• Title/Summary/Keyword: 형상(刑象)

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A Geographically Weighted Regression on the Effect of Regulation of Space Use on the Residential Land Price - Evidence from Jangyu New Town - (공간사용 규제가 택지가격에 미치는 영향에 대한 공간가중회귀분석 - 장유 신도시지역을 대상으로-)

  • Kang, Sun-Duk;Park, Sae-Woon;Jeong, Tae-Yun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we examine how land use zoning affects the land price controlling other variables such as road-facing condition of the land, land form, land age after its development and land size. We employ geographically weighted regression analysis which reflects spatial dependency as methodology with a data sample of land transaction price data of Jangyu, a new town, in Korea. The results of our empirical analysis show that the respective coefficients of traditional regression and geographically weighted regression are not significantly different. However, after calculating Moran's Index with residuals of both OLS and GWR models, we find that Moran's Index of GWR decreases around 26% compared to that of OLS model, thus improving the problem of spatial autoregression of residuals considerably. Unlike our expectation, though, in both traditional regression and geographically weighted regression where residential exclusive area is used as a reference variable, the dummy variable of the residential land for both housing and shops shows a negative sign. This may be because the residential land for both housing and shops is usually located in the level area while the residential exclusive area is located at the foot of a mountain or on a gentle hill where the residents can have good quality air and scenery. Although the utility of the residential land for both housing and shops is higher than its counterpart's since it has higher floor area ratio, amenity which can be explained as high quality of air and scenery in this study seems to have higher impact in purchase of land for housing. On the other hand, land for neighbourhood living facility seems to be valued higher than any other land zonings used in this research since it has much higher floor area ratio than the two land zonings above and can have a building with up to 5 stories constructed on it. With regard to road-facing condition, land buyers seem to prefer land which faces a medium-width road as expected. Land facing a wide-width road may have some disadvantage in that it can be exposed to noise and exhaust gas from cars and that entrance may not be easy due to the high speed traffic of the road. In contrast, land facing a narrow road can be free of noise or fume from cars and have privacy protected while it has some inconvenience in that entrance may be blocked by cars parked in both sides of the narrow road. Finally, land age variable shows a negative sign, which means that the price of land declines over time. This may be because decline of the land price of Jangyu was bigger than that of other regions in Gimhae where Jangyu, a new town, also belong, during the global financial crisis of 2008.

An Experimental Study on Development of the Opening Apparatus for Oil Boom (오일펜스 전개장치 개발에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Jang Duck-Jong;Na Sun-Chol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2006
  • The study was to review methods by which a ship can unfold and tow an oil boom by attaching the opening apparatus to an oil boom through experiments. The shape and dimension of the opening apparatus were designed with the measurement value of the towing tension load of the oil boom and the dimension of winch drum of the oil boom installed in the ship considered. For the field experiment to identify the performance of the opening apparatus, opening apparatuses were prepared to have the dimension of $3.0m^2$ and $6.0m^2$ which is 91% and 75% of the calculation value for type B and C respectively. As a result, T(kg), the value of tension in type B oil boom according to the towing speed(v) change when two ships are towed together were proved to be $T=920v^{1.1}\;and\;T=500v^{0.9}$ in case the distance is 100 m and 50 m. Based on the result, the dimension of the opening apparatus for type B and C oil boom was calculated as $3.3m^2$ and $8.0m^2$ respectively. When unfolding and towing by attaching the opening apparatus and 200 m of towing line at both ends of type B and type C oil boom, the maximum width of the opening apparatus was shown as 114 m and 95 m in average(width of opening/total length of oil boom: 33% and 57%) in the towing speed of 1.5 kt. It was evaluated that the opening apparatus could concentrate the spilled oil in a good performance. However as far as the increase rate of oil boom opening width according to the length of the towing line is debatable, the increase rate is remarkably reduced when it is lengthened from 100 m to 150 m and to 200 m although it showed extreme increase of 31% and 40% when the length of the towing line was changed from 50 m to 100 m. Therefore, it is inferred that the towing line should be maintained more or less 100 m to get good spread efficiency of the opening apparatus. Additionally, if the towing speed is faster than 1.5 kt, the opening width was narrowed because of the reduced spread efficiency and the shape of the oil boom can be unstable because of the partial sinking of the oil boom, run over waves, or flap of skirt. Thus the reasonable towing speed can be within 1.5 kt for the operation of the opening apparatus.

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Analysis of Magnetic Isotropy Property using Magnetoresistance Curve of CoFe/Cu/CoFe/PtMn Multilayer Film (CoFe/Cu/CoFe/PtMn 다층박막의 자기저항 곡선을 이용한 자기 등방성 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Jong-Gu;Kim, Su-Hee;Choi, Sang-Heon;Lee, Sang-Suk;Rhee, Jang-Roh
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2017
  • The magnetic isotropy property from the magnetoresistance (MR) curve and magnetization (MH) loop for the PtMn based spin valve (SV) multilayer films fabricated with different the bottom structure after post-annealing treatment was investigated. The exchange biased coupling field ($H_{ex}$), coercivity ($H_c$), and MR ratio of Glass/Ta(10 nm)/CoFe(6 nm)/Cu(2.5 nm)/CoFe(3 nm)/Ta(4 nm) SV multilayer film without antiferromagnetic PtMn layer are 0 Oe, 25 Oe, and 3.3 %, respectively. MR curve for the Glass/Ta(10 nm)/CoFe(6 nm)/Cu(2.5 nm)/CoFe(3 nm)/PtMn(6 nm)/Ta(4 nm) SV multilayer film showed $H_{ex}=2Oe$, $H_c=316Oe$, and MR (%) = 4.4 % with one butterfly MR curve having by the effect of antiferromagnetic PtMn layer. MR curve for the dualtype Glass/Ta(10 nm)/CoFe(6 nm)/Cu(2.5 nm)/CoFe(3 nm)/PtMn(6 nm)/CoFe(3 nm)/Cu(2.5 nm)/CoFe(6 nm)/Ta(4 nm) SV multilayer film showed $H_c=37.5Oe$ and 386 Oe, MR = 3.5 % and 6.5 % with two butterfly MR curves and square-like hysteresis MH loops. The anisotropy property in CoFe spin valve-PtMn multilayer is neglected by the effects of a very small value of $H_{ex}$ and a very slightly shape magnetic anisotropy. This result is possible to explain the effect of magnetization configuration spin array of the bottom SV film and the top SV film of PtMn layer.

A Study on the Measurement of the Dimensionless Light Extinction Constant for Particulate Matter from Fuel Oil for Marine and Land Diesel Engines (선박 및 육상 디젤 엔진용 연료유에서 발생하는 입자상물질에 대한 무차원 광소멸계수 계측에 관한 연구)

  • Rho, Beom-Seok;Choi, Jae-Hyuk;Cho, Kwon-Hae;Park, Seul-Hyun;Lee, Won-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.275-281
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    • 2018
  • It is known that he pollutant emitted from the combustion process of marine fuel oil causes air pollution and harmful effects to the human body. Accordingly, IMO regulates pollutants emitted from ships. However, the regulation of Particulate Matter (PM) is still in the process of debate, so preemptive action is needed. Fundamental research on PM is essential. In this study, the Dimensionless Light Extinction Constant ($K_e$) of fuel oil used in marine diesel engines was measured and analyzed to construct the basic data of the PM generated from marine-based fuel oil. The fuel oil used in the land diesel engine was measured in the same way for character comparison. Both fuel oils differ in sulfur content and density. The $K_e$ was measured via the optical method using a 633 nm laser and was determined by using the volume fraction of PM collected by the gravimetric filter method. The $K_e$ of the PM discharged from marine fuel oil is 8.28, and the land fuel oil is 8.44. The $K_e$ of two fuel oils was similar within the measurement uncertainty range. However, it was found by comparison with the value obtained by the Rayleigh-Limit solution that the light scattering portion could be large. Also, it was found that light extinction characteristics could be different due to the relationship between light transmittance and collected mass.

Geometrical Interpretation on the Development Sequence and the Movement Sense of Fractures in the Cheongsong Granite, Gilan-myeon Area, Uiseong Block of Gyeongsang Basin, Korea (경상분지 의성지괴 길안면지역에서 청송화강암의 단열 발달사 및 운동성에 대한 기하학적 해석)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.4 s.46
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    • pp.180-193
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    • 2006
  • The Gilan area in the central-northern part of Uiseong Block of Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin is composed of Precambrian metamorphic rocks, Triassic Cheongsong granite, Early Cretaceous Hayans Group, and Late Cretaceous-Paleocene igneous rocks. In this area, the faults of various directions are developed: Oksan fault of $NS{\sim}NNW$ trend, Gilan fault of NW trend, Hwanghaksan fault of WNW trend, and Imbongsan fault of EW trend. Several fracture sets with various geometric indicators, which determine their relative timing (sequence and coexistence relationships) and shear sense, we well observed in the Cheongsong granite, the basement of Gyeongsang Basin. The aim of this study is to determine the development sequence of extension fractures and the movement sense of shear fractures in the Gitan area on the basis of detailed analysis of their geometric indicators (connection, termination, intersection patterns, and cross-cutting relations). This study suggests that the fracture system of the Gilan area was formed at least through seven different fracturing events, named as Pre-Dn to Dn +5 phases. The orientations of fracture sets show (W) NW, NNW, NNE, EW, NE in descending order of frequency. The orientation and frequency patterns are concordant with those of faults around and in the Gilan area on a geological map scale. The development sequence and movement sense of fracture sets are summarized as follows. (1) Pre-Dn phase: extension fracturing event of $NS{\sim}NNW$ and/or $WNW{\sim}ENE$ trend. The joint sets of $NS{\sim}NNW$ trend and of $WNW{\sim}ENE$ trend underwent the reactivation histories of sinistral ${\rightarrow}$dextral${\rightarrow}$sinistral shearing and of (dextral${\rightarrow}$) sinistral shearing with the change of stress field afterward, respectively. (2) Dn phase: that of NW trend. The joint set experienced the reactivations of sinistral${\rightarrow}$dextral shearing. (3) Dn + 1 phase: that of $NNE{\sim}NE$ trend. The joint set was reactivated as a sinistral shear fracture afterward. (4) Dn +2 phase: that of $ENE{\sim}EW$ trend. (5) Dn +3 phase: that of $WNW{\sim}NW$ trend. (6) Dn+4 phase: that of NNW trend. The joint set underwent a dextral shearing after this. (7) The last Dn +5 phase: that of NNE trend.

Crosshole EM 2.5D Modeling by the Extended Born Approximation (확장된 Born 근사에 의한 시추공간 전자탐사 2.5차원 모델링)

  • Cho, In-Ky;Suh, Jung-Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 1998
  • The Born approximation is widely used for solving the complex scattering problems in electromagnetics. Approximating total internal electric field by the background field is reasonable for small material contrasts as long as scatterer is not too large and the frequency is not too high. However in many geophysical applications, moderate and high conductivity contrasts cause both real and imaginary part of internal electric field to differ greatly from background. In the extended Born approximation, which can improve the accuracy of Born approximation dramatically, the total electric field in the integral over the scattering volume is approximated by the background electric field projected to a depolarization tensor. The finite difference and elements methods are usually used in EM scattering problems with a 2D model and a 3D source, due to their capability for simulating complex subsurface conductivity distributions. The price paid for a 3D source is that many wavenumber domain solutions and their inverse Fourier transform must be computed. In these differential equation methods, all the area including homogeneous region should be discretized, which increases the number of nodes and matrix size. Therefore, the differential equation methods need a lot of computing time and large memory. In this study, EM modeling program for a 2D model and a 3D source is developed, which is based on the extended Born approximation. The solution is very fast and stable. Using the program, crosshole EM responses with a vertical magnetic dipole source are obtained and the results are compared with those of 3D integral equation solutions. The agreement between the integral equation solution and extended Born approximation is remarkable within the entire frequency range, but degrades with the increase of conductivity contrast between anomalous body and background medium. The extended Born approximation is accurate in the case conductivity contrast is lower than 1:10. Therefore, the location and conductivity of the anomalous body can be estimated effectively by the extended Born approximation although the quantitative estimate of conductivity is difficult for the case conductivity contrast is too high.

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The Forming Process of the Maisan and Nearby Famous Mountains and the Related Mountain Ranges and Water Systems (마이산과 주변 명산의 형성과정과 그에 관련된 산맥과 수계 변화)

  • Oh, Changwhan;Lee, Seunghwan;Lee, Boyoung
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.201-219
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    • 2017
  • The Jinan Basin which includes Maisan locates in the central part of the northern boundary of the Yeongnam Massif. The basement rocks of the Jinan Basin and surrounding area are Precambrian gneiss and Mesozoic granite which were exposed on the surface before Cretaceous. The Jinan Basin, one of the Cretaceous pull-apart basins in South Korea, formed along the Yongdong-Gwangju fault system. Maisan is composed of conglomerate deposited in the eastern slope of the Jinan Basin showing the shape of horse ears and the unusual topography where many tafonies were developed. The strike slip fault that caused the Jinan Basin was connected to the deep depth so that the magma formed at 200 km depth could have extruded on the surface causing active volcanic activity in and around the Jinan basin. As a result, Cheonbansan composed of pyroclastic rocks, Gubongsan consisting of volcanic neck and WoonilamBanilam formed by the lava flow, appear around Maisan forming a specific terrain. After the formation of the Jinan Basin and surrounding volcanic rocks, they uplifted to form mountains including Masian; the uplifting time may be ca. 69-38 Ma. At this time, the Noryeong mountain range may be formed in the regions which extended from Chugaryeong through Muju and Jinan to Hampyeong dividing the Geumgang and Seomjingang water systems. Due to the ecological barrier, the Noryeong mountain range, Coreoleuciscus splendidus living in the Geumgang water systems was differentiated from that in the Soemjingang water system. In addition, the Geumgang and Mangyeong-Dongjingang water systems were separated by the Unjangsan, which developed in the NNW direction. As a result, diverse ecosystem have been established in and around Maisan and at the same time, diverse cultural and historical resources related to Maisan's unique petrological features, were also established. Therefore, Maisan and surrounding area can be regarded as a place where a geotourism can be successfully established by combining the ecological, cultural and historical resources with a geological heritage. Therefore Maisan and surrounding areas have a high possibility to be a National Geopark and UNESCO Global Geopark.


  • HARN, Chang Yawl
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 1960
  • HARN, Chang Yawl (Chonnam U. Kwangju, Korea): Siudies on the dimorpism of the Perisicaria senticosa Nakai-Kor. jour. Bot. 3(1) 16-25 During his researches regarding the morphological and physiological properties of Polygonecenae, the author has found that the species, Persicaria senticosa, aiso, besides the heterostylous plants of Polygonum family, Fagopyrum esculentum, and Persicaria japonica which was recently verified by the author as dimorphic, shows the typical floral structure of heterostylism, the description of which is not found in taxonomical works. Further research on this species have revealed that this plant, despite pressessing characteristic structural dimorphism, does not exhibit even the slight signs of heterostlylous properties physiologically. This is a deviation from the usual behavior of normal heterostylous plants. What is interesting is the fact that the physiological behavior of this species is quite contrary to that of P. japonica which is considered to be the most highly specialized dimorphic plant. Thus it is assurred that if some species of this family had taken a heterostylic form in its course of development from autogamy to allogamy, P. seoticosa would be the least differentiated type of dimorphic forms among the three heterostylous plants, including buckwheat, of this family. The results obtained in this experiment are summarized as follows: 1) P. senticosa has two forms of flower, one, long style-short stamened; the other, short style-long stamened. Not only conspicuous is this primary difference, but the secondary difference, such as pollen grain size, is noticeable between long and short styled individuals, thus expressing structurally the definite trait of a dimorphic plant. 2) Structural alteration of floral parts towards dimorphism has preceeded far less in comparison with those of the P. japonica and F. esculentum. 3) Elaborate studies on fertility reveal that this species does not show the slightest sign of the physiological characteristics of dimorphic plants. In other words, regardless of the modes of combinations, legitimate and illegitimate, fertilization and fruit setting flourish unimpaired. 4) Growth of pollen tubes apparently parallels the results in the fertility, tubes reaching ovary approximately 30 minutes after pollination both in legitimate and illegitimate combinations. Pollen tube penetration appears to be comparatively rapid. 5) A slight difference in the growth of pollen tube seems to exist between legitimate and illegitimate combinations, legitimate union giving slightly faster tube penetration. 6) In the present experiment it was clarified that P. senticosa, known to possess one form of flower in taxonomy, is in reality dimorphic plant having two of flowers. Although this species is definitely heterostylous in floral structure, physiological evidence and pollen tube behavior show that the differentiation of this plant toward the dimorphism has apparently proceeded slightly except for some parts of floral organ. In ordinary heterostylous plants it is a matter of common occurrence that when illegitimately cmbined, there is poor or no fertility, Contrary to the universal property of heterostylous plants, no difference is observed in the fertility and pollen tube growth between the legitimate and illegitimate combinations in the case of P. senticosa. Compared to the P. japonica and F. esculentum, which are supposed to have undergone high degree of dimorphic differentiation, it is an unavoidable conclusion that P. senticosa has not yet developed as a heterostyle plant except for some of its floral parts. If P. japonica is assumed to be the most differentiated type of hetenostylous plant, thenthe P. senticosa would be regarded as the primitive, retaining still the self-fertile nature so common to the Polygonum genus. In nature, however, this plant has a better chance to be pollinated legitimately owing to the two forms of flowers than to be pollinated illegitimately. The author is indebted to Dong Chul, Kim as well as other members of the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics of Chonnam National University for their efforts out the laborious experiments during the course of the present studies.

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The Antioxidant Activity of Yacon (Polymnia sonchifoliaty) and its Application to the Pork Patties as a Natural Antioxidant (야콘 착즙액의 항산화 활성 및 천연 항산화제로서 돈육패티에 이용)

  • Park, Jin-Sun;Kim, Hyeong-Sang;Chin, Koo-Bok
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2012
  • This study was performed to evaluate the extraction method (Yacon ethanol extracts; YEE, Yacon pressed extracts; YPE) and various levels (0.05-1.0%) of Yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia) on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. In linoleic acid emulsion of YPE, there were higher iron chelation activity and antioxidant activity than those of YEE (p<0.05). A 1,1- diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and reducing power of both extracts showed a higher rate at 0.5% level. Ground pork patties, which contain 0.5% YEE and YPE, were manufactured and BHT (0.01%) was used as a reference. Physicochemical properties and microbial counts of ground pork patties, containing a different type of Yacon, were evaluated during the 14 d of storage at $4^{\circ}C$. A pH level, and lightness (Hunter L), as well as the yellowness (Hunter b) values of treatments were not different from those of the control (p>0.05), but increased during storage, at $4^{\circ}C$. Lightness values of ground pork patties, with Yacon extracts, showed the highest. TBARS value of ground pork patties that contains Yacon increased with increased storage at $4^{\circ}C$ (p<0.05), and pork patties with YPE or YEE retarded the lipid oxidation, during refrigerated storage, as compared to that of the CTL. Thus, YPE could be used as a potential possibility to inhibit the lipid oxidation of processed meats, during the refrigerated storage.

Antioxidant Activities of Water or Methanol Extract from Cherry (Prunus yedoensis) and Its Utilization to the Pork Patties (버찌(Prunus yedoensis) 추출물의 항산화 활성 평가 및 돈육 패티에 이용)

  • Choi, Pil Soo;Kim, Hyeong Sang;Chin, Koo Bok
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.268-275
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to investigate the antioxidant activity of cherry added into meat products. Water and methanol were used to extract the antioxidant compounds from cherry. Total phenolic compounds of the methanol and water extract of cherry were 2.17 g/100 g and 2.77 g/100 g, respectively. The 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity of methanol extract showed similar activities to those with ascorbic acid at all concentrations (from 0.1% to 2.0%). Especially, water extract of cherry showed similar activity to those of ascorbic acid (AA), and methanol extract, when 2% of cherry extract was added. The reducing power of cherry was not comparable to those with AA, however no differences in reducing power were observed between the water and methanol extract. The iron chelating ability of cherry was observed in the range of 17.8-94.0% at both water and methanol extracts. An increased iron chelating ability was observed with increased concentration up to 2%. Iron chelating ability for water extract of cherry tended to be lower than those with methanol extract. After pork patties were manufactured with methanol extract of cherry at 0.5 and 1.0%, physicochemical properties, lipid oxidation and microbial changes of patties were measured. The addition of methanol extract of cherry reduced pH, brightness, redness, yellowness and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS). During 14 d of storage, pH, TBARS and microbial counts were increased, while redness and yellowness values were decreased. Since the addition of methanol extract of cherry lowered TBARS during storage, it could be used as a natural antioxidant in meat products.