• Title/Summary/Keyword: 협상 해법

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Case Analysis on the Signification Model of Three Signs in a Mathematically Gifted Student's Abstraction Process (수학 영재의 추상화 학습에서 기호의 의미 작용 과정 사례 분석)

  • Song, Sang-Hun;Shin, Eun-Ju
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.161-180
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to analyse how a mathematically gifted student constructs a nested signification model of three signs, while he abstracts the solution of a given NIM game. The findings of a qualitative case study have led to conclusions as follows. In general, we know that most of mathematically gifted students(within top 0.01%) in the elementary school might be excellent in constructing representamen and interpretant But it depends on the cases. While a student, one of best, is making the meaning of object in general level of abstraction, he also has a difficulty in rising from general level to formal level. When he made the interpretant in general level with researcher's advice, he was able to rise formal level and constructed a nested signification model of three signs. We suggested 3 considerations to teach the mathematically gifted students in elementary school level.

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Korean Media's News Coverage of Japan's position on Her Past History Problems Under Abe Shinzo's Cabinet Dynamic Process of News Framing (아베 내각의 일본 과거사 인식 문제에 대한 한국 언론의 시각 보수신문과 진보신문에 나타난 보도 프레임의 역동적 과정)

  • Lee, Wan Soo;Bae, Jae Young;Park, Kyung Woo
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.79
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    • pp.104-139
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated how Korean media covered Japan's position on her past history issues proposed by Abe' Shinzo's cabinet. The researchers adopted Entman's analytical tools for frame analysis and the concept of "frame changing" proposed by Chi and McCombs. The analysis rendered several propositions. First of all, the Korean media's coverage on Japan's past history issues focused heavily on the current conflict among two nations rather than constructing a futuristic viewpoint based on a thorough discussion on the historical background of the topic. In addition, it emphasized that the conflict should be resolved by political negotiations between the two governments. Secondly, the news coverages depicted "comfort women" issues as the prime element of the conflict, describing Abe's cabinet as the major inducer of the conflict. Ideological and political divisions among Korean media did not significantly influence on how they frame Japan's past history issues. In general, Korean media took the stance of ethnocentric "patriotic journalism," advocating Korean government's position and covering the emotional reactions from Korean public instead of providing through and through objective news coverage on Japan's past history issues.

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The Mutual Assistance System and Cooperation between South Korea, the U.S. and China for the North Korean Nuclear Issue and Unification of the Korean Peninsula (북핵과 한반도 통일에 대한 한·미·중 3국 공조체제와 협력)

  • Kim, Joo-Sam
    • Korea and Global Affairs
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.71-96
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    • 2017
  • This study speculates on responses to the nuclear threats of North Korea and mutual assistance and cooperation between South Korea, the U.S. and China for the unification of the Korean Peninsula. As for the North Koreas nuclear issue and unification of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea is the subject of national division, the U.S. is a responsible country in international issues and does not have diplomatic ties with North Korea. China is a traditional socialist nation and a supporter of North Korea. As North Korea's strategic weapons including nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles are international issues, to defend against Kim Jung-Eun's unexpected acts, the three countries should actively cooperate with each other and develop countermeasures. However, with respect to the road map of the North Koreas issue, there are subtle differences between the U.S. and China in recognition of and sanctions against North Korea as a resolution of the U..N. Security Council. The U.S. has continued a deterrence policy and sanctions against North Korea based on joint threats between South Korea and the U.S. while China has showed a negative position in the process of solving the North Korean nuclear issue because of the unstable security derived from the U.S. 's intervention in the Korean peninsula. North Korea should change its diplomatic policy in a more concrete way towards world peace although it has continued trade of strategic weapons with Middle Eastern countries to maintain its political system. For example, to restart the summit talks and open multilateral security channels. Although the issue of unification of the Korean peninsula should be resolved by South and North Korea themselves, it is strange that South and North Korea depend on the logic of powerful countries for the resolution of a national problem. As for North Koreas nuclear and the Unification issues, peaceful solutions presented by South Korea seem more persuasive than the solution presented by North Korea which did not secure any international support. However, South Korea, the U.S. and China need to develop uni-directional two-tract strategies for sanctions against North Korea and talks with North Korea for peace on the Korean peninsula, and should continue to support the economic independence of North Korea.