• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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A Regional Source-Receptor Analysis for Air Pollutants in Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권지역에서의 권역간 대기오염물질 상호영향 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Mi;Hong, Sung-Chul;Yoo, Chul;Kim, Jeong-Soo;Hong, Ji-Hyung;Park, Il-Su
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.591-605
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    • 2010
  • This study were to simulate major criteria air pollutants and estimate regional source-receptor relationship using air quality prediction model (TAPM ; The Air Pollution Model) in the Seoul Metropolitan area. Source-receptor relationship was estimated by contribution of each region to other regions and region itself through dividing the Seoul metropolitan area into five regions. According to administrative boundary, region I and region II were Seoul and Incheon in order. Gyeonggi was divided into three regions by directions like southern(region III), northern(IV) and eastern(V) area. Gridded emissions ($1km{\times}1km$) by Clean Air Pollicy Support System (CAPSS) of National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) was prepared for TAPM simulation. The operational weather prediction system, Regional Data Assimilation and Prediction System (RDAPS) operated by the Korean Meteorology Administration (KMA) was used for the regional weather forecasting with 30km grid resolution. Modeling period was 5 continuous days for each season with non-precipitation. The results showed that region I was the most air-polluted area and it was 3~4 times more polluted region than other regions for $NO_2$, $SO_2$ and PM10. Contributions of $SO_2$ $NO_2$ and PM10 to region I, II and III were more than 50 percent for their own sources. However region IV and V were mostly affected by sources of region I, II and III. When emissions of all regions were assumed to reduce 10 and 20 percent separately, air pollution of each region was reduced linearly and the contributions of reduction scenario were similar to those of base case. As input emissions were reduced according to different ratio - region I 40 percent, region II and III 20 percent, region IV and V 10 percent, air pollutions of region I and III were decreased remarkably. The contributions to region I, II, III were also reduced for their own sources. However, region I, II and III affected more regions IV and V. Shortly, graded reduction of emission could be more effective to control air pollution in emission imbalanced area.

Development of an Experimental Method for Understanding the Effects of the Coriolis Force on the Typhoon Genesis and its Movement (전향력이 태풍 발생 및 이동에 미치는 영향을 이해할 수 있는 실험 방법 개발)

  • Wie, Jieun;Jang, Swunghwan;Moon, Byungkwon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.544-553
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    • 2012
  • A simple experimental method was developed to help students understand the effect of the Coriolis force on typhoon genesis and movement. It consists of rotating tanks with and without a sloping bottom, and a small stirrer to produce cyclonic typhoon-like vortices by locally stirring the water. Vortices were able to last for more than 3 minutes without dissipation in the rotating tank. However, vortices were hardly maintained without rotation, and would rather disappear as soon as the stirrer stopped mixing. Since the dynamical properties of the rotating water are similar to those of the atmosphere influenced by the Coriolis force, the experiments show that the Coriolis force is indispensable to the typhoon genesis. When the tank had both the sloping bottom and rotation, vortices would move in a particular direction. Considering the topographical beta effect, this result indicates that typhoons are drifted not only by the steering wind but also by the meridional gradient of the Coriolis force. The methodology developed in this study, would be useful for both students and teachers to better the relationship between the Coriolis force and the typhoon genesis.

Characteristics of Hydrography and Tidal Current in Hampyung Bay, the Western Coast of Korea (서해 함평만의 해수 물성구조 및 조류 특성)

  • Lee, Kyeong-Sig;Jun, Sue-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2009
  • Characteristics of hydrography and tidal currents were investigated in Hampyung Bay through in situ CTD data, tidal currents and elevations. According to the seasonal weather variability, hydrography showed the lower density with high temperature and low salinity in summer and the higher density with low temperature and high salinity in winter. In particular, the thermal structure like a tidal front was formed along the central channel at the neap tide of summer. The critical value of the parameter $SH(=log_{10}(H/U^3)$ where H is depth and U is $M_2$ tidal current amplitude) representing the formation position of tidal front was estimated from 2.4 to 3.5. In addition, the potential energy anomaly $({\phi})$ was ranged between 0.985 and 6.998 Joule/$m^3$, which gradually increased from the mouth into the inner bay. This front may be caused by the unique topography with wide tidal flat and the local difference of tidal current strength. The observed tidal currents at the mouth of bay showed that the ebb time was shorter than the flood time with the increase of depth. This asymmetric ebb-tide dominance is interpreted as a result of tidal distortion by the development of a shallow-water-constituent in Hampyung Bay with a wide macro-tidal flat.

Estimating Stand Volume Pinus densiflora Forest Based on Climate Change Scenario in Korea (미래 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 우리나라 소나무 임분의 재적 추정)

  • Kim, Moonil;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Guishan, Cui;Nam, Kijun;Yu, Hangnan;Choi, Sol-E;Kim, Chang-Gil;Gwon, Tae-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.1
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2014
  • The main purpose of this study is to measure spatio-temporal variation of forest tree volume based on the RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway) 8.5 scenario, targeting on Pinus densiflora forests which is the main tree species in South Korea. To estimate nationwide scale, $5^{th}$ forest type map and National Forest Inventory data were used. Also, to reflect the impact of change in place and climate on growth of forest trees, growth model reflecting the climate and topography features were applied. The result of the model validation, which compared the result of the model with the forest statistics of different cities and provinces, showed a high suitability. Considering the continuous climate change, volume of Pinus densiflora forest is predicted to increase from $131m^3/ha$ at present to $212.42m^3/ha$ in the year of 2050. If the climate maintains as the present, volume is predicted to increase to $221.92m^3/ha$. With the climate change, it is predicted that most of the region, except for some of the alpine region, will have a decrease in growth rate of Pinus densiflora forest. The growth rate of Pinus densiflora forest will have a greater decline, especially in the coastal area and the southern area. With the result of this study, it will be possible to quantify the effect of climate change on the growth of Pinus densiflora forest according to spatio-temporal is possible. The result of the study can be useful in establishing the forest management practices, considering the adaptation of climate change.

Estimation of Benzene Emissions from Mobile Sources in Korea (국내 이동오염원에서 발생되는 벤젠 배출량 산정)

  • Lee, Ju-Hyoung;Cha, Jun-Seok;Hong, Ji-Hyung;Jung, Dong-Il;Kim, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.72-82
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    • 2008
  • Benzene is a very harmful and toxic compound known as human carcinogen by all routes of exposure. Owing to the risky feature of benzene, several countries such as Japan, UK and EU have established the ambient air quality standard and protect from that risk of it. Korea also has designated it as one of the criteria air pollutants and established the concentration limit ($5\;{\mu}g/m^3$) in the air and is going to apply the standard from 2010. Benzene is emitted from various sources such as combustion plants, production processes, waste treatment facilities and also automobiles. Mobile source is known as one of the major emission sources of benzene. In this study, we estimated the domestic emissions of benzene from mobile source and compared the results with those of advanced countries. Mobile source was divided into 2 categories, Le., on-road source and non-road source. The total emissions of benzene from mobile source were estimated as 3,106 tons/yr and 1,612 tons/yr was emitted from on-road source and 1,494 tons/yr was from non-road source. Emission ratio of benzene from on-road source showed that 80.0% was from passenger cars, 10.1% was from taxis, 7.2% was from light-duty vehicles, 2.5% was from heavy-duty vehicles and 0.2% was from buses. In the case of non-road source, the distribution showed that 66.3% was from construction machineries, 14.5% was from locomotives, 11.7% was from ships, 7.1% was from agriculture equipments and 0.5% was from aircrafts. The cold-start emissions were estimated as 942 tons/yr and this value was almost 1.5 times greater than that for hot engine emissions (608 tons/yr). In addition, the fuel-based distribution was 65.9%, 31.1% and 2.8% from gasoline, LPG and diesel vehicles, respectively. The emission ratio from mobile source occupied 65% and 30% of total benzene emissions in USA and UK, respectively. In case of Korea, the emission ratio of benzene from mobile source occupied 29% (15% from on-road source, 14% from non-road source) which showed similar value with UK.

Environmental Change of Suspended Sediment Discharge by Human Action (인간활동으로 인한 부유토양유출의 환경변화)

  • 박종관
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 1993
  • The problem of supply and transport of sediment from a mountainous catchment is very important in explaining dynamic geomorphology and the hydrological cycle. The discharge of suspended sediment is determined by a morphological system. Human interference to environment Is also an important, not negligible factor in sediment production. Moreover, growing concern in recent years for the problems of nonpoint pollution and for the transport of contaminants through terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems has highlighted the role of sediment-associated transport in fluvial systems. This study was conducted in forested and quarried catchments in order to clarify the different discharge process and the mechanism of suspended sediment dynamics for each catchment. As a forested catchment, the Yamaguchi River catchment which drains a $3.12km^2$ area was chosen. On the other hand, the Futagami River basin which is formed by three subbasins (1.07, 1.59 and $1.78km^2$), as a quarried catchment was selected. These catchments are situated to the north and east of Mt. Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. The discharge pattern of suspended sediment from the Futagami River basin is more unstable and irregular than that from forested catchment, the Yamaguchi River catchment. Under the similar rainstorm conditions, suspended sediment concentration from quarried catchment during a rainstorm event increases from 43 to 27,340 mg/l. However, in the case of the forested catchment it changes only from nearly zero to 274 mg/l. Generally, the supply source of suspended sediment is classified into two areas, the in-channel and non-channel source areas. As a result of field measurements, in the case of the forested catchment the in-channel (channel bed, channel bank and channel margin) is the main source area of suspended sediment. On the other hand, remarkable sediment source area on the Quarried catchment is the non-channel that is unvegetated ground.

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A Study on the Safety Distance of Benzene and Acrylonitrile Releases in Sccordance with Dike and Hole Size (벤젠 및 아크릴로나이트릴 누출시 방류벽 유무 및 누출공에 따른 피해 영향범위 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kawg, Youngmin;Oak, Jaemin;Yoon, Sukyoung;Jung, Seungho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2018
  • As the industries become more developed, the amounts of hazardous materials have been increased. Because of that, the possibility of accidents in plants is expected to increase. Especially, the dispersions of toxic materials cause serious effect to human life and environment, So it is very important to confirm safety distance of discharge accident. For this paper, we proposed new algorithms for toxic liquid, such as benzene and acrylonitrile. and using this argorithm, we are going to predict safety distance. The scenario of accidental release was assumed to be the release of entire quantity in 10 minutes is defined as worst-case scenario and Instantaneous release. Also the release from a partial rupture of line is used as an alternative case scenarios as NICS(National Institute of Chemical Safety) guidelines. Using ALOHA program and the algorithm for liquid toxic materials and suggested the graph, as well as correlated equations which can utilize emergency responders.

Development of Generating Technique for Triangular Mesh by using Distinct Element Method (개별요소법을 이용한 삼각망 생성기법 개발)

  • Kim, Nam-Hyeong;Yun, Hyeon-Cheol;Hur, Young-Teck
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.367-373
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    • 2010
  • When the numerical analysis is carried out, it is necessary to set proper elements as a feature of analysis domains for more accurate simulations. In this study, Distinct Element Method(DEM) is applied, only considering repulsive force and tensile force except for frictional force and resisting force of particle. When the filled particles with initial Quad-tree type is relocated by DEM, a blank space existing among the particles can be minimized because the shape of particle is circular. Finally, it is the effective feature that the centroidal disposion of the particles is similar to an equilateral triangle. Triangular mesh are formed by using the Delaunay triangular technique on these relocated particles, the quality of triangular mesh is more improved by carrying out Laplace interpolations. The compared result of Aspect Ratio before and after the Laplace interpolation is shown that although the quality of triangular mesh made by DEM is good, the later triangular mesh are higher quality than the formers. In this study, although the developed technique takes a longer calculational time than the previous technique to generate triangular mesh, it is considered that the applicable possibility is very high in the generation of finite element mesh about wave analysis and various numerical simulation to need a complex or reappearance of exact topography.

Analysis of the Sea Condition on the Patrol Ship Cheonan Sinking Waters (천안호 침몰해역의 해상조건 분석)

  • Kim, Kang-Min;Lee, Joong-Woo;Kim, Kyu-Kwang;Kwon, So-Hyung;Lee, Hyung-Ha
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2010
  • Cheonan, Republic of Korea Navy patrol ship sank had happened by an unknown incident in the vicinity of Baekryeongdo southwest 1.6km(1 mile) sea at 21:45 on March 26, 2010. In terms of coastal researcher's point of view, it is meaningful to provide the sea condition of basic data necessary for search and rescue, more detailed predictions and inference data through the numerical simulations. Thus, in this study, we investigated the weather, wave, tide, tidal current, bottom soil conditions, and suspended sediment are investigated at the coast of Baekryeong-Daechung islands. And based on these data, the characteristics of sea conditions were analyzed. The tidal period at the time of incident corresponds between neap tide to mean tide. Until April 3-4 after March 26, the date of incident, the strongest velocity was progressed towards the spring tide. Thus, it was considered to be difficult to search and rescue operations. Also, because the ebb tide was in progress during 21:00 to 22:00, mass transport seems to be prevailed to the southeast. In particular, as the sudden turbulence due to the irregular topography existed was anticipated, we had carried out particle tracking experiment. From this experiment, depending on the situation of flow, the initial movement of the particles were directed to the southeast but it turned out moving towards the offshore based on the long term prediction. Through this result, it is considered that the scope of the search operation should be expanded towards the open sea.

A generation method of ASF mapping by the predicted ASF with the measured one in the Yeongil Bay (ASF 예측모델과 실측치를 이용한 영일만 해상 ASF 맵 생성기법)

  • Hwang, Sang-Wook;Shin, Mi Young;Choi, Yun Sub;Yu, Donghui;Park, Chansik;Yang, Sung-Hoon;Lee, Chang-Bok;Lee, Sang Jeong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.375-381
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    • 2013
  • In order to establish eLoran system it needs the betterment of a receiver and a transmitter, the add of data channel to loran pulse for loran system information and the differential Loran for compensating Loran-c signal. Precise ASF database map is essential if the Loran delivers the high absolute accuracy of navigation demanded at maritime harbor entrance. In this study we developed the ASF mapping method using predicted ASFs compensated by the measured ASFs for maritime in the harbor. Actual ASF is measured by the legacy Loran signal transmitted from Pohang station in the GRI 9930 chain. We measured absolute propagation delay between the Pohang transmitting station and the measurement points by comparing with the cesium clock for the calculation of the ASFs. Monteath model was used for the irregular terrain along the propagation path in the Yeongil Bay. We measured the actual ASFs at the 12 measurement points over the Yeongil Bay. In our ASF-mapping method we estimated that the each offsets between the predicted and the measured ASFs at the 12 spaced points in the Yeongil. We obtained the ASF map by adjusting the predicted ASF results to fit the measured ASFs over Yeungil bay.