• Title/Summary/Keyword: 행정 조직

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Health Promotion Through Healthy People 2010 ("2010년대 건강한 시민" 정책을 통한 미국의 건강증진 방향)

  • Cho, Jung H.
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.17-58
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    • 2004
  • 뉴저지주 보건교육/건강 증진정책을 논하기전에 건강증진과 보건 교육사의 뜻을 먼저 기술하기로 한다. 건강증진이란 일상 사회생활과 행동과학의 응용에서 시작하며 교육의 효율적 작전 및 기술, 질병 역학 조사, 개인 및 가족단위 건강 위해 행위 절감, 사회연관 구축망 조성, 그리고 적게는 이웃, 더 나아가 조직체계 및 지역 사회의 네트웍 실시등을 실시한다. 보건교육 및 건강증진 전문가란 ' 전국 보건교육 인증 위원회(NCHEC) ' 에서 채택된 다음 7개 활동 영역에서 개인적, 그룹, 각주단위, 그리고 범 국가적 조직에서 종사하는자로 한다. 개인 및 지역사회 보건 교육 필요성 분석- 계회, 실행, 효율성 평가, 사업 진행 조정, 자문, 컴뮤니케이션 등의 활동범위를 들 수 있다. 공인 보건 교육사(CHES)란 대학 및 대학원에서 보건 교육학 소정의 필수 과목을 이수하고 학.석사 소지자로서 ' 전국 보건 교육 인증 위원회 ' 에서 그 자격을 인정 받고 공인 자격 시험에 합격한자로 한다. 합격자는 자기 성명뒤에 CHES란 칭호를 부치며 매 5년마다 75단위이상 인정된 전문 직업 보수 교육을 받아야 한다. 보건 교육사 고용 분야는 연방, 주, 지방 정부의 보건 교육사(10-15%) 및 건강 증진 전문가로 종사하며; 이들은 지역 사회 조직화, 프로그람 기획, 공공사업 마켓팅, 메디아, 컴뮤니케이션 자질을 갓추어야 하며; 상해 예방, 학교 보건, 지역 사회 영양 실태 향상, 그 외 모든 건강 증진과 질병 예방에 일익을 담당 하여; 의사, 간호사, 약사, 영양사,환경 위생사드의 전문분야종사자들괴 한팀이 되어 지역 사회 보건 사업에 기여한다. 쥬저지 보건 교육사들은 주법령 8조 '||'&'||' 보건행정 표준 시행령 ' 에 따라 포괄적 보건교육/건강증진 프로그램을 개발하여 총체적으로 조절 관장한다. 특희 ' 미국 학술원 의료 연구원 ' 에서 제정한 ' 10대 필수 공중 보건 사업 ' 에 기준을 두고; 1) 개인 및 지역사회 필수 보건 여건 분석 평가, 2) 보건 교육 이론에 따른 사업 계획 설정, 3) 교육 전략과 보건문제 발굴에 따라 일반 대중 대상 보건 교육 실행 (프로그람 기획, 연수 교육, 미디어 캠페인, 공중보건 향상책 옹호), 4) 사업 진행 과정 정리, 그 결과에 대한 영향력과 결과 평가, 5) 프로그램진행, 인사 및 예산관리 참여, 6) 근무향상을 위한 보수교육 프로그램 개발, 7) 보건 의료 업무 종사자 상호 협조성 향상 훈련, 8) 지역 사회자원 밭굴, 9) 적절한 고객 의뢰 체제 시행, 10) 위기 관리 컴뮤니케이션 체제 개발실시, 11) 일반 대중에게 공중 보건 향상 고취, 12) 각종 협력 지원금 신청서 작성 제출, 13) 문화/인종적으로 적절한 시청각 교재 발굴, 15) 질적 및 양적 보건교육/건겅증진책 연구 실시, 16) 비 보험 가담자, 저 보험자, 빈곤자, 이민자 색출 선도, 17) 관활 구역내 상재하는 각 건강증진 프로그램 밝혀 내서 불필요한 중복 회피등이다. 그 외에도 보건 교육사들은 사회 복지 단체인 미국 암 협회, 미국 심장 협회,미국 폐장 협회 등 각종 사회 복지 비영리단체 와 자선 사업 단체들과 긴밀희 협조하거나 그 단체 임직원으로서 건강 증진 사업에 종사한다. 병원 및 의료기관에선 임직원 보수 교육, 환자의 질병 예방및 건강증진 교육, 그리고 의료 사업장내 건장 증진업무에 종사한다. 건강 유지 의료 기관(HMO)에선 예방주사, 정기검진 촉진등을 통한 입원일수 절감, 응급실 사용도 절감등으로 의료비 감축, 삶의질 향상상에 종사한다. 사업장 보건 교육사는 스트레스 관리, 금연 및 흡연 중단선도, 체중 절감, 종업원 건강증진 생활화참여 유치, 컴뮤니케이션 개발, 마켓팅, 질병 예방등에 그 전문 직업적 노하우를 사업체 건강 증진 프로그램 개발에 접목한다. 뉴저지 2010년대 건강 증진책은 5대 목표 설정하여 현재 시행하고 있다. 특이한점은 2001년 9.11사태 이후 연방정부와 주정부의 상당한 예산 지원을 그랜트 지원금 형식으로 받아 연방, 주정부, 지방 정부, 의료 기관등에서 일사 불란하게 생물/화학/방사성 테러에 대비하는데 보건 교육사들은 시민 인지도 향상과 위기관리 컴뮤니케이션 영역에서 활약한다. 총체적인 보건 교육/건강 증진책은 다음 천년간 뉴저지 건강증진 백서와 미연방 정부 건강증진 2010에 준하여 설립한 뉴저지 건강 증진 2010 에 의한다. 그 모델을 보면; 1) 생활 습관 향상으로 위해 행위 절제; 적절한 영양 섭취 와 과체중화 차단 불필요한 투약 절제와 그 관리 흡연 탐익 절감, 금연, 흡연관련 신체/정신적 피해 관리/치료 습관성 약물 중독 조기발견 예방 낙상 예방 폭력, 의도적/비의도적 상해 예방 2) 심장질환, 암, 뇌졸중, 당뇨, 폐염, 인프루엔자등 주사망원인 질병 조기 발견 예방 책 마련; 독감.폐렴 예방 주사 실시 3) 보건 교육 대상과 표적 설정 특히 보건사업 참여 동반자 발굴하여 그 동참과 책임분담 책려; 주. 지방 정부기관, 의료 종사자, 의료 보험 업자, 대학 등 교육 기관, 연구 기관, 교육자, 지방 보건소, 지역 사회 비 영리단체, 종교 단체 및 교역자 등의 참여 촉구., 지역 사회 비 영리단체, 종교 단체 및 교역자 등의 참여 촉구.

  • PDF

Philosophical Stances for Future Nursing Education (미래를 향한 간호교육이념)

  • Hong Yeo Shin
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.20 no.4 s.112
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 1981
  • 오늘 저희에게 주어진 주제, 내일에 타당한 간호사업 및 간호교육의 향방을 어떻게 정하여야 하는가의 논의는 오늘날 간호계 주변에 일어나고 있는 변화의 실상을 이해하는 데서 비롯되어져야 한다고 생각하는 입장에서 먼저 세계적으로 건강관리사업이 당면한 딜레마가 어떠한 것이며 이러한 문제해결을 위해 어떠한 새로운 제안들이 나오고 있는가를 개관 하므로서 그 교육적 의미를 정의해 보고 장래 간호교육이 지향해야할 바를 생각해 보려 합니다. 오늘의 사회의 하나의 특징은 세계 모든 나라들이 각기 어떻게 전체 국민에게 고루 미칠 수 있는 건강관리체계를 이룩할 수 있느냐에 관심을 모으고 있는 사실이라고 봅니다. 부강한 나라에 있어서나 가장 빈궁한 나라에 있어서나 그 관심은 마찬가지로 나타나고 있읍니다. 보건진료 문제의 제기는 발달된 현대의학의 지식과 기술이 지닌 건강관리의 방대한 가능성과 건강 관리의 요구를 지닌 사람들에게 미치는 실질적인 혜택간에 점점 더 크게 벌어지는 격차에서 발생한다고 봅니다. David Rogers는 1960년대 초반까지 갖고 있던 의료지식의 축적과 민간인의 구매력 향상이 자동적으로 국민 건강의 향상을 초래할 것이라고 믿었던 순진한 꿈은 이루어지지 않았고 오히려 의료사업의 위기는 의료지식과 의료봉사간에 벌어지는 격차와 의료에 대한 막대한 투자와 그에서 얻는 건강의 혜택간의 격차에서 온다고 말하고 있읍니다. 균등 분배의 견지에서 보면 의료지식과 기술의 향상은 그 단위 투자에 대한 생산성을 낮춤으로서 오히려 장애적 요인으로 작용해온 것도 사실이고 의료의 발달에 따른 일반인의 기대 상승과 더불어 의료를 태성의 권리로 규명하는 의료보호사업의 확대로 야기되는 의료수요의 급증은 모두 기존 시설 자원에 압박을 초래하여 전래적 의료공급체제에 도전을 가해 왔으며 의료의 발달에 건 기대와는 달리 인류의 건강 문제 해결은 더욱 요원한 과제로 남게 되었읍니다. 현시점에서 세계인구의 건강문제는 기아, 영양실조, 안전한 식수 공급 및 위생적 생활환경조성의 문제에서부터 가장 정밀한 의료기술발달에 수반되는 의료사회문제에 이르는 다양한 문제를 지니고 있으며 주로 각개 국가의 경제 사회적 여건이 이 문제의 성격을 결정짓고 있다고 볼수 있읍니다. 그러나 건강 관리에 대한 요구는 영구히, 완전히 충족될 수 없는 요구에 속한다는 의미에서 경제 사회적 발달 수준에 상관없이 모든 국가가 공히 요구에 미치지 못하는 제한된 자원문제로 고심하고 있는 실정입니다. 또 하나의 공통된 관점은 각기 문제의 상황은 달라도 오늘날의 건강 문제는 주로 의료권 밖의 유전적 소인, 사회경제적, 정치문화적인 환경여건과 각기 선택하는 삶의 스타일에 깊이 관련되어 있다는 사실입니다. 따라서 오늘과 내일의 건강관리 문제는 의학적 견지에서 뿐 아니라 널리 경제, 사회, 정치, 문화적 관점에서 포괄적인 접근이 시도되어야 한다는 점과 의료의 고급화, 전문화, 일변도의 과정에서 소외되었던 기본건강관리체계 강화에 역점을 둔 다양하고 탄력성 있는 사업전개가 요구되고 있다는 점입니다. 다양한 건강관리요구에 적절히 대처할 수 있기 위한 그간 세계 각처에서 시도된 새로운 건강관리 접근과 그 제안을 살펴보면 대체로 4가지의 뚜렷한 성격들로 집약할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 그 첫째는 건강관리사업계획 및 그 수행에 있어 지역 사회의 적극적 참여를 유도하는 일, 둘째는 지역단위의 일차보건의료에서 부터 도심지 신예 종합병원, 시설 의료에 이르기까지 건강관리사업을 합리적으로 체계화하는 일. 셋째로 의료인력이용의 효율화 및 비의료인의 훈련과 협조 유발을 포함하는 효과적인 인력관리에 대한 제안과 넷째로 의료보험 및 각양 집단 의료유형을 포함하는 대체 의료재정 운영관리에 관련된 제안들을 들 수 있읍니다. 건강관리사업에 있어 지역사회 참여의 의의는 첫째로 사회 경제적인 제약이 모든 사람에게 가능한 최대한의 의료를 모두 고루 공급하기 어렵게 하고 있다는 점에서 제한된 정부재정과 지역사회가용자원을 보다 효율적으로 이용할 수 있게 하는 자조적이고 자율적인 지역사회건강관리체제의 구현에 있다고 볼 수 있으며 둘때로는 개인과 가족 및 지역민의 건강에 영향하는 많은 요인들은 실질적으로 의료권 외적 요인들로서 위생적인 생활양식, 식사습관, 의료시설이용 등 깊이 지역사회특성과 관련되어 국민보건의 실질적 향상을 위하여는 지역 주민의 자발적인 참여가 필수여건이 된다는 점 입니다. 지역 단위별 체계적인 의료사업의 전개는 제한된 의료자원의 보다 합리적이고 효율적인 이용을 가능하게 하며 요구가 있을때 언제나 가까운 거리에서 경제 사회적 제약을 받지 않고 이용할 수 있는 일차건강관리망을 통하여 건강에 관련된 정보를 얻으며 질병예방, 건강증진 및 기초적인 진료의 도움을 얻을 수 있고 의뢰에 대한 제2차, 제3차 진료에의 길은 건강관리사업의 질과 폭을 동시에 높고 넓게 해 줄 수 있는 길이 된다는 것입니다. 인력 관리에 관련된 두가지 기본 방향으로서는 첫째로 기존보건의료인력의 적정배치 유도이고 둘째는 기존인력의 역할확대, 조정 및 비의료인의 교육훈련과 부분적 업무대체를 들수 있으며 이러한 인력관리의 기본 방향은 부족되는 의료인력의 생산성을 높이고 주민들의 자조적 능력을 강화시킨다는 데에 두고 있음니다. 대체적 의료재정운영안은 대체로 의료공급과 재정관리를 이원화하여 주민의 경제능력이 의료수혜의 장애요소로 작용함을 막고 의료인의 경제적 동기에 의한 과잉치료처치에 의한 낭비를 줄임으로써 의료재정의 투자의 효과를 증대하는 데(cost-effectiveness) 그 기본방향을 두고 있다고 봅니다. 이러한 주변의료 사회적인 동향이 간호교육의 미래상에 끼치는 영향은 지대한 것이라 봅니다. 첫째로 장래 세계인구의 건강문제는 정치, 사회, 경제, 환경적인 의료권 밖의 요인들에 의해 더욱 크게 영향 받는다고 전제한다면 건강문제해결에 있어서도 전통적인 의료사업의 접근에서 더나아가 문제발생의 근원이 되는 생활개선이라는 차원에서 포괄적 접근을 생각하여야 하고 이를 위해선 정치, 경제, 사회전반에 걸친 깊이있는 이해과 주민의 생활환경에 직접 영향하는 교통수단, 통신망 mass media, 전력문제, 농업경영방법 및 조직적 사회활동 등 폭넓은 이해가 요구된다고 봅니다. 둘째로, 지역사회참여의 의의를 인정한다면 지역민의 자발적 참여를 효과적으로 유발시킬수 있고 의료집단과 각종 주민조직과 일반주민들 사이에서 협조적으로 일할수 있는 역량을 기르기위한 교육적 준비가 요구된다고 봅니다. 셋째로, 지역주민의 건강관리 자조능력 강화를 하나의 목표로 삼는다면 치료자에서 교육자로, 지도자에서 촉진자로, 제공자에서 지원자료의 역할의 변화 내지 다양화를 요구하게 될 것이므로 그에 대처할 수 있는 준비가 필요하다고 봅니다. 넷째로, 생각되어야 할 점은 지역중심건강관리사업을 지향하는 보건의료의 이념적 방향과 그에 상응하는 구체적 접근방법을 효율적으로 적용하기 위해서는 종횡으로 연결되는 의사소통체계의 정립과 민활한 정보교환이 이루어질 수 있어야 한다는 점에서 의사소통의 구심체로서 역할할 수 있는 역량을 함양해야 할 교육적 과제가 있다고 봅니다. 마지막으로 생각되어야 할 점은 지역중심으로 전개될 건강관리사업은 건강증진 및 질병예방적 측면과 질병진료 및 회복과 재활에 이르는 종합적이고 포괄적인 사업이어야 한다는 점에서 종래 공공 의료부문과 사설의료기관 사이에 나누어져 있던 예방의학과 치료의학의 통합 뿐 아니라 정부주축으로 이루어 지고 있는 지역사회개발사업 및 농촌지도사업과 종교 및 각종 민간인 집단이 벌이고있는 사업들과의 전체적인 통합적 접근이 이루어져야 한다고 생각하는 입장에서 종래 간호교육이 강조하지 않던 진료의 의무와 대외적 조직활동에 대한 보완적인 교육조치가 요구된다고 봅니다. 간호의 학문체계로서의 입장은 오랜 역사를 두고 논의의 대상이 되어왔으나 아직까지 뚜렷이 어떤 것이 간호 특유의 지식체계이며 건강문제에 관련하여 무엇이 간호특유의 결정영역이며 이 결정과 그 결과를 어떠한 방법으로 치료적 행위로 옮길 수 있는가에 대한 확실한 답을 얻지 못하고 있는 실정이라고 봅니다. 다만 근래에 제시된 여러 간호이론들 속에서 공통적으로 이야기되어지고 있는 개념들로선 우선 간호학문을 건강과 질병에 관련된 인간의 전인적이고 전체적인 상황을 다루는 학제적 과학으로서보는 입장이 있고 따라서 생물신체적인 면 외에 정신심리적, 사회경제적, 정치문화적 환경과의 상호작용 속에서 인간의 건강과 질병문제를 생각한다는 지향을 갖고 있다고 말할 수 있겠읍니다. 간호교육은 간호계 내적인 학문적, 이론적 체계화의 요구에 못지않게 대민봉사하는 전문직으로서의 사회적 책임을 감당해야하는 중요과제를 안고있어 변화하는 사회요구에 효과적으로 대처해 나가야 할 당면문제를 안고 있읍니다. 간효역할 확대, 보건진료원훈련 등 이러한 사회적 요구에 대응하려는 조치가 되겠읍니다. 이러한 시점에서 간호계가 분명히 짚고 넘어가야 할 사실은 이러한 움직임들이 종래의 의사들의 외업무공급을 연장 확대하는 입장에 서서 간호의 특수전문직 명목을 흐리게 할수있는 위험을 감수할 것인지 아니면 가능한 대체방안을 갖고 간호전문직의 독자적인 진로를 개척하면서 다각적인 도전을 받아들일 준비를 갖추든지 그 방향을 뚜렷이 해야할 일이라 생각합니다. 저로서는 이미 잘 훈련된 간호원들과 조산원들의 교육적, 경험적 배경을 기반으로 지역사회 최일선 건강관리요원으로 사회적 효능을 다 할수 있는 일차건강관리간호조직의 구현을 대체방안으로 제시하고 싶습니다. 간호원과 조산원들의 훈련된 역량과 건강관리체제의 구조적 변화를 효과적으로 조화시킨다면 대부분의 세계인구의 건강문제는 해결가능하다고 보는 입장입니다. 물론 정책과 의료와 행정적지원이 활성화되어지는 환경속에서만 그 기대하는 결과가 확대되리라는 점 부언하는 바입니다. 마지막으로 언급하고 싶은 점은 바로 오늘의 주제 ''교육의 동역자-선생과 학생''이라는 개념입니다. 특히 상회정의적 입장에서 보는 의료사업전개에 지역민 내지 의료소비자의 참여를 강조하는 현시점에 있어 교육자와 학생이 교육의 현장에서 서로 동역자로서 학습의 책임을 나누는 경험은 아주 시기적으로 적합하여 교육적으로 지대한 의미를 갖는 것이라고 생각합니다. 이에 수반되어져야 할 역할의 변화에 수용적인 자세를 갖고 적극 실제적용하려 노력하는 선생앞에서 자주적 결정을 행사해본 학생이야말로 건강관리대상자로 하여금 같은 결정권을 행사할수 있도록 촉구하여 주민의 자조적 역량을 기르고 의료사업의 민주화, 인간화를 이룩할 수 있는 길잡이가 될 수 있으리라 믿는 바입니다.

  • PDF

A Study on the Technical and Administrative Innovation of Library Organization in the Perspective of the Contingency Theory (도서관조직의 기술혁신 및 행정혁신에 관한 조직상황론적 연구)

  • Hong Hyun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.25
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    • pp.343-388
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    • 1993
  • The ability of any organization to innovate itself in a rapid change of environment means the existence of the organization. Innovative activity is achieved in different ways according to the objectives of organization. the characteristics of external environmental factors. and various attributes in organization. In the present study. all the existing approaches to the innovative nature of organization were synthetically compared to each other and evaluated: then. for a more rational approach. a research model was built and suggested by establishing the inclusive variables of the innovative nature of library organization and categorizing the types of such nature. Additionally. an empirical. analytical study on such a model was done. That is. paying regard to the fact that innovation has basically a close relation with the circumstantial factors of organization. synthetic, circumstantial relations were clarified. considering the external environmental factors and internal characteristics of organization. In the study. the innovation of library organization was seen in two parts i.e .. the feasible degree of technical innovation and the feasible degree of administrative innovation. Regarding the types of innovative implementation. according to the feasible degree of innovation, four types such as a stationary type. technic-oriented type, organization-oriented type. and technical-socio systematic type were classified. There were nine independent variables-i.e., the scale of organization. available resources of the organization, formalization, differentiation, specialization. decentralization, recognizant degree of the technical attribute. degree of response to the change of technical environment, and professional activities. There were three subordinate variables - i.e., technical innovation, administrative innovation. and the performance of organization. Through establishment of such variables, the factors which might influence the innovation of library organization were understood, and with the types of the innovative implementation of library organization being classified according to the feasible degree of innovation. the characteristics of library organization were reviewed in the light of each type. Also. the performance of library organization according to the types of the innovative implementation of library organization was analyzed. and the relations between the types of innovative implementation according to circumstantial variables and the performance of library organization were clarified. In order to clarify the adequacy of the research model in the methodology of empirical study, data were collected from 72 university libraries and 38 special libraries. and for a hypothetical test of the research model. an analysis of correlations, a stepwise regression analysis. and One Way ANOVA were utilized. The following are the major results or findings from the study 1) It appeared there is a trend that the bigger the scale of organization and available resources are, the more active the professional activity of the managerial class is, and the higher the recognizant degree of technical environment (recognizant degree of technical attributes and the degree of response t9 the change of technical environment) is, the higher the feasible degree of innovation becomes. 2) It appeared that among the variables influencing the feasible degree of technical innovation, the order from the variable influencing most was first, the recognizant degree of technical innovation: second, the available resources of organization: and third, professional activity. Regarding the variables influencing the feasible degree of administrative innovation from the most influential variable, it appeared they were the available resources of organization, the differentiation of organization. and the degree of response to the change of technical environment. 3) It appeared that the higher the educational level of the managerial class is, the more active the professional activity becomes. It seemed there is a trend that the group of library managers whose experience as a librarian was at the middle level(three years to six years of experience) was more active in research activity than the group of library managers whose experience as a librarian was at a higher level(more than ten years). Also, it appeared there is a trend that the lower the age of library managers is, the higher the recognizant degree of technical attributes becomes. and the group of library managers whose experience as a librarian was at the middle level (three years to six years of experience) recognized more affirmatively the technical aspect than the group of library managers whose experience as a librarian was at a higher level(more than 10 years). Also, it appeared that, when the activity of the professional association and research activity are active, the recognizant degree of technology becomes higher, and as a result. it influences the innovative nature of organization(the feasible degree of technical innovation and the feasible degree of administrative innovation). 4) As a result of the comparison and analysis of the characteristics of library organization according to the types of innovative implementation of library organization. it was indicated there is a trend that the larger the available resources of library organization, the higher the organic nature of organization such as differentiation. decentralization, etc., and the higher the level of the operation of system development, the more the type of the innovative implementation of library organization becomes the technical-socio systematic type which is higher both in the practical degrees of technical innovation and administrative innovation. 5) As a result of the comparison and analysis of the relations between the types of innovative implementation and the performance of organization, it appeared that the order from the highest performance of organization is the technical-socio systematic type, then the technic-oriented type, the organization­oriented type, and finally the stationary type which is lowest in such performance. That is, it demonstrated that, since the performance of library organization is highest in the library of the technical-socio systematic type while it is lowest in the library whose practical degrees in both technical innovation and administrative innovation are low, the performance of library organization differs significantly according to the types of innovative implementation of library organization. The present study has extracted the factors influencing innovation, classified systematically the types of innovative implementation, and inferred the synthetical, circumstantial correlations between the types and the performance of organization, and empirically inspected those factors. However, due to the present study's restrictive matters and the limit of the research design, results from the study should be more prudently interpreted. Also, the present study, as an investigative study of the types of innovative implementation, with few preceding studies, requires more complete hypothetical inference based on the results of the present study. In other words, if more systematical studies are given to understanding the relations, it will devote the suggestion and demonstration of a more useful theory.

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Directions of Implementing Documentation Strategies for Local Regions (지역 기록화를 위한 도큐멘테이션 전략의 적용)

  • Seol, Moon-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.26
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    • pp.103-149
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    • 2010
  • Documentation strategy has been experimented in various subject areas and local regions since late 1980's when it was proposed as archival appraisal and selection methods by archival communities in the United States. Though it was criticized to be too ideal, it needs to shed new light on the potentialities of the strategy for documenting local regions in digital environment. The purpose of this study is to analyse the implementation issues of documentation strategy and to suggest the directions for documenting local regions of Korea through the application of the strategy. The documentation strategy which was developed more than twenty years ago in mostly western countries gives us some implications for documenting local regions even in current digital environments. They are as follows; Firstly, documentation strategy can enhance the value of archivists as well as archives in local regions because archivist should be active shaper of history rather than passive receiver of archives according to the strategy. It can also be a solution for overcoming poor conditions of local archives management in Korea. Secondly, the strategy can encourage cooperation between collecting institutions including museums, libraries, archives, cultural centers, history institutions, etc. in each local region. In the networked environment the cooperation can be achieved more effectively than in traditional environment where the heavy workload of cooperative institutions is needed. Thirdly, the strategy can facilitate solidarity of various groups in local region. According to the analysis of the strategy projects, it is essential to collect their knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm of related groups to effectively implement the strategy. It can also provide a methodology for minor groups of society to document their memories. This study suggests the directions of documenting local regions in consideration of current archival infrastructure of Korean as follows; Firstly, very selective and intensive documentation should be pursued rather than comprehensive one for documenting local regions. Though it is a very political problem to decide what subject has priority for documentation, interests of local community members as well as professional groups should be considered in the decision-making process seriously. Secondly, it is effective to plan integrated representation of local history in the distributed custody of local archives. It would be desirable to implement archival gateway for integrated search and representation of local archives regardless of the location of archives. Thirdly, it is necessary to try digital documentation using Web 2.0 technologies. Documentation strategy as the methodology of selecting and acquiring archives can not avoid subjectivity and prejudices of appraiser completely. To mitigate the problems, open documentation system should be prepared for reflecting different interests of different groups. Fourth, it is desirable to apply a conspectus model used in cooperative collection management of libraries to document local regions digitally. Conspectus can show existing documentation strength and future documentation intensity for each participating institution. Using this, documentation level of each subject area can be set up cooperatively and effectively in the local regions.

A Brief Review of Backgrounds behind "Multi-Purpose Performance Halls" in South Korea (우리나라 다목적 공연장의 탄생배경에 관한 소고)

  • Kim, Kyoung-A
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.41
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    • pp.5-38
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    • 2020
  • The current state of performance halls in South Korea is closely related to the performance art and culture of the nation as the culture of putting on and enjoying a performance is deeply rooted in public culture and arts halls representing each area at the local government level. Today, public culture and arts halls have multiple management purposes, and the subjects of their management are in the public domain including the central and local governments or investment and donation foundations in overwhelming cases. Public culture and arts halls thus have close correlations with the institutional aspect of cultural policies as the objects of culture and art policies at the central and local government level. The full-blown era of public culture and arts halls opened up in the 1980s~1990s, during which multi-purpose performance halls of a similar structure became universal around the nation. Public culture and arts halls of the uniform shape were distributed around the nation with no premise of genre characteristics or local environments for arts, and this was attributed to the cultural policies of the military regime. The Park Chung-hee regime proclaimed Yusin that was beyond the Constitution and enacted the Culture and Arts Promotion Act(September, 1972), which was the first culture and arts act in the nation. Based on the act, a five-year plan for the promotion of culture and arts(1973) was made and led to the construction of cultural facilities. "Public culture and arts" halls or "culture" halls were built to serve multiple purposes around the nation because the Culture and Arts Promotion Act, which is called the starting point of the nation's legal system for culture and arts, defined "culture and arts" as "matters regarding literature, art, music, entertainment, and publications." The definition became a ground for the current "multi-purpose" concept. The organization of Ministry of Culture and Public Information set up a culture and administration system to state its supervision of "culture and arts" and distinguish popular culture from the promotion of arts. During the period, former President Park exhibited his perception of "culture=arts=culture and arts" in his speeches. Arts belonged to the category of culture, but it was considered as "culture and arts." There was no department devoted to arts policies when the act was enacted with a broad scope of culture accepted. This ambiguity worked as a mechanism to mobilize arts in ideological utilizations as a policy. Against this backdrop, the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, a multi-purpose performance hall, was established in 1978 based on the Culture and Arts Promotion Act under the supervision of Ministry of Culture and Public Information. There were, however, conflicts of value over the issue of accepting the popular music among the "culture and arts = multiple purposes" of the system, "culture ≠ arts" of the cultural organization that pushed forward its establishment, and "culture and arts = arts" perceived by the powerful class. The new military regime seized power after Coup d'état of December 12, 1979 and failed at its culture policy of bringing the resistance force within the system. It tried to differentiate itself from the Park regime by converting the perception into "expansion of opportunities for the people to enjoy culture" to gain people's supports both from the side of resistance and that of support. For the Chun Doo-hwan regime, differentiating itself from the previous regime was to secure legitimacy. Expansion of opportunities to enjoy culture was pushed forward at the level of national distribution. This approach thus failed to settle down as a long-term policy of arts development, and the military regime tried to secure its legitimacy through the symbolism of hardware. During the period, the institutional ground for public culture and arts halls was based on the definition of "culture and arts" in the Culture and Arts Promotion Act enacted under the Yusin system of the Park regime. The "multi-purpose" concept, which was the management goal of public performance halls, was born based on this. In this context of the times, proscenium performance halls of a similar structure and public culture and arts halls with a similar management goal were established around the nation, leading to today's performance art and culture in the nation.

9 Provinces and 5 Secondary Capitals, Myeong-ju(Haseo-ju) - Revolve Around Urban Structure - (구주오소경과 명주(하서주) - 그 도시구조를 중심으로 -)

  • Takahumi, Yamada
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.20-37
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    • 2012
  • After withdrawal of military troops of Chinese Tang dynasty in the 18th year of King Moon-moo's reign(678), the Silla Kingdom had actually unified the Korean peninsula and had divided the territory into 9 states benchmarking the China's local administrations adjustment system. He had established local administrative units by deploying secondary capitals, counties and prefectures in the nine states. The so-called "9 Provinces and 5 Secondary capitals" are what constitutes the local administrations system. The provinces can be compared to current provinces of the Republic of Korea(hereinafter Korea), and secondary capitals to megalopolises. According to a chapter of the Samkuksaki(三?史記) which had recorded the achievements of king Kyoungdeok in December in his 16th year on the throne(757), the local administrative units had amounted to 5 secondary capitals, 117 counties and 293 prefectures. There are still lots of ambiguous points since there have never been any consultation on locations of provinces and secondary capitals' castles, and on structures of cities because the researches for local cities inside the 9 Provinces and 5 Secondary capitals in the Unified Silla Kingdom has been conducted centering on the historic literatures only. The research for restoring structures of cities seen from an archeological perspective are limited to the studies of Taewoo Park("A study on the local cities in the Unified Kingdom Age" 1987) and that of the author("A study on the restoration of planned cities for the Unified Silla Kingdom in terms of the structures and realities of the castles in the 9 Provinces and 5 Secondary capitals" 2009). The Gangneung city of Gangwon province was originally called Haseoryang(河西良) of the Gogureo Kingdom as an ancient nation of Ye(濊). According to "Samkuksaki", it had evolved from Haseoju(河西州) to a secondary capitals in the 8th year of King Seonduk(639). Afterwards, it had been renamed as Myeongju(溟洲) in the 16th year of King Kyoungduk(757), and then several other names were given to it after Goryo dynasty. Taewoo Park claims that it is being defined as a sanctuary remaining in Myoungjudong because of the vestige of bare castle, and this cannot be ascertained due to the on-going urbanization processes. Also, the Kwandong university authority is suggesting an opinion of regarding Myeongju mountain castle located 3 Kms southwest of the center of Gangwon city as commanding post for the pertinent state. The author has restored the pertinent area into a city composed of villages within a lattice framework like Silla Keumkyoung and many other cities. The structure is depicted next. The downtown of Gangneung is situated on a flat terrain at the west bank of Namdaecheon stream flowing southwest to northeast along the inner area of the city. Though there isn't any hill comparatively higher than others in the vicinity, hills are continuously linked east to west along the northern area of the downtown, and the maximum width of flat terrain is about 1 Km and is not so large. Currently, urbanization is being proceeded into the inner portion of Gangneung city, the lands in all directions from the hub of Gangneung station have been readjusted, and thus previous land-zoning program is almost nullified. However, referring to the topographic chart drawn at the time of Japanese colonial rule, it can be validated that land-zoning program to accord the lattice framework with the length of its one side equaling to 190m leaves its vestige about 0.8Km northwest to southeast and about 1.7Km northeast to southwest of the vicinity of Okcheondong, Imdangdong, Geumhakdong, Myeongjudong, and etcetera which comprize the hub of the downtown. The land-zoning vestige within the lattice framework, compared to other cases related with the '9 states and 5 secondary capitals', is very much likely to be that of the Unified Silla Kingdom. That the length of a side of a lattice framework is 190m as opposed to that of Silla Geumkyoung and other cities with their 140m or 160m long sides is a single survey item in the future. The baseline direction for zoning the lands is tilting approximately 37.5 degrees west of northwest to southeast axis in accordance with the topographic features. It seems that this phenomenon takes place because of the direction of Namdaecheon and the geographic constraints of the hills in the north. Reviewing minimally, a rectangular size of zoned land by 4 Pangs(坊) on the northwest to southeast side multiplied by 7 Pangs(坊) on the northeast to southwest side had been restored within a lattice framework. Otherwise, considering the extent of expansion of the existing zoned lands in the lattice framework and one more Pang(坊) being added to each side, it is likely that the size could have been with 5 Pangs(坊) on the northwest to southeast side multiplied by 8 Pangs(坊) on the northeast to southwest side(950 M on the northwest to southeast side multiplied by 1,520m on the northeast to southwest side). The overall shape is rectangle, but land-zoning programs reminiscent of rebuilt roads(red phoenix road) like Jang-an castle(長安城) of Chinese Tang dynasty or Pyoungseong castle(平城城) in Japan is not to be validated. There are some historic items among the roof tiles and earthen wares excavated at local administrative office sites or Gangneung's town castle in Joseon dynasty inside the area assumed to be containing municipal vestiges even though archeological survey for the vestige of Myeongju has not been made yet, and these items deserve dating back to the Unified Silla Kingdom age. Also, all of the construction sites at local administrative authorities of the Joseon dynasty are showing large degrees of slant in the azimuth. This is a circumstantial evidence indicating the fact that the inherited land-zoning programs to be seen in Gangneung in terms of the lattice framework had ever existed in the past. Also, the author does not decline that Myeongju mountain castle had once been the commanding post when reviewing the roof tiles at the edge of eaves in this stronghold. The ancient municipal castles in the Korean peninsula are composed of castles on the flat terrain as well as hilly areas and the cluster of strongholds like Myounghwal, Namhan, Seohyoung mountain castles built around municipal castle of Geumkyoung based on a lattice framework program. Considering that mountain castles are spread in the vicinity of municipal vestiges in other cities other than the 9 states and 5 secondary capitals, it is estimated that Myeongju was assuming the function of commanding post incorporating cities on the flat terrain and castles on the hills.

A Study on the Differentiation of a City image with City Identity (CI(City Identity)에 의한 도시이미지 차별화를 위한 연구)

  • 이충훈
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2002
  • With the advanced localization followed by the settlement of the local autonomous systems, every city has faced new realities that it is inevitable to change its environment and image designs which have been uniformly made without consideration of its characteristics. Accordingly, they have failed to effectively achieve the development goal which make them distinctive.. The identity of a city means an image rather than its attribute. It can be drawn only when the city has its own municipality as well as the superiority to others. For Corporate Identity(CI) to function effectively as a comprehensive medium of communication, We should take into consideration all the situations which surround the city. It should be emphasized on the culture and environment oriented image. To do so we first of all have to analyze in detail the current situations and characteristics of the city. Hence, this paper tried to propose the strategies of making the CI which expresses the unique identity and communication of the city applying the CI program which have been used as the way of business management. The creation of the CI of the city takes the following steps. First, find the potentials for the image of the city through the survey of its resources. Second, provide the motive for citizens to actively participate in making plans with a dear vision for the improvement of the city image, physical development and so on. Third, provide with the events and the projects for specialized goods of the city to strengthen the ability of delivering the information, to design the city image and the street environment of the city. Fourth, apply the communication design system to use actively the administration organization, to enhance the citizenship, and to differentiate the city image. To do so, a variety of efforts should be followed to integrate and promote the regional culture, develope the structure and the facility functions of the city connecting those factors effectively. The establishment of the city identity is required a variety of activities to make the environment of the city, and the agreeable residential environment for a better life by differentiating the characteristics the city has.

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A Study of Introduction Process of the Bauhaus Formative Art Education in Korea (한국에 있어서의 바우하우스조형교육의 도입과정에 관한 연구 -1930년대 조선총독부 산하에 있어서 소학교의 교육시스템과의 관계에 관하여)

  • 손영범;백금남
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2002
  • This study is mainly based on the introduction process of formative art education method of Korean Bauhaus which was brought in this CQuntry through Japan. The introduction routes into Korea of Bauhaus education method by way of the United States through Germany have been disclosed since 1945, including Korean students studying in the United States as well as Scandinavian countries. Those introduction of Bauhaus method by Korean students into Korea had influenced the domestic university education. However, it was worth notice that Park Hui-rak pointed out through his writing that Bauhaus education method had already existed in the CQuntry before 1945 when korea was liberated from 35 years of Japanese colonial rule. Park hinted in his book of "Korean Design History,199B" that the curriculum of primary school, then affiliated with Taegu Education College had been possibly influenced from Composition Education" idealogy led by Japanese Kawakita Rensichiro. In Japan, Bauhaus education method had been independently introduced by civilians like primary school teachers of Kawakita. However, the possible introduction of the informative art education in the country by way of Japan leaves a lot of things to be considered. Because, the introduction was carried out by Choson governor-General which took charge of colonial rule of korea. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to make full explanation on the introduction of formative art education and on the types. For that purpose, examinations on various materials and information released by many educational institutes as well as by choson Governor-General were included. As the result, it was possible to find out a trace of "Composition Education : Japanese Bauhaus Formative Art Education" in 1937, one year earlier pointed out. And it was remarkable that two interested books were found out, which mainly dealt with Spanung of Composition and Dynamic sense. Finally, through examinations in many aspects, five drawing education books written in 1930s, such as Drawing Guide Details and indication, were proved to be equal to Bauhaus Composition Education in terms of terminology and contents. Moreover, it has been made clear that Composition education Choson was made mostly under the control and management of Choson Governor-General in the of books on education systems in then education college.

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The Medical Doctors' Opinion of Public Health Center on the Development and Supply of Medical Doctor for Public Health Sector (공공보건분야 의사 인력 양성과 개발에 대한 보건소 근무 의사들의 인식)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Soo;Lee, Jung-Jeung;Kim, Jin-Sam;Hwang, Tae-Yoon;Son, Hyo-Kyung;Kim, Chun-Bae
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: This study, as for activating measures for capable medical physicians to penetrate into the public health sector, is to provide a basic informations which are used for the enlargement of human resources of physicians in the public health sector, by investigating the perception of physicians, who are now working in the public health center, on the training and development of physicians in the public health sector. Methods: The subjects of this study were 126 individuals. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis using SPSS ver. 17.0K. Results: According to the investigation of 'how to support physicians in public health sector', the necessity of almost questions is considered to be important. Especially, regarding to investigation on 'obstacles of physicians' entrance to public health sector', 'relatively low salary' and 'lack of promotion chances' were thought to be considerable. The most significant education programs to work for public health sector is to improve the ability of health administration planning and service performance. Conclusions: The important methods to reinforce and easily obtain the human resources of physicians in public health sector are not only to improve the penetration of physicians to public health sector, but also to enhance the ability of present physicians, even though sufficient recruitment of physicians is essential.

A study on the Types of Utilization and Administration of Common Forests in Korea (마을공동소유림(共同所有林)의 이용(利用) 및 관리실태(管理實態) 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Lee, Mahn Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.60-68
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    • 1983
  • Ever since the day of pre-modernized society where the farming skill had been in the stagnant condition, the common farmwoodlands have been utilized in common (collectivelly) by villagers in order to harvest farmwoodlands and fuelwoods. Later, during the process of modernization, most of the common farmwoodlands were transferred into national or public forests by the administrative enforcement, but there were still various types of village (common) forests such as the common forests owned by joint owners, village block associations, village forest productive societies, Village Forestry Association(V.F.A.), and the national or public forests leased to V.F.A. As Village Forestry Association is organized with a few villages, each of common forests ow nod to the villages is obliged to be diversely controlled by other managers than the chief of V.F.A. Therefore, it is to be desired that the control of common forests should be under Gun Forestry Association Union. While the rate of the use of common forests for fuelwoods and cemetery has been considerably high, villagers wish to promote the timber forest establishment through the collective management by their improved farming skills and economical situations. In these present circumstances the village forest productive societies should be guided to work in closer cooperation with Gun Forestry Association Union. Since the management of common forests is still extensive, it still remains in the semi-management condition under which we can not find any management plan or measure to control forest damage. Especially the small area common forests should have appropriate size for the joint management. This will promote the forest productivity through the lease for reforestation of disposable national forests or public county forests and the contracts for profit sharing. Today owing to increasing forest value, frequent dispute has occurred on the common right telated to the village forests and rationalization of forest management has been disregarded. If a necessary measure were taken to control the dispute such as transferring the registeration right of ownership to the village forest productive society, the confidence of local inhabitants can be regained and the productivity of forests can be naturally increased.

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