• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Infection Control in Parenteral Nutrition Preparation and Compounding (정맥영양의 조제와 감염관리)

  • Choe, Ji Hyeong;Baek, Jin Hee;Jo, Yun Hee;Cho, Yoon Sook
    • Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2018
  • Recently, in Korea, the importance of preparation and use of injectable drugs has been emphasized due to successive fatal accidents caused by injection infections. Parenteral nutrition (PN) has also been identified as a cause of infection. Cases of infection due to PN have been reported not only in Korea, but also abroad, and contamination occurs mainly during the preparation of PN. Because sterile preparation and compounding of injections are very important for infection control and patient safety, this article reviews the major guidelines outlined thus far. The Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in 2006 published guidelines and the KSHP (Korean Society of Health-System Pharmacists) recently issued guidelines for the aseptic preparation of injections. In addition, as US guidelines, the ASHP (American Society of Health-System Pharmacists) guidelines and United States Pharmacopeia (USP) <797> are also reviewed. The recent guidelines published by the KSHP have significance in that they were adopted in accordance with the domestic reality, even though they conform to foreign guidelines, and are expected to be guidelines for hospital pharmacists performing aseptic preparation work. In addition, the Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare is considering appropriate guidelines for the safe management of medications, training staff for infection prevention and strengthening staff capacity. Furthermore, the gradual expansion of aseptic compounding facilities and human resources, as well as the provision of adequate medical costs are also considered. Based on the establishment and standardization of injectable drugs compounding guidelines for Korean hospitals, it is believed that if human resources and facilities are supported and medical charges are improved, it will be possible to expect the safer preparation and use of injections.

Labour Policy of Moon Jae-in Administration : Evaluation and Prospect (문재인정부 노동정책 1년 : 평가와 전망)

  • Roh, Joongkee
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2018
  • Now labour policy of Moon Jae-in Administration is very different from the labour reform politics of the past ages in its structural conditions. Especially the difference is in the fact that the new labour policy is originated from the Candlelight Revolution in 2016 which has resisted to the 20years-long neoliberal domination. This kind of change in the political situation made a optimistic prediction with regard to the possibility of successful labour reform. However the future is in many points so uncertain that we could not confirm the success of labour reform at all. The uncertainty always resides in the structural unbalance between labour movement power and capitalist state power bloc in Korea. In this sense strategical orientation and practices of the democratic labour movement(KCTU) are very critical to produce some positive outcomes.

Analysis of the Seoul public bikes usage for new rental locations (서울 공공자전거 신규 대여소를 위한 수요량 예측 분석)

  • Kim, Yesool;Park, Sion;Park, Gunwoong
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.739-751
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    • 2020
  • Seoul public bike program facilitates access to bicycles and offers potential for greater mobility and health for users. Furthermore, it would have positive impacts on transport congestion, energy use, and the environment. Hence, it is important to find future rental locations by taking to account both bike-demand and regional imbalance. This paper first finds eligible candidates of rental locations with the required spatial conditions such as a sufficient sidewalk width and accessibility of bike pick-up vehicles. And then, estimates public bike daily usage for each selected location via random forest based on Seoul public bike historical usage, Seoul geographical features, regional characteristics, and populations. This study contributes to a better comprehension of the Seoul public bike program, and would be useful in determining new public bike rental locations.

A Study on the Strategy for Developing Specialized Collections of Gyeongbuk Library (경북도서관 특화장서 개발 전략 연구)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yoon;Oh, Seon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.143-168
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    • 2021
  • In most countries, public libraries play a role as a knowledge and information hub for local communities, a complex cultural space, and a third place for meetings and communication. Among the work of public libraries for this purpose, the key point is systematic collection development, and the established collection is essential for all knowledge and information services. In particular, local representative libraries must perform legal duties as a comprehensive knowledge information center for metropolitan governments, and develop, preserve, and service specialized collections that are difficult for other public libraries. Therefore, we analyzed the development cases of specialized collections of public libraries in large cities in foreign countries and local representative libraries in Korea, surveyed the degree of awareness of specialized collections for employees of public libraries and the cultural to geography in Gyeongbuk region. Based on the background information, this study proposed the development plan and establishment strategy of the Gyeongbuk Library specialized collection, which was named "Gyeongbuk Knowledge and Cultural Heritage."

Evaluation and Improvement of the KMAPP Surface Wind Speed Prediction over Complex Terrain Areas (복잡 지형 지역에서의 KMAPP 지상 풍속 예측 성능 평가와 개선)

  • Keum, Wang-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Doo-Il;Lee, Sang-Sam;Kim, Yeon-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2021
  • The necessity of accurate high-resolution meteorological forecasts becomes increasing in socio-economical applications and disaster risk management. The Korea Meteorological Administration Post-Processing (KMAPP) system has been operated to provide high-resolution meteorological forecasts of 100 m over the South Korea region. This study evaluates and improves the KMAPP performance in simulating wind speeds over complex terrain areas using the ICE-POP 2018 field campaign measurements. The mountainous measurements give a unique opportunity to evaluate the operational wind speed forecasts over the complex terrain area. The one-month wintertime forecasts revealed that the operational Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System (LDAPS) has systematic errors over the complex mountainous area, especially in deep valley areas, due to the orographic smoothing effect. The KMAPP reproduced the orographic height variation over the complex terrain area but failed to reduce the wind speed forecast errors of the LDAPS model. It even showed unreasonable values (~0.1 m s-1) for deep valley sites due to topographic overcorrection. The model's static parameters have been revised and applied to the KMAPP-Wind system, developed newly in this study, to represent the local topographic characteristics better over the region. Besides, sensitivity tests were conducted to investigate the effects of the model's physical correction methods. The KMAPP-Wind system showed better performance in predicting near-surface wind speed during the ICE-POP period than the original KMAPP version, reducing the forecast error by 21.2%. It suggests that a realistic representation of the topographic parameters is a prerequisite for the physical downscaling of near-ground wind speed over complex terrain areas.

A Study on the Effective Military Use of Drones (드론의 효과적인 군사분야 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young Uk
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2020
  • The unmanned aerial vehicle that emerged with the 4th Industrial Revolution attracts attention not only from Korea but also from around the world, and its utilization and market size are gradually expanding. For the first time, it was used for military purposes, but it is currently used for transportation, investigation, surveillance, and agriculture. China, along with the US and Europe, is emerging as a leader in the commercial unmanned aerial vehicle market, and Korea, which has the world's seventh-largest technology in related fields, is striving to promote various technology development policies and system improvement related to unmanned aerial vehicles. Military drones will revolutionize the means of war by using a means of war called an unmanned system based on theories such as network-oriented warfare and effect-oriented warfare. Mobile equipment, including drones, is greatly affected by environmental factors such as terrain and weather, as well as technological developments and interests in the field. Now, drones are being used actively in many fields, and especially in the military field, the use of advanced drones is expected to create a new defense environment and provide a new paradigm for war.

A Study on Design Method of Smart Device for Industrial Disaster Detection and Index Derivation for Performance Evaluation (산업재해 감지 스마트 디바이스 설계 방안 및 성능평가를 위한 지표 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Ran Hee Lee;Ki Tae Bae;Joon Hoi Choi
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.120-128
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    • 2023
  • There are various ICT technologies continuously being developed to reduce damage by industrial accidents. And research is being conducted to minimize damage in case of industrial accidents by utilizing sensors, IoT, big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we propose a design method for a smart device capable of multilateral communication between devices and smart repeater in the communication shaded Areas such as closed areas of industrial sites, mountains, oceans, and coal mines. The proposed device collects worker's information such as worker location and movement speed, and environmental information such as terrain, wind direction, temperature, and humidity, and secures a safe distance between workers to warn in case of a dangerous situation and is designed to be attached to a helmet. For this, we proposed functional requirements for smart devices and design methods for implementing each requirement using sensors and modules in smart device. And we derived evaluation items for performance evaluation of the smart device and proposed an evaluation environment for performance evaluation in mountainous area.

Real-time Data Enhancement of 3D Underwater Terrain Map Using Nonlinear Interpolation on Image Sonar (비선형 보간법을 이용한 수중 이미지 소나의 3 차원 해저지형 실시간 생성기법)

  • Ingyu Lee;Jason Kim;Sehwan Rho;Kee–Cheol Shin;Jaejun Lee;Son-Cheol Yu
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2023
  • Reconstructing underwater geometry in real time with forward-looking sonar is critical for applications such as localization, mapping, and path planning. Geometrical data must be repeatedly calculated and overwritten in real time because the reliability of the acoustic data is affected by various factors. Moreover, scattering of signal data during the coordinate conversion process may lead to geometrical errors, which lowers the accuracy of the information obtained by the sensor system. In this study, we propose a three-step data processing method with low computational cost for real-time operation. First, the number of data points to be interpolated is determined with respect to the distance between each point and the size of the data grid in a Cartesian coordinate system. Then, the data are processed with a nonlinear interpolation so that they exhibit linear properties in the coordinate system. Finally, the data are transformed based on variations in the position and orientation of the sonar over time. The results of an evaluation of our proposed approach in a simulation show that the nonlinear interpolation operation constructed a continuous underwater geometry dataset with low geometrical error.

A system on using GIS data to support architectural design (건축설계 지원을 위한 GIS 데이터 활용 시스템)

  • Kim, Eon Yong
    • Design Convergence Study
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.169-184
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    • 2016
  • Using geospatial information in the early design phase is crucial because it requires considerable time, money, and effort. We use VWorld, part of the National Spatial Information Distribution system provided by the Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation, for providing geospatial information to building designers. We provide methods to adopt VWorld geospatial information to building design and develop plugins for a BIM authoring tool to transform and construct necessary BIM data in a user-friendly format. BIM users are benefitted from extra design information supplied from sibling disciplines such as urban design. GIS users are benefited by feedback building information continuously supplied from building projects based upon standard GIS coordinates. It is clear that an architectural designer with BIM tool can save time and efforts to obtain the geospatial information related a project using the developed system as result of this research.

The Strategic Use of the Euroscepticism for the Party Politics: focusing on the Case Study of Italy (정당정치를 위한 유럽회의주의의 전략적 유용 -이탈리아 정당 사례연구 중심으로)

  • 오현주
    • Lettere Italiane
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    • no.57
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2019
  • 이탈리아의 전진이탈리아, 북부동맹, 오성운동당의 유럽회의주의는 이탈리아의 국내정치의 내부적 대립과 경쟁의 결과로 이해할 수 있다. 이들 세 정당들이 취한 유럽회의주의적 입장은 이탈리아 정치지형변화의 특수성에 기인하여 제한적으로 표출되었다. 이탈리아의 정부형성은 대단히 포괄적인 거대 연맹(coalision)의 형태로 이루어져 왔고, 각기 다른시대에 정부의 책임을 공유하였다. 이는 정당들의 유럽회의적인 실질적인 표현에 제한성으로 작용하였음은 분명해 보인다. 또한 전후 이탈리아의 정치 체계속에서 등장한 정당들은 극심한 분열과 대립의 구도속에서 반대정치세력에 대한 견제에 집중한 정치전략을 필요로 했다. 이들 정당은 당의 창설 초기부터 유럽회의적 사안을 주요한 정치적 이슈로 부각하지 않았다. 오히려, 초기집권동안 전진이탈리아의 정치기조는 친유럽적인 성향을 띤 것이었다. 정당은 긴축재정과 이민급증의 경제, 사회문제에 직면하여 유럽회의적으로 전환한 공공담론을 인식하면서, 선거지지를 확보하기 위한 포괄적 정치전략으로 반유럽통합 담론을 부각시켰다. 같은 맥락으로 북부동맹의 초반 정치기조는 연방주의 형성을 위한 유럽통합에 동조하는 입장이었지만, 정당의 주변화와 정치지지 하락에 직면하여 정당 회생을 위한 대안으로 유럽회의적 정치 입장으로의 전향을 시도하였다. 오성운동당 역시, 반유럽적 사안은 국내의 정치적 대립속에서 정당의 합리성을 강화하기 위한 전략으로 채택된 것이었다. 한편, 자국의 경제이익과 정체성 보존 및 사회질서를 위해 타인종을 배격하고 반유럽을 주장하는 우파 포퓰리즘 정당과 극우정당이 대중의 공감을 획득하고 이탈리아 의회내의 입지가 강화되는 현상은 이탈리아의 정당체계에서 유럽회의주의의 점증 변수로 작용될 여지로 이해된다. 이에 따라 이탈리아 유럽회의주의 전당의 정치전략적 변화는 향후 유럽통합의 방향성에 따라 매우 유동적으로 전개될 가능성이 엿보이며, 이에 대한 다양한 연구적 질문과 분석이 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료된다.