• Title/Summary/Keyword: 형식논리

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The Influence of Small Group Discussion on the Science Writing Ability of Elementary School Students (토론 활동이 초등학생의 과학글쓰기 능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Youngsik;Jhun, Youngseok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1109-1123
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of small group discussion on elementary students' science writing. In this study, four 6th grade students were chosen from an elementary school in Seoul. Students were involved in eight science writing classes and the contents of a small group discussion and interactions were recorded and observed. Students' science works were collected and analysed based on three domains: scientific thinking, logic and originality. The result of this study showed that the contents of a small group discussion greatly affected the scientific thinking domain. A low-achieving student received lots of help from a high-achieving student. It was easy to improve in the logic domain through the science writing classes. Average students got good grades in an originality domain when the subject was related to their real life. A small group discussion would have an effect on science writing ability positively if the students acquired proper guidance on the procedure and manner of discussion. The science writing lesson would be more effective if the learning group was organized homogeneously in the aspects of intelligence achievement and interpersonal relationships.

Adaptation of Peirce's typology of signs to architectural design (퍼스 기호 유형론의 건축 디자인 적용 연구)

  • Hwang, Yeong-Sam;Park, Mi-Jin;Kim, Yeong-Hee
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.205-224
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    • 2018
  • This research is to investigate the way to combine Peirce's typology of signs with architectural design. A new diagram is suggested to ensure the continuity of Peirce's typology, by rearranging and reconstructing the well known inverted triangle diagram showing the structure of the typology. The new diagram is easier to understand the organization of the typology, by showing the linkages between sign types and their relationships with other types. A way to adapt the new diagram to architectural design for the purpose of representing typology as well as ensuring model growth as semiotic model for architectural design model. The new model is organized of three sign clusters, sinsign cluster, legisign cluster, and symbolic cluster. They are interrelated through successive inclusion and case inclustion. The new model is organized of threefold layers. The first layer is internal structure of each cluster. The second is interrelation between cluster. The third is mediation of symbolic cluster between sinsign cluster and legisign cluster. This paper investigate and demonstrate the possibility of adaptation of the new model in architectural design. It has been argued that the theoretical basis of sign typology is adaptable to architectural design by principle. More future research issues are discussed.

Die Idee der $Sch\ddot{o}nheit$ und ihres Dasein in Hegels Denken (헤겔사유에서 미(美)의 이념과 현존의 관계)

  • Yoon, Byongtae-Tae
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.8
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    • pp.39-58
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    • 2006
  • In Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik wird die Idee als Leben des Begriffes, objektive Vollendung und Einheit von Subjekt und Objekt bezeichnet. Die Idee ist die Einheit von Begriff und dessen Existenz und des weiteren die "allgemeine Bedeutung des wahren Seins". Die Idee ist nicht die Namensgebung einer Abstraktion der Sache als abstrakte Sache oder einer reinen Form, sondern 'das Werden zum Diesem' oder 'das Diese' des konkreten und realistischen Objektes 'Dies hier und jetzt'. Auf einer solchen logischen Bestimmung beruhend, behauptet Hegel in seiner ${\ddot{A}}sthetik$ die Gleichheit zwischen "$Sch{\ddot{o}}nheit$" selbst und der "Idee der $Sch{\ddot{o}}nheit$". "Das $Sch{\ddot{o}}ne$ selbst" ist gleichzusetzen mit der "Idee der $Sch{\ddot{o}}nheit$" und wenn die Idee in einer bestimmte Form hineinpasst, wird dies das Ideale genannt. Hier liegt der Grund, weshalb wir die Idee als Begriff, Begriff des Daseins oder Einheit des Objektes bezeichnen $k{\ddot{o}}nnen$. Die Idee ist die Einheit von Begriff und dessen $Realit{\ddot{a}}t$, jedoch ist die dominierende Kraft der Einheit der Begriff. Die Idee ist die $Totalit{\ddot{a}}t$ der subjektiven Bestimmung und nur das Werk dass mit dem Begriff passend Einheit und $Objektivit{\ddot{a}}t$ hervorbringt, ist wirklich $sch{\ddot{o}}n$. Umgekehrt gesagt bedeutet diese Aussage, dass etwas wirklich $sch{\ddot{o}}n$ ist, wenn dies zu dem Begriff passt, und dass das genau zum Begriff passende ist mit dem Begriff gleichzusetzen ist. Wie bereits $bewu{\beta}t$, hat Kant die $f{\ddot{u}}r$ den kognitiven Begriff verantwortliche bestimmende Urteilskraft und das ${\ddot{a}}sthetische$ Urteil treffende reflektierende Urteilskraft, differenziert. Im Gegensatz dazu $erkl{\ddot{a}}rt$ Hegel die Beziehung zwischen Sein und Denken, Dasein und Begriff, Begriff und Idee mit dem Blickpunkt dass das $Verm{\ddot{o}}gen$ und die Funktion der Urteilskraft selbst eine grundliegend auf Reflektion beruhende Bestimmung ist und eine auf Bestimmung beruhende Reflektion ist. Nach dieser Logik entsprechend $f{\ddot{u}}hrt$ er die Beziehung zwischen der $sch{\dodt{o}}nen$ Sache und $Sch{\ddot{o}}nheit$ zusammen. In dieser $Erkl{\ddot{a}}rung$ verwirft Hegel Kants Begriffe wie Urteilskraft und Geschmack, und verwendet vorwiegend die von seiner Lehre vom Begriff auftauchende Begriffe. Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit ist, den Satz in Hegels ${\ddot{A}sthetik$ "Das $Sch{\ddot{o}}ne$ ist die Idee des $Sch{\ddot{o}}nen$" auf den Grund zu gehen. Um dieses Ziel zu verfolgen, wird das epistemologische $Verh{\ddot{a}}ltnis$ zwischen Dasein und Begriff, das logische $Verh{\ddot{a}}ltnisas$ zwischen Begriff und Idee betrachtet.

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Semantic Rewrite Rules at Object Oriented Query processing (객체 지향 질의 처리에서 의미적 재작성 규칙에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hong-Ro;Kwak, Hoon-Sung;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.443-452
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    • 1995
  • Object-oriented database systems have been proposed as an effective solution for providing the data management facilities of complex applications. Proving this claim and the investigation of related issues such as query processing have been hampered by the absence of a formal object-oriented query model. In this paper, we not only define a query model based on aggregation inheritance but also develop semantic rewriting rules which are applied to equivalence preserving rewrite rules in algebraic expression of a query. Analyzing semantically the query model, the query model can be optimized to logically object-oriented query processing. And algebra expresstions of a query can be optimized by applying equivalence preserving rewrite rules.

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Minimal Graphics in Twentieth-Century Design (20세기 그래픽 디자인의 미니멀 경향)

  • 강현주
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2003
  • This research has started from a critical mind that raised a question how we will view the minimal tendencies of graphic design in historical context that is newly raised again after the late 1990s. In chapter 1, I examined the main ideas of the twentieth century such as "Less is more", "Less is boring", and "I believe in less and more". In chapter 2, I studied the minimal tendencies and the distinctions in graphic design by chronological order. 1 became to think that the recent minimal tendencies of graphic design appears naturally in the process of newly redefining ones specialty and identity from accepting the rapidly changing of social/cultural/technical changes rather than being temporary trend, Furthermore, I realized that considering the distinctiveness of design field, the research of the forms and styles of design itself is as an important and too much urgent task as the contents or ideological characters of designeological characters of design

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Design and Implementation of Conversion System from UML Class Diagram to XML DTD (UML 클래스 다이어그램을 XML DTD로의 변환 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Hong, Do-Seok;Ha, Yan;Kim, Yong-Sung
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.3829-3839
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    • 2000
  • The UML(Unified Modeling Language) Class Diagram which is a part of structure of UML is fit for Object Modeling, and more recently, as the appearance of UXF(UML eXchange Format) UML Class Diagram by itself, can be exchanged in many other different system document. So this paper suggest the conversion system from UML Class Diagram to XML DTD. As this we can easily transformation and saving the UML Class Diagram that is the standard of Modeling Language to XML document which is so reusable. Also it can give a flexible method for the representation to the logical structure of document in various way because of converting XML DTD.

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Intelligent Dust Chamber Bag Control System using Case-Based Reasoning (사례기반 추론을 이용한 지능형 집진기 bag 제어 시스템)

  • Kim, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we develop the intelligent remote dust chamber bag control system which is combination of the advanced IT and traditional dust chamber based on event. At first, the message format is defined for the efficient dust chamber bag information transmission using power line communication. Also, we define the data types to logically model the dust chamber and the dust chamber bag, and they are logically modeled using XML and object-oriented modeling method. In addition to, we apply the case-based reasoning for showing the dust chamber bag exchange time intelligently to user at real-time using casebase, that is collected by case or case-based reasoning result, and that is described using XML.

${\lambda}$-calculus (${\lambda}$-연산 소개)

  • Cheong Kye-Seop
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.45-64
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    • 2004
  • The lambda calculus is a mathematical formalism in which functions can be formed, combined and used for computation that is defined as rewriting rules. With the development of the computer science, many programming languages have been based on the lambda calculus (LISP, CAML, MIRANDA) which provides simple and clear views of computation. Furthermore, thanks to the "Curry-Howard correspondence", it is possible to establish correspondence between proofs and computer programming. The purpose of this article is to make available, for didactic purposes, a subject matter that is not well-known to the general public. The impact of the lambda calculus in logic and computer science still remains as an area of further investigation.stigation.

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ID-based signcryption with improved security (안전성을 보완한 ID기반 signcryption 기법)

  • Kwak Byeong-Ok;Jeong Yoon-Su;Lee Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.11 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.239-251
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    • 2006
  • Zheng's signcryption scheme is a new encryptical scheme of which can save more expense than those of the current signature encryption by using digital signature and symmetric key encryption logically. The current signcryption schemes have a problem that is to be exposed the secret key of the receiver in the case of checking repudiation of origin by the third party. To solve this problem, a solution suggested in this paper is to use multi-purpose ID-based signcryption scheme with anonymity and unlinkability. This solution is safe and more efficient than current signcryption schemes because the suggested scheme keeps the security of the random oracle model as using Weil-pairing in encryption. and follows a formal proof of semantic security of the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem.

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A Middleware Architecture for Module-based Intelligent Robot (모듈 기반의 지능형 로봇을 위한 미들웨어 구조)

  • Lee, Kwang-Koog;Choe, Sun-Hee;Kim, Seong-Hoon;Choi, Hyeong-Seob;Park, Hong-Seong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.313-314
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    • 2007
  • 현대 로봇 분야의 개발에 있어 지능형 서비스 로봇은 모듈 기반으로 구성될 수 있다. 여기서 모듈이란 로봇의 특정 태스크들 수행하기 위해 만들어진 자동화 하드웨어 단위를 의미한다. 이러한 모듈 기반의 로봇시스템 내부는 네트워크의 이종성에 따라 다양한 네트워크들을 통해 연결될 수 있기 때문에 다중 모듈간 안정적이고 효율적인 통신을 하기 위해서는 상호운영을 위한 기술이 뒷받침 되어야 한다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 모듈기반의 로봇을 위한 통신용 미들웨어를 제안한다. 제안된 미들웨어는 네트워크 인터페이스 계층과 네트워크 적응 계층으로 나누어진다. 네트워크 인터페이스 계층은 각 이종 인터페이스들을 논리적인 채널로 추상화하는 기능을 갖는다. 반면, 네트워크 적응 계층은 모듈간의 통신을 위한 메시지 형식을 정의하고 주소할당 및 이종 네트워크를 고려한 라우팅 기능들을 갖는다. 결국, 제안된 미들웨어는 두 계층을 통해 상위 로봇 어플리케이션 개발자들에게 네트워크의 투명성을 보장할 수 있으며 모듈 기반의 로봇내에서 모듈간의 안정적이고 효율적인 통신을 지원한다.

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