• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Prediction of Soil Distribution Using Digital Terrain Indices (수치 지형인자를 활용한 토양수분분포 예측)

  • Lee, Hak-Su;Kim, Gyeong-Hyeon;Han, Ji-Yeong;Kim, Sang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.391-401
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    • 2001
  • Several curvature parameters, solar radiation parameter and topographic flow generation parameters have been summarized and calculated to predict the spatial distribution of soil moisture content. The spatial distribution of soil moisture data can be obtained using Global Positioning System(GPS) and portable soil moisture monitoring equipment, Theta-Probe. Correlation analysis has been performed between the parameters of soil moisture prediction and measured data of soil moisture. Multiple regression analysis of soil moisture prediction shows the potential capability and limitations of existing methods of digital terrain analysis.

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Development of an Integrated Measurement and Analysis System for DTV Field Test (DTV 필드테스트를 위한 통합 측정 및 분석 시스템 개발)

  • Kim Young-Min;Suh Young-Woo;Kwon Tae-Hoon;Mok Ha-kyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.253-257
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    • 2004
  • 디지털 TV 방송이 본격적으로 보급됨에 따라 2004 년 후반부터 각 방송사들은 디지털 방송네트워크의 설계를 위해 본격적인 전계강도 실측을 실시하고 있다. DTV 신호 측정에는, 가장 기준이 되는 전계강도 측정기를 비롯하여 DTV 복조기(demodulator), 각종 셋톱박스, 위성항법장치(GPS)를 이용한 지형정보시스템(GIS) 등 많은 장비가 필요하고 측정항목도 다양하여, 한 지역을 측정하는데 많은 시간이 소요될 뿐 아니라 측정자의 숙련도에 따라 측정결과의 정확도와 신뢰도가 떨어질 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제들을 해결하기 위해 다양한 계측장비와 운용장비의 제어를 체계적으로 관리하고 측정절차를 일반화하며 측정결과 데이터를 데이터베이스화하여 측정결과를 용이하게 파악할 수 있는 통합 측정 시스템을 제안한다. 또한, 본 시스템은 측정 뿐 아니라 지형정보시스템과 전계강도 예측시스템을 도입하여 측정지점 주변의 수신환경 분석 및 최적 수신위치의 검색정보 등을 제공하며, 다량의 측정결과에 대한 다양한 분석이 가능하여 커버리지 분석 및 송신 네트워크의 설계 등에 활용될 수 있다.

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Present Condition and Improvement points research for Shoreline Investigation Survey in Korea (우리나라 해안선조사측량 추진현황 및 개선점 연구)

  • Wie, Gwang-Jae;Kim, Eyung-Young;Sung, No-Sun;Lim, Young-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.403-406
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    • 2010
  • Shoreline Investigation Survey in Korea 2001 Taean ended 2009 Tongyeong with start, Gosung in 2010 to survey the shoreline plans to complete the survey. Shoreline Investigation Survey of the country shape formulation and accurate coastline produced to by 2007 baseline survey, level survey, the terrain level survey, water level survey, tidal observations, property survey, etc was conducted. Since 2007 the status of topography survey were performed by replacing the Airborne LiDAR survey. In this research study surveying the shoreine of the business status, issues, improvements in the updated plan to analyze the shoreline land department future research and surveying the shoreline Island department plan is presented.

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Vegetation index analysis using Satellite images (인공위성 영상을 이용한 식생지수 상관분석)

  • Won, Sang-Yeon;Kim, Gi-Hong;Kim, Hyeong-Gyeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.239-243
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    • 2010
  • This paper shows how to establish vegetation index analysis for reducing soil erosion in mountain watershed. Soil erosion results from a combination of rainfall, soil, topography, and vegetation, so we need much time and costs when analyse it. We comparatively analysed the factors of topography, soil, and vegetation with variable resources, then established GIS DB. The possibility of practical use of this DB was also analysed. The soil and vegetation information of the sediment runoff section, and the NDVI vegetation index from KOMPSAT-2 imagery were referenced for this conducting research.

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Modeling of 3D Sounding System based on the Digital Maritime Chart (수치해도 기반의 3차원 등심측량 시스템 모델링)

  • 조원희;김창수;정성훈;이태오;임재홍
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.265-268
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    • 2004
  • At these days, electronic maritime chart is in positively using various fields. But most of electronic maritime chart and topography information system is hard to using various fields despite that demand because that difficult approach from separately and specific constitution. This thesis apply to image filtering that extract requirement topography data from simplification of the whole system. And as constructing database of simple structure that getting various information from sounding depth and existing database, propose electronic maritime chart system to practicable 3D embodiment. And also propose convenience and commonplace to simple process about frequently renewal.

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Simulation of Events Using Contour Map in the Virtual Environment (등고선을 이용한 가상환경 시뮬레이션에서의 이벤트 표현)

  • Park Jong-Hee;Oh Kyu-Yol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.42-55
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    • 2006
  • In most multimedia systems, the environment is considered as a passive background. In virtual environment simulating real world, however, terrain affects many events such as wind, rain, cloud. Therefore, it is necessary to model terrain and meteorological phenomenon in order to simulate realistic virtual environment. In those modeling, not only height and location information but also environmental factors such as temperature and humidity are important. An event is composed of many activities and subevents based on causality and consists of precondition , procedure and effects. Each part of an event is formulated in terms of a number of parameter variables, which correspond to its associated factors on existence or states of entities and relation. This paper represents terrain and environmental factor using contour map. Moreover, we define various events and their procedures in terms of causality in virtual environment.

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정밀해저면 영상탐사기를 이용한 독도 동도-서도 주변 천해 해저면조사

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • 한국지구과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.128-132
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    • 2010
  • 울릉분지 북동쪽 독도 주변 해역은 해수면 위의 작은 섬들과 해저에 큰 화산체로 구성된 독도와 해수면 아래 큰 규모의 해산 두 개(심흥택해산, 이사부해산)가 위치하고 있으며 그 중 해수면위로는 독도만 솟아 있다. 정밀해저면영상기(MS-1000)를 이용하여 큰 규모의 조사선으로 접근이 어려웠던 동도-서도 주변 연안에 대한 정밀해저면영상 조사를 2010년 1월에 소형조사선을 이용하여 수행하였다. 부두 동쪽 해안은 동도와 근접하고 있어 큰 규모의 돌출 암반이 많이 분포하고 있으며 부두 북쪽으로는 모래층의 연흔구조가 많이 나타나며 소규모의 암반 및 자갈들이 많이 분포하는 것으로 판단된다. 동도와 서도사이의 해저면영상을 분석해보면 동도 선착장부근으로는 모래퇴적물의 연흔구조가 많이 나타나고 동도와 서도 중앙부로 가면서 모래보다는 작은 자갈들이 많이 분포하며 서도쪽으로 가면서는 모래 및 자갈퇴적물이 암반구조로 이루어져있는 것으로 판단된다. 정밀해저면영상기(MS-1000)는 고정밀한 해저면영상을 획득할 수 있으며 불규칙한 지형으로 기존 장비가 접근하없어지며기 어려운 해저지형에도 사용하기 적합한 것으로 판단된다. 향후 항구 및 해안구조물 등과 같은 고정밀해저면영상이 필요한 분야에 활용성이 높을 것으로 생각되고 또한 유지/보수가 필요한 수중 군시설 및 부두시설에 대한 정밀조사를 통하여 효율적 관리 정보제공할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Co-Evolutionary Model for Solving the GA-Hard Problem (GA-Hard 문제를 풀기 위한 공진화 모델)

  • Park Chang-Hyun;Lee Bong-Wook;Sim Kwee-Bo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.313-316
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    • 2005
  • 공진화 알고리즘은 두 개 이상의 개체군이 상호작용하며 진화하는 알고리즘이다. 기존의 진화 알고리즘이 하나의 개체군으로 구성된 정적인 적합도 지형에서 해를 찾는 방식임에 반해 공진화 알고리즘은 두개 이상의 개체군이 동적인 적합도 지형을 제공하여 더 강건하고 빠른 수렴성을 보인다. 본 논문에서는 GA가 풀기 어려운 GA-hard problem을 풀기 위하여 저자가 제안한 3가지 공진화 모델을 설명한다. 첫번째 모델은 찾고 자하는 해와 환경을 각각 경쟁하는 개체군으로 구성해 진화하는 방법으로 사용자의 환경설정에 의해 지역적 해를 찾는 것을 방지하는 경쟁적 공진화 알고리즘이다. 두 번째 모델은 찾고자하는 해와 이를 보조하는 스키마를 각각 개체군으로 구성해 진화하는 스키마 공진화 알고리즘이다. 세 번째 알고리즘은 해를 구성하는 부분을 두 개의 개체군으로 나누고 두 개체군이 서로 게임을 통해 진화하도록 하는 게임이론에 기반한 공진화 알고리즘이다.

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A Study Of Case On Prescription Of Spring Out Water In Cut Slope (절취사면 용출수의 효율적인 배제에 대한 사례연구)

  • Shin, Chang-Gun;Seo, Jeong-Yoo;Hong, Nam-Kyeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.1095-1099
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    • 2009
  • In general, slope failures are occurred by the interaction among various factors(slope shape, hydraulic condition, and geologic condition, etc.). Hydraulic condition was a very important factor of a stability in cut slope and a dangerous of road passing. In this study, two cut-slope case on prescription of spring out water present. And this study data is used at practical affairs.

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Analysis on the Topography Spatial Structure and the Geomagnetic Disturbances for the Ideal Spot of Birthplaces - In the Case of Jeollanam-do Area - (명당 생가터의 지형 공간구조와 지자기교란에 관한 분석 - 전라남도 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Seop;Kim, Myung-Sin
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2012
  • This paper is an analysis on the topography spatial structure and geomagnetic disturbance for the ideal spot of birthplaces in Jeollanam-do area. Here, representating the ideal spots for birthplaces means those homes that are wellknown to a lot of local residents, It also it speaks on the birthplaces where famous people spend their childhood. We chose three such birthplaces and analyzed them into Feng-Shui regarding the topography spatial structure, and also analyzed them for the geomagnetic disturbances. On the basis of such an analysis, we found a relation between the ideal spot of birthplaces and the geomagnetic disturbances. We studied the impact of geomagnetic disturbances on ideal spot of birthplaces. As a result, three birthplaces turned out to be an ideal spot with regards to our analysis of Feng-Shui and the topography spatial structure, also they had uniformly distributed almost no geomagnetic disturbances with stable the structure of the earth's stratum. Consequently we could know that the ideal spot of birthplaces did not a little affect mental health and physical health of the birthplace residents by liveliness while they lived fetal life until childhood.