• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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A Case Study for Simulation of a Debris Flow with DEBRIS-2D at Inje, Korea (DEBRIS-2D를 이용한 인제지역 토석류 산사태 거동모사 사례 연구)

  • Chae, Byung-Gon;Liu, Ko-Fei;Kim, Man-Il
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2010
  • In order to assess applicability of debris flow simulation on natural terrain in Korea, this study introduced the DEBRIS-2D program which had been developed by Liu and Huang (2006). For simulation of large debris flows composed of fine and coarse materials, DEBRIS-2D was developed using the constitutive relation proposed by Julien and Lan (1991). Based on the theory of DEBRIS-2D, this study selected a valley where a large debris flow was occurred on July 16th, 2006 at Deoksanri, Inje county, Korea. The simulation results show that all mass were already flowed into the stream at 10 minutes after starting. In 10minutes, the debris flow reached the first geological turn and an open area, resulting in slow velocity and changing its flow direction. After that, debris flow started accelerating again and it reached the village after 40 minutes. The maximum velocity is rather low between 1 m/sec and 2 m/sec. This is the reason why debris flow took 50 minutes to reach the village. The depth change of debris flow shows enormous effect of the valley shape. The simulated result is very similar to what happened in the field. It means that DEBRIS-2D program can be applied to the geologic and topographic conditions in Korea without large modification of analysis algorithm. However, it is necessary to determine optimal reference values of Korean geologic and topographic properties for more reliable simulation of debris flows.

A Study on the Distribution Characteristics of the Small Village Wetlands in Mountainous Rural Area - Case on Geumsan-gun, Chungnam - (산지 읍면지역 소규모 마을습지 분포 특성 연구 - 충남 금산군을 사례로 -)

  • Park, Mi-Ok;Seo, Joo-Young;Yang, Seung-Bin;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to identify the distribution characteristics of small village wetlands in Geumsan County, an inland mountain zone, and comparing with Seocheon County, a coastal plain area with different ecological environment characteristics. Using Arc-GIS (v10.1) the village wetland code was extracted to derive the possible location of the village wetland, and the final distribution of the village was obtained by performing indoor judging work based on satellite images, aerial photographs, topographical maps, Korea Land Information System (KLIS), land use level, land cover degree (division), and land use status by local surveying and indoor analyzing. Although Geumsan County (576.66km2) is more than 60% larger than Seocheon County (358.04km2), 607 villages in Geumsan County and 570 villages in Seocheon County are capable of making similar levels of 106.5% of wetlands, but only a fraction of those in Seocheon County were found to be 67.6%. The density of the village wetlands was much lower than that of Seocheon County, a coastal plain area, because there were many mountainous areas in Geumsan County, and most of the wetlands temporarily created for water supply were removed during the analysis phase of the Jeongsa Image, so the actual wetlands of the village were judged to be only two-thirds different from those of Seocheon County.

Effects of Capillary Water Interruption Layer on the Growth of Zoysiagrasses and Cool-season Turfgrasses in Reclaimed Land (염해지에서 모세관수 차단층 설치 유무에 따른 한국잔디 및 한지형 잔디류의 생육)

  • Kim, Jun-Beom;Yang, Geun-Mo;Choi, Joon-Soo
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to examine the growth performance of 4 species of cool-season grasses and 4 species of zoysiagrasses under salt injury in Seo-san reclaimed area. Grasses were grown on the plots with capillary water interruption layer (WCWIL) and without capillary water interruption layer (WOCWIL) soil systems. Cool-season grass and seeding-type zoysiagrass plots were seeded on 6 Jun, 2006. Vegetative zoysiagrass 'Junggi' was established by sprigging and 'Senock' and 'Millock' were plugged. Electric conductivities of irrigation water (ECw) ranged from 0.28 to $3.3\;dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$. Electric conductivities (ECe) of the soil with capillary water interruption layer and without capillary water interruption layer ranged from 0.55 to $9.4\;dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ and from 1.84 to $9.4\;dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ respectively. Leaf color, turf quality, coverage rates, and growth rates were rated visually for 2 years. Zoysiagrass 'Junggi', creeping bentgrass, zoysiagrass 'Senock' and 'Millock' showed acceptable growth at salty fairway condition, while Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass mixed with perennial ryegrass, and seeded zoysiagrass 'Zenith' showed establishment rates below 70%. These results will be useful when choosing turf grass species and cultivars for the golf courses in reclaimed land area.

Prediction of Landslide Using Artificial Neural Network Model (인공신경망모델을 이용한 산사태 예측)

  • 홍원표;김원영;송영석;임석규
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2004
  • The landslide is one of the most significant natural disasters, which cause a lot of loss of human lives and properties. The landslides in natural slopes generally occur by complicated problems such as soil properties, topography, and geology. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is efficient computing technique that is widely used to solve complicated problems in many research fields. In this paper, the ANN model with application of error back propagation method was proposed for estimation of landslide hazard in natural slope. This model can evaluate the possibility of landslide hazard with two different approaches: one considering only soil properties; the other considering soil properties, topography, and geology. In order to evaluate reasonably the landslide hazard, the SlideEval (Ver, 1.0) program was developed using the ANN model. The evaluation of slope stability using the ANN model shows a high accuracy. Especially, the prediction of landslides using the ANN model gives more stable and accurate results in the case of considering such factors as soil, topographic and geological properties together. As a result of comparison with the statistical analysis(Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources, 2003), the analysis using the ANN model is approximately equal to the statistical analysis. Therefore, the SlideEval (Ver. 1.0) program using ANN model can predict landslides hazard and estimate the slope stability.

Uncertainty Analysis of BAG by GNSS Correction (해저지형 표면자료의 GNSS 보정방법에 따른 불확실도 연구)

  • OH, Che-Young;KIM, HO-Yong;LEE, Yun-Sik;CHOI, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • In the recent marine sector, the development and standardization regarding S-100, which is the universal hydrographical data model standard for development of marine space information, was progressed, and for the effectiveness of marine chart production work and the multi-purpose use of water level data in S-100, S-102(Bathymetric Surface grid) standard development and various studies of BAG formats combined with water level and uncertainty, property information is being progressed. Since the water level information that is important in the operation of the ship is provided based on S-102, the calibration method of the location information when producing S-102 is an important factor in deciding the water level. In this study, the hydrographical surveying was conducted by piloting the standardized method for the production of S-102 in Korea, and have compared the accuracy of water level information according to the GNSS post treatment calibration method. As a result of comparing the water level in 2 places in the rocky terrain of the study area, the northern water level of Namu-do was shown as DL 0.79~0.83m, the eastern water level of Daeho-do was DL 12.63~12.91m, and the horizontal position errors of the intermittent sunshine water level were confirmed to be within 1m. As a result, the intermittent sunshine water level according to the location calibration method when producing the BAG was confirmed that it was in the available range for a ship's safe voyage. However, the accuracy verification for the location of the ship when conducting hydrographical surveying was judged that there is a need for a various additional study about regional characteristics and environment factor.

Analysis of Tidal Channel Variations Using High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Satellite Image in Sihwa Reclaimed Land, South Korea (고해상도 다분광 인공위성영상자료 기반 시화 간척지 갯골 변화 양상 분석)

  • Jeong, Yongsik;Lee, Kwang-Jae;Chae, Tae-Byeong;Yu, Jaehyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1605-1613
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    • 2020
  • The tidal channel is a coastal sedimentary terrain that plays the most important role in the formation and development of tidal flats, and is considered a very important index for understanding and distribution of tidal flat sedimentation/erosion terrain. The purpose of this study is to understand the changes in tidal channels by a period after the opening of the floodgate of the seawall in the reclaimed land of Sihwa Lake using KOMPSAT high-resolution multispectral satellite image data and to evaluate the applicability and efficiency of high-resolution satellite images. KOMPSAT 2 and 3 images were used for extraction of the tidal channels' lineaments in 2009, 2014, and 2019 and were applied to supervised classification method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Artificial Neural Net (ANN), Matched Filtering (MF), and Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and band ratio techniques using Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and MF/SAM. For verification, a numerical map of the National Geographic Information Service and Landsat 7 ETM+ image data were utilized. As a result, KOMPSAT data showed great agreement with the verification data compared to the Landsat 7 images for detecting a direction and distribution pattern of the tidal channels. However, it has been confirmed that there will be limitations in identifying the distribution of tidal channels' density and providing meaningful information related to the development of the sedimentary process. This research is expected to present the possibility of utilizing KOMPSAT image-based high-resolution remote exploration as a way of responding to domestic intertidal environmental issues, and to be used as basic research for providing multi-platform-image-based convergent thematic maps and topics.

A Study on Creation of Terraced Flower Beds and Aspect of Change in the Seunghwaru Area, Changdeokgung Palace (창덕궁 승화루(承華樓) 일곽의 화계(花階) 조성과 변화 양상)

  • Oh, Jun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to provide useful basic data for restoration and maintenance of the Changdeokgung Palace(昌德宮)'s inner palace area in the future by exploring the background of terraced flower beds installed in the front space of Seunghwaru(承華樓) and grasping the reality before and after terraced flower beds were installed. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, in the early 1900s, the front space of Seunghwaru formed a relatively higher terrain than the Nakseonjae(樂善齋) area. In addition, along the topography of high north and low south, a yard surrounded by Haenggak(行閣) and a rectangular open space connected to the West Haenggak of Nakseonjae were created. In particular, the rectangular open space was a staircase-type slope in which rectangular stone columns were arranged at regular intervals. Second, the terraced flower beds of Seunghwaru originated from the renovation of the new building of Nakseonjae West Hanggak, which was implemented in the late 1920s. This is because in order to secure enough available land for construction and auxiliary space during the renovation of the new building, the terraced flower beds for topographic treatment was created along the cutting area after cutting off the original topography of the front space of Seunghwaru. Third, after the construction of the terraced flower beds, many deformation occurred in the topographic features of the front space of Seunghwaru. The front yard of Seunghwaru was relatively higher than the Nakseonjae area, but most of them were cut off and disappeared as the terraced flower beds were created. The staircase-type also disappeared after the construction of the new building and terraced flower beds. The stylobate and front fence of Seunghwaru were newly built along the alignment of terraced flower beds and the unique style of narrow gate and auxiliary stairs were also relocated to the new fence.

Estimation of Soil Depth Using Improved Topographic Attributes in Mountainous Area (개선된 지형학적 속성을 이용한 산악지역의 토심 예측)

  • Shin, Hosung;Bang, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2024
  • Soil depth results from bedrock weathering, erosion, transport, and deposition are critical in landslide stability analysis and sediment-related disasters. This study proposes a soil depth prediction model for mountainous regions using multiple linear regression analysis based on topographic attributes. The specific catchment area (SCA), a key indicator in multiple regression models, was initially developed as a hydrological parameter for runoff estimation. However, for soil depth prediction, the initial triggering volume must be adjusted to account for slope failures based on the topographic slope. The SCA is calculated using the infinite flow direction model for flow tracing and the priority-flood algorithm for depression flattening. In addition, a modified contributing area equation is derived by incorporating slope-dependent initial triggering volume adjustments, thereby enabling the calculation of an improved SCA that is applicable to large mountainous regions. Analyses conducted in the Umyeonsan and Dongjak-gu areas of Seoul reveals that slope, topographic wetness index, and sediment transport index are suitable independent variables for soil depth prediction. The soil depth prediction equation derived from the multiple linear regression model exhibits no multicollinearity issues and demonstrates statistical significance. Residual analysis confirms that the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity are satisfied. The proposed soil depth prediction method is expected to be systematically applied to various regions in South Korea, thereby contributing to the development of a nationwide soil depth distribution map and supporting practical solutions for various issues, e.g., slope stability assessments in mountainous areas.

Analysis of Heterogeneous Tree-Ring Growths of Pinus densiflora with Various Topographical Characteristics in Mt. Worak Using GIS (GIS 기법을 이용한 지형적 특성에 따른 월악산 소나무 연륜생장의 이질성 규명)

  • 서정욱;김재수;박원규
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2000
  • To analyze the relationship between climatic factors (monthly temperatures and precipitations) and the radial growths or Pinus densiflora with different topographical settings in Worak National Park, Korea, 20 stands were chosen and 10 trees were selected from each stand. After crossdating, each ring-width series was double detrended (standardized) by fitting first a negative exponential or straight regression line and secondly a 60-year cubic spline. The growth patterns coud be categorized by four groups using cluster analysis. Cluster Ⅰ stand has north aspect, but others have south or southwest aspects. Cluster Ⅰ (one), cluster Ⅱ (ten), and cluster Ⅲ (two) stands are located in lower. elevation (305∼580 m), however, cluster Ⅳ (seven) stands are located in higher elevation, mostly in 560~870 m. Cluster Ⅱ and Ⅲ stands are located at similar elevation with the same aspect, however, cluster Ⅱ stands are located on more rocky and stiff slope with shallow soil depth. The response functions were used to examine the difference in the relationships between climatic factors and tree growths among the 4 cluster chronologies. The climatic factors are not limiting the growth in the cluster Ⅰ stand as highly as in other cluster plots because of rather mesic conditions in the north slope. The precipitation in the spring appears to be the main limiting factor in the cluster Ⅱ stands. The topographical characteristics of the sites of cluster Ⅱ, shallow soil depths on the rocky slope in the south aspect at lower elevation, may enhance the sensitivity of growth to moisture stress. In cluster Ⅲ and cluster Ⅳ, winter and spring temperature prior to the growth become more important than for cluster Ⅱ. This pattern is com-mon for Pinus densiflora trees growing in higher. elevation (equation omitted 800 m) in South Korea. It nay be re-lated with preconditioning effects of temperature as the temperature decreases with increasing elevation (cluster Ⅳ) or in the valley (cluster Ⅲ). The results obtained by tree-ring analysis were digitalized by GIS and spatio-temporal information on tree-ring data and topographic setting were analyzed and displayed simultaneously. The results of this study can be used to predict the future change of Pinus densiflora ecosystem to climate change expected in central Korea.

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Distribution and Behavior of $^{137}Cs$ According to topography and nature of the soil around Yeong-Gwang NPPs, (영광원자력발전소 주변의 지형 및 지질에 따른 $^{137}Cs$ 분포 및 거동에 관한 연구)

  • Han Sang-Jun;Lee Goung-Jin;Kim Hee-Geun
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 2004
  • This paper shows our experiment is performed to understand the exposure tendency of $^{137}Cs$ according to the height of area and also, to supplement it by considering chemical characters of $^{137}Cs$ exposed to the soil. The samples we use for this experiment are from the general flat area of Yeonggwang county where it has NPPs, the high places of Keumjung & Bulgap mountains, and Naejan mountain where it is quite far from the NPPs. The data from this experiment show that the exposure of $^{137}Cs$ is not harmful since its range is around 252 Bq/kg-dry in most of sampled soils such as from the general flat area, the high place of Keumjung mountain where is 2 km away from the NPPs, the other high place of Bulgap mountain where is about 20 km away from the NPPs, and Naejan mountain where it is far from the NPPs. Not like the general flat area, however, the data show that the higher the area is the more $^{137}Cs$ is exposed. That is, at the top of mountains, the more $^{137}Cs$ is exposed compared to at the bottom area. It is almost $2{\~}6$ times more than the general flat area of Yeonggwang county where it has NPPs. The data also show that the spread of $^{137}Cs$ is deeply related to the geographical(the height of area, rainfall, etc..) factors and chemical factors of soils. As the geographical factors, there are far more chances to be exposed of $^{137}Cs$ at the high area of mountains through the air compared to at lower area and therefore, we can get more high-leveled readings of $^{137}Cs$ at the high area while it is low-leveled ones at the general flat area even if both of them have the same soil conditions. Regarding the chemical factors of soil, it is clarified that the CEC is the key factor. The CEC means the capability of sticking $^{137}Cs$ accumulated into the soil. Hence, the more CEC it has the more high-leveled readings of $^{137}Cs$ we get under the same geographical condition.

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