• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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A Study of Planning for Sujeong-dong Garden Heritage Maintenance (고산 윤선도 수정동 정원유적 정비에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Moo-Han;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2015
  • Sujeong-Dong garden heritage is a unique, valuable villa garden constructed by Gosan Yoon Sun-Do during middle Joseon period. However, the site has been faced on damage risk because of the development of near quarry. The purpose of the study is to suggest careful maintenance plan for the valuable Korean traditional garden heritage. For the plan, the study conducts the interview of residents and experts, literature review, the investigation of historical materials, site survey, and the analysis of aerial photography. The results are following: Firstly, the paper divides the site into three types of an excavation area: core, recommend and investigation. Secondly, of remained Gosan's one and remains of unknown contents, it has the plan of vegetation maintenance, safety facilities, pathway maintenance, and service area. Thirdly, it also suggests pathway plan for authentic garden promenade according to the literature of Sanjungsingok(山中新曲), site survey, and interviews with residents and experts. The study has a special meaning for an insightful approach based on the accurate site survey, research, and the consideration of practical use.

Groundwater Use and Its Perspective in Haean Basin, Yanggu County of Gangwon Province (강원도 양구군 해안분지의 지하수 사용과 전망)

  • Lee, Jin-Yong;Han, Jiwon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2013
  • The Haean basin is a unique geographical feature formed by differential erosion and it borders the military demarcation line. Recently the basin has become an interest of civilians due to security tour, highland vegetables and wetland. After the civil war, the population decreased but it has increased since 2007. The annual mean air temperature in the basin has increased with a rate of $+0.016^{\circ}C/yr$ and the annual precipitation also has increased with a rate of +10.41 mm/yr. The precipitation occurring in June~August (wet season) occupied most of the total precipitation increase. In addition, recently the number of groundwater wells and its use have gradually increased and most of them are for agriculture including cultivation of rice and highland vegetables. If the air temperature further increases in the future according to the climate change scenarios, the highland vegetables cultivation will be difficult. Furthermore, if the rainstorm in the summer will be enforced, the groundwater recharge and water management will be aggravated. Therefore, an evaluation for sustainable groundwater development in the basin and a reform of the current agriculture (change of cultivating crops) depending on much water are essentially required.

Structure of Upwelling off the Southease Coast of Korea (夏秀 韓國 南東海岸의 湧昇의 構造)

  • Lee, Jae-Chul;Na, Jung-Yul
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.6-19
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    • 1985
  • Hydrographic data and daily time series of longshore wind, sea level and sea surface temperature were used in order to explain why the upwelling effect in SST is especially prominent near Ulgi-Gampo although the sea level records along the whole southeast coast show a nearly uniform upwelling-downwelling response to wind. Regional difference in intensity of the wind-induced upwelling represented by the SST decrease is attributed to the combined influence of two factors; one is the baroclinic tilting of isotherms due to the East Korea Warm Current (EKWC) near the Ulgi-Gampo coast, the other is the topographic effects around the southeast coast. Baroclinic tilting effect of EKWC which is generally strongest near the coast of Ulgi to Gampo results in both of the shoaling of cold water and the westward trapping of the coldest bottom water over the shallower shelf rather than the deepest troough region off that coast regardless of the season. Therefore, becacse of the cold water ready for upwelling at the subsurface layer, SST responds very rapidly to the upwelling-favorable winds of summer only off the Ulgi-Gampo coast. Spreading isobaths from Pusan to Gempo can reinforce the upwelling of the cold bottom water and its westward trapping.

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A Two-layer Model for the Effect of Cold Water Formation on the East Korean Warm Current (냉수형성이 동한난류에 미치는 영향에 대한 2층 모델)

  • SEUNG Young-Ho;NAM Soo-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 1992
  • It is believed that the lower cold water is formed by winter cooling in the north of the East(Japan) Sea. To examine its effect on the general circulation of the East Sea, we performed a two-layer numerical model with realistic bottom topography. First a circulation is generated by imposing only an inflow and an outflow which is then modified by adding the cooling effect in the north. The interface between the two layers rises due to cooling and propagates along the coast as internal Kelvin waves. About 7 months after the cooling starts, all coastal areas of the basin have higher elevation than that in offshore region. This induces baroclinic currents resulting in clockwise(anticlockwise) circulation in upper (lower) layer of the basin. It is concluded that the East Korean Warm Current strengthens as a result of lower cold water formation.

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An Analysis on the GIS-related Test Items of High School Korean Geography: Focusing on the Nationwide Tests for the 12th Graders in the 7th National Education Curriculum (고등학교 한국지리 GIS 관련 평가 문항 분석: 7차 교육과정 고등학교 3학년 전국 규모 평가를 대상으로)

  • Cho, Daeheon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.472-487
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to analyze the characteristics of GIS-related test items of high school Korean Geography in the 7th National Education Curriculum, and to discuss some issues and challenges. First, we developed a framework for analyzing test items based on the literature review and the content analysis on the textbooks, which categorizes test items in terms of content elements and activity elements. Then, we examined test items of nation-wide tests including CSAT(College Scholastic Ability Test) carried out 2004-2012 and analyzed the percentage of correct answers as well. According to the results, there was a significant predominance of particular test item categories, and the percentage of correct answers of GIS-related items was slightly higher than whole average but it depended on the test item categories. Finally, we discussed the implications of this analysis to the tests as well as the teaching-learning process in the classroom, and suggested improvement directions such as integration of GIS with other contents, reinforcement of the inquiry-based test items, maintaining moderate difficulty.

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Experimental Simulation of Local External Forcing of the Contained Rotating Flow (회전반 유체실험에서 국지적 외력의 실험적 모의)

  • Yi, Chang-Won;Na, Jung-Yul
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2000
  • Simulation of local external forcing and its response in the rotation table experiment has been investigated. Spatially-uniform external forcings have been applied in many experimental studies, however, based on the fact that the north-south distribution of the wind-stress curl and the existence of local maximum of the sea surface heat loss in the northern part of the East Sea, new method of combined effects of local forcings has been employed in separate experiments. Carefully designed local source or sink at the bottom of the cylindrical container can produce horizontal pressure gradient within the Ekman layer, and consequently the interior also attains the same pressure gradient that produces geostrophic interior circulation. In order to keep free surface during the local-surface cooling, a side-wall cooling method is suggested. For the various type of local forcing including the effects local cooling and the periodic change of local wind-stress curl, western-boundary flow in terms of its strength, position of separation from the boundary have been observed.

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The Distribution and Feeding Characteristics of Some Dominant Polychaetes in the Continental Shelf of the East Sea, Korea (동해 대륙붕에 분포하는 주요 다모류의 서식지 환경)

  • Choi, J.W.;Koh, C.H.
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.236-244
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    • 1986
  • This study was carried out for appreciable information on the proper habitats and feeding modes of some dominant polychaetes in the continental shelf of the East Sea during April, 1985. Among 95 polychaete species, we select ed 9 dominant species in terms of their occurring frequency, abundance and population density. These are Terebellides stroemi, Chaetozone setosa, Magelona japonica, Ampharete arctica, Aglaophamus sinensis, Nothria holobranchiata, Lumbrineris japonica, Myriochele gracilis, Notoproctus pacificus. Major food item s of these species are centric diatoms and detritus. The feeding modes of the the m are mainly surtace or subsurface deposit feeding, though two specters, M.holobranchiata and L. japonica, could be assumed to be potential carnivores. To a certain degree, most deposit feeders in the coarse sediments showed selectivity in feeding and tube building. The feeding mode, gut content and the tube structure, and the distribution pattern of dominant polychaetes correspond well with the habitat tharacters, e.g.the bottom topography, the source of food and the sediment composition.

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Laboratory Experiments on Rotating Two-layered Fluid in Circular Annulus (Circular Annulus 대 회전 이층유체 실험)

  • Hwang, Byong-Jun;Na, Jung-Yul
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the baroclinic response of the upper-layer of two-layered fluid when the lower-layer motion is driven by pumping an external fluid into the lower-layer or by pumping out the lower-layer fluid. Recent observations of the barotropic nature of deep water movements in the East Sea (fakematsu et al., 1994; KORDI, 1997) may suggest a possibility of interaction between the upper and lower layer via interface tilting. For homogeneous fluid, steady and axisymmetric source or sink causes axisymmetric geostrophic flow, and the lower-layer motion in two-layered fluid was similar to homogeneous flow. But as Rossby number (${\varepsilon}$) or internal Froude number ($f_2$) increases, the lower-layer motion was affected by the interface tilting. The interface tilting calculated based on the observed azimuthal velocities of upper- and lower-layers becomes greater as $f_2$ increases. In other words, the increase of the $f_2$ changes the barotropic system to baroclinic system.

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Orbit Design of a Korean Regional Communication & Navigation Satellite System (한국형 지역 위성 통신항법시스템의 위성 궤도설계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Park, Byung-Woon;Kim, Do-Yoon;Kee, Chang-Don;Paik, Bok-Soo;Lee, Ki-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2005
  • In 1990, GPS which had been developed for the military purposes became available to the civilian community. Since then these satellite navigation systems have been used extensively in the industrial areas such as car navigation, airplanes, communications, science and surveying. If we are dependent on GPS, however, there are some foreseeable problems in the areas of national security and sovereignty. Current GPS satellite constellation provides limited performance for the country like Korea and Japan where mountain area and urban canyon do not allow the wide skyline. To solve these problems, many countries plan to make other alternative navigation systems.In this paper, RNSS(Regional Navigation Satellite System) is designed to provide communication service with high elevation angle. It is shown, that system does not only have good navigation performance, but also improve GPS performance in Korea and its neighboring areas.

Preparation of Stand Volume Table by the Multivariate Statistical Analysis Method (다변량해석법(多變量解析法)을 이용(利用)한 임분재적표조제(林分材積表調製))

  • Kim, Dong-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.49-54
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    • 1973
  • Surveys of stock volume on steep and vast expanse of mountains, involves various difficulties. And it is extremely uneconomical in forest management point of view, to spend lots of time and man power for surveying such tree volume as the value is much cheaper in comparison with volume and weight. Therefore, a stand volume table estimate easely stock volume per hectare basis from aerial photographs was prepared and correlations to stand volume among factors affecting tree volumation, were studied. Data were 114 places selected from planted Korean white pine, Pinus koreiensis Sieb. et Zucc. stands in Kwangnung Experiment Forest and were computed and analysed by the means of the quantification in the multi-variate statistical analysis. Electronic Data Processing System was applied for data processing at Korean Instiute of Science and Technology. Coefficients of multiple correlations of stand volume table was ranged 0.85~0.88.

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