• Title/Summary/Keyword: 화강암류

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Relationships between Texture and Physical Properties of Jurassic Unagsan and Cretaceous Sogrisan Granites (쥬라기 운악산 및 백악기 속리산 화강암류의 조직과 물성과의 관계)

  • Yun Hyun-Soo;Park Deok-Won;Hong Sei-Sun;Kim Ju-Yong;Yang Dong-Yoon;Chang Soobum
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.15 no.2 s.42
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    • pp.169-184
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    • 2005
  • Unagsan and Sogrisan granites are widely distributed in the northern Gyeonggi massif and middle Ogcheon belt, respectively, and they show different petrologic characteristics as follows. The former has compact textures and light grey colors, and the latter has spotted miarolitic textures and pink colors. Most of the samples selected for tests are fresh and coarse-grained. And bored core samples were prepared so that they are vertical to the rift plane. The results of modal analysis show that Unagsan granite has significantly higher quartz and plagioclase contents (Qz+Pl) than Sogrisan granite. In contrast, alkali feldspar content (Af) of Sogrisan granite is much higher than that of Unagsan granite. Therefore, it is believed that the light grey colors of Unagsan granite are due to relatively high Qz+Pl, and the pink colors of Sogrisan granite are caused by higher Af. Fractures in Sogrisan granite have strongly perpendicular strike patterns and more dip values close to vertical compared with the fractures in Unagsan granite. Results of the fracture pattern analysis suggest that the Sogrisan granite has better potential to produce dimension stones than the Unagsan granite. However, miarolitic textures often found in the Sogrisan granite may be one of the factors reducing the granite quality. The Unagsan and Sogrisan granites have similar specific gravity values of 2.60 and 2.57, respectively. Absorption ratios and porosity values of Sogrisan granite are higher than those of Unagsan granite, and they shows linearly positive correlations. Compressive and tensile strengths of the Unagsan granite are generally higher than those of Sogrisan granite. These differences and variation trends found in physical properties of Unagsan and Sogrisan granite can be explained by the differences in the textures of Unagsan and Sogrisan granites, namely compact and miarolitic textures respectively. For Unagsan granite, compressive and tensile strengths are negatively correlated with porosity but for Sogrisan granite no specific correlations are found. This is probably due to the irregular dispersion patterns of miarolitic textures formed during the later stages of magmatic processes. Contrary to the trends found in absorption ratios, both granites have similar values of abrasive hardness, which can be explained by higher Qz+Af of the Sogrisan granite than those of the Unagsan granite and that quartz and alkali feldspar have relatively larger hardness values. For Sogrisan granite, compressive strength shows slightly positive correlations with Qz+Af+Pl and negative correlations with biotite and accessory mineral contents (Bt+Ac).

Petrology and petrochemistry of the Jurassic Daebo granites in the Pocheon-Gisanri area (포천 - 기산리 일대에 분포하는 쥬라기 대보화강암류의 암석 및 암석화학)

  • 윤현수;홍세선;이윤수
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2002
  • The study area is mostly composed of Precambrian Gyeonggi gneiss complex, Jurassic Daebo granites, Cretaceous tonalite and dykes, and so on. On the basis of field survey and mineral assemblage, the granites can be divided into three types; biotite granite (Gb), garnet biotite granite (Ggb) and two mica granite (Gtm). They predominantly belong to monzo-granites from the modes. Field relationship and K-Ar mica age data in the surrounding area suggest that intrusive sequences are older in order of Gtm, Ggb and Gb. Gb and Ggb, major study targets, occur as medium-coarse grained rocks, and show light grey and light grey-light pink colors, respectively. Mineral constituents are almost similar except for opaque in Gb and garmet in Ggb. Gb and Ggb have felsic, peraluminous, subalkaline and calc alkaline natures. In Harker diagram, both rocks show moderately negative trends of $TiO_2$, MgO, CaO, $Al_2O_3$, $Fe_2O_3$(t), $K_2O$ and $P_2O_5$ as $SiO_2$ contents increase. Among them, $TiO_2$, MgO and CaO show two linear trends. From the trends and the linear patterns in AFM, Sr-Ba and Rb-Ba-Sr relations, it is likely that they were originated from the same granitic magma and Ggb was differentiated later than Gb. REE concentrations normalized to chondrite value have trends of parallel LREE enrichment and HREE depletion. One data of Ggb showing a gradually enriched HREE trend may be caused by garnet accompaniment. Ggb have more negative Eu anomalies than Gb, suggesting that plagioclase fractionation in Ggb have occurred much stronger than that in Gb. In modal (Qz+Af) vs. Op, Gb and Ggb belong to magnetite-series and ilmenite-series, respectively. From the EPMA results, opaques of Gb are magnetite and ilmenite, and those of Ggb are magnetite-free ilmenite or not observed. Bimodal distribution of magnetic susceptibility reveals two different granites of Gb (332.6 ${mu}SI$) and Ggb (2.3 ${mu}SI$). Based on the paleomagnetic analysis as well as modal analysis, the main susceptibilities of Gb and Ggb reside in magnetite and mafic minerals, respectively. They belong to S-type granite of non-magnetic granite by susceptibility value. In addition, $SiO_2$ contents, $K_2O/Na_2O$, A/CNK molar ratio and ACF diagram support that they all belong to S-type granites.

Petrochemistry and magma process of Jurassic Boeun granodiorite in the central Ogcheon belt (중부 옥천대에 분포하는 쥬라기 보은 화강섬록암의 암석화학과 마그마과정)

  • 좌용주
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.188-199
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    • 1996
  • Boeun granodiorite, which intruded into the metasedimentary rocks of the Ogcheon Group, show chemical natures of metaluminous and calc-alkaline. Generating and emplacing environment of the Boeun granodiorite would have been a active continental margin. Comparing to the contemporaneous Inje-Hongcheon granodiorite in the Gyeonggi massif, the Boeun granodiorite seems likely to have formed under more immature continental arc environment. Compositional changes of major, trace and rare earth elements in granodiorite and felsic dyke are not certain to indicate crystallization differentiation. From this fact, the simple fractional crystallization model would be in question to explain the magma process which controlled the formation of the Boeun granitic mass. The model calculations for Rayleigh fractionation, fractionation with variable major-component composition, assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) were carried out to examine the magma process of the mass. The results of former two models do not agree with the compositional variations in the mass. The AFC model can be, however, applied to the magma process. The conditions for AFC process are (1) composition of assimilated wallrock is similar to that of primary magma. (2) assimilating rate is similar to crystallizing rate, and (3) mass of assimilated wallrock is about 10% of that of the magma. These conditions deny a possibility that the assimilated wallrock was the metasedimentary rocks of the Ogcheon Group. This indicates that after having experienced the assimilation process in deeper crust, the granodiorite magma intruded into the Ogcheon group. Every model calculating suggests that the felsic dyke was differentiated not from the granodiorite magma, but from a different source magma.

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Conservation Treatment, Deterioration Assessment and Petrography of the Hongjimun Ogansumun (Five-arched Floodgates) in Seoul (서울 홍지문 오간수문의 암석기재적 분석과 손상도 평가 및 보존처리)

  • Lee, Myeong Seong;Kim, Jiyoung;Lee, Chan Hee;Kim, Yeong Taek;Han, Byoung Il
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2013
  • The Hongjimun Ogansumun (Five-arched floodgates) is composed mainly of biotite granite, pink feldspar granite and granodiorite that are very similar with granitic rocks around the Seoul. Main damage in the floodgates was gray, yellow and predominantly white discoloration on the surface of stone blocks. All floodgates showed more discoloration in the wall than ceiling, and there were growing stalactite on the ceiling. Scientific analyses determined that the white discoloring substrates were mainly calcite. Therefore, conservation treatment was carried out to remove the substrates by using dry cleaning, high pressure cleaning and chemicals. The floodgates have been restored to good state, but it is still significantly necessary to install drainage on the top of the gates.

경주시 양남 제4기 역질 해안단구 퇴적층 풍화단면내 앨로패인(allophane) 교결층의 기원

  • 정기영;배진한;정창식
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.115-115
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    • 2001
  • 경주시 양남면의 4기 단층으로 추정되는 수렴단층에 의해 절단되는 해안단구 퇴적층 풍화단면에서 저결정질 광물인 앨로패인 교결층을 기재하였다. 이들은 자갈퇴적층 내에 협재하는 수조의 모래층에 한정되어 형성되어 있으며, 3-17 cm 두께로 연장성이 매우 좋다. 편광현미경 관찰에 의하면 모래층에는 사장석편들이 다량 함유되어 있으며 앨로패인은 광학적 등방성의 치밀한 점토집합체들로서 사장석 입자를 선택적으로 교대하거나 자갈과 모래입자들을 피복하고 있다. 앨로패인은 광학적 이방성인 상하위층의 고령토질 점토피복물과 명확히 구분된다. 앨로패인의 전자현미분석에 의하면, Al/Si 원자비가 1.3-1.7 범위이고 평균값은 1.5이다. X선회절분석 결과 3.49$\AA$과 2.26$\AA$에서 두 개의 넓은 회절대가 관찰된다. 주사 및 투과전자현미경관찰에 의하면 앨로패인을 특정한 입자형태 없이 치밀한 겔상태를 이루고 있다. 열분석에 의하면 96$^{\circ}C$에서 큰 흡열피크와 992$^{\circ}C$에서 발열피크가 관찰되며, 총 45% 정도의 중량감소를 보인다. 사장석의 평균조성은 An$_{87}$이며, 사장석내 유리포유물의 전자현미분석결과는 화산암 화학분류도에서 현무암 영역에 도시된다. 이 지역의 기반암은 현무암질 라필리응회암이나 사장석편을 제외하고 벤토나이트화되어 있다. 따라서 해빈환경에서 사장석이 벤토나이트에서 분리되어 퇴적한 것으로 보인다. 앨로패인 교결층은 해수면 강하로 단구퇴적층이 지표로 노출된 후, Al의 함량이 높고 비교적 풍화에 약한 사장석이 선택적으로 풍화되어 생성되었다. 앨로패인으로 피복된 모래층 내의 자갈은 풍화반응이 지체되어 상하위층의 자갈과 비교하여 풍화도에 있어서 현저한 차이를 보인다.. 파이프 중심에서 외곽부로 갈수록 전기석의 함량은 줄어들고 있고 장석들이 알바이트ㆍ칼스베드 쌍정을 보이며, 흑운모가 각섬석보다는 우세하게 나타나고 있다. 전기석은 주상 결정, 자형 내지 반자형의 입자로 다색성을 보이며, 결정 중심에서 가장자리로 갈수록 파란색과 황갈색의 광학적 누대구조를 관찰할 수 있다. 일광광산에서 산출되는 전기석에 대한 현미경 관찰은 열수기원임을 지시하고 있다. 야외조사와 현미경 관찰의 예비조사에 의하면 일광광산의 전기석이 형성된 환경은 다른2가지 화학적인 저장소의 혼합 효과의 결과로 생성되어진 것으로 예상된다. 일광의 화강암류를 만든 마그마는 전기석을 형성할 만큼의 Fe-Mg성분이 충분하지 않았을 것이다. 화강암 내에 흑운모와 각섬석의 결정작용에 의해 마그마의 Fe-Mg성분이 고갈되어지고 이로 인해 그 함량이 감소하며 상대적으로 마그마 내에 남은 붕소(B$_2$O$_3$)는 열수로 용리되고 흑운모, 각섬석과 평형을 유지하며 열수에 남아있게 된다. 잔류용융체에 남은 붕소의 함량은 전기석을 만들기에 충분함에도 불구하고, Fe-Mg 함량이 부족하여 마그마 기원의 전기석 결정을 만들 수가 없다가 광맥이 형성된 시기에 또 다른 열수가 공급되면서 이전의 평형이 깨지고 기존의 흑운모와 같은 염기성 광물이 붕소(B)를 함유한 새로운 열수와 반응하여 전기석을 형성한 것으로 예상한다. 앞으로 전암과 광물에 대해 지화학적 연구를 통해 화강암류와 전기석과의 지화학적 연관성, 주성분 원소와 열수의 특성과의 상관관계, 전기석의 기원(마그마 기원인지 열수기원인지)이 보다 정확하게 파악될 것이다. 마그마 진화에 따른 전기석의 성분변화와 기원을 이용하여 일광광산의 동광화대를 형성한 마그마 계에서 열수계로 이어지는 지질학적 과정을 이해할 수 있을 것이며, 암석 성인론적 지시자로서

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Petrology of Jurassic Granitoids in the Hamyang-Geochang Area, Korea (함양(咸陽)-거창(居昌) 지역(地域), 쥬라기 화강암류(花崗岩類)의 암석학적(岩石學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Cheol-Lag;Lee, Yoon-Jong;Hayashi, Masao
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.447-461
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    • 1992
  • The Jurassic granitoids in the study area are divided into the "Gneissose granodiorite" and the "Daebo granodiorite" (1 : 250,000 Jeonju Geological map, 1973). The term of Geochang granodiorite was used in this study instead of "Daebo granodiorite". These granitoids were studied in terms of microscopic observation, petrochemistry, and zircon morphology. The granitoids are mostly granodiorite. Two kinds of progressive variation can also be recognized in the modal quartz~alkali feldspar~plagioclase triangular diagram; the Gneissose granodiorite is in accordance with the trondhjemitic (low k) trend, and the Geochang granodiorite with the granodioritic trend (medium k). The granitoids belong to the calc-alkaline series, and are classified into the I-type (magnetite series). Plagioclase ($An_{25.1}{\sim}An_{30.9}$) in the granitoids shows generally an oligoclase composition. Biotite has a wider range in (Si, Al) solution than in (Fe, Mg) solid solution. Hornblende occurs in a few thin sections of the Geochang granodiorite, and is plotted in the tschermakite field. The zircon prism shows a long variation between the {110} dominant type and the {100} dominant type in the Geochang granodiorite, but only the {110}={100} type in the Gneissose granodiorite. However, zircon crystals in the granitoids are mostly crystallized in a low-to-medium temperature magma. In the PPEF (Prism- Pyramid-Elongation-Flatness) diagram, the Gneissose granodiorite shows a closed scissors type, the Geochang granodiorite, a opened scissors type. It indicates that the Geochang granodiorite might originate from the mixed magma with crustal materials or pre-existed residual magma which had formed the Gneissose granodiorite.

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Petrological Characteristics of Two-Mica Granites : Examples from Cheongsan, Inje-Hongcheon, Yeongju and Namwon areas (복운모 화강암의 암석화학적 특징 : 청산, 인제-홍천, 영주 및 남원지역의 예)

  • 좌용주
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.210-225
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    • 1997
  • From their general natures of peraluminous, S-type and ilmenite-series granites, two-mica granites in the Cheongsan, Inje-Hongcheon, Yeongju and Namwon areas were originated from crust-derived granitic magma and solidified under reducing condition. Each two-mica granite in Inje-Hongcheon and Namwon districts was differentiated from the the residual magma of porphyric biotite granite and high Ti/Mg biotite granite, respectively. The genetic relationships between two-mica granite and porphyritic biotite granite in Chenongsan district and between two-mica granite and biotite granodiorite in Yeongju district are ambiguous. In Namwon district granitic magmas were water-saturated and possible water solubilities in magmas were more than 5.8wt.%. In Yeongju district two-mica granitic magma was nearly water-saturated and showed possible water solubilities between 2.4~5.8wt.%. Two-mica granitic magmas in Cheongsan and Inje-Hongcheon districts were water-undersaturated. Pressure-dependent minimum melt compositions (0.5~2kb) and petrographic textures of two-mica granites in Inje-Hongcheon and Yeongju districts represent that the granites intruded and solidified at shallow level, whereas those in Cheongsan and Namwon districts exhibit relatively deeper level of granitic intrusion (2-3kb). The intersection of granite-solidus/muscovite stability indicates that magmatic primary muscovite can be crystallized from the water-saturated magma above 1.6kb (ca. 6km), but below the pressure muscovite can be formed by the subsolidus reaction. On the other hand, more pressure would be necessary for the crystallization of primary muscovite from the water-undersaturated magma. This pressure condition can explain the occurrence of primary and secondary muscovites from the two-mica granites in the areas considered. The experimental muscovite stability must be cautious of the application to examine the origin of muscovite. The muscovite stability can move toward high temperature field with adding of Ti, Fe and Mg components to the octahedral site of pure muscovite end member.

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A Preliminary Geochemical Study on the Khaldzan-Buregtei Pegmatite, Western Mongolia (몽골 서부 할잔-부룩테이 페그마타이트에 대한 지화학적 예비 연구)

  • Pak, Sang-Joon;Heo, Chul-Ho;Kim, You-Dong
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.261-269
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    • 2008
  • A NYF-type (Nb-Y-Zr-F) Khaldzan-Buregtei pegmatite containing rare-earth metals occurs within alkali granitoid complex of the western Mongolia. The pegmatites are considered as differentiates of syenites and alkali feldpar granitic rocks, showing that their rare-earth element concentrations are enriched tens times higher than those from the adjacent alkali granitic rocks. It is suggested that econemic aspects of the pegmatites can be controlled by the magnitude of lateral and vertical extensions and local grade variation of REE-bearing pegmatites.


    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.10
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 1990
  • The Imgye and the Samhwa granitoids distributed in the northeastern part of the Okchon Zone are known to be emplaced during the Mesozoic time. These granitoids intruded the Precambrian metasedimentary bedrocks and Cambro-ordovician sedimentary rocks. Petrographically the Samhwa granitoid is a biotite granite of mainly coars-grained texture with some fine-grained exceptions and the Imgye granitoid contains typically large phenocrysts of pinkish K-feldspars. Geochemical discriminators in terms of major elements suggest that the Samhwa and the Imgye granitoids are I-type and magnetite series. These granitoids are also classified as calc-alkalic rocks of subalkalic series. The Imgye and the Samhwa granitoids could have been evolved mainly by fractional crystallization and minimum partial melting respectively.

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화강암 분포 지역에서 화학적 풍화변질지수와 풍화등급의 비교

  • 김성욱;이선갑;류호정;김춘식;김인수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.266-271
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    • 2004
  • 지리적으로 이격된 마산과 서부산 지역의 불국사 화강암 분포지에서 정량적인 풍화도를 판별하기 위해 화학적 풍화지수와 등급을 산정하였다. 연구를 위해 채취된 시료에 대해 풍화 생성광물 동정, 전암분석, 산침수에 의한 이온용출 시험을 실시하였으며, 풍화지수와 지형적인 요소와 풍화속도를 고려하여 풍화등급들 산정하였다. 분석 결과 동일한 물리적, 광물학적 특성을 가지고 있으나 풍화에 따라 생성되는 점토광물의 종류와 함량에서 차이를 보여주며, 풍화의 진행 경로과 범위는 매우 상이한 결과를 보여 준다. 이러한 결과는 암석의 풍화가 모암의 조건 외에 지형, 지질구조, 기온, 강수량과 같은 환경적인 요소에 밀접하게 관련되어 있는 것을 의미할 뿐만 아니라 풍화도 산정에서 환경적인 요소에 대한 해석이 반드시 요구된다.

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