• Title/Summary/Keyword: 합리적인 대안

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A Study on Development of Fashion Sharing Platform for Shared Economy -Focusing on fashion rental service case- (공유경제를 위한 패션 공유플랫폼 활성화 방안 연구 -패션 대여서비스 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Yoon, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.199-205
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    • 2017
  • Despite the economic downturn, the amount of clothing being discarded is increasing due to the fast fashion. The purpose of this study is to propose a fashion sharing service development to settle the rational consumption culture along with the abandoned clothes problem. Shared fashion rental service has attracted as a solution to environmental problems not only when clothes are incinerated but also in manufacturing process, but there is a lack of precedent research. Therefore, this study is meaningful in that it has developed two development plans based on the results of analysis of service case based on three factors by Rachel Botsman. First, active community development. Second, it is the creation of goods through activation of the shared economy. In this study, there are limitations that can't be proved through actual application, so more research is needed through empirical studies on actual users in the future.

A Feasibility Study of Loading Test for Safety Assessment : Concrete Bridges (재하시험 수행에 관한 적정성 연구 : 콘크리트 교량)

  • Hwang, Jin Ha;An, Seoung Su;Kim, Ju Han
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2011
  • The bridges where serious damages, defects, material degradations, etc. are not found can be presumed to have enough safety for the specified design loads, nevertheless, in many cases the loading carrying capacity is rated through loading tests. The safety specifications and manuals get no further than qualitative instructions for performing loading test or not. Some studies presented the improved appraisal methods for determining the load carrying capacity; however, the feasibility studies for loading test are scarcely carried out. This study examines an existing question, whether the loading tests are necessarily required in the safety assessment or not, and suggests an alternative for that via a statistical analysis for dozens of condition evaluation reports for concrete bridges.

Study on the Design Method Development of Crash Cushion Using Single Degree of Freedom (단자유도계를 이용한 충격흡수시설의 설계법 개발)

  • Joo, Jae-Woong;Kim, Ki-Jung;Jang, Dae-Young;Son, Seung-Neo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2007
  • The most important thing for driver's safety on the road is equipment of crash cushion as a vehicle protection safety facility. But development of crash cushion is defective because there's no rational and reality way of design. And also without an alternative plan, it rely on crash test hereby it suffers a great economic loss and wastes time. This study that uses data of cash test proves the suitability of single degree of freedom which considers the safety of passengers about three-dimensional complicated Crash Analysis. As the study analyzes the conduct of crash cushion, it want to develop the effective method of design on Single Degree of Freedom Crash Cushion. And it presents the way of crash cushion design through making a crash analysis model with single degree of freedom. To verify the validness of the crash cushion plan, with single degree of freedom plan, we make the level CC2 crash cushion and execute the crash test. A performance test brings satisfied result and a plan of single degree of freedom crash cushion is proven as an one of the way to be a good system which can design crash cushion.

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Quantitative Evaluation Indicators for the City Bus Route Network (시내버스노선체계 평가를 위한 정량적 지표의 설정 및 적용)

  • 이상용;박경아
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.29-44
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    • 2003
  • A balanced evaluation system for a bus route network was proposed for a mid-sized suburban city. The evaluation system consists of 7 criteria-accessibility, riding comfort. transfer rate, directness of route, productivity of operation, regional equity, and minimum requirement of bus fleet - and quantitative indicators representing each of the criteria. The proposed system was applied in Siheung, a suburban city in Seoul Metropolitan Area. Four alternative scenarios of bus route network including the existing one were evaluated. The results showed that the suggested criteria and indicators are acceptable for the evaluation of a bus route network. In order to enhance the proposed evaluation procedure, further studies on the normalization of produced values and weights for each of the indicators are needed.

Challenges and Solutions of Electronic Journal Consortium (전자저널 컨소시엄의 당면과제와 해결방안 모색)

  • Kim, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.93-118
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    • 2010
  • This study was aimed to establish a workable strategies to operate KESLI consortium reliably. To encourage the research purposes, it was mainly investigated international literature on current challenges for the e-journals consortium in comparison with the domestic implications. Major issues and challenges are divided to six items by scholarly communication changes and e-journals percentage increase, a big deal for a contract -based consortium pricing model in vogue, a consortium of the price hikes and making budget difficulties, use the standard statistics by the results of the use, archiving and archive security uncertainty, and contracts public availability of such external conditions. As a result, the international challenges of E-journals consortium was similar to KESLI, but the depth of information and research on domestic was weaker than the international research. To see more research and a rational perception based on scientific evidence and alternatives that enable KESLI working in the field was needed to be.

A Study on the Importance Analysis of Reliability, Security, Economic Efficiency Factors that Companies Should Determine When Adopting Cloud Computing Services (클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스 채택 시 기업이 판단해야 하는 신뢰성, 보안성, 경제성 요인의 중요도 분석)

  • Kang, Da-Yeon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research is to derive and evaluate priorities for critical factors that must be determined before an enterprise adopts a cloud computing service. AHP analysis techniques were used to reflect decisions made by experts as research methods. AHP is a decision-making technique that expresses complex decision-making problems hierarchically and derives the best alternatives through pairwise comparison between the items of the hierarchy. Compared to the existing statistical decision making techniques, the decision making process is systematic and simple, making it easy to understand. In addition, the procedure is also reasonable by providing an indicator to determine the consistency of the decision maker in the analysis process. The analysis results of this research showed that security was the first priority, reliability was the second priority, and economic efficiency was the third priority. Among the factors in the first-priority security items, the access control rights and the safety factors of external threats are the most important factors. Research results can be used as a guideline in future practice, and it is necessary to evaluate, compare and analyze the satisfaction of companies that have adopted cloud computing services in the future.

Some Academic Debates in the Geological Society of Korea (한국의 지질학분야에서 있었던 학술논쟁)

  • Seong-Young Yang
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.533-539
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    • 2023
  • This article reviews a few academic discussions in our geological society. The author presents his opinion on the discussions regarding the ages of the Okcheon Group, Myogog Formation, and hominid footprints of the Jeju Island, as well as on the inaccurate reportage in mass media. The academia advances via healthy debates and discussions. The arguments for and against Darwin's "Origin of Species" and scientific debates regarding Wegener's "Continental Drift Hypothesis" are well known. In academic debates or discussions, authority should not be involved in any form. Academic research should be conducted based on scientific principles and evidence-free of personal preferences or other nonacademic factors. Opponents should challenge with scientific approaches, suggesting alternatives based on science. Opposition without scientific basis is not productive in conducting academic research in search of scientific truth. Often, the news media delivers inaccurate information to the public-intentionally or unintentionally. There must be a mechanism to immediately identify and rectify inaccurate, false, or fake information for the benefit of the public and the credibility of the news media.

The Study on the Priority of First Person Shooter game Elements using Delphi Methodology (FPS게임 구성요소의 중요도 분석방법에 관한 연구 1 -델파이기법을 이용한 독립요소의 계층설계와 검증을 중심으로-)

  • Bae, Hye-Jin;Kim, Suk-Tae
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2007
  • Having started with "Space War", the first game produced by MIT in the 1960's, the gaming industry expanded rapidly and grew to a large size over a short period of time: the brand new games being launched on the market are found to contain many different elements making up a single content in that it is often called the 'the most comprehensive ultimate fruits' of the design technologies. This also translates into a large increase in the number of things which need to be considered in developing games, complicating the plans on the financial budget, the work force, and the time to be committed. Therefore, an approach for analyzing the elements which make up a game, computing the importance of each of them, and assessing those games to be developed in the future, is the key to a successful development of games. Many decision-making activities are often required under such a planning process. The decision-making task involves many difficulties which are outlined as follows: the multi-factor problem; the uncertainty problem impeding the elements from being "quantified" the complex multi-purpose problem for which the outcome aims confusion among decision-makers and the problem with determining the priority order of multi-stages leading to the decision-making process. In this study we plan to suggest AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) so that these problems can be worked out comprehensively, and logical and rational alternative plan can be proposed through the quantification of the "uncertain" data. The analysis was conducted by taking FPS (First Person Shooting) which is currently dominating the gaming industry, as subjects for this study. The most important consideration in conducting AHP analysis is to accurately group the elements of the subjects to be analyzed objectively, and arrange them hierarchically, and to analyze the importance through pair-wise comparison between the elements. The study is composed of 2 parts of analyzing these elements and computing the importance between them, and choosing an alternative plan. Among these this paper is particularly focused on the Delphi technique-based objective element analyzing and hierarchy of the FPS games.

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A Study on the Intercity Mode Choice Behavior of Daegu Citizens According to the Introduction of Gyeongbu High-Speed Railway (경부 고속철도 개통에 따른 대구시민의 지역 간 통행수단 선택행태 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Dae-Sik;Yuk, Tae-Suk;Kim, Sang-Hwang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.1 s.87
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2006
  • After the first opening of the KTX in April 2004, travel time between major cities has been dramatically reduced. The reduction rates range from 32% to 47%. Considering travel time reduction between major cities, this study concerned about the intercity travel impact of the KTX operation. This study aimed to analyze intercity mode choice behavior of Daegu Citizens according to the first opening of the KTX. This study takes place in two sections. These are (i) the section of KTX between Daegu and Seoul, and (ii) the section of KTX between Daegu and Daejeon. This study estimated empirical models for analyzing intercity mode choice behavior according to the first opening of the KTX. This study makes use of the data from travel survey from Daegu metropolitan area. The main part of the survey was carried out in the KTX Dong-Daegu station. The survey data includes the information on travel from Daegu to Daejeon and from Daegu to Seoul. In order to analyze intercity choice behavior according to the frist opening of the KTX, multinomial model structure is used. For the model specification, a variety of behavioral assumptions about the factors which affect the mode choice, were considered. From the empirical model estimation, it is found that OVTT(Out-of-Vehicle Travel Time), OVTC(Out-of-Vehicle Travel Cost), IVTT(In-Vehicle Travel Time), IVTC(In-Vehicle Travel Cost), travel frequency, travel purpose, sex, age, occupation. household income, individual income are significant in choosing intercity travel mode. However, it is found that the intercity nde choice behavior is different between (i) the section of KTX between Daegu and Seoul, and (ii) the section of KTX between Daegu and Daejeon. Furthermore, some policy implications are discussed in conclusion.

The Aspects of Small Group Decision-making Process based on Reading News Reports: Focused on Climate Change related Socio-scientific Issues Activity (신문기사 읽기를 활용한 소집단 의사결정 과정 양상 -기후변화 관련 사회적 논쟁 활동을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jong-Uk;Gwak, Je-Yeon;Kwon, Ji-Yeon;Ha, Yoon-Hee;Lee, Jeong-A;Kim, Chan-Jong;Choe, Seung-Urn
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.203-217
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    • 2018
  • The research objective of this study is to analyze the aspects of small group decision-making process based on reading news reports in the context of the socio-scientific issues (SSI) activity related to climate change. Twenty-two high school students from Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, were asked to read two news reports on the UN climate change conferences and take a stance on joining the Paris Agreement both as an individual and as a small group. The news reports were analyzed in terms of genre, discourse, and style adapting the critical discourse analysis (CDA) and the decision-making processes of the small groups were examined on recognizing a problem and evaluating alternatives and decisions. The results from analyzing the news reports denoted that the Paris agreement is not only related to finding ideal solutions to climate change, but rather, connected to political or economic interests and power relationship. In the stage of recognizing a problem, meanwhile, different frames which students recognize the Paris agreement and discourses in the foreground of the news reports were the critical causes in terms of identifying the problem. In the stage of evaluating alternatives and decisions, the equity and fairness were the criteria for the small group discussions. This study implies the necessity of the scientific literacy instruction to develop the ability to critical reading in the context of the SSI.