Son, Moon;Lee, Yung-Hee;Choi, Sung-Ja
    • Proceedings of the KSEG Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 2002
  • 울산단층대 동변인 경북 경주시 마동 탑골 부근에 발달하는 제4기단층을 기재한다. 이 단층(이후 탑골단층)은 제3기초의 화강암과 제4기의 하성 사력층의 경계부 부근에서 여러 조의 단층들이 단층대를 이루며, 북북서 내지 남-북의 주향에 동측으로 $20^{circ}{\;}~45^{\circ}$ 의 경사를 보인다. 이 단층대는 서측으로부터 제4기 사력층 내의 역단층 3조와 제4기층을 화강암과 이를 부정합으로 덮는 제4기층이 올라탄 역단층 1조로 구별되며, 복합적인 역단층성 단층대의 양상을 보인다. 단층조선은 남동 방향($125^{\circ}$)으로 $20^{\circ}$ 침강한다. 이는 남동-북서 압축에 기인한 역단층성운동에 의해 생성된 것으로 보인다. 이 단층대는 불국사 일원에서 이미 알려진, 보다 서편에 발달하는 북서-남동 방향의 제4기단층선과는 다른 또 하나의 제4기단층선으로 확인된다.

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Geology and Geological Structure around Harar, NE Ethiopia (에티오피아 북동부 하라르 일대의 지질과 지질구조)

  • Ryoo, Chung-Ryul;Heo, Cheol-Ho;Yang, Seok-Jun;Alemu, Tadesse
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2015
  • Around Harar in the northeastern part of the Ethiopia, the Precambrian granitic gneiss and gabbro bodies are developed with several pegmatites. The rock bodies in this area have been deformed by ductile and brittle deformations developing fold and ductile shear structure, and thrust and fault.

Geomorphic Development of River Terraces at the Mid.Downstream of Hongchoen River (홍천강 중.하류의 하안단구 지형발달)

  • 윤순옥;이광률
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.189-205
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    • 2000
  • 북한강 지류 홍천강은 중류구간과 하류구간의 하천 형태가 대조적이다. 홍천강의 중류는 단층선을 따라 직선상으로 남서류하고, 하류는 감입곡류 구간으로 서류하여 북한강에 합류한다. 유역분지의 기반암은 중류구간의 서쪽과 하류구간은 편마암, 중류구간의 동쪽은 화강암이며, 상류구간은 변성암과 화강암이 혼재한다. 하안단구는 중류구간 유로의 양안에서 넓게 분포하며, 하류구간에서는 감입곡류의 활주사면에 좁게 나타난다. 이러한 특징은 지질구조선의 존재, 중류와 하류의 지질 특성과 이에 따른 유로 발달의 차이에 기인한다. 화계분지는 중류구간의 가장 하류쪽에 위치하는데, 분지 내에는 고도를 달리하는 여러 단의 하안단구가 분포한다. 즉, 화계분지에서는 과거 여러 번에 걸친 유로변경과 이로 인해 곡류절단이 이루어졌다. 이는 변성암으로 이루어진 홍천강 하류의 좁고 깊은 하곡이 국지적인 침식기준면으로 작용하여 중류에서 하류로의 곡류대 이동이 방해받았기 때문이다. 하안단구의 형성시기는 기존의 연구결과와 비교할 때, 저위 I면과 저위II면이 각각 Early Wurm 빙기와 Late Wurm에 대비되는 marine oxygen isotope stage 4와 2 시기에, 중위면은 Late Riss에 해당하는 marine oxygen isotope stage 6에 형성된 것으로 추정된다.

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The Petrological Study on the Granitic Rocks in Kyeongju-Kampo Area (경주-감포 일대 화강암체의 악석학적 연구)

  • 이준동
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.70-83
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the petrographic and geochemical characteristics of four granitic masses and clanfy for the origin and relationship among the masses. These granitic rocks are distributed in the eastern part of Yangsan fault in the Kyongsang basin, southeastern part of Korea. Based on the mineralogy and texture, the granitic rocks are divided into three facies; granodiorite, porphyritic fine-grained granite, and equigranular granite. According to the result of modal analysis, northern part and most of the southern part of Daebon granitic rocks are plotted in granodiorite field and the rest part of the xocks are plotted in granite field. These granitic rocks belong to the sub-alkaline series, and are subdivided into calc-alkaline series. The rare earth elements normalized bv chondrite show LREE is more enriched than HREE and the lowest values in O-w m- i t e and Daebon equigranular granite. The crystallization pressures and temperatures of minimum melt compositions of granitic rocks estimated from the study area are about 0.5-1 kbar and $700~820^{\circ}C$, respectively. Referring to the petrographic characteristics, geochemical data and radiogenic age data, Oyu granite was emplaced in the Paleocene, but Daebon granodiorite, Sanseo porphyritic granite, and Hoam equigranular granite are co-magmatic differentiation products, were emplaced in the Eocene.

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Design and Development of a Granite Information System Prototype (화강암정보시스템의 설계 및 구축)

  • Hwang, Jae-Hong;Chi, Kwang-Hoon;Cheong, Won-Seok;Hong, Yong-Kuk;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.2 s.183
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research is to develop a Geological Information System(GIS) in order to store, manage and display geochemical data observed from references of recently domestic granite. There is still no use in geochemical and mineralogical information such as REE(rare earth element), trace elements, mode data(modals or mineral composition) and major elements. Therefore, we need to construct the standardized database system for the analytical data of granites through the verification of its data in South Korea. To construct the information system for geochemical and mineralogical information of granites in South Korea. Firstly, we collected the existing research data related digital map data. Secondly, we extract granite polygons to digital geological map and convert the polygon to points in South Korea. Thirdly, we considered both database schema and symbols of REE elements, trace elements, modal data and major mineral. Fourthly, we carried out all sorts of process to build granite database for GIS statistic analysis and visualization.

The Origin and Age of the Orbicular Granite Gneiss in Wangjungri, Muju (무주 왕정리 일대 구상 화강편마암의 성인과 형성시기)

  • Oh, Chang Whan;Lee, Byung Choon;Yi, Keewook
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.117-135
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    • 2013
  • Orbicular granite gneisses occur as a xenolith within two-mica leucogranites, together with early Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary xenoliths, in Wangjeong-ri, Muju area. The whole-rock chemistries and SHRIMP zircon Pb/U ages of the leucogranites indicate that they are S-type granitoids formed in the continental tectonic setting at $1875{\pm}75$ Ma. The SHRIMP age of monazites from the orbicular granite gneiss gives $1867{\pm}4$ Ma as a metamorphic age which is similar to the intrusion age of the two-mica leucogranite within the error range. The similar ages between zircons and monazites represent that the orbicular granite gneisses formed by metamorphism during the intrusion of the two-mica leucogranite; the metasedimetary xenoliths which sank within the parent magma of leucogranites were metamorphosed into orbicular granite gneisses by thermal metamorphism ($650-740^{\circ}C$, 4-6.5 kbar) due to the heat supplied from surrounding magma. During the thermal metamorphism, the core of orbicular granite gneiss mainly consisting of cordierite formed, and in some orbicular granitic gneisses, the leucocratic melt formed by melting of quartz and plagioclase in the core, squeezed out from core and crystallized around the core forming outer rim. The hydrothermal fluid at the late stage of magma differentiation penetrated into the orbicular granite gneisses resulting pinitization of cordierite into chlorite and sericite. As Muju orbicula granite gneiss was formed from sedimentary rocks, it is more appropriate to be called Muju orbicula granitic gneiss.