• Title/Summary/Keyword: 해원

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A Study on Grievance-resolution for Women in Daesoon Thought: Focusing on Choi Song-sul-dang, a Female Writer from the Early 20th Century (대순사상의 여성 해원에 대한 연구 - 20세기초 여성 문인 최송설당을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim Bo-youn
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.42
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    • pp.143-165
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    • 2022
  • This study is a novel attempt at a fusion of female-authored Chinese poetry and Daesoon Thought. Notably, this has style of fusion has never been attempted in classical literature studies or in studies on Daesoon Thought. This study will also clarify the the key concept of grievance-resolution (解冤 haewon) in Daesoon Jinrihoe through comparison with classical works. Choi Song-seoldang's poetry that was composed in the early 20th century, contemporaneous the emergence of Daesoon Thought, is analyzed here via the concepts of 'tranquility (平 pyeong)' and 'harmony (和 hwa)' under the framework of grievance-resolution for women. An effort is made to find a point of progression towards familial harmony (家和 gahwa) and Mutual Beneficence (相生 sangsaeng). Resentment (恨 han) from the perspective of a woman was expressed in her works such as Wang So-gun's Resentment (昭君怨 sogunwon), Self-Report (自述 Jasul), and An Original Rhyme of Song Seol-dang (松雪堂原韻 Song Seol-dang Won-un). Works such as Wishes on the First Day of New Year (元朝祝 wonjochuk) and A Spontaneous Poem (偶吟 Ueum) expressed the contents of wishing for familial peace. In the process of trying to resolve the grievances (冤 won) of her family, Song Seol-dang faced limitations, and felt resentment (恨 han) for her inability to become a man. She strived her whole life to embody 'tranquility' and 'harmony' as both are crucial components of achieving familial harmony. This thesis has an important significance in terms of academic expansion via the convergence of literature and ideas. In terms of Daesoon Thought, it is meaningful to examine concepts and literature within a context of fusion because this goes beyond research that focuses only on theory or ideology. It is also meaningful to confirm aspects of Daesoon Thought through the life and culture of the still traditional early modern era and to reveal how it still has the present-day significance that transcends time.

대순사상의 종교 문화 조화정신

  • 왕쭝위
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.22
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    • pp.87-131
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    • 2014
  • 한국은 백 년 이래로 군사적 침략과 경제적 대변혁을 맞았으며, 또한 종교와 문화적 측면에서 전통의 중흥기와 서학의 유입에 대한 문제를 경험하게 되었다. 이런 점에서 한국의 역사적 경험은 주변 국가의 국민들이 배울 만한 의미가 있다고 생각된다. 이와 연관하여 대순진리회가 역사를 계승하고 창신을 이루어나가는 측면의 문제는 정리해볼 만한 가치가 있다. 대순진리회의 종지는 '음양합덕, 신인조화, 해원상생, 도통진경'이다. 특히 대순진리회는 해원상생 사상으로 조화정신을 집중적으로 잘 나타내고 있다. 대순진리회의 해원은 고대 단주로부터의 원을 푸는 것에서 시작되며, 인류가 근본적으로 여러 세대에 걸친 원한을 풀어야만 행복하고 안락한 시대에 진입할 수 있다는 역사관을 보여주고 있다. 대순진리회가 해원을 푸는 방책으로 제시하는 상생은 당시의 갑오동학혁명이나 역사상 많은 종교에서 원한을 해결하는 방법과 구별되는 것이다. 과거에 있어서는 상극의 방법으로 원한을 해결하여 왔으나, 상극의 방식은 오히려 새로운 원한을 더욱 만들어 낼 수 있기 때문에, 현대에 있어 원한을 제거할 수 있는 방법은 악을 선으로써 대하는 것이라고 한다. 증산 성사 및 그 후학들은 사회의 질서를 새롭게 세우는 문제와 전통사회에서 인간 간의 조화를 방해하고 원한을 용인하는 구습을 개조하고 원을 소멸하는 문제에 주의를 기울였다. 이러한 변혁은 평등의 관념을 나타내고 있다. 증산께서는 전 세계적인 관점에서 민족과 국가 그리고 종교 간의 조화를 실현해야 할 것을 강조하셨다. 당시 동아시아 국가는 매우 폐쇄적인 상황에서 서양 국가의 침략을 받던 시기였는데, 증산 성사께서 미래의 세계는 마땅히 화합을 이루고 서로의 장점을 배우는 세계가 될 것임을 예견하셨다는 것은 그의 위대함을 보여주는 대목이다. 증산의 후천개벽사상 역시 조화의 정신을 나타내고 있다. 후천개벽사상은 전통적 참위를 현대적으로 개조한 것으로 민중을 적극적으로 인도하기 위한 것이다. 다음으로, 증산께서는 각 종교에 대해 관용적인 태도를 표하셨고, 또한 매우 진지한 태도로 타 종교로부터 자신이 주창하는 사상과 관련한 자원을 흡수하셨다. 동양의 전통적인 유불선 삼교를 가장 중요한 종교와 문화형태로 인정하시고, 그 삼교의 내용을 두로 포용하셨으며, 심지어 예수교와 서양문화까지 모두 아우르는 태도를 보여주셨다. 서양의 문화 역시 증산께서 추구하시는 신세계의 한 부분이었기 때문이다. 이러한 사실은 증산께서 당시 세계의 역사적 방향에 대해 통찰하고 있었고 이 통찰 속에서 종교 간의 관계가 조화롭게 되어야 함을 주창했음을 말해 준다. 대순사상에는 민간 무교의 내용 역시 풍부하게 들어있다. 부뚜막신, 사명, 아표신, 마장군, 백의군왕, 황천신 등 민간에서 유행했던 다양한 신령숭배의 내용을 흡수했을 뿐만 아니라, 주문과 부를 태우는 법술로 신명과 관련된 내용을 표현하고 있으며, 칠성과 관우의 신앙까지 수용하고 있다. 또한 증산 성사는 동학과 같은 신종교까지 받아들이셨다. 증산께서는 동학혁명의 비참한 최후를 완화시켰던 위대한 역사적 공적을 이루셨으며, 신종교 운동의 사회적 형태를 변화시켰을 뿐 아니라, 서로 다른 내력을 지닌 교도들간의 관계를 조화롭게 하였다. 이로 볼 때 결국 증산께서 주창한 대순사상은 사람들 간의 충돌과 모순을 소멸시키고, 조화와 상생의 사회 환경을 창조하고자 하는 것이었다고 할 수 있다.

The Characteristics of 'Podeok (布德 Spreading Virtue)' in Daesoon Jinrihoe (대순진리회의 '포덕'개념의 특징)

  • Lee, Bong-ho;Park, Yong-cheol
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.32
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    • pp.77-108
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of 'Podeok' in Daesoon Jinrihoe. The term Podeok can cause some misunderstanding as the same word Deok (德 virtue) has long been used in the Eastern Tradition. In other words, for most people who are used to traditional thought, Podeok may be conflated with the similar word 'Deok (virtue)' as used within Confucianism. People who are familiar with Confucian culture might thereby misunderstand the term Podeok as an aspect of Confucian moral ethics, or they could misconstrue Daesoon Jinrihoe as having appropriated and misused Confucian ideas. Furthermore, there are other problems that could arise if people compare Daesoon Jinrihoe's 'Podeok' with 'Deok (virtue)' as used by Laozi. While Deok in Laozi's usage represents the ability of an individual who can exercise his or her rationality with excellence, Deok in Daesoon Jinrihoe indicates the idea of actualizing Mutual Beneficence and the conditions that enable Mutual Beneficence. If one understands Deok as used by Laozi to contain the meaning of Mutual Beneficence, then it is possible to think that the two tradition share a similar meaning of Deok as Podeok in Daesoon Jinrihoe pursues Mutual Beneficence as its ultimate value. In order to preemptively correct these misunderstandings, I need to clarify how the idea of Deok was born out of traditional thought and what meanings it embodies. Additionally, it is necessary to examine how it became meaningful in Confucianism, and how it was criticized and ascribed new meanings in Laozi's thought. Through these clarification, it will become clear that Deok originally indicated a religious ritual that the king of the Zhou Dynasty performed after receiving the heavenly mandate and assuming rule over the nation. Later, this idea was transformed into a moral virtue and norm by Confucius. This moral virtue and norm was criticized by Laozi as an unnatural form of control as it was understood by Laozi as a teleological argument justifying whether or not lives were to be saved or sustained based on the perceived merits of each individual. On the contrary, Deok in Daesoon Jinrihoe and traditional thought stand on a totally different theological bases. Deok in Daesoon Jinrihoe is a means to practice and realize the truth of the earthly paradise of the Later World and the truth of Mutual Beneficence which were posited to the world through Kang Jeungsan's Works of Haewon (grievance resolution) that resolved the pattern of mutual conflict that characterized the Former World. Therefore, the idea of Podeok in Daesoon Jinrihoe gains completion only on the premises of Haewon Sangsaeng (resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence) and Boeun Sangsaeng (reciprocation of favors for mutual beneficence), and the way to practice Podeok is to practice Haewon Sangsaeng and Boeun Sangsaeng. In addition, the subordinate virtues such as loyalty, filial piety, and faithfulness that exist within Daesoon Jinrihoe's religious practice are not same as those of traditional thought. They are new concepts of virtues drawn from the cosmological laws of Daesoon Jinrihoe. To be specific, the virtues of Daesoon Jinrihoe are not rules that create discrimination and mutual conflict, but are instead ethical rules established upon the basis of Heaven and Earth having been newly organized, and thus, they will bring virtuous concordance, harmonious union, and mutual beneficence. The idea of 'Podeok' in Daesoon Jinrihoe can be understood as a religious practice that requires doctrinal understanding and tangible practice in daily life of followers. In other words, it is not the same Deok of earlier traditional thought in East Asia, but is instead a religious truth by which practitioners realize the truth of Sangje's Works of Haewon in human world as they practice Haewon Sangsaeng and Boeun Sangsaeng.

Understanding Human Nobility Epoch, the Prerequisite of the Era of Resolution of Grievances (해원시대를 전제하는 인존시대에 대한 이해)

  • Park, Yong-cheol
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.27
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    • pp.135-169
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    • 2016
  • While examining the religious ideas implied by Jeungsan's Great Works of the Reordering of Universe, we find special ideas which cannot be found in any other religions, and these ideas are presented in diverse ways. Most of all, the representative idea is that of human nobility; a distinctive idea which makes Daesoonjinrihoe different from other religions. Thus, this research focuses on the following questions: when was Human Nobility concretely realized? What kind of organic relationship does human nobility have between the divine world and the world of humanity? In light of the forthcoming Era of Human Nobility, what are some concrete images which can be drawn from the interaction between the realms of heaven and humanity wherein preordinations are plotted in heaven and then carried out by humankind? Prior to formulating my own sense of the subject matter, I consulted 43 previous discussions and dissertations and arranged them chronologically so as to examine their correlation. From these sources and my own insights, I was able to gain a sense of the starting point of the era of human nobility and its tenor. I have found the following problems in previous research on the uniqueness and distinctness of human nobility: ①The conceptual undertones of human nobility have not been adequately gleaned. ②There do not seem to be any dissertations which examine the way in which human nobility is connected with the doctrines of the creative conjunction between yin and yang, the harmonious union of divine beings and human beings, and the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence. ③In most dissertations, not only is the starting point of the Era of Human Nobility regarded as concurrent with the start of the 50,000 years of earthly paradise in the Later World, but also the point of division between the former world and the later world is widely disputed. ④In-depth and fully realized studies dealing with the subject of human nobility are not easily found. ⑤There is little sense of progression in the research on human nobility because scholars are not sufficiently engage with one another to achieve common consensus. Therefore, in this dissertation, I have provided answers to the problems I discovered in previous research. I have developed my own tenor as follows: ①By giving priority to the Jeongyeong, I have closely investigated the period which divides the Former World and the Later World. Then, I produced a chronological timeline to demonstrate the progression: the Former World → the Era of the Resolution of Grievances → the Later World. This aids in the comprehension of human nobility. ②The Era of Human Nobility was preceeded by the opening of the Era of the Resolution of Grievances of human world which began in 1901. Human nobility is stipulated as a regulatory system for the universe set in motion by the opening the Era of Resolution of Grievances. ③While synthetically examining the aspects of transition which enable the Ear of Human Nobility to be realized, the period to be studied is stipulated as beginning from 1901 and ending at the start of the Later World. The subjects are defined as the flowing from Jeungsan, the first leader of human nobility, to the noble individuals empowered by Dao and the noble populace. In the Era of Human Nobility, studying the transition process by which human nobility is realized requires delving into the resolution of grievances. Although this method is essential to understanding Daesoon ideas, in actuality it does not hinge upon speculative exegetical theorizing but instead it was gained through eisegetical rigor.

A Study on Human Rights in North Korea in terms of Haewon-sangsaeng (해원상생 관점에서의 북한인권문제 고찰)

  • Kim Young-jin
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.43
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    • pp.67-102
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the human rights found in the North Korean Constitution and their core problem by focusing on elements of human rights suggested by Daesoon Jinrihoe's doctrine of Haewon-sangsaeng (解冤相生 the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence). Haewon-sangsaeng is seemingly the only natural law that could resolve human resentment lingering from the Mutual Contention of the Former World while leading humans work for the betterment of one another. Haewon-sangsaeng, as a natural law, includes the right to life, the right to autonomous decision-making, and duty to act according to human dignity (physical freedom, the freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, etc.), the right to equal treatment in one's social environment, and the right to ensure the highest level of health through treatment. The North Korean Constitution does not have a character as an institutional device to guarantee natural human rights, the fundamental principle of the Constitution, and stipulates the right of revolutionary warriors to defend dictators and dictatorships. The right to life is specified so that an individual's life belongs to the life of the group according to their socio-political theory of life. Rights to freedom are stipulated to prioritize group interests over individual interests in accordance with the principle of collectivism. The right to equality and the right to health justify discrimination through class discrimination. The right to life provided to North Koreans is not guaranteed due to the death penalty system found within the North Korean Criminal Code and the Criminal Code Supplementary Provisions. The North Korean regime deprives North Koreans of their right to die with dignity through public executions. The North Korean regime places due process under the direction of the Korea Worker's Party, recognizes religion as superstition or opium, and the Korea Worker's Party acknowledge the freedoms of bodily autonomy, religion, media, or press. North Koreans are classified according to their status, and their rights to equality are not guaranteed because they are forced to live a pre-modern lifestyle according to the patriarchal order. In addition, health rights are not guaranteed due biased availability selection and accessibility in the medical field as well as the frequent shortages of free treatments.

Reviewing the Concept of Gender Equality and Femininity in Daesoon Thought: Focusing on Meritorious Deeds and Implementing a Practice on the Based on the Resolution of Grievances for Women (대순사상의 남녀평등이념과 여성성 재조명 - 여성해원의 원리로 본 공덕과 실천을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Min-mi;Hwang, Hee-yeon;Park, Yong-cheol
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.29
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    • pp.209-239
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    • 2017
  • This study focuses on reviewing the concepts, roles, meanings, and values ascribed to females and femininity as observable in Daesoon thought and in Feminist theory. Especially with regards to the process of achieving gender equality through the resolution of grievance for females in Daesoon thought, the study draws positive and desirable roles within this practice by specifically examining good deeds performed by females and practical roles that females play. By doing so, this study finds a way to go from the world of mutual contention to the world of resolving grievances that have arisen due to the oppression of yin and the encouragement of yang. First wave feminism can be summarized as the inclination for equality. In Daesoon thought concerning this and from standpoint of females, the most ideal image of woman is one of a female Perfected Being who is unified with Dao and has thereby achieved perfection of her humanity apart from gender. In the Later World (Hucheon), people can get results based on their hard work regardless of gender. The enlightenment of Dao is such that it is not important to distinguish between males and females. Both of them can be 'unified with dao'. Therefore, despite the similarity, the concepts of equality in first wave feminism and the resolution of grievance for women have differences in terms of their ideal vision of equality. The representative claim in second wave feminism is 'consideration' and, in this context, 'consideration' has pronounced feminine characteristics. In Daesoon thought, this sense of 'consideration' is related to the concept of 'Jamojijeong', a term that refers to motherly affection. However, it is not simply a virtue of females and mothers, but rather the value of 'Yin (pronounced in Sino-Korean as 'Eum')' called 'Eumdeok (hidden virtue)'. Jamojijeong means that people should behave in a modest way and this helps them achieve their aims. It is also closely related with 'femininity' in the sense of Eum. One of processes spreading it socially is to propagate virtue (Podeok) and if harmony is achieved through it, then 'right yin and right yang' emerge as the precondition by which Pyeong Do (Pacification of Tao) can be realized. Furthermore, because the aspect of Pyeong is a cosmic process, it has distinct differences from the social aims of feminism and the worldly aims of other numerous ideologies. In proceeding from the Former World (Seoncheon), an era of mutual contention, to the Later World, an era of mutual beneficence, it is essential to emphasize the connection between 'harmony (Hwa)' and 'propagating virtue' as the starting point from which the perspective of Daesoon thought aiming at the principle of 'Pyeong' and 'Hwa' emerges. Herein one can discover that the realization of Daesoon thought is based on the vitalization of the feminine value of 'Jamojijeong'.

대순진리회 구천상제(九天上帝) 신앙과 도교 보화천존(普化天尊) 신앙 비교

  • 위꿔칭
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.21
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    • pp.157-195
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    • 2013
  • 대순진리회는 '구천응원뇌성보화천존강성상제(이하 '구천상제')'를 주신(主神)으로 신앙하는 종교단체이다. 그렇다면 대순진리회의 '구천상제'와 중국 도교에서 모셔지는 '구천응원뇌성보화천존'(이하 '보화천존')은 어떤 연관성이 있는 것인가? 이런 질문을 토대로 본 글에서는 이 신들의 기원과 칭호, 도세법문(度世法門 : 세상을 제도하고자 펼친 법도) 등의 관점에서 그 차이점과 공통점을 하나씩 비교해 보았다. 먼저 기원이라는 측면에서 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'을 비교해보면, '구천상제'는 천지인 삼계의 최고신으로서 강씨 가문을 선택하여 인간의 육신으로 태어났다. 강씨 성은 상고 신농씨에서 시작되었는데, 고대 문헌에 근거하면 신농씨는 태양신, 남쪽, 불(火) 등으로 상징화된다. 이런 상징들은 '구천상제'가 인간으로 태어날 때 나타난 "하늘이 남북으로 갈라지다", "큰 불덩이가 몸을 덮치다", "천지가 밝아지는도다" 등의 현상들에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 도교의 '보화천존'은 뇌신의 특징을 가지면서 일신(日神), 월신(月神)과 관계를 맺고 있는데, 이런 면들은 신농씨로부터 분석한 '구천상제'의 신적 기원과 일치하고 있다. 또한 도교에서는 신농씨가 다스리던 세상을 중국 상고시대의 가장 이상적인 사회형태로 보고 있는데, 이것을 '구천상제'가 건설하려는 후천선경과 연관 지어 생각해보면 '구천상제'가 신농씨의 후손인 강씨 종가에서 태어난 배경을 이해할 수 있다. 도교의 '보화천존' 역시 중생의 이익을 도모하고, 조화로운 인간세상을 만드는 것을 목표로 삼고 있으며, 이것은 대순진리회 '구천상제'가 행한 대순의 목적과 거의 비슷하다고 볼 수 있다. 다음으로 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'은 칭호에서도 공통점과 차이점을 살펴볼 수 있다. 단적으로 말하자면, '구천상제'에는 '보화천존'에 비해 '강성상제'라는 칭호가 추가되어 있다는 것이다. 또한 도교에서는 '보화천존'을 최고신으로 모시지 않으며, '구천상제' 신앙에서는 '보화천존' 신앙에서와 달리 뇌신과의 관계에 대한 설명을 찾아볼 수 없다. 마지막으로 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'의 도세법문을 비교해보면 첫째, 구천상제는 세상이 혼란, 불공평, 죄악에 빠졌기에 육신으로 인간 세상에 강림한 후 대순진리를 선포하였다. 이와 유사하게 보화천존도 천하와 인간세상을 순시하여 죄악과 겁액을 없앤다는 '순시천하(巡視天下)' 사상이 있다. 물론 여기에는 차이점이 존재하는데, 그 중 하나는 '보화천존'은 순시할 때 인간의 육신으로 화하지 않았다는 점이다. 또 다른 하나는 '보화천존'이 인간 세상에 창교의 방법을 통하여 선경을 건설하고자 하는 목표를 전해주지 않았다는 점이다. '보화천존'은 교리를 가르치거나 신통을 발휘하는 데에만 중점을 두고 있다. 둘째, '구천상제'가 내린 가르침인 해원상생은 후천선경을 건설하기 위한 수단과 과정이다. 도교의 '보화천존'도 인간이 지은 많은 죄악과 겁액은 세상 사람들이 맺은 원한과 관계가 있으므로, 이런 겁액과 죄를 해소하려면 해원부터 해야 한다는 것을 수차례에 걸쳐 언급하고 있다. 도교에서 말하는 '해원'의 구체적인 내용은 주로 인간의 시비, 질병, 겁액에 관한 것이며, 그 해결 방법으로는 주로 마음속으로 『옥추보경』을 읽는 것이다. 이를 '구천상제'의 '해원상생' 가르침과 비교하면 그 사상의 폭이나 깊이, 중요성, 이론적 측면 등에서 비교적 간단한 형태로서 체계적인 면모로까지 나아가지는 못하였다. 셋째, '구천상제' 는 곤경에 처한 사람이 신명의 호칭을 부르면 그에 상응하는 신명이 달려와서 구원해준다는 '소리감응' 방법을 사용하고 있는데, 이 방법은 도교의 '보화천존' 역시 사용하고 있는 것이다. 넷째, '구천상제'는 과오를 범한 사람이 자신의 과오를 뉘우치면, 그 다음에 상제의 용서를 받음으로써 그 원한이 풀리게 된다는 참법(懺法 : 懺悔法)을 세인(世人) 교화에 자주 사용하였다. 물론 이것은 해원상생의 구체적인 적용이라 할 수 있다. 기능면에서 보면 이 방법은 『구천응원뇌성보화천존옥추보참(九天應元雷聲普化天尊玉樞寶懺)』의 참의(懺儀)와 공통되는 점이 있다. 참의는 수도자 스스로 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치고, 수도에 정진하며, 사회의 안정을 도모하고, 포덕에 힘쓰고, 악을 물리치고 선을 널리 펼친다는 것인데, 이런 의미에서 양자는 일치한다고 생각된다. 필자가 생각하건대, 대순진리회의 '구천응원뇌성보화천존강성상제'와 도교의 '구천응원뇌성보화천존' 사이에는 공통점이 아주 많지만 동시에 차이점 또한 적지 않다. 만약 더욱 다양한 자료들을 수집하여 더욱 깊고 광범위한 연구를 진행한다면 한국 대순진리회와 중국 도교, 특히 도교의 뇌법종파(雷法宗派)와의 상관관계를 해석하는 데 큰 도움이 될 것이라 생각한다.

Politics of Hospitality for Sangsaeng with 'Precariat': With a focus on Problems of North Korean Migrants ('프레카리아트'와의 상생을 위한 환대의 정치 - 탈북민 문제를 중심으로 -)

  • Mo, Chun-heung
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.33
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    • pp.147-177
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    • 2019
  • This article attempts to examine the fundamental perceptions and attitudes of human beings towards others utilizing the concept of 'precariat,' a new word recently created to designate people affected by the inequality and instability brought about by neoliberal globalization. Especially, the precariats within South Korean society noted in this article will be North Korean migrants. When leaving North Korea, they have entered into South Korean society with hurting bodies and minds as they made their way through China or third party countries. After arriving in South Korea, they face difficulties such as inadequate jobs and low-level welfare benefits. Also, considering the social discrimination, exclusion, and indifference towards North Korean migrants which are commonplace, they come to live their lives as precariats. Given their situation, I would like to seek wisdom for North Korean migrants to apply as they escape from insecure lives, and perhaps Sangsaeng (mutual beneficence) would allow them to do that within South Korean society. In this light, I think that the concept of hospitality and Haewon Sangsaeng (the resolution of grievances for mutual beneficence), a code of practical ethics within the Daesoon Thought, as a basis for discussion with other philosophies that are practical in enabling North Korean migrants and South Korean citizens to coexist within modern day South Korean society. This can be achieved because 'Haewon (grievance-resolution)' lowers the boundary between self and others through sharing, and consequently, daily mutual interactions can unfold as 'Sangsaeng', which stands as a new ethical and practical system of values available to all modern individuals. In fact, contrary to the religious implications of Daesoon Thought, the philosophical and existential significance of Daesoon Thought has not received much attention. However, if we pay attention to the question of why human subjects should be hospitable to others, we can grasp how Daesoon Thought presents values that are existential in nature and also consider the specific context that accompanies the religious aspects of this system of thought.

A Study on Moral Systems of Aristotle and Kang Jeungsan: Focusing on the Nature of Virtue and Teleological Characteristics (아리스토텔레스와 강증산(姜甑山) 성사(聖師)의 덕(德)이론 고찰 -덕의 속성 및 목적성과 관련하여-)

  • Joo So-yeon;Ko Nam-sik
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.46
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    • pp.189-234
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    • 2023
  • The most common and prevailing system of virtue ethics is based around the idea of personality rather than external behavior and it grew out of the Aristotelian system of virtue ethics. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of the virtue ethics found within Daesoon Thought through comparison to Aristotelian virtue ethics. This can serve as a basis to establish the virtue ethics of Daesoon Thought in further studies. The systems of virtue ethics posited by the two traditions are similar in that they are both teleological as the virtues they recognize are related to human nature in the context of certain metaphysical assumption and they both exhibit the characteristic tendencies of seeking to realize the highest human good. Therefore, in the Aristotelian context, virtues can be defined as "characteristics needed for the realization of eudaimonia," and for Daesoon Thought, virtues are "characteristics needed for the realization of the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence." The representative virtues examined in this comparative study will be the Aristotelian Golden Mean, and the the concepts of guarding against self-deception and great benevolence and great justice in Daesoon Thought. In comparison to Aristotelian virtues, these differ in three main ways. First, Aristotelian virtue is not an innate aspect of character the way it is assumed to be in Daesoon Thought wherein the original human heart bestowed by Heaven is already virtuous. Second, mental virtue in the Aristotelian context centers the mind upon reason whereas in Daesoon Thought, the heart-mind exhibits both reason and emotional concern for others. Third, eudaimonia is a concept limited to humans and their societies whereas the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence is a good that includes all beings including divine beings, animals, plants, and Heaven and Earth. Despite the differences, both require practical reason, continuous education, and effort to succeed in the cultivation of virtues and the proper implementation of virtuous living.

Safety Diagnosis & Rainforced Countermeasure in Steel Tower (해원철탑 안전진단과 보강대책방안)

  • Park, Won-Chul;Lee, Jae-Kwan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1997.07c
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    • pp.819-821
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    • 1997
  • 경제발전에 따른 국민 생활향상과 산업고도화에 의해 전력은 계속하여 수요가 증가하고 대용량화 되어가고 있으며 그와 함께 지속적이고 안정된 전력공급은 그 중요성이 더욱 대두된다. 서남해안 도서지역은 전력수요가 96년대에는 13.5%증가하였으며 전선로의 설비는 가공해월청탑과 해저케이블, 공급방식은 수지상식의 취약선로이다. 폭풍이나 태풍에 의해 해월청탑의 도괴된 사례가 발생하여 가공송전선을 설계 기준중 기준풍속을 지역별로 구분, 상향조정(87.6)되었으며 기존 해월청탑 설비에 대한 안정성 검토의 필요성이 대두되었다. 태풍 또는 폭퐁에 의한 해월청탑 지지물의 도괴, 또는 파손 등의 피해를 방지기존철탑 및 기초안전도를 검토하고 보강필요시 우리 실정에 맞는 경제적이고 안정된 보강방범 및 공법을 연구 개발하여 이에 의한 설계 및 시공기준을 수립하고자 한다.

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