• Title/Summary/Keyword: 형식논리

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A study about Myeonggok(明谷) Choiseokjeong(崔錫鼎)'s persuasive style(論說類) proses (명곡(明谷) 최석정(崔錫鼎)의 논설류 산문 연구)

  • Kwon, Jin-ok
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.70
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    • pp.91-117
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    • 2018
  • This paper examines the persuasive style(論說類) proses of Myeonggog(明谷) Choi, seokjeong(崔錫鼎, 1646~1715). He is a disciple of Namguman(南九萬) and Parksechae(朴世采), and is a man who played an active part by political soron(少論) leader in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty. It is also a central figure that links the genealogy of the late Joseon Dynasty, which leads to Namguman(南九萬)-Choiseokjeong(崔錫鼎)-Chotaeeok(趙泰億). He wrote total 14 persuasive style prose. The time of creation is from around 1671 until the end of life. In this paper, the preoses to be analyzed are Sunukron(荀彧論), Bujadaegaron(夫子待賈論) and Muneongyebyeon(文言系辭辨). The reverse idea that reverses the existing discussion is outstanding, and the work which is unique in composition is Sunukron(荀彧論). Bujadaegaron(夫子待賈論) is a work that uses the ryubi(類比) to increase persuasiveness and converts the existing perspective. Muneongyebyeon(文言系辭辨) is a work that attempted to harmonize in the formality of vocabulary, sentence and composition while showing the logical perfection to dismiss the counter-argument's prerequisite. For example, Muneongyebyeon(文言系辭辨) consists of a total of five paragraphs in aspect of composition, each paragraph arranged in good order. In addition, this work presented sequential arguments, used the incremental method which emphasizes the importance of arguments as it moves backward.

A Comparative Analysis of Cognitive Levels of 11th Grade Students and Cognitive Levels Required by High School Chemistry I Textbooks (고등학교 2학년 학생들의 인지수준과 화학 I 교과서 내용이 요구하는 인지수준 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Eun-Suk;Park, Kwang-Seo;Oh, Chang-Ho;Kim, Dong-Jin;Park, Kuk-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.645-653
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the cognitive levels of 11th grade students and those required in high school chemistry I textbooks standardized by the 7th national education curriculum. For this study, the cognitive development stages of 456 11th grade students were surveyed using short-version GALT (group assessment of logical thinking). Furthermore, 15 basic concepts were extracted from the contents on water and air, 2 units in chemistry I order to analyze the cognitive levels necessary for understanding high school textbooks, using CAT (curriculum analysis taxonomy). The results showed that 52.5% of the surveyed 11th grade students reached the formal operational level, 28.3% transitional levels, and 19.5% concrete operational levels. 68.9% of the academic high school students and 6.6% of the technical high school students reached the formal operational levels, and the ratio of formation was very different in each logics. As a result of the analyzing the cognitive levels needed for understanding chemistry I textbook contents, in spite of a change in national education curriculum, there were no great change in cognitive levels required by scientific concept except some inquiry activities. The cognitive levels in high school chemistry I textbooks by the 7th national education curriculum appeared higher than the cognitive levels of 11th grade student, but cognitive levels of inquiry activities were similar to the cognitive levels of the students. Chemistry teachers thought of chemistry I textbooks by the 7th national education curriculum as desirable because scientific concepts were reduced and a lot of real life materials were adapted. However, they pointed out a problem of difference in contents levels compared with chemistry I textbooks because scientific concepts were greatly reduced in chemistry I textbooks. The cognitive levels required in chemistry I textbooks still appeared higher than those of the students. Consequently, various teaching and learning methods and materials will have to be developed to be suitable for the students' cognitive levels.

A Study on the Chinese Translated of Korean version Yeonhaengnok(燕行錄) of 『Sang-bong-lok』 in Korean (한역본(漢譯本) 연행록 『상봉록(桑蓬錄)』의 특징과 한역(漢譯) 양상 연구)

  • Chaung, Nae Won
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.55
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    • pp.147-172
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    • 2014
  • Kang Jae Eung translated "Sang-bong-lok" of Kang Ho Boo from Korean into Chinese. There is Yeonhaengnok(燕行錄) written in with Korean and Chinese among 500 Yeonhaengnok(燕行錄). Especially it is very rare that is translated from Korean into Chinese. Because of there aspect, it is valuable and worth studying. "Sang-bong-lok" was 3 series by origin, but now we have only 2 series. That is the original text written in Chinese by Kang Ho Boo, a Korean version by Kang Ho Boo, and Chinese translated of Korean version by his descindants Kang Jae Eung. Original text dosen't exists now undiscovered yet. Chinese version "Sang-bong-lok" is distinguished from the other Yeonhaengnok(燕行錄) and classical novel in form and contents. In formal aspect, Chinese version "Sang-bong-lok" describes an industry remarks in prologue. This industry remark describes standard and form of writing. Looking industry remark, you can find that Kang Jae Eung didn't add or subject the sentence of original text and distinguished between his own sentence and original text. This compiling system distinguishing compiler from original writter is rare enough to so that you cannot find it in other Yeonhaengnok(燕行錄). In contents, Kang Jae Eung almost transcribed Korean Yeonhaengnok(燕行錄) without subtraction and added special information to promote the view of Kang Ho Boo. After discription, Kang Jae Eung covered all information and reviewed it and added opinion to it. Kang Jae Eung's conclusion is sometimes same or different from Kang Ho Boo's. Anyway it is worthy of noticing that Kang Jae Eung wrote his opinion after Kang Ho Boo's sentence.

A Review Examining the Dating, Analysis of the Painting Style, Identification of the Painter, and Investigation of the Documentary Records of Samsaebulhoedo at Yongjusa Temple (용주사(龍珠寺) <삼세불회도(三世佛會圖)> 연구의 연대 추정과 양식 분석, 작가 비정, 문헌 해석의 검토)

  • Kang, Kwanshik
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.97
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    • pp.14-54
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    • 2020
  • The overall study of Samsaebulhoedo (painting of the Assembly of Buddhas of Three Ages) at Yongjusa Temple has focused on dating it, analyzing the painting style, identifying its painter, and scrutinizing the related documents. However, its greater coherence could be achieved through additional support from empirical evidence and logical consistency. Recent studies on Samsaebulhoedo at Yongjusa Temple that postulate that the painting could have been produced by a monk-painter in the late nineteenth century and that an original version produced in 1790 could have been retouched by a painter in the 1920s using a Western painting style lack such empirical proof and logic. Although King Jeongjo's son was not yet installed as crown prince, the Samsaebulhoedo at Yongjusa Temple contained a conventional written prayer wishing for a long life for the king, queen, and crown prince: "May his majesty the King live long / May her majesty the Queen live long / May his highness the Crown Prince live long" (主上殿下壽萬歲, 王妃殿下壽萬歲, 世子邸下壽萬歲). Later, this phrase was erased using cinnabar and revised to include unusual content in an exceptional order: "May his majesty the King live long / May his highness the King's Affectionate Mother (Jagung) live long / May her majesty the Queen live long / May his highness the Crown Prince live long" (主上殿下壽萬歲, 慈宮邸下壽萬歲, 王妃殿下壽萬歲, 世子邸下壽萬歲). A comprehensive comparison of the formats and contents in written prayers found on late Joseon Buddhist paintings and a careful analysis of royal liturgy during the reign of King Jeongjo reveal Samsaebulhoedo at Yongjusa Temple to be an original version produced at the time of the founding of Yongjusa Temple in 1790. According to a comparative analysis of formats, iconography, styles, aesthetic sensibilities, and techniques found in Buddhist paintings and paintings by Joseon court painters from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Samsaebulhoedo at Yongjusa Temple bears features characteristic of paintings produced around 1790, which corresponds to the result of analysis on the written prayer. Buddhist paintings created up to the early eighteenth century show deities with their sizes determined by their religious status and a two-dimensional conceptual composition based on the traditional perspective of depicting close objects in the lower section and distant objects above. This Samsaebulhoedo, however, systematically places the Buddhist deities within a threedimensional space constructed by applying a linear perspective. Through the extensive employment of chiaroscuro as found in Western painting, it expresses white highlights and shadows, evoking a feeling that the magnificent world of the Buddhas of the Three Ages actually unfolds in front of viewers. Since the inner order of a linear perspective and the outer illusion of chiaroscuro shading are intimately related to each other, it is difficult to believe that the white highlights were a later addition. Moreover, the creative convergence of highly-developed Western painting style and techniques that is on display in this Samsaebulhoedo could only have been achieved by late-Joseon court painters working during the reign of King Jeongjo, including Kim Hongdo, Yi Myeong-gi, and Kim Deuksin. Deungun, the head monk of Yongjusa Temple, wrote Yongjusa sajeok (History of Yongjusa Temple) by compiling the historical records on the temple that had been transmitted since its founding. In Yongjusa sajeok, Deungun recorded that Kim Hongdo painted Samsaebulhoedo as if it were a historical fact. The Joseon royal court's official records, Ilseongnok (Daily Records of the Royal Court and Important Officials) and Suwonbu jiryeong deungnok (Suwon Construction Records), indicate that Kim Hongdo, Yi Myeong-gi, and Kim Deuksin all served as a supervisor (gamdong) for the production of Buddhist paintings. Since within Joseon's hierarchical administrative system it was considered improper to allow court painters of government position to create Buddhist paintings which had previously been produced by monk-painters, they were appointed as gamdong in name only to avoid a political liability. In reality, court painters were ordered to create Buddhist paintings. During their reigns, King Yeongjo and King Jeongjo summoned the literati painters Jo Yeongseok and Kang Sehwang to serve as gamdong for the production of royal portraits and requested that they paint these portraits as well. Thus, the boundary between the concept of supervision and that of painting occasionally blurred. Supervision did not completely preclude painting, and a gamdong could also serve as a painter. In this light, the historical records in Yongjusa sajeok are not inconsistent with those in Ilseongnok, Suwonbu jiryeong deungnok, and a prayer written by Hwang Deok-sun, which was found inside the canopy in Daeungjeon Hall at Yongjusa Temple. These records provided the same content in different forms as required for their purposes and according to the context. This approach to the Samsaebulhoedo at Yongjusa Temple will lead to a more coherent explanation of dating the painting, analyzing its style, identifying its painter, and interpreting the relevant documents based on empirical grounds and logical consistency.

Developing and Assessing a Learning Progression for the Ecosystem (생태계에 대한 학습발달과정의 개발과 평가)

  • Yeo, Chaeyeong;Lee, Hyonyong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2016
  • There have been much efforts to reconstruct the science curriculum focusing on Disciplinary Core Ideas(DCI) in many countries such as America and Europe, the most practical effort has been to design a curriculum with learning progressions(LPs). LPs describe stepwise how students can systematically move toward the understanding of more sophisticated ideas or scientific activities and explain in succession the process of understanding the ideas while the students learn. In this study, a LP for ecosystems has been developed, and the developed LP is then evaluated accordingly. The Ecosystem is one of the DCI of the life science in Next Generation Science Standards(NGSS). The development process of the LP was set at step 4(Development, Assessment, Analysis, and Amendment), and developed through an iterative process of sequences. As a result of analyzing the developed LP, an assessment based on the LP provides reliable information to identifying student ability. This study proposes the development process of the LP and its methodological aspects to use Core Achievement Standards, Ordered Multiple-Choice items and the Rasch model. In addition, using the empirically proven LP suggests a way of strengthening curriculum linked to educational content, teaching methods and assessment. Utilizing the proposed development process in this study will be to present the standard into the direction of becoming part of the curriculum. Currently, the state of domestic research for the LP is still lacking. This study determined the development process of the LP and the need to conduct future research on the LPs.

The Effects of Novel Engineering on Improvement of Creative Problem-Solving Ability (노벨 엔지니어링이 창의적 문제해결력 향상에 미치는 효과)

  • Hong, Ki-Cheon;Lee, Woo-Jin;Kim, Semin
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2020
  • This paper describes the effects of Novel Engineering(NE) on improvement of creative problem-solving abilities. We performed two classes for control and experience group. They are all 5th grade students. Core concept of the NE lesson is ecosystem and interaction with 8 hours long. We designed a lesson able to integrate subjects like Korean, Science and Practical Arts. Then we performed pre-and-post t-test on creative problem-solving ability. The experimental results showed that NE lesson has a high effects on 4 sub-elements like self conviction and independence, diffusion thinking, critical thinking and motivational component. The research showed that NE class is a good teaching-learning method to cultivate various competencies for our children. NE is a convergence learning model integrating various problem-solving paradigms ever researched. Thus we expect that NE is a foundation for convergence curriculum model to lead our children to their future and get settled to all schools.

Formal Estimation Method for Optimal Budget Appropriation of Highway Construction Projects under Long-term Continuation Contracts (장기계속계약제도 하에서 고속도로공사 최적공사비 산출방안 정립에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Bon-Sang;Yu, Jung-Ho;Park, Jong-Ho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.1405-1412
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, public infrastructure projects employ "long term continuation (LTC) contracts," which require budgets to be reevaluated and re-appropriated annually throughout the multi-year life of the project. However, such contracts also make it susceptible to frequently changing government policies, in which budgets required for existing projects are allocated to new projects and thus does not provide a consistent stream of capital to multi-year projects. Each year, the KEC needs to attain government funds for construction of its multiple highway construction sites. Because it is difficult to know the amount that may be actually appropriated to KEC in a given year, it is in turn difficult to anticipate and provide sufficient funds necessary for construction to run smoothly and continuously. The lack of a good logic for appropriation has resulted in projects having a skewed distribution of capital. To get better budget appropriations from the central government, the KEC first needs a systemized approach that rationalizes the annual construction capital optimally required for its individual sites. The goal of this research was to devise a way that allows the KEC to determine and calculate the optimal construction costs that would be required for its individual construction sites on an annual basis. Both the optimal progress rate and the essential work types were assessed through a workshop with 24 professionals (KEC employees and contractors) who had extensive experience in KEC projects and also were currently working in these projects.

A Study On Digital Hybrid System of Environment Design Based On Non-linear Feature (비선형성에 근거한 환경디자인의 디지털 하이브리드 체계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.4 s.62
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2005
  • In the perspective of hybrid, design contains confused forms and styles. Thus, the question is what 'decisively affects' on life, happiness and peace of human beings: In the past scientific ecology that tries to solve the problem in the aspect of functional design was important. Now the question is beyond the scientific ecology because human has a different way of environmental adaptation from animals. From this point of view, design is defined as something beyond materialistic standard. Terry Eagleton said, 'Creative ability deviating oneself and transcending is the very standard to measure human beings' A tendency to hybridize one's own section off genre or pursuing dismantlement is found on such creative perspective. In other words, it focuses on making a space of human's cultural behavior by unifying creatively natural environment and architecture space in the organic aspect. Such phenomenon provides a new chance and possibility in environmental design through a new molding experiment according to the development of digital technology. As experiments of environment design using digital technology are actively implemented, ecological and cultural views hybridize to create a new cultural space of various functions and features. Such experiment in environment design highlights the connections of ecological view, recognition of value, and relation-centered ideas, and enables a tool pursuing a new cultural development. This study focuses on the paradigm of such digital hybrid design and purposes to set the system by analyzing the application styles and principles of environment design through theoretical and case studies. In addition, it promotes a new possibility to develop environment design in the history of civilization.

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A Study on the Classification Criteria of Landscape Type for Urban Landscape Planning (도시경관계획을 위한 경관유형 분류기준에 관한 고찰)

  • Bang, Jae-Sung;Yang, Byoung-E
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.78-89
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to build fundamental data for the classification of landscape type as a base for landscape planning and management practices. To do this, prior dissertations and landscape plan reports were analyzed, which presented the classification criteria for landscape type. Based on this, classification criteria for landscape type which could be usable in zoning ordinances has been suggested. The result is as follows: Firstly, in landscape analysis and assessment study based on ecological and formal aesthetic models, landscape type is classified by the character of the landscape element. Secondly, there is no logical classification of landscapetype in urban landscape planning according to mixed use of landscape type for analysis and planning. It is therefore difficult to identify the object of landscape planning, which is intimately linked with the shortage of concrete practice for landscape management. In connection with this issue, classification criteria for landscape type are suggested based on utility in landscape planning. This could be divided into internal criteria and external criteria. The former are land-use, topographical characteristics, characteristics of the view object, and landscape elements while the latter are viewpoint, distance to view object, and urban form. Applying the landscape type classified by the criteria suggested in this paper, it is possible to manage an entire urban area. In addition, landscape type could be reference data for operating a zoning system.

SWAT: A Study on the Efficient Integration of SWRL and ATMS based on a Distributed In-Memory System (SWAT: 분산 인-메모리 시스템 기반 SWRL과 ATMS의 효율적 결합 연구)

  • Jeon, Myung-Joong;Lee, Wan-Gon;Jagvaral, Batselem;Park, Hyun-Kyu;Park, Young-Tack
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2018
  • Recently, with the advent of the Big Data era, we have gained the capability of acquiring vast amounts of knowledge from various fields. The collected knowledge is expressed by well-formed formula and in particular, OWL, a standard language of ontology, is a typical form of well-formed formula. The symbolic reasoning is actively being studied using large amounts of ontology data for extracting intrinsic information. However, most studies of this reasoning support the restricted rule expression based on Description Logic and they have limited applicability to the real world. Moreover, knowledge management for inaccurate information is required, since knowledge inferred from the wrong information will also generate more incorrect information based on the dependencies between the inference rules. Therefore, this paper suggests that the SWAT, knowledge management system should be combined with the SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) reasoning based on ATMS (Assumption-based Truth Maintenance System). Moreover, this system was constructed by combining with SWRL reasoning and ATMS for managing large ontology data based on the distributed In-memory framework. Based on this, the ATMS monitoring system allows users to easily detect and correct wrong knowledge. We used the LUBM (Lehigh University Benchmark) dataset for evaluating the suggested method which is managing the knowledge through the retraction of the wrong SWRL inference data on large data.