• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Solution Approaches to Multiple Viewpoint Problems: Comparative Analysis using Topographic Features (다중가시점 문제해결을 위한 접근방법: 지형요소를 이용한 비교 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents solution heuristics to solving optimal multiple-viewpoint location problems that are based on topographic features. The visibility problem is to maximise the viewshed area for a set of viewpoints on digital elevation models (DEM). For this analysis, five areas are selected, and fundamental topographic features (peak, pass, and pit) are extracted from the DEMs of the study areas. To solve the visibility problem, at first, solution approaches based on the characteristics of the topographic features are explored, and then, a benchmark test is undertaken that solution performances of the solution methods, such as computing times, and visible area sizes, are compared with the performances of traditional spatial heuristics. The feasibility of the solution methods, then, are discussed with the benchmark test results. From the analysis, this paper can conclude that fundamental topographic features based solution methods suggest a new sight of visibility analysis approach which did not discuss in traditional algorithmic approaches. Finally, further research avenues are suggested such as exploring more sophisticated selection process of topographic features related to visibility analysis, exploiting systematic methods to extract topographic features, and robust spatial analytical techniques and optimization techniques that enable to use the topographic features effectively.

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Trajectory Generation, Guidance, and Navigation for Terrain Following of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (무인전투기 근접 지형추종을 위한 궤적생성 및 유도 항법)

  • Oh, Gyeong-Taek;Seo, Joong-Bo;Kim, Hyoung-Seok;Kim, Youdan;Kim, Byungsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.11
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    • pp.979-987
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    • 2012
  • This paper implements and integrates algorithms for terrain following of UCAVs (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles): trajectory generation, guidance, and navigation. Terrain following is very important for UCAVs because they perform very dangerous missions such as Suppression of Enemy Air Defences while the terrain following can improve the survivability of UCAVs against from the air defence systems of the enemy. To deal with the GPS jamming, terrain referenced navigation based on nonlinear filter is chosen. For the trajectory generation, Voronoi diagram is adopted to generate horizontal plane path to avoid the air defense system. Cubic spline method is used to generate vertical plane path to prevent collisions with ground while flying sufficiently close to surface. Follow-the-Carrot and pure pursuit tracking methods, which are look-ahead point based guidance algorithms, are applied for the guidance. Numerical simulation is performed to verify the performance of the integrated terrain following algorithm.

A performance analysis of terrain-aided navigation(TAN) algorithms using interferometric radar altimeter (간섭계 레이더 고도계를 활용한 지형참조항법의 성능 분석)

  • Jeong, Seung-Hwan;Yoon, Ju-Hong;Park, Min-Gyu;Kim, Dae-Young;Sung, Chang-Ki;Kim, Hyun-Suk;Kim, Yoon-Hyung;Kwak, Hee-Jun;Sun, Woong;Yoon, Kuk-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2012
  • The paper experimentally verifies the performance of Terrain-Aided Navigation (TAN) using an interferometric radio altimeter, which is recently used due to its accuracy. First, we propose a TAN system that utilizes an interferometric radio altimeter as a measurement system. Second, we implement extended Kalman filter, unscented Kalman filter, and particle filter to evaluate the performance of TAN according to the selection of filters and the difference of environments.

Geomorphic development and distributional system of marine terrace in the eastern part of Seopo-myeon, Sacheon-si, Gyeongnam Province (경남 사천시 서포면 동쪽 해안단구 지형 발달과 분포 체계)

  • Yoon, Soon-Ock;Kang, Bong;Park, Chung-Sun;Hwang, Sangill
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.875-886
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    • 2016
  • The eastern coast of Seopo-myeon, Sancheon-si in the South Coast is a bay almost completely separated from open sea by Changseon and Namhae Islands. Marine terraces in this area can be classified into geomorphic surfaces with elevations of 10~12m, 15~18m, 20~24m, 25~28m, 30~33m, 35~38m, 40~45m, 45~50m and 54m. This marine terrace system is similar to the Boryeong area in the West Coast. The geomorphic surfaces distribute along ridges and show relatively small areas. The young and old surfaces show a mixed distributional pattern. This distributional pattern contrasts to the East Coast where the oldest surface farthest from the coastline is parallel to the coast and age of the surfaces increases with a distance from the coast. These seem to result in high energy waves by typhoon that developed wave-cut platform on hill areas with relatively complex relief in a short time.

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The morphological changes of the beach and dune using by periodical measurements (주기적 지형 측량을 통한 해빈과 해안사구의 지형변화: 충남 보령시 소황사구를 사례로)

  • KANG, Dong Kyun;SEO, Jong Cheol
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the mid-term changes of beach and dune morphology at Sohwang beach, Korea using by Total Station. Measurements executed 4 times during two year. Based on ArcInfo as point cloud obtained through precise measurement data by Total Station, alteration of beach and dune was analyzed at DEM, of which cell size is about 1m. Since these artificial constructions have influenced current systems of this region, the large-scale sand movements above mentioned have occurred around the jetty and the sea-wall. There occurred sedimentation in the north of the Jetty and erosion in the south of the Jetty, which is installed at the central part of object area. The direction of recent topographic development does not coincide with that of wind, and, rather, topographic changes occurred mainly at beaches and dunes due to the transformation of coastal water flow caused by artificial structure nearby. If precise measurement is conducted periodically, and long term monitoring is carried out by installing equipment measuring movement pattern of sediment around artificial structure, cause of topographic change around the object area could be discovered.

Geomorphological characteristics and its value of Gokungugok in Hwacheon (화천 곡운구곡(谷雲九曲)의 지형과 가치)

  • SEO, Jongcheol;KIM, Changhwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study is to reevaluate the elements of Gokungugok in geomorphic perspective to discover the geosite of DMZ Geopark in Gangwon-do. The perception for the landscapes contained in Gokungi and Gokungukok-ga is similar to today's geomorphic elements. The most frequent geomorphic landscape shown in Gokungukok is ripple-pool system, and follow after falls and bedrock stream bed. The potholes along the granite bedrock of 3rd and 4th sites accentuate the beauty of Gokungugok. Between 1st and 3rd sites are very long section, and there are many beautiful sceneries, but between 7th and 9th sites is very short section and there are no distinct geomorphic landscapes. After a historical review for the position of 'Seolbeokwa', 'Mangdangi' and 'Beokuiman' called by Dasan Jeong Yak Yong, there is necessary to establish the name and the position of New Gokungugok. Because Gokungugok consists of the beautiful geomorphic landscapes and is well preserved, it can be suggested that it is a suitable geosite.

The Geomorphological Features of Dongcheon-gugok in Korea (우리나라 동천구곡의 지형경관)

  • KEE, Keun-Doh
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2012
  • This work is to describe the geomorphological landscapes of of Dongcheon-gugok in Korea, and attempts to develop a basic data for traditional natural heritage. Dongcheon-gugok is a union of natural lanscape and human mind-activity. Therefore the study of natural landscape, which consists of geomorphological landscapes, provides a basic data for the use and conservation of traditional natural heritage. Dongcheon-gugok in Korea is almost distributed in the valley of mountainous areas of Taeback and Soback Mountain Ranges. The bedrocks of the areas of Dongcheon-gugok are almost granitic rocks and sedimentary rocks. The landscapes of Dongcheon-gugok is characterized by narrow meandering valley, so Gugok means nine-bended river. The elements of the geomorphological features is a broad flat rock with sheeting joints, joint-block seperated large blocks or tor, steep slope and rocky cliffs, pool, ripple, large or small scale waterfall, pot-hole, etc.

Performance Analysis of Interferometric Radar Altimeter by Terrain Type for Estimating Reliability of Terrain Referenced Navigation (지형대조항법의 신뢰성 추정을 위한 간섭계 레이더 고도계의 지형 유형별 성능 분석)

  • Ha, Jong Soo;Lee, Han Jin;Lee, Soo Ji;Hong, Sung Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2022
  • This paper analyzes the performance of the IRA(Interferometric Radar Altimeter) by terrain type for estimating reliability of TRN(Terrain Referenced Navigation). The accuracy of the altitude is one of the key parameters of TRN's accuracy. When the antenna of the IRA has wide beamwidth, its altitude accuracy is directly affected by the configuration of the earth's surface. Hence, the accuracy and reliability of TRN can also be affected and may cause ambiguity in positioning. We present analysis data for estimating the reliability of TRN by modeling several topographies and analyzing the performance of the IRA. The results of the analysis are verified by comparison with test data.

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Topographic Features in Visibility Analysis (가시권 분석에서의 지형 요소의 활용 가능성에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2010
  • This paper is to analyze effectiveness and efficiency of topographic features in visibility analysis. For this research aim, this paper compares the analysis results of topographic features and relationships between topographic features and their visibility analysis on surfaces. This paper employs peak, pass, pit, ridge and valley features from the topographic features for which five areas including mountain and plain areas in Britain are selected and their DEM data are generated. The summaries of the analysis results are as follows: Firstly, it is clear that relationship between high elevation points and their visibility is not highly correlated. This means that highly elevated points are not necessarily better visible areas and they are not suitable for searching for large visible areas. Secondly, the positions that can see large visible areas are highly correlated with their elevation and are distributed within a certain range which has small deviation of their correlation between visibility and elevation. This means that to search for large visible areas, it is necessary to employ the positions located at relatively high elevation area. Thirdly, for all of the five areas, the visibility results of the topographic features are compared with maximal visibility resulted from a while surface areas, and it is identified that topographic features show similar visibility performances of that maximal visibility. From the results stated above, it can be inferred that topographic features and its topographic characteristics are enable to be a research motivation to the visibility analysis topics. Furthermore, the results of this paper can be contributed to explore suitable variables and factors for solving multiple viewshed problems.

A Prediction and Characterization of the Spatial Distribution of Red Soils in Korea Using Terrain Analyses (지형분석을 통한 한국의 적색토 분포 예측 및 해석)

  • PARK, Soo Jin
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.81-98
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    • 2012
  • This research aims 1) to analyse the spatial occurrence of red soils, in Korea 2) to predict their spatial distribution using terrain analyses, and 3) to interpret results from the perspective of pedogeomorphological processes. Red soils (often called red-yellow soils) in Korea are frequently found on welldrained plains and gently sloping areas. These soils are widely believed paleo-soils that were formed under hot and humid climatic conditions in the past. The spatial distribution of red soils was derived from the soil map of Korea, and a DEM based soil prediction was developed, based on a continuity equation to depict water and material flows over the landscape. About 64.5% of the red soil occurrence can be explained by the prediction. Close examinations between surveyed and predicted red soil maps show few distinctive spatial features. Granitic erosional plains at the inland of Korea show comparatively low occurrence of red soils, which might indicate active geomorphological processes within the basins. The occurrence of red soils at limestone areas is more abundant than that of the predicted, indicating the influence of parent materials on the formation of red soils. At and around lava plateau at Cheulwon and Youncheon, the occurrence of red soils is underestimated, which might partly be explained by the existence of loess-like surface deposits. There are also distinctive difference of prediction results between northern and southern parts of Korea (divided by a line between Seosan and Pohang). The results of this research calls for more detailed field-based investigations to understand forming processes of red soils, focusing on the spatial heterogeneity of pedological processes, the influence of parent materials, and difference in uplift patterns of the Korean peninsula.